Friday, June 12, 2020

Adam Curtis on Real Change

Is the mainstreaming of BLM an indicator of this "real change" or just another symptom of our current post-modern hypernormalised hyper-reality?


  1. I rather like Curtis but this is much blather.

  2. And what is this 'mainstreaming'? Increasing numbers of white people becoming aware of policy brutality directed at African Americans and other minorities? That was only a matter of time.

  3. Two words. Tony Timpa. Now take your "police brutality directed at African-Americans and other minorities" and shove it where the sun don't shine.

  4. ...and if Leftists really wanted to solve problems, instead of driving their political bases, they should stop framing every political issue as one driven by racial animus. That they don't proves that they're fine with the status quo ante.

  5. One feels almost sheepish in the light of Tim Timpa's horrendous death but do have a look mapping police violence.

  6. That they don't proves that they're fine with the status quo ante.

    I think YOU would be far more afraid of real change.

  7. There would always be something not quite right about that change to you. You're a Conservative after all.

  8. BLM has reached critical mass, that was always going to happen. Does that constitute real change? Haven't given it much thought really. Not very important right now.

  9. Bowel



    Go visit my blog. You'll love it.

    If you want to comment, Farmer, I'd be honired, but please email me privately, and I'll b glad to open the blog just for you.

    Franco Aragosta, iIl piscatore saggio will remain closed to the public, however, because there are too many people like Gertie –– and WORSE –– who come just to spray flthy graffiti on my beautiful walls, and use my spce as a public toilet –– the Curse and Ruination of Lisa's Litterbox aka Who's Your Daddy?.

    Please don't try to call my policy "CENSORShP." I much prefer to think of it as having –– and MAINTAINNG –– high STANDARDS.

    As a lifelong conservative I proudly INSIST on maintaining MY unalienable right to DISCRIMINATE between Beauty, Order, Intelligence, Ingenuity, Creativity, Refinement, Cleverness and Ignorance, Arrogance, Sloth, Vindictiveness, Moral Turpitude, Nihilism and Anarchy.

    Leftists are not welcome at my blog, of course, but neither are BIGOTS, , mindless , mean-spirited pseudo-conservative REDNECKS, CHAUVINISTS, IDIOTS –– but then aren't Leftsts and Idiots pretty much synonymous, –– except in extremely rare instances?

    In case you hadn't notice, Farmer, I'm fighting a One Man War against Political Correctness, which I know to be one of the single worst things ever to be visited upon naive, ignorant, well-meaning, gullible people –– in other words the VAST MAJORITY of HUMANKIND.

    My stance against this virulent form of OPPRESSION causes me to say things I would never dream of saying under normal circumstances (if any such may still to be found!), and advocate the free expression of outrageous, obnoxious, ribald, vulgar and even hateful sentiments because I believe in FREEDOM and abhor being BULLIED by cocky, arrogant, flippant, factious, snide, sarcastic, aggressively immoral, proudly hateful, unpricipled, would-be-tyrannical intellectual inferiors –– like your snotty friend GERT.

  10. [...] who come just to spray flthy [sic] graffiti on my beautiful walls, and use my spce [sic] as a public toilet –– the Curse and Ruination of Lisa's Litterbox aka Who's Your Daddy?.

    'Curse and ruination' YOU very actively contributed to, with scatological-style comments of a depravity and rudeness rarely seen in the already exceedingly rude US blogosphere. It was much of YOUR OWN excrement that blocked up the plumbing there.

    You have no self-consciousness whatsoever, do you little Stinker?

  11. Franco Aragosta, iIl [sic] piscatore [sic] saggio will remain closed to the public

    Way to lose whatever readership you have, Stinker, way to go! BANG! The sound of little Stinker shooting himself in the foot!

    And if I ever needed (I don't) proof that racism is alive and kicking in the USA I only need to quote your 'blog'. Thanks for that! Much obliged!

  12. I see the only comment on your recent post is in fact by... YOU! ('Marmee').

    You know what they say about talking to yourself, Stinker. You losing your marbles?

  13. Why should I map it? Because minorities live in high crime areas? Be intellectually honest for once in your life.

  14. It's why "mapping the violence" is a fool's errand.

  15. I will read it, of course, it wasn't on offer before now. Ta.

    It's not a question of 'liking/not liking' the video: it was horrendous to watch. But not entirely surprising...

  16. I'm assuming you meant the Timpa murder video?

  17. As regards crime mapping, just look at the overall figures.

  18. It's quite decent article, that Quilette, thanks.

  19. The video on the words "intellectually honest" w/John McWhorter.

  20. Little Stinker:

    "Go visit my blog. You'll love it."

    Sure. He'll luuuurrve the black hominoid made of poop, crawling out of (or in?) a toilet bowl hell. Sooooo creative. Poop seems to be your material of choice.

    I see you've now responded to your commenter 'Marmee', which also happens to be you. 'Nuts' should really describe it!

  21. You really are even more opaque than I'd thought at first, Gert. You incessantly make accusations and denunciationsthat YOU expect others to accept ae valid, then fee justified in taking umbrage by mocking, jeering,sniping like a waspish old woman when others dare to tell you that you're either lying, else badly misinformed. From the evidence you present here you look at life trough a grotesquy distorted prom You writ as though Beauty, Decency, Kindness, Generosity, Altruism, Honesty and Truth, itself, were imaginary concepts conjured up either by fools or fiends, who've set themselves in motion merely to discredit YOUR worldview. Of course people on my side of the issues think that of YOU, and so the world has become deadlocked between opposing forces, where the rights and wrongs of points at issue don't matter anymore, because ALL that matter is –– not WINNING –– but simply DEFEATING the opposition, no matter what it may cost the nation, or the paricipants involved.

    Th difference between Left and Righ, as i see it however, is that Conservatives want to preserve, maintain an/denhance the status qu, while the Left is bent on DESTROYING it, and that is as FAR as the Left EVER wants to go.

    Frankly, I think that approach is thoroughly despicable, because it is predicated on CAPTIOUSNESS, CONDEMNATION and HATRED never OPTIMISM, ENTHUSIASM, and LOVE. The Left, therefore, is so short-sighted as to be willfully BLIND to the often fearsome and RAMIFICATIONS of the policies it espouses.

  22. I hope you may surprise me, Gert, by NOT resorting to your habitual default position o asking snd remarks about y character and disposition –– and making fun of my typos, which I admit have become embarrassingly prolific.

    I am legally blind, suffer from constant itching, burning and excessive tearing in my eyes. The condition, which I've had to deal with for the past ten years while undergoing some FIFTEEN ophthalmic surgeries, has worsened considerably in the last year-and-a-half.

    I'll be eighty on my next birthday, so deterioration of one sort ro another is to be expected. I try to be a good sport about it. Frankly, I'm grateful that so far I've only had to deal with corneal ystrophy, and not had to deal with a heart attack, a stroke or cancer.

    I am not trying to appeal to your sense of empathy and compassion, because from your performance here to date I doubt you have one. I'm merely stating FACTS.

    IF this stupid "BLOGGER" program would permit us to EDIT our remarks AFTER they've been published, you could be sure I'd avail myself of the opportunity to improve the texts I write. That would afford you fewer chances to bear down on trivialities to enhance you pervasive insolence, and MIGHT get you to THINK for a change.

  23. _______ The Land of Cotton ________

    Oh, I wish I lived where young Tom Cotton
    Ran the show, and D’Rats rotten
    Stayed away! Stayed away!
    From destroying our Land.

    In the lovely land where I was born in
    Early on a bright spring mornin’
    We held sway! We held sway!
    O’er the fate of our land

    Oh I wish that young Tom Cotton
    Held sway! Held sway!
    Then I’d go to bed and rest my head
    And sleep with fewer nightmares.
    No way! No way!
    Should that damned fool Joe Biden
    Run anything but a hot dog stand
    Reject, dimwit Joe Biden

    ~ FreeThinke

    [To be sung to the tune of Dixie, in case you hadn’t figured that out for yourself.]

  24. "IF this stupid "BLOGGER" program would permit us to EDIT our remarks AFTER they've been published, [...]"

    Hell! We agree on something. Some older versions do support post-publishing edits.

    Sorry to hear about your health problems. Not in the finest health myself. Doubt if I'll make 80, or that I even want to...?

  25. Click on Marmee's profile:

    It says:

    My blogs
    Franco Aragosta, il pescatore saggio

    So 'Marmee' is you. If you're gonna use sock puppets on yourself, try and be a little more surreptitious. It didn't take a great sleuth to work this one out!

  26. Not to mention that your Franco blog is closed. So how did marmee get in? 'She' got in because she is you, the blog's owner.

  27. You see! I was right about you, Gert. You just don't have it in you to imagine –– even for a moment –– that your assumptions and surmisals could possiby be wrong.

    Marmee is , indeed, a real person. My silent partner and co-owner of my biog who gives much-neededtechnical assistance.. The blog isn't closed completely; it s still open, but –– as the sign sys –– "For Members Only."

    Remember please this homely truth gracefully embedded somewhere in the light-hearted whimsy of Gilbert & Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore:

    Things are seldom what they seem,
    Skim milk masquerades as cream;
    Highlows pass as patent leathers;
    Jackdaws strut in peacock's feathers.

    Captain. (puzzled)
    Very true,
    So they do.

    Black sheep dwell in every fold;
    All that glitters is not gold;
    Storks turn out to be but logs;
    Bulls are but inflated frogs.

    Captain. (puzzled)
    So they be,

    Drops the wind and stops the mill;
    Turbot is ambitious brill;
    Gild the farthing if you will,
    Yet it is a farthing still.

    Captain. (puzzled)
    Yes, I know.
    That is so.


  28. By the way, I'd be the last person to dnythat "Black Lives Matter," but I refuse t oaccept the absurd dictum that insists we believe that "Black Lives" matter MORE than anyone ELSE'S.

    Illogical assertions of that kind are nothing mre than a form f BULLYING motivated by an adolescent notion that such tactics lead to DOMINANCE.

    People who subscribe to junk philosophy of this kind do not want to be accepted as our EQUALS, instead they are working round th clock to be our MASTERS.

    I agree with Lincoln who said he wouldn't want to be anyone's SLAVE, but neither did he want to be anyone's MASTER. I generally do no admire Abe Lincoln, –– the unnecessary deaths of some 635,000 Americans, the hordes of those maimed, driven mad, and made chronically ill, plus all those widows and orphans will never stop torturing me –– but The Great Mass Murderer was right when he said that.

  29. "My silent partner and co-owner of my biog who gives much-neededtechnical assistance.."

    You need 'technical assistance' to run a Blogger blog???? What are you, a Neanderthal? They practically run themselves!

    Still, how lucky for you that Marmee is just as rancidly racist as you are. Is she also as antisemitic like you, may I enquire?

  30. It was Lincoln's fond hope that the Negroes would all EMIGRATE to the newly founded African nation of LIBERIA, which was prepared to accept the newly freed Negroes, who had an awful time trying to sustain themselves once they were no longer fed, clothed, housed and given useful occupation by the Southen Planters aristoracy –– however undesirable those living conditions must have been

    I believe we have the hotheaded fool John Wilkes Boothe to thank for our present plight.

    I feel deeply sorry for the Negroes. They were sold into slavery –– BY THEIR FLLOW NEGROES –– brought here under duress, and treated more like cattle than human beings. It was a MORTAL SIN to have brought them here to live in bondage from the word "GO!"

    The corrosive effects of SIN never die; they only FESTER and COMPOUND with each passing generation, UNLESS we humbly turn our lives over to GOD, which very few have ever seemed able to do.

  31. The DemonRats are running a broken-down, corrupt, badly compromised Old Fart long past his prime who hasn't ever d an original thought in his oary, hair-plugged old head. and whocouldn't make a coherent statement to save his soul.

    Worse than that the doddering feeb never was never much of anything to begin with.

    >IF the cunt-tree really turns out stupid enough to elect anyone as far gone as THAT, the cunt-tree will have to be given up for lost, because a degenerate, imbecilic electorate, long brainwashed by toxic crypto-Marxist cant and rhetoric, doesn't DESERVE anything remotely LIKE the splendid Constitutional Republic our brilliant White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant-Christian Founding Fathers designed for us.

    Instead, they will richly deserve to DIE on the DUNGHILL ... T-H-E-Y ... have made of a once-fine and beautiful thing. And DIE they will; you can bank on it.

    The tragedy is they will bring a great many smart, good, decent, innocent, hard-working people down WITH them.

    Kyrie Eleison.
    Christe Eleison.
    Kyrie Eleison!

  32. Bravo Stinker! You've outdone yourself! These are among the very most STUPIDEST comments I've ever read. Well done! Congrats!

    They also show what I've known for a very long time: religion doesn't necessarily make good people.


    Abraham Lincoln effectively MURDERED 635,000 American men, left many more mamed, crippled, blinded, insane –– and that says nothing of all the widows and orphans Abe created –– innocent victims left to live out the remainder of their lives in sorrow, misery, grinding poverty, and desperation.

    Good old "Honest Abe" forced our entire nation to make these indecent, murderous, sadistic, unnecessary sacrifices for WHAT?

    So that millions could live –– totally dependent on government handouts forcibly extracted from the earnings of decent, hardworking citizens –– as degenerate rootless, irresponsible, nihilistic, sexually promiscuous BUMS, –– drug-addicted street people, and pathetic, illiterate welfare cases –– while thuggish , seditious organizations like Black Lives Matter and Bolshevikian, Naziesque ANTIFA and their demented fellow travelers publicly defecate, urinate, fornicate, deface, smash, trash, riot, loot, burn, and ILLEGALLY INHABIT, then … A_P_P_R_O_P_R_I_A_T_E ... wrecked properties that DO NOT BELONG to THEM. 

There is a hideous irony in these worthless bastards now being allowed and encouraged to SECEDE from our NATION with the full cooperation and enthusiastic endorsement of despicable DemonRat politicians –– after Lincoln forced DESTRUCTION, DEATH and decades of DPRIVATION on those who tried to do the very same thing –– for MUCH more understandable reasons –– exactly 160 years ago.

    Or don't you agree?


  34. "And in our next installment, Franco will fill us in on how he felt about the Hippy movement! Stay tuned!"

  35. I never merely state FEELINGS. Virtually everything I say is supported by FACTS –– facts people of GERT'S despicable ilk refuse to acknowledge and certainly would never bring themselves to RESPECT.

    GERt'S hate and contempt-driven worldview –– a CLONE of the standard, wrongheaded, destructive positions held by virulent LEFTISTS –– is based on FANTASIES his cynical, anger-driven mentality fosters to give credence to the lies, manipulative distortions, and malicious fabrications the Left seethes with rabid eagerness to FOIST on the tragically innocent, unaware, unsophisticated normal world where decent people are too busy just trying to make a living to find any time –– or inclination –– to stage RIOTS and HOSTILE TAKEOVERS of OTHER PEOPLE'S ASSETS and PROPERTY.

    The stndard LEFTIST VIEW so heartily espoused by Comrade Gert is INDEfENSIBLE by LOGIC, FACTUAL DATA, or any SNCERE marly-driven SENTIMENT. Therefore, the ONLY way these advocates of CHAOS and MORAL TURPITUDE can stnd up for their wicked, nihilistic views is to INSULT DFAME, attempt to BADGER, BULLY and LAMPOON those who oppose them with an incessant barrage of LIES and DISMISSIVE, CONDESCENDING, hyper- BILIOUS rhetoric.

    We can thank that lousy- stinkin,' God-damned fuckin' JEW BASTARD Saul ALINSKY for that.

    The TRUTH is often unpleasant, unpalatable, unkind, and unacepable to evildoers and the crazed mental midgets who would deny the very EXISTENCE of TRuTH.

    Poor poor Gert,–– who has always approached me as an ENEMY from the onset of our relationship, never as a potential FRIEND ––, has NOTHING to counteract simple straightforward statements of TRUTH but relentless REJECTION, arrogant FABULATION, malevolent MOCKERY, and spiteful DERISION.

    Gert is the veritable Poster Child for the Marxian Worldview.

  36. Yep, another great big nothingburger from the resident fascist, little Stinkah.

    He huffs and he puffs and... runs out of breath like guppi out of water.

    Still, what ARE your views on Hippies, just for larrrffs you know?

  37. Farmer,

    I hereby resign from this thread –– and any other that your charming friend "GERT" chooses to INFEST.

    I am interested in honest conversation NOT in feeding TROLLS.

    So long for a while
    To all the songs sweet or vile
    So long to your Shit Parade
    And the tunes that you pick to be played.
    SO LONG!

  38. Oh well, maybe I was wrong. Maybe you're not a fascist because fascists don't give up that easily.

    Toodeloo. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!

  39. GIVE UP?

    Oh no! I merely hope to find a WORTHY interlocutor.

    YOU ain't IT, GERTIEI

    Leftists HACKS bore me stiff.

  40. "Oh no! I merely hope to find a WORTHY interlocutor."

    Yeah, good luck with that. Rabid fascists are a bit thin on the ground, even in Southern USA.

  41. All things good, all things fair
    All things beautiful everywhere
    Come to Earth from Above
    From our Father's Heart of Love.

    Pax vobiscum.
