Thursday, January 10, 2019

"On Your Marx": The Fate of the Commons: A Trotskyite View


  1. __ GOP's Enfeebling Show of Virtue __

    The DemonRats have balls of brass.
    Conservatives’ are made of glass.
    The former sound in far lands hinter;
    Tha latter shatter, then they splinter.
    Giving the Old Nick his due
    Never works out well for you.

    ~ Catona Hottinroof

  2. I've never seen Zizek wearing long sleeves before. This new look i very becoming. He ought to ditch the old washed-out-T-Shirt uniform for good.

    The long sleeves –– and the flattering colors –– give him more of the aura of gravitas I believe he craves.

    Is there new wife –– or girlfriend –– on the scene, perhaps?

  3. AHA! I knew it!

    "Behind every prominent or successful man ... "


  4. She is very attractive. In the interview video, they make a Cute Couple –– very warm, very real, very human.

    A I've always aid, i's hard to dis Zizek, ven if his politics stink to high heaven.

    He does NOT appear in any way like you typical glowering, rage-addicted, snrling, sour-mouthed Marxist.

    That probably makes Slavoj far more dangerous than the old-style "REDS," and strident, forever agitating, whining, bitching, moaning, accusing, openy seditious ANARCHISTS –– most of them disffected, vehemently anti-American JEWS –– and the brutal BOLSHEVIKS who were far worse even than the NAZIS.

    Beware the smiling, pixyish, warm-hearted Marxist. He's STILL Marxist
