Tuesday, March 17, 2020

More on DiEM25 & Coronavirus

The Communist push to Unify Europe...


  1. A Jap from Hiroshima caught Covid-19 and then fully recovered from it. Then he went to Nagasaki and went down with it again!


  2. This is the point where the Gubmint is coming after yo gunz!

    Be very afraid...


  3. Molon Labe

    From your cold, dead fingers?


  4. If you're going to kill government agents the WILL take your guns. And put you behind bars. You think you have more firepower than the US government?

  5. fyi, he says DiEM25 advocates Progressive politics, not Communism. No mention of Communism on the DiEM25 Wikipedia page either.

  6. They don't think communism is progressive? Somebody should tell them.

  7. btw - Do you think the government firepower can't be used against them? Are their guns and ammo DNA encoded to fire in their hands only?

  8. As Veroufakis' mentor, Slavoj Zizek says, "Earlier this week, Trump announced the proposal to take over the private sector. He said he would invoke a federal provision allowing the government to marshal the private sector in response to the pandemic. He added he would sign an act giving himself the authority to direct domestic industrial production “in case we need it."

    When I used the word “communism” a couple of weeks ago, I was mocked, but now “Trump announces proposals to take over the private sector” – can one imagine such a title even a week ago?

    And this is just the beginning – many more measures like this should follow, plus local self-organization of communities will be necessary if the state-run health system is under too much stress. It is not enough just to isolate and survive – for some of us to do this, basic public services have to function: electricity, food and medicaments supply… (We’ll soon need a list of those who recovered and are at least for some time immune, so that they can be mobilized for the urgent public work).

    It is not a utopian communist vision, it is a communism imposed by the necessities of bare survival. It is unfortunately a version of what, in the Soviet Union in 1918, was called “war communism.”

    As the saying goes, in a crisis we are all socialists – even the Trump administration considers a form of UBI – a check for $1,000 to every adult citizen. Trillions will be spent violating all the market rules – but how, where, for whom? Will this enforced socialism be socialism for the rich (remember the bailing out of the banks in 2008 while millions of ordinary people lost their small savings)? Will the epidemic be reduced to another chapter in the long sad story of what Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein called “disaster capitalism,” or will a new (more modest, maybe, but also more balanced) world order emerge out of it?

  9. Dotard is a communist? Who knew? I assume he no longer has your vote :)

  10. Good luck with your coup. I think it will be put down quickly and with lethality. Hopefully you only end up behind bars for the rest of your life. Instead of in the grave. LOL.

  11. As Jimmy Dore said on the Nancy Pelosi video, Trump is the most progressive candidate on the ballot!" in 2020.
