Monday, July 29, 2019

Seth Rich... Remember Him?

...and who was Seymour's source for the FBI data? Andy McCabe.


  1. If Sy Hersh is involved with it, you can be sure it's heavily biased towards the Left. He is a Master Troublemaker. He's written articles for the NEW YORKER for God's sake –– a truly EVIL man! I didn't know he also speaks with a potty mouth worthy of any seventh-grader or internet blogosphere interlocutor cloaked by anonymity.

    Hersh, a past master at the fine-but-always-nefarious Art of Lying with Facts is in a class with Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Susan Sontag, a huge bunch of OTHER classic anti-Christian, nnti-Capitalist mostly-JEWISH intellectuals fundamentally DISOYAL to the U.S.A. as founded.

    Julius and Ethel Rosnberg, the Jewish bastards who gave our artomic screts away to the Svies Union were in that same category.

    DAN RATHER is a Jew too. Does that surprise you?

    It shouldn't.

  2. Where's Jersey McJones whan I need him? ;-)


    Seymour Hersh is one of the very best investigative journalists of our time. His work on exposing the WMD-Iraq deception ALONE is extremely important.

    With such crapshoot USMSM, the need for an army of Sy Hershs is sorely noted.

    If Hersh believes it was Seth Rich who delivered the DNC emails to Wikileaks then that's good enough for me!

    Thanks for this post.
