Sunday, April 26, 2020

USA Over the Hump



  1. Chinese (dare I mention them? ;-) ), Italian and Spanish experiences show that the downward slope is very slow.

    No great reason to rejoice just yet.

  2. Had we allowed ourselves to achieve "herd immunity"... I would have thought that the distribution should have been Gaussian (Bell curve/mirror image)…. but through social-distancing we succeeded in "prolonging" the virus spread.

  3. And how many would have died in the process of acquiring 'herd immunity'?

    The WHO isn't even sure there is such a thing in the case of COVID-19...

  4. Governments should not issue so-called "immunity passports" or "risk-free certificates" as a way of easing lockdowns, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

    It said there was "no evidence" that people who had developed antibodies after recovering from the virus were protected against a second infection.

    Such a move could actually increase virus transmission, it warned.

    People who assumed they were immune might stop taking precautions, it said.

    Some governments have considered permitting people who have recovered to travel or return to work.


  5. FUCK the WHO!

    They are nothing but a bunch of One Worlders whose only genuine interest is promoting and securing a tyrannical One-World Government based on th Marxian model for Ultimate and ABSOLUTE Socil control.

    Anyone who believes in the WHO –– or the entire misbegotten cincept of the UN for that matter –– is an unmitigated crypto-Communist apparatchik –– in other words a stinking SHITASS.


  6. That's just it. There was a need to isolate the vulnerable, NOT the entire herd. That's why the bulls face out and females and calves go into the center when the herd is surrounded by predators.

  7. I'll roughly praphrase JEFFERSON in an attempt to answer GERT'S rather opaque, short-sighted question with a modicum of seriousness.

    What does it matter if a few hundred thousand lives are lost during a worldwide "health crisis," if the sacrifice means that LIBERTY, COMMERCE and FINANCIAL SOLVENCY will be able to continue relatively unabated?

    The paralysis and susquent demise of a nation's economy would be bound to produce far more DEATH, and lengthier and more attenuated AGONY in the long run than to allow a pandemic to run its course while taking as much practical precaution possible to keep its spread to a minimum, of course.

    why we've been doing for the past two months is tantamount to a long range plan to commit national SUICIDE.

  8. Still, hoping for herd immunity is a bit of a Right-wing Libertarian 'let-it-all-hang-out' wet dream, IMO.

    Only in the US have there been significant demos against social distancing... cos' FREEDOM! ;-)

  9. They are nothing but a bunch of One Worlders whose only genuine interest is promoting and securing a tyrannical One-World Government based on th Marxian model for Ultimate and ABSOLUTE Socil control.

    They're not Jooooish by any chance?

  10. Stinker: the Archie Bunker of the Blogosphere...

  11. Gertie Gloom: The Emma Goldman of the blogosphere.

    Gertie gloom: The Samuel Gompers of the blogosphere

    Gertie Gloom: The Roger Baldwin of the blogosphere

    Gertie Gloom: The Saul Alinsky of the blogosphere.

    Gertie gloom: The Woodrow Wilson of he bllogosphere

    Gertie Gloom: The Julius Rosenberg of the blogosphere

    Gertie Gloom: The Eddie Bernays of the blogosphere

    Gertie gloom: The William Kunstler of the blogosphere

    Gertie Gloom the Daniel Berrigan of the blogosphere

    Gertie gloom: The Morris Seliman dees of the blogosphere

    Gertie Gloom: The Betty Friedan of the blogosphere

    Gertie Gloom: The Blll de Blasio of the blogosphere

    Gertie Gloom: The Jeremy Corbyn of the Blogosphere

    Gertie Gloom: One of the Great Sneering Cynics and Vituperative Marxian Internationalists currently befouling the blogosphere.
