Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hear Me... See Me... Feel Me... Love Me...


  1. 'Tommy' has to be up there in the top 10 pantheon of Worst Movies Evah!

  2. I'm more a fan of the play... My son played the 10 year old Tommy 20+ years ago.

    The Lacanian "Mirror Stage" is a bad place to get "stuck"... especially at my age. ;)

  3. Gimme 'Quadrophenia' (the album) any day...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. The narcissies are very beautiful.

    Thank God for plants and warm furry animals!

  6. Your friend, Lacan, looks utterly repugnant. I don't care how "smart" you think he is, he always looks as though he hasn't washed his ugly, chronically derisive, sour, cynical-looking face in at least ten full years. I'm sure too his armpits, genitalia and and perineum must stink like a barnyard. And I'd hate to get within fifteen of his sure-to-be malodorous breath.

    If our bodies are supposed to function as "The Temple of the Holy Ghost," these scummy, offensively unkempt, atheistic twentieth-century atheistic, crypto-Marxist European –– mostly German Jewish and French "intellectuals" have obviously taken considerable pains to let SATAN know he is most welcome to park his carcass there and work to DISPOSSESS Almighty God.

    These unsavory characters you seem to admire, and whom II instinctively ABHOR, I bleve have been a MALIGNANT influence on good old Western Civ.

    And if you want to cast aspersions on me for not reading their crap "in depth," go ahead, but I'll simply repeat for the umpteenth time that "I don't ave eat a pound shit to know it desn't taste good!"

    Thanks again, dear Bitch Cassidy, late of FPM, for that memorable, profoundly wise observation!

  7. And for once Gert and I agree: "TOMMY" is one of the most wretched, malodorous pieces of excrement produced –– in a frighteningly regrettable era when nearly everything ELSE in the field qualified as disgusting, demented, depraved, deplorable, dispiriting and degenerate.

    In short "TOMMY" really eally SUCKS!

    However, if I TURN OFF the sounSOUND and just watch Ann Margret go through her gymnastic gyrations it suddenly becomes more than a bit tolerable.

    That girl was QUITE a DISH in her day, wasn't she? Ony a fool would fail to admit that. Hard to believe she's an old, old woman now.

    What do Sex Symbols do with themselves once they lose their physical charms?

    Do you realize Marilyn Monroe would be NINETY-FOUR now if she were still alive?

    Would any of her fans from days of yore want to have to see THAT?

    Maybe we ought to THANK the Kennedys for arranging her murder, eh?

    Thanks to them we can always have Marilyn,–– ageless - immortal - frozen in time, - eternally desirable.

    But God, what a price SHE had to pay for achieving that brand immortality!

    Fame is a Bitch Goddess, indeed!

  8. __________ An Awful Truth _________

    Do most old women stop enjoying sex
    Once the saggy baggy phase sets in?
    Could any potent male regard these wrecks
    As outlets for the joys of carnal sin?

    Lechery in randy, aging goats
    Arises at the thought of flesh still fresh ––
    Softly rounded curves and slim white throats
    Not too long departed from the creche.

    Ironic that old pussies cracked and wizened
    Still dream of ardent service from Fair Youth,
    But no matter how these crones appear bedizened
    ‘Tis just their cash that lures, and that’s the truth.

    The resource that best sustains us when we’re old
    Is found in vaults replete with jewels and gold.

    ~ FreeThinke

  9. Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend

    The French are glad to die for love
    They delight in fighting duels
    But I prefer a man who lives
    And gives expensive jewels

    A kiss on the hand
    May be quite continental
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend

    A kiss may be grand
    But it won't pay the rental
    On your humble flat
    Or at the automat

    Men grow cold
    As girls grow old
    And we all lose our charms in the end

    But square-cut or pear-shaped
    These rocks don't loose their shape
    Diamonds are a girl's best friend

    Black, Starr, Frost Gorham!
    Talk to me Harry Winston
    Tell me all about it!]

    There may come a time
    When a lass needs a lawyer
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend

    There may come a time
    When a hard-boiled employer
    Thinks you're awful nice
    But get that ice or else no dice

    He's your guy
    When stocks are high
    But beware when they start to descend

    It's then that those louses
    Go back to their spouses
    Diamonds are a girl's best friend

    I've heard of affairs
    That are strictly platonic
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend

    And I think affairs
    That you must keep liaisonic
    Are better bets
    If little pets get big baguettes

    Time rolls on
    And youth is gone
    And you can't straighten up when you bend

    But stiff back
    Or stiff knees
    You stand straight at Tiffany's

    Diamonds! Diamonds!
    I don't mean rhinestones!
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend!@

    ~ Certainly inspired by, if not strictly written by ANITA LOOS

  10. Food Safety Tip:

    Never eat your food before applying the proper condiments.

  11. ...but again, not the best movie...

    I watched it again recently and couldn't believe just how bad it was (as a kid I adored it!)

    Perhaps a case of 'cobbler stick to thy trade!' ?
