Thursday, January 16, 2020

...and the Peace that Unmade It.

Annus Mirabilis

Sexual intercourse began
In nineteen sixty-three
(which was rather late for me) -
Between the end of the Chatterley ban
And the Beatles' first LP.

Up to then there'd only been
A sort of bargaining,
A wrangle for the ring,
A shame that started at sixteen
And spread to everything.

Then all at once the quarrel sank:
Everyone felt the same,
And every life became
A brilliant breaking of the bank,
A quite unlosable game.

So life was never better than
In nineteen sixty-three
(Though just too late for me) -
Between the end of the Chatterley ban
And the Beatles' first LP.
- Phillip Larkin (1967)


  1. Larkin's poem si good, –– he was after all a good poet –– but its message is so terribly, TERRIBLY SAD, because there is too much truth in it.

    The America I knew and loved was effectively KILLED OFF with the ADVENT of SEX, DRUGS , ROCK 'n ROLL –––– and PROTEST..

    No one born after 1950 wants to believe it, but I KNOW for absolute certain sure that the USA was KILLED by Rock 'n Roll and all the cultural effluents and raw sewage that accompnied it..

    But yes Lady Chatterly's Lover, Fanny Hill , My Secret Life –– dear old MADALYN MURRAY O'HAIR –– vicious BITCH that she was –– persuadng SCOTUS to end Prayer in Schools, I am Curious Yellow, Deep Throat, The Devil in Miss Jones, the Kennedy Assassination. (Her life ended appropriately –– the Satanic Activist was murdered.) Then came Screw Magazine, Oh Calcutta!, Lenny Bruce, an Higay Porn Shops garishly advertised with BILLBOARDS –– all made possible courtesy of the DEPRAVED Supreme Court dominated by Leftists FOMENTNG the DEBACLE that ultimately defined thos terrible, tragic, times.

    Oh Civil Rights had a lot to do wth too, of course, Freedom Riders, Goodman, Cheney and Shwerner kulled. Poor Medgar Evers shot dead in his owm driveway by Byron de la Beckwith. Riots in Rochester, NY and WATTS in California, HIPPIES! YIPPIES! The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King–– a plagiarist and sex addict copulsivey unfaithful to his long-suffering wife Loretta, who flirted with Communism, and his too-famous I Have Dream Speech at he JeffersonMemorial. Black Muslims, Elijah Muhammed. Malcom X assassinated FIFTY-EIGHT-THOUSAND American bodies piled up in Vietnam –– a memorial to Lyndon Johnson's BAD JUDGMENT. Johnson was another scoundrel who was ruled by his Johnson, as was the phony aristocrat whoremaster JFK.

    Oh those were LOVELYtimes!. I was THERE, and remember them well, and sixty years later have never recovered –– and never will. Neither will America.

    But, I'm here to ASSURE you that the ROT at the ROOT of it all was ROCK 'n ROLL, –– the single most corruptive, destructive cultural phenomenon ever to strike at the heart of a Great Civilization.

    Rock 'n Roll was the CATALYST that enabled Cultural Marxism to get a DEATHGRIP on the West.

    The Vicious Cynicism, Endless Turmoil, Virulent Hatred, Blindness to Virtue, Sanctified Insolence, enshrined Disrespect, and Ceaseless Upheaval we must live with today DID stem from MARXISM, yes, bu without Rock 'n Roll we would never have bought and been so thoroughly corrupted by the Marxian Message.

  2. ____________ FINDING FUN ____________

    It's easier to bitch than stitch,

    It's easier to whine than mine.
    It's easier to make noise than to exhibit poise.

    It's easier to say "I'm fucked," than to construct.

    To sit in the gutter counting your woes
    In shit-caked jeans with a runny nose

    Ranting in puddles of frozen piss

    Demonstrates only that something's amiss.

So, in the bleak winter
    Go shovel some snow ––

    ..... Cheer up the aged
    ...... And those who are caged
    ...... Some joy you might find
    ...... If you read to the blind
    ...... Don't play the whore,
    ...... Instead scrub the floor

    Now get up and go!

    In summer, each lazy laddie 

    And each slothful lass

    Should get off their dead ass
    And go mow the grass.
Don't pout and make wishes
    Just go wash the dishes.

    If you need to find labor,
    Go help your neighbor.
Demanding is easy
    Producing is hard

    Protests are sleazy

    Thus saith The Bard.

    _________ EPILOGUE _________

    There's always something you can do
Don't succumb to feeling blue.
    Salvation comees through helping others

    Not thinking you deserve your druthers.
Never worry. Never fear.
    Just do your best to spread good cheer.

    Needed work is never done
    Effort's where we find our fun.
And if you're old, and stuck at home,
    You could try to write a poem!

    ~ FreeThinke



    2__6__7__.__4__2. WOO HOO!

    29,297.64 +267.42 (0.92%)

    Jan 16, 4:20 PM EST

    Just thought you OUGHT to know.

  4. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one's there to hear it, DID it really make a sound?

    If a person writes a series of messages and no one ever resonds to them, DID that person truly write anything at all?

  5. "But, I'm here to ASSURE you that the ROT at the ROOT of it all was ROCK 'n ROLL, –– the single most corruptive, destructive cultural phenomenon ever to strike at the heart of a Great Civilization."

    in short, rock 'n roll is human.

  6. Good questions.... but much like yours, my posts seldom get fully digested.

  7. ...and I have no doubt that "rock & roll" provided the medium for the pied piper to lead America's youth into the mountain's chasm. Only a few disfigured/disabled one managed to escape his lure into the "sweet hereafter".
