Saturday, November 3, 2018

Franco @ 14...


  1. I suppose you think I deserve that, FJ, since I routinely insult the musical taste you exhibit here with despressing frequency, but I thought you understood the vast difference between the passing fancies of popular taste, and substantial works of art that have withstood the test of time.

    If you don't undersand that difference, there's no point in my going into a long –– or even a short –– dissertation on the difference between FADS and ETERNAL VERITIES.

    I guess it would be better for our relationship if I simply refrained from commenting on things I, personally, find ugly, irksome, worthless, destructive of aesthetic ideals, and frankly a deeply offensive waste of precious time.

    The callow but-highly-opinionated young man in the video hasn't the faintest CLUE as to what a person with my particular tastes and education is all about.

    I've spend the major portion of my entire life studying, performing, analyzing, and doing my best to master the principles of Keyboard tecnique, Harmony, Counterpoint, Form and Analysis, and Evolution of Style in Musical Composition over an 800-1200-year period.

    Having spent decades trying to probe the depths, unlcok the mysteries, and undersand the implications of great, highly-complex, sometimes abstruse musical scores my fascination with works I've known and played for decades only grows more passionate and intense with the passage of time. So does my curiosity and eagerness to learn the many masterworks I have NOT yet learned. I only wish I had at least a thousand years to pursue this quest. Even ten lifetimes could never be enough. It's THAT absorbing.

    I have gotten a tremendous amount of JOY out of my studies, and only wish others were able to derive the plesure and satisfaction I've enjoyed since I first became aware of the power and enduring fascinating of what is wrongly called "classical music."

    If I have offended you, however, I honestly do apologize. Y8nand I see eye to eye on MUCH, but no two people EVER see eye to eye on EVERYTHING. In future I promise to ignore the things that rub me the wrong way, and try to emulate Our Lord and Savior who said in the midst of His Agony on the Cross, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."

    With that in mind I hope for a return to more amicable relations in the vey near future.

  2. I get it, fRanco, I really do. But I'm still 12 at heart. ;)


  3. 'Twas the night before voting,
    And all thru' the town,
    Tempers were flaring
    Feelings up and then down.

    I, in my bathrobe
    With a cat in my lap,
    Had left the TV's
    Political crap.

    When all of a sudden,
    There arose such a noise
    I peered through my window,
    Schumer's bad boys.

    They had come for my wallet,
    They wanted my pay
    To hand out to others
    Who'd not worked a day.

    They snatched up my money,
    And quick as a wink,
    Jumped on their bandwagon
    As I gagged from the stink.

    She rallied her henchmen
    Pulling her cart.
    I could tell they were out
    To tear the U.S. apart.

    On Ducky, on Nursie
    On Dervish and Ayers
    On Lizzie on Waters
    He screamed at the pairs.

    They arose for his cause;
    As they flew out of sight,
    I heard himdsneer at a nation
    Grown too weak to fight.

    So I leave you to think
    On this one final note:
    GET OUT and VOTE!

    ~ VItriola Netwitzki

  4. By the way if you are still twelve at heart, I'll have you know I was ate before I was seven.


  5. ______ OBAMA'S CONFESSION ______

    I know that I’m a Paragon –– a Saint ––
    A Model Citizen –– with Brilliant Mind ––
    Most merciful without the faintest taint
    A lesser man might have. I am so kind
    No one can approach my claim to virtue.
    Alone, I am so far above the crowd ––
    Rare –– Magnanimous, –– and never curt. You
    Can be sure my Trumpet Call is loud.
    I must admit my lofty status palls ––
    Sometimes –– I wish I were like other men.
    Songs of Praise echo through my Halls ––
    Irksome to my Modesty, and then
    So much virtue for me’s a Great Weight
    To bear, because I am a Victim of White Hate.

    ... Barack Hussein Obama

  6. I've always described the Beatles as 4 extremely talented solo musicians and writers who sounded like absolutely shit when they collaborated.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. RU sure you don't just mean John and Yoko?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Overall I like everything the members of the Beatles did on their own more that any Beatles song.

    Even Ringo Starr's acting in low budget movies is better than ANY Beatles song.

  11. Now HERE is great exmple of REAL popular music. It's just SUBLIME. ENJOY!

    Standin' on the corner with the minister's son
    A preachin' and a teachin' like a son-of-a -gun
    We've all heard all about your dronin' melody
    Startin' out wifi spee-rit-chals in harmony
    But we got a little ditty to sing to you
    We know it's gonna win ya, thrill ya through and through
    There ain't much to the words but the music's grand
    And soon you'll be a-singing it to beat the band
    You've heard of the tisket and the tasket I know
    Now give a little listen to this,

    LET'S GO!

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    Now dat's a funny little bit ob melody
    It's bound to be appealing both to you and me

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    We al has been a-digging down for tunes to sing
    Rock 'n Roll 'n Hip Hop dey an't got no zing.
    We dug a little deeper and we found this thing
    It's just a bit like ragtime but it sho can swing
    It ain't a Charleston, Lindy Hop, or Turkey Trot
    But when my ol'Grannie danced to it
    Man, dat babe was HOT!

    It's shitty little ditty
    But I'm sure you'll find
    Once you've heard it more than once
    You'll start to lose your mind

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    Now dat's a funny little bit ob melody
    It's bound to drive you crazy, but' dat don't please me
    We hope instead it edifies sets you free!


    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    ~ Golliwumpus

  12. "What is it, Mustang?" asked Poky Rodgers, almost forgetting to smoke
    in his ecstasy. "What do it live on?"

    "It's a galliwampus, Poky," said Mustang. "It's the thing that hollers
    'willi-walloo' up in ellum trees in the low grounds of nights. I don't
    know if it bites."

    "No, it ain't, Mustang," volunteered Long Collins. "Them galliwampuses
    has fins on their backs, and eighteen toes. This here is a
    hicklesnifter. It lives under the ground and eats cherries. Don't
    stand so close to it. It wipes out villages with one stroke of its
    prehensile tail."

    - O Henry, "The Heart of the West"

  13. Adam Neely has met FreeThinke's type before...

  14. When asked, "Do you smoke after sex?"
    the lady answered, "I don't know. I've never looked!"

    (ker LOP!)

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!

    Ja-Da, Ja-Da,
    Ja-Da, Ja-Da Jing, Jing, Jing!
