Thursday, January 17, 2019


...of JOY-Sance


  1. "Weeping may endure for the night, butJoy cometh in the morning,"

    ~ Psalm 30:5 - KJV

    Joy may occur IF we go about our daily business with a determination to do what we must do with full, uncomplaining acceptance of responsibility. A necessary co]mponentof this is always to be determined to GIVE freely MORE than you GET. To exercise CONSIDERAGTION for what OTHERS may be feeling. To set aside yor own worries, heartaches and anxieties, and meet others with genuine curiosity about them and concern for THEIR needs.

    JOY comes when we are able to lose ourselves in the lives of others. I have come to understand that as a good working definition of LOVE.

    If that sounds sanctimonious, I'm sorry, but i have found it to be true innumerable times in my own experience

    I could easily dredge up a thousand '"good" reasons to live my life as a Sad Sack, but I long ago learned giving way to that sort of impulse is ANATHEMA.

    The young woman seems to understand much of that, but I see no need to couch it in terms of psychobabble as she and most "educated" members of her generation seem wont to do. I much prefer simple, clean, direct, straight talk based on an understanding of the innumerable treasures of timeless wisdom the Bible has to offer.


  2. ______ Secure Finances ______

    Seek relief from all anxiety.
    Entirety may bring peace to the meek.
    Cheek-by-jowl with Woe Satiety
    Untidily chops away at every peak.

    Reaching goals long sought, yet not reacting,
    Enacting, instead, Penance Joy to bar
    Far exceeds the effort so exacting
    In acting to escape from feathered tar.

    No way seems to clear for pure fulfillment
    A poor thrill meant thwarted satisfaction ––
    No reaction to an act of will meant
    Chill sent paralyzing longed-for action.

    Entirety possessed may act the thief.
    Satiety oft fails to grant relief.

    ~ FreeThinke


  3. __________ An Awful Truth _________

    Do most old women stop enjoying sex
    Once the saggy baggy phase sets in?
    Could any potent male regard these wrecks
    As outlets for the joys of carnal sin?

    Lechery in randy, aging goats
    Arises at the thought of flesh still fresh ––
    Softly rounded curves and slim white throats
    Not too long departed from the creche.

    Ironic that old pussies cracked and wizened
    Still dream of ardent service from Fair Youth,
    But no matter how these crones appear bedizened
    ‘Tis just their cash that lures, and that’s the truth.

    The resource that best sustains us when we’re old
    Is found in vaults replete with jewels and gold.

    ~ FreeThinke

  4. ________ Death to Defeatism ________

    Has life defeated you? I rather hope
    Defeatist rhetoric will die aborning,
    Though seen by many merely as a warning,
    Each bitter word will serve to weave a rope

    By which we’ll hang ourselves when the despair
    We manufacture with denunciation
    Of all the grievous faults that plague the nation
    Convinces us our world’s beyond repair.

    What good could we expect to come from that?
    Affirmation is the only answer
    To the questions posed by social cancer.
    Get up and dance –– don’t bellow through your hat.

    Although The Axe inevitably must fall,
    Cringing will produce no good at all.

    ~ FreeThinke

  5. ____________ FINDING JOY____________

It's easier to bitch than stitch,
It's easier to whine than mine.
It's easier to make noise than to exhibit poise.
It's easier to say "I'm fucked," than to construct.

    To sit in the gutter counting your woes

    In shit-caked jeans with a runny nose

    Ranting in puddles of frozen piss
Demonstrates only that something's amiss.

    So, in the bleak winter
Go shovel some snow ––

    ...... Cheer up the aged

    ...... And those who are caged.

    ...... Some joy you might find
    ..... If you read to the blind.
...... Don't play the whore,

    ...... Instead scrub the floor

    Now get up and go!


    n summer, each lazy laddie 

    And each slothful lass

    Should get off their ass
And go mow the grass.

    Don't pout and make wishes

    Just go wash the dishes
If you need to find labor,

    Go help your neighbor.


Demanding is easy
Producing is hard
Protests are sleazy

    Thus saith The Bard.

    ___________ EPILOGUE


    There's always something you can do.

    Don't succumb to feeling blue.

    Salvation lies through helping others
Not thinking you deserve your druthers.

    Never worry. Never fear.

    Just do your best to spread good cheer.
Needed work is never done
Effort's where we find our fun.

    And if you're old, and stuck at home,
You can always write a poem.
    But if you find your mind in fog,
    For Heaven’s sake DON’T start a BLOG!

    ~ FreeThinke

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