Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Take off the revolutionary's mask, and it's the CIA
Take off the terrorist's mask, and it's the CIA
Take off the news man's mask, and it's the CIA
Take off the Film-maker's mask, and it's the CIA
Take off the whistleblower's mask, and it's the mother*cking CIA
-Caitlin Johnstone

Best part starts about 6:30


  1. Hmmm... Repugniks do seem to be running scared this time.

  2. It's a race... the Dem's have to impeach before the IG report gets released in 2 weeks. If they fail, the jig's up.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Little Adam Schitt, accurately characterized in the above acrostic sonnet, is a quintessential leftist.

    And of corse, he's a JEW bastard.


    ___ To a Pencil-Necked Prick ___

    Foul, redolent of Insincerity ––
    Unctuous fabricator of Tall Tales ––
    Coldly, calculating smothering Verity ––
    Killing Honesty, –– he’s hard as nails.

    A calm and mellow baritone belies
    Deadly partisan Ambition bold ––
    A bastard eager to destroy with lies ––
    Mild mannered Malice dished up cold.

    Smug with balding, pop-eyed, purse-lipped head
    Creepily he stares without a smile ––
    Haughty, humorless, with Bug Eyes dead ––
    Initiating Treachery in bland Style ––

    Fomenting foul Fiction to berate
    Frustrates Decency as it spreads Hate.

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. Drumpf does look a little rattled this time. Twitter irrationality off the meter now.

  7. Wishful thinking on your part, Gertie, old dear.

    You and the hundreds of millions of other poor deluded souls trapped in the LA LA LAND of LOONY LEFTIST FABRICATION.

  8. If anyone is "running scared" right now, it would have to be be the Radical Dems who know deep in their diseased, rotting bones that the only way they could hope to beat President Trimp would be by LYING, CHEATING, BEARING FALSE WITNESS, and STEALING VOTES by any and all means their Sick, Twisted, Corrupt, Deraved, Deranged, Power-Mad, PETTY little minds can conjure up.
