Wednesday, December 4, 2019

CS Lewis on the Priggish Press


  1. The Press today could no longer be called "priggish," instead it has become PURE EVIL –– thanks, of course, to the pernicious influence of that obscene JEWISh phenomenon called Cultural Marxism, –– the product of the demonic, one-hundred percent JEWISH Frankfurt School.

  2. You don't think that the Press doesn't push PURE woke moralism? It's "the WHOLE narrative". P:-r-i-g-g-i-s-h!

  3. prig (prĭg)
    1. A person who demonstrates an exaggerated conformity or propriety, especially in an irritatingly arrogant or smug manner.

  4. Yes, of course, FJ. That's an excellent description of the MANNER in which the ENEMEDIA has come to dominate th West and lead it aorund by the nose, BUT the entire SYNDROME –– for it IS a DISEASE –– a kind of CANCER –– a crippling, enervating Mental Disorder –– predicated on the inherently corrupt ideas STOLEN by the Frankfurters from Antonio Gramsci, then promoted with ruthless zeal and demonic cleverness till it INFECTED and INFESTED our national culture with this metastatic form of intellectual and spiritual degeneracy.

    Our old nemesis Beamish is one of the most painfully obvious victims of this plague, but he's innoent of wrongdoing, because he hasn't the slgtest clue as to what ails him.

    As has oft been said –– I believe by C.S. Lewis, himself –– that Satan's greatest accomplishment to date has been to persuade a majority of the "Educated," "Sophisticated," most "Prominent" and "Successful" members of humankind –– and their "Seeplike," "Starstruck" adherents to believe that he, Satan, does not exist.

    The corollary there, of course, is that it's obligatory to assume that those poor benighted, ignorant schlubs who still DO believe in God and Satan are "Ignorant," Stubbornly Backward" imbeciles who cling to "Outlandish," "Outmoded," "Traditions" rejected and abandoned long ago by "Really Smart People."

    This treacherous,deceitful nonsense is , of course, incessantly reitereated and reinforced in thousands of different ways by the ENEMEDIA, the ENTERTAINMENT INDUStRY, the POP MEWSICK INDUSTRY, the PROFESSORIAT at the POISON IVY LEAGUE, and in most of the LAW SCHOOLS –– ALL of which have been heavily dominated by You-Know-Who for many decades.

    We have not been victimized by a CONSPIRACY so much as by a ruthless, insidious, totally unscrupulous, devilishly clever INTELLECTUAL INSURGENCY posing as an intelligent, enlightened, Viable Alternative to our Established Norms.
