Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Sir Roger Scruton, R.I.P.


  1. Scruton made a great deal of very good sense. I liked him. I'm very sorry he died at such relatively young age. After all, isn't SEVENTY the NEW FIFTY?

    His appearance was certainly deceptive. He didn't look anywhere NEAR seventy-four in the video. I imagine that absent his rather dry, supremely detached, rathwe haughty manner, he would probably have been quite attractive to women.

    My only question for him would be, "Why do you take such a long time and use such a plethora of verbiage to tell us things most ASTUTE and AWARE eeople have known for the better part of SIXTY years?"

    Why the intellectual community has such a penchant for BELABORING what-to-me are SELF-EVIDENTTRUtHS, I can't begin to fathom. can you?

  2. ...to convince themselves of said "self-evidence", of course.

    More eulogies.

  3. Maybe, but I think it may have MCH mo to do wh projecting an image of unwarrantd superiority to the "commoners" who live in the fields and on the slopes surrundung the Ivory Towers of Academe and the "newsrooms" of self-anointedly elite publications.
