Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Why Democrats Believe Impeachment will Block Trump from the 2020 Election

Play "Impeached" by OddBird


  1. AW SHUCKS! I never did develop a taste for Monty Python. I'm an intellectual dinosaur –– and PROUD OF IT –– I guess. §:^s

    Eyen't tit a shitiful pame?

    Pardon my density, please. I mean no harm.

    [PSSSSSSSSST: I didn't like Carol Burnett either.]

  2. I DO get the point by the way, but Flamboyant Inanity just AIN'T my style.


  3. That's why i desise DemonRats so much, of course.

    What ARE they BUT exquisite examples of Flamboyant Inanity?

  4. The emblems and hallmarks of the SICK-sties –– the Flight from Sanity, the Embrace of Nihilism, the complete Abandonment of Good Taste, Common Sense, Common Decency and any pretense of Rationality –– seem represented here in concentrated form.

    The complete Rejection and callous Abandonment of ANY Respect for Custom, Mores, History, Tradition, and the Substitution of Grotesque forms of Arrant Silliness with Sadistic Overtones coupled with an apparent Denial of the very Existence of Love –– characteristics I spotted IMMEDIATELY when these and earlier SICK-sties phenomena arose –– were the grounds for IMMEDIATE and IRREVOCABLE R_E_J_E_C_T_I_O_N and R_E_P_U_D_I_A_T-I_O_N on my part.

    That stuff like this became so easily ACCEPTED and enormously POPULAR I see as a tragedy for the future of Western Civilization, because these phenomena, which too many imagine are terribly clever, are in fact both ANTI-Civilization and PRO-Dissolution and ultimate Disintegration.

  5. Huh? What does this vid have to do with impeachment?

  6. The Dems think that they've blocked Trump's path to re-election...

  7. Do they?

    Or do they. like Clinton's impeachers, simply believe they've damaged the OS?

    Of course they haven't: there's nothing more fanatical than a Trump supporter. He's right: he could shoot someone in Time Square and his ratings would probably go UP!

  8. Sure, there is something like TDS but there also something like TSDS!

  9. I don't think that Nancy's out to damage the OS. I think that she realizes that the DNC has no adequate response to populism... that even Bernie's naïve half-baked socialism isn't up to the task of restoring prosperity to the American economy.

  10. I think it's a deeper game than that. Muse along these lines: besides voting for Trump twice, what other ways could you prove to someone that you're a blithering idiot?
