Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sociologies Prodigies

Heroes and Anti-Heroes


  1. Sorry, but as another song said a few years ago,

  2. As that ther song said, "I haven't gor time for the pain."

    Besides, I've always found clowns creepy ––the stuff of actual nightmares when I was little.

    I loved Batman & Robin comicbooks when I was a kid, but this JOKER is frankly de trop.


  3. There were no Batman or Robin....just a Joker.

  4. In other words nothing to help balance, and hopefully neutralize the EVIL.

    What a pity!

    We're drifting closer and closer to outright worship of SATAN, whether we like to think so or not.

  5. It's a product of post-modernism. It's a sociological story, not a psychological story. In other words, Joker is a story about how "society" has driven an individual "mad"... not a psychological story of the problem/disease (madness) of an individual. In other words, any "normal" person with the Joker's "background" would likely be pushed into madness... as happens to Joker in this film.

    When Joker finally "cracks" and begins shooting people, you can see how, in many ways, his murderous reaction is justified. His violence is simply a reaction to the violence built into the structure of society.

    Now, you may disagree and say that violence is never justified... but then better, go see the movie and THEN tell me that.

  6. Meh. Taxi Driver was better, and didn't need to put on a comic book facade.

    And it's late in this post-Dexter, post-Breaking Bad world.

    Robin Hood. Muhammad. Thieves and killers as heroes and prophets.

    Nothing new to spew.

  7. ...but are they "products" of their "environments"... and would a different "environment" have made a difference?
