Friday, April 3, 2020

The Roots of Zizekian Radicalism


  1. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I! ad infinitum

  2. This idea that leftists love to promote that there is any real difference among the many and varied guises in which MARXIST DOCTRINE rear their ugly heads is inherently DECEPTIVE.

    A skunk by any other name would STILL produce an acrid, deeply unpleasant odor, just as a leopard cannot change his spots.

    The fusillade of foul obfuscatory rhetoric produced by this gurggling, ever-flowing Fount of Folly has no other purpose than to DECEIVE Zizek's hearers –– and perhaps even himself –– into entertaining the notion that in effect a SKUNK may possibly one day smell like ROSE.


    That Zizek has what-appears-to-be a rather KIND, PLEASANT, WELL-MEANING MEANING MAN with an agreeable –– some might even say handsome –– face makes him far more dangerous than the grim, stone-faced, scowling, forever hectoring, badgering Marxist-Bolsheviks of the Old School.

    SATAN is the greatest master of Disguise and Deception in the Cosmos.

  3. You don't find it odd that a self-declared Communist once considerred himself a Heideggerian? Heidegger joined the NAZI Party.

  4. LIFE is inescapably ODD, FJ.

    It always has been and always will be.

    Attempts to deny or change that are bound to be an exercise in futility.

    Despite all the elaborate pretense to the contrary human beings are NOT rational creatures AT ALL

    Life is a CONTINGENT phenomenon. We should not take ANYTHING for granted,

    I accept that as the Will of God, and try to cultivate as much serenity as possible


  5. By the way I'm well aware that we have been sedulously CONDITIONED to regard the National Socialist Party of Germany, aka The Third Reich, –– as unspeakably evil with no possible excuse or rationale for ever having existed in the first place. The implication there being, o course, that there must besomething innately abhorrent about the German People, themselves.

    BUT, have we EVER been encouraged in any way to pursue an HONEST exploration of HOW and WHY such a pernicious phenomenon as Hitler's Third Reich could possibly have come to be in the first place?

    I've seen no evidence of it.

    Needless to say, with virtually all sources of popular entertainment, news, information, opinion, and what-passes-for "education" ruthlessly controlled –– and thus virtually censored –– by extraordinarily powerful, domineerng forces dedicated almost exclusively to the promotion of their own SELF-INTEREST with a self-absolving, self-aggrandizing MYTHOLOGY that developed with lightning speed in the aftermath of World War II –– whatever the complex, underlying, truths and causative factors might be have been stifled, and viified to such an extent that even the mildest show of curiosity about conditions in Germany between the two world wars is met with DERISION, rude CENSURE, and the kind of unbridled CONDEMNATION that too often can lead to outright OSTRACISM.

    Jesus said, "Ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free."

    Apparently when the Truth –– whatever it may be –– is regarded as too painful –– and even DANGEROUS –– to contemplate by a certain Power Bloc and the sycophants who slavishly support them –– the Truth –– whatever it may be –– must be SUPPRESSED, MISREPRESETNED, and if possible ANNIHILATED.

    Few seem able to realize that THIS dismal phenomenon may very possibly LIE AT and NOURISH the ROOT of many of the dominant tensions and hostilities that have plagued the world since the early the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-centuries.

  6. I just learnd that Heidgger, who, apparently was quite te Lades'Mn in his day, ha a long term extra-marital affair with Hannah Arendt who was a prominent Jewess. He wax involved to with another Jewish woman, and was protective of them both managing to help them escape from Hitler's Henchmen.

    Ergo, Hedegger couldn't hve THAT much of a Nazi, could he?

    As I often say, labelling people is a pretty silly business. Human beings are MUCH too complex and filled with idiosycrasies ever to fit neatly into ANY series of "pigeonholes.

    And yet . . .


  7. Eichmann in Jerusalem...on the banality of evil. THAT is how Hitler controlled the Germans.
