Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Zizek, "Hegel with Neurolink: Are we still human if our brain is wired? "

...on "Perfection" from Four Weddings and a Funeral


  1. God Is Love.
    The Left Is Hateful.
    Hate Their Hate,
    And Then be Grateful.

    God Is Good.
    The Left Is Rotten ––
    Trashy, Nasty,

    Hate Rules This
    Benighted Nation
    For Lack Of Love
    And Affirmation.

    Hating Is A
    Waste of Time, ––
    Unless You Put It
    Into Rhyme!

    Hate Is Naught
    But Smelly Grime.
    Put Into Verse
    It is Sublime!

    Don't Agree?
    For You That's Bad.
    A Dearth of Mirth
    Makes Earth So Sad!

    Rise And Shine!
    Another Day
    Gives Us A Chance
    To Work and Play!

    If You Think
    Hate Is Seductive,
    Know That Love’s
    Far More Productive.

    God Is Love.
    The Left Is Hateful.
    Hate Their Hate,
    And Then be Grateful.

    ~ Imperator Maximus Saggiossimus

  2. I hate the right's hate and love the Left's love.

  3. As for the Minus "perfect" comment - I totally agree. It is perfect in it's absurdity. The right is ALL about hate. Why you (and Putin) selected a hate filled racist bigot as your nominee. God is love - which is why Satan loves the right's hate. I am grateful I have not been fooled by Satan as Franco has.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. I Sang My Song Deep in the Shaded Wood

    I sang my song deep in the shaded wood
    Only the birds, the squirrels, the deer –– and God ––
    Were there to hear, and learn just where I stood.
    Not one of them gave me the smallest nod.

    It didn't matter in the least to me.
    I sing because I want to sing, that's all.
    I'm grateful to be able to be me.
    The forest's fine. I don't need a great hall.

    I noticed long ago the goddess Fame
    Was in fact a Sham –– a great Deceiver ––
    A Lure –– a Siren Call leading to Shame
    For one who'd hoped to be a great Achiever.

    God's voice they say is rarely ever heard,
    And yet I'm sure He hears our every word.

    ~ FreeThinke


  6. __________ A Task Completed __________

    A swelling joy makes breathless with delight
    The one who oversees and masterminds
    Altruistic projects of all kinds.
    Satisfying is Artistic Sight.

    Knowing how things ought to look’s a Gift
    Combined with Wisdom, practical yet kind,
    Overcomes the fears that blind then bind
    Most people to a crippling sense of Thrift.

    Placing Beauty as a high priority
    Let’s prospects for Enlightenment prevail.
    Eking out one’s life is doomed to fail.
    To reach no more than drab Inferiority

    Erodes capacities to fulfill dreams ––
    Denying what Volition’s meaning seems.

    ~ FreeThnke

  7. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
    My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
    He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
    Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
    The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
    The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
    The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
    The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

    ~ Psalm 121 (KJV)

    [NOTE: It is important to try to understand what the Bible means when it refers to "ISRAEL" as it does in this and other psalms, etc. It's probably not what most are tempted to think. CLUE: "Israel" is a blessed STATE of MIND –– an ATTITUDE –– a WORLDVIEW –– not a physical location. It is eminently portable, and may be experi[enced anywhere –– on a mountaintop, on a beach, on a ship, a plane , a train, a bus, a shop, a park, a factory, in a palace, a dungeon, on a battlefield, on the gallows, in daily life with family and friends –– een in church on rare occasions. ;-]


  8. Chew-chew chew-chew" and higher still,
    "Cheer-cheer cheer-cheer" more loud and shrill,
    "Cheer-up cheer-up cheer-up"—and dropped
    Low—"Tweet tweet jug jug jug"—and stopped
    One moment just to drink the sound
    Her music made, and then a round
    Of stranger witching notes was heard
    As if it was a stranger bird:
    "Wew-wew wew-wew chur-chur chur-chur
    Woo-it woo-it"—could this be her?
    "Tee-rew tee-rew tee-rew tee-rew
    Chew-rit chew-rit"—and ever new—
    "Will-will will-will grig-grig grig-grig."

    - John Clare, "The Progress of Rhyme"

  9. Thomas Morley (1557-1602/3), "Madrigal":

    Though Philomela lost her love
    fresh note she warbleth yes again
    Fa la la la fa la la la...

    He is a fool that lovers prove
    and leaves to sing, to live in pain
    Fa la la la fa la la ...
