Saturday, March 14, 2020

Rene Girard


  1. Peter, faithess, thrice denied that his Lord he knoeweth. . .

    ~ biblical Chorale text from Bach's St. Matthew Passion, English translation

  2. The pressure to conform to the Will of the Crowd is always great, because most –– even Christ's chief apostle –– fear ostracism, punishment an possible banishment for daring to be "different."

  3. ...and atheist cease worshipping their 'experts'.

  4. Jesus knew full well that he would be betrayed both by Judas and Peter. Because he was fully human, yet Divine simultaneously, He was able to forgive their frailty and disloyalty.

    Jesus Presence on earth was essentially to demonstrate the power of Love and Truth to overcome the very worst horrors and abuses men can visit upon other men. That, of course, is why He made of Himself a WILLING sacrifice to the barbaric forces that ruled in His time.

    n my view whether He actually rose from the dead three days after he was crucified or not is not that important.

    What I see is that in being WILLING to DIE for Principle an Truth rather than take the coward's way out by DENYING and DENOUNCING Truth Jesus demonstrated that mere self-preservation a ANY cost is unworthy and ultimately self-defeating.

    His Sacrifice is the perfect example of what this pasge from Scripture really means.

    "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but loses his own soul in the process?"

  5. You are exactly right about the need to cease relying on self-styled atheistic "experts."

    These creatures who make careers out of arguing AGAINST Faith and the virtue and benfits of sincere belief in Almighty God are in truth de factoDiscples of Satan.

    And again it does not matter if "Satan" lists as a specific Person or not. Satan is __ to me –– the very concept of Temptation, Negativity, Cynicism, Contempt, perpetual Loss, Dissatisfaction, Pain and endless Grief.

    By embracing NEGATIVITY and CYNICALLY PROBING ATTITUDES that seek to demean and destroy Faith we consign ourselve to "HELL" –  mntal attitude that GUARANTEES us a life of misery, disapointment and despair

    By wholeheartedly embracing FAITH in GOODNESS, MERCY, CHARITY, HONESTY , MODESTY, BEAUTY, wholesome INGENUITY, CREATIVITY and boundless OPTIMISM, we greatly better our chances of finding Peace, Contentment, and even that much-overrated capacity –– "HAPPINESS."

    To be perfecty frank, I believe that SERENITY is a far worthier goal than "HAPPINESS," which always has about it an aura of SELFISHNESS.

  6. I believe that G-d represents the Absolute Limitless, and that in His absence, mankind (and his 'experts') attempt to fulfill His role (mistakingly believing themselves capable of becoming Limitless Absolutes/god-like) They have neither the Grace nor Intelligence to become naught but tyrannical a-holes.

  7. Ergo it is better to be sinned against than commit sins against others.

    Even the so-called 'experts' require and create 'scapegoats', less they discover themselves 'fallible'.

  8. Stinker:

    I've read somewhere that COVID-19 was ordered by the Rothschilds in China, so that they and their tribe could make a killer fortune from peddling hand sanitizers, face masks, gloves and other related paraphernalia worldwide.

    Is that true???


  9. I don't talk with Servants of Satan, Dert. It's unwise to contaminate oneself with vindictive, ill-tempered disciples of sneerig Negativity.

    He who always think the worst
    Is doomed to lead a life accurst.


    I cheer the way Trump flouts P-C
    His brazen, bold Effrontery
    Gives hope the we may yet break free
    From vile, coerced Hypocrisy
    And thus regain our Liberty
    Return once more to Sanity
    Profit from Productivity
    'Midst Cultural Vitality.

    ~ Pallas Athena

    Good Christians should never be mistaken fora little Goody-Two-Shoes, or a Simpering Pollyanna. Good Christians are devoted tl the Truth, and the truth in YOUR case too vile for any decent, God-fearing Christian to utter in public.

  10. I don't talk with Servants of Satan, Dert. It's unwise to contaminate oneself with vindictive, ill-tempered disciples of sneerig Negativity.

    You're no fun, especially when you're talking to me about not talking with me! ;-)

  11. You've never given me one single reason why it might advance the cause of spreading Enlightenment or profit me, personally, in any way, so why would i want to try to establish a dialogue with YOU, Gert?

    you're a flippant, sarcastic, relentlessly cynical gamester who appears to look at life as though it were a sick joke.

    I find that powerfully repellent and completely unappealing.

  12. This is how the conversation always goes in the absence of caritas...

    1 Corinthians 13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away....And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

  13. 1 John 4:8 - Qui non diligit, non novit Deum: quoniam Deus caritas est.

    from Wikipedia: Caritas: the altruistic love[edit]

    The phrase Deus caritas est from 1 John 4:8—or Θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστίν (Theos agapē estin) in the original Greek[4] is translated in the King James Version as: "God is love", and in the Douay-Rheims bible as: "God is charity" (1 John 4:8). Thomas Aquinas does not simply equate charity with "love", which he holds as a passion, not a virtue.[5] The King James Version uses both the words charity and love to translate the idea of caritas/ἀγάπη (agapē): sometimes it uses one, then sometimes the other, for the same concept. Most other English translations, both before and since, do not; instead, throughout they use the same more direct English word love. Love can have other meanings in English, but as used in the New Testament it almost always refers to the virtue of caritas.

    Many times when charity is mentioned in English-language bibles, it refers to "love of God", which is a spiritual love that is extended from God to man and then reflected by man, who is made in the image of God, back to God. God gives man the power to act as God acts (God is love), man then reflects God's power in his own human actions towards others. One example of this movement is "charity shall cover the multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8). "The practice of charity brings us to act toward ourselves and others out of love alone, precisely because each person has the dignity of a beloved child of God."[6]
