Monday, March 2, 2020

Islamic Taboos - Against Multiculturalism

...but is it "dogmatic progressivism"?

Is Bernie simply a "dogmatic progressive" or is he more revolutionary than a Marxist purist?


  1. When it comes to answering Sniffling, Snuffling, Slobbering Slavoj's stupid questions, how many ways can one say, "I DON'T GIVE SHIT?"

  2. And yet, I have to amit, as I have many times in the past, Slavoj, when he's not gurggling and expectorating profusely between his words, is a very GENIAL, BENIGN, rather SWEET-LOOKING person. He ha a "good face" –– a FRIENDLY face. In repose he LOOKS like a man one could trust implicitly.

    And APPEARING LIKABLE is probably his most DANGEROUS attribute.

  3. I hear Stalin possessed a smile that was quite disarming.

  4. Yes, Jez, as most of us learn by the time we reach adolescence, "Appearances can be deceiving."

    But are you suggestng that Zizek is possibly a latter day equivalent to Stalin?

    n many ways Zizek remnds me of or beri Sanders. Sanders, despite his media-generated reputation for being Gruff, Untidy, Angry and Ill-Spoken is like Zizek a genuinely attractve, charismatic figure, BECAUSE –– nd here's the rub –– both these Communists are frighteningly SINCERE in promoing the outrageous, frankly insane vews they publicly espouse.

    Sincerity is an attractive quality, even when it's part of a seductive-but-highly-destructive agenda.

  5. I'd hesitate to accuse anyone of being another Stalin. "Apearances can be deceiving" was pretty much my point. Works both ways: one can be an utter delight despite being an ugly bastard.

  6. That has not been my experience, becuse I ususully can see what's lurking behind most of the facades behind which many try o ci]nceal their true nature.

    HOWEVEr, i tend to act the part of a "cockeyed-optimist" with determination, not because i want to decei[ve any, bu becaupse I honestly do try to approach others wih high hopes that a beautiful friendship might develop, and I wouldn't want any overt display of suspicion to queer that possibility.

    Alas! The line between Politeness and Hypocrisy is always fine and sadly tenuous at beast.

    PS: I sent you an email a few mments ago. I hope you can find time to repond to it. I'd be interested to see what you might have to say.

  7. Imagine getting cockblocked by Elizabeth Warren!

    So the dream is over, thanks to the DNC mafia and their accomplices in the MSM.

    Pity, really: it would have been interesting to see how well ole'Bernie would have done...
