Monday, October 7, 2019

Lacanian Anxiety

Che Voui?


  1. What is anxiety?

    A widespread form of utter foolishness that comes from a lack of faith in the ultimate wisdom and beneficence of Almighty God.

    I believe it is a mental disorder that stem's from mankind's incredible arrogance in vainly imagning that our species has somehow been CHOSEN to overmaster Nature and thus CONTROL everything to suit our (often vain, selfish and idiotic) desires.

  2. However did the exploerers, the Pilgrims and other early settlers ever manage to function without Psychology and psychoanalysis?

    How in god' name did Bach compose that five-foot shelf of music of unparalleled quality? How did Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin Schumann, Brahms , Wagner, Strauss Mahler, Debussy, Ravel and the others EVER manage to do the miraculously fine, exquisitely beautiful things they did without PSYCHOANALYSIS?

    Humanity existed an achieved great things for THOUSANDS of YEARS before it burdened itself with this mind-crippling, time-wasting , torturous BULLSHIT.

  3. Psychology is just the study of behaviour and mind. Are neither of these things interesting enough to be worth studying?

    Many people can do good work and survive while ill, but that doesn't imply that there's no value to getting well. Consider that burden imposed by personality disorders left unaddressed.

  4. How did Hitler murder 6 million Jews? How did Poi Pot murder millions of Cambodians? Why didn't anyone try to stop them?

    Psychoanalysis is SUCH a waste...

  5. The brazenly assumptive use of "facts" –– or factoids rather –– not in evidence is one of the hallmarks that define how the Left deceives naive, gullible, lazy-minded, therefore vulnerable people –– just as as they have deceived THEMSELVES –– since their pernicious, godless, enervating, life-defeating, inherently despotic doctrines came into the world in the nineteenth-century.

    PS: I wish everyone would stop referring to Hitler as though he, –– and he ALONE ––, were the Arch Fiend of all time. Lincoln, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao tse Dung, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Castro, Robert Mugabe, Nicolas Maduro were for the most part far WORSE or just as bad at the very least.

  6. FT,

    You should join Charles Murray in his assessment of "Human Accomplishment"... that the Left has made no significant contributions to the advancement of Western Civilization in the past 50 years.

    But then again, you would be mistaken, as he is.

    There's gold in them thar hills. You just need to know where to find it.

    ie - Foucault's "Archeology of Knowledge" explaining the methodology behind his "The Birth of the Clinic"

    Foucault's premise is that systems of thought and knowledge ("epistemes" or "discursive formations") are governed by rules (beyond those of grammar and logic) which operate beneath the consciousness of individual subjects and define a system of conceptual possibilities that determines the boundaries of thought and language use in a given domain and period.[1] Foucault also provides a philosophical treatment and critique of phenomenological and dogmatic structural readings of history and philosophy, portraying continuous narratives as naïve ways of projecting our own consciousness onto the past, thus being exclusive and excluding.
