Thursday, December 20, 2018

Political Compass

I'm a Centrist... who knew? ;P
Take the Test

h/t - Jen


  1. Contrarian antagonists
    ____ care rarely for what’s true.
    They’re far more eager to denounce,
    –––– so here is what they do.
    Their purpose is to denigrate,
    ––––– belittle and defame.
    Their wish is to humiliate
    –––– in hopes of fixing blame.
    The truth too easily is lost
    ––––– in battles of this kind.
    Hectoring and badgering
    ––––– abuse the human mind.
    Instead of curiosity
    ––––– we often find expression
    Of little but indulgence
    ––––– of a passion for aggression.
    When avidness appears
    ––––– to open Vitriol’s loose spigot,
    The one who twists and turns the tap
    –––– is apt to be a bigot.

    ... Yu No Hu - Oriental scholar, poet, essayist, linguist, and Supreme Moral Authority

  2. so it IS accurate! ;-)

    i was VERY surprised by my results.
    ...although the people around me don't seem to be. :p

  3. Well, I took the thing,and landed close to the center of the bottom of the blue square.

    I consider myself a libertarian, but ONLY favor full liberty for people who share my views. };^)>

    I do NOT believe that Leftists, subversives, seditionists, and other fractious intellectual malefactors should be free to spread their deadly poison with impunity.

    How do I justify that seemingly authoritarian stance?

    Just LOOK at the gravely serious DAMAGE unfettered Cultural Marxist dogma has done –– and where we are now most regrettably headed.

    Paradoxically we must be FREE to make CHOICES for ourselves, but ONLY within guidelines that best serve the interests of kindness, decency, and consideration for the PLIGHTS –– as well as the RIGHTS –– of others..

    There is in my view a world of differnce between the LIBERTINE and the LIBERTARIAN. The latter is desirable, the former a deteriment both to self and society.

  4. I owe you an h/t, Jen. Sorry for the oversight!

  5. ___ __VITAL QUESTIONS _____

    If crewmen kill the Captain,
    __ the Boatswain and First Mate,

    Who'd be left to guide
    ___ and save them from a dreadful fate?

    Who would know how to pursue
    ___ their proper, urgent goals?

    Who'd prevent the ship from breaking up
    ___ out on the shoals?

  6. I'm firmly in the green square. Lots of authoritarians love the rhetoric of liberty, even though it clashes with their true aims - read Hitler's speeches, he was always banging on about liberty, when he wasn't banging on about "the Jew"...

  7. Btw did you find a lot of the questions ambiguous? Many had one clause i agreed with and another i disagreed with, or agreed with strictly in the context of the first clause, but not in general.

  8. I did find many of the questions both ambiguous and tendentious, Jez. A good reason not to take "quizzes" of this sort too seriously, I should think.

    I answered as honestly as i could without trying to bolster any pre-conceived notions I have of myself. That I turned out to be just slightly rght of center didn't surprise me, because I'm ambivalent abut many of the views I tend to favor –– depending, of course, on circumstances and the character and tempermanet of those involved..

    If being intolerant of intolerance brands me as intolerant, I'm happy to plead guilty. ];^)>

    I couldn't help but notice that Jen chose to be coy about the results se got after takung the quiz. She only said,she was "VERY surprised" by the results.

    A real teaser there!

  9. Here's another whimsical observation in rhyme for all to ignore, as surely they will based in past performances:

    I once heard a nasty rumor

    That without a sense of humor

    Life is apt 

    To be more tedious and boring

    Than being trapped
With a spouse who's prone to snoring
In a costly hotel room
    When you'd prefer The Silence of The Tomb,

    And then feel guilt,
As you writhe beneath the quilt,
Because this too expensive venture
From which you long to run

    Chafes like a poorly fitted denture
When the two of you intended to have fun!


  10. If you want to know more about Jen's results Franco, please visit her blog (follow the h/t link). Much like jez, she ended up pretty firmly in the green square.

    And the problem I had with the quiz was that I seldom chose the "extreme" answer, which I believe came from the ambiguity jez alluded to.

  11. I am intolerent of intolerence too, so you're in good company... well, company anyway.
