Tuesday, August 18, 2020



  1. I could never say he's SINGING, but he certainly is TALKING, albeit in a language unquely his.

    I felt I was being LECTURED to, or possibly SCOLDED.

    At any rate that lyrebird sure has a lot of CHARACTER, doesn't he?

  2. Certainly beats listening to the droning, and cackling of HILLABITCH, or the nasal, hoarse-voiced hectoring of Nanny Pelousy.

  3. The ability for mimicry is astounding...



  5. Democrats now have even gone far beyond transforming themselves into The American Crypto-Marxist-Neo-Bolshevik Party.

    This story AOW posted today about the sadistic FEMALE RAPIST who who used PLIERS on her vicitm's BALLS being invited to SPEAK at the DNC Convention proves they are now The Party of Advanced Psychopathology and Deceit.

    I say "DECEIT," because both Kamala Harass and Gropey Joe Biden did a wonderful job of presenting themselves as affable, eloquent, attractive, kindhearted, well-groomed humanitarians in their acceptance speeches.

    Because i believe in giving the Devil his due, I have to say Ms. "Harass" appeared beautiful, intelligent, charming, persuasive, empathetic and classy –– someone you'd be delighted and feel honored to have lunch with, should the occasion arise –– someone you'd love to have as a best friend and confidante if you could.

    Yes, she DID, please don't be so churlish as to deny it –– never mind that it was all a well-rehearsed ACT put on to disguise a ruthlessly ambitious, immoral, self-serving nature eager to impose confiscatory taxation and draconian, anti-individualistic statist legislation on all of us.

    Slow Joe too presented himself as far better on this occasion than he has at any time in the recent past. Of course he was heavily scripted, and coached by experts no doubt, but only a fool could fail to admit he read his lines with a high degree of theatrical polish that seemed to indicate he is still capable of rationality and heartfelt sentiment.

    If I didn't know what REALLY makes these DemonRats tick, I might be swayed by this week's display of contrived, highly polished Platform Manner.

    We can only hope The Silent Majority has remained intact, and will still be able to carry the shambling, bumbling, syntactically-challenged-but-good-hearted, highly intelligent, well-motivated President Trump to a Second Term.

    No incumbent has ever had to face stronger headwinds and more dishonest, unprincipled, vicious, and frankly Satanic opposition than Donald Trump since the day he became a CANDIDATE for the Oval Office.

    Sadly we do live in Interestng Times, don't we?

  6. The media needs to be destroyed.

    No. Destroy it and you're left with a small army of 'citizen journalists' who don't even know how to spell 'fact check'.

    So the MSM need to be reformed, 'decorporatised' for starters.

  7. The media fact checks? To what end, censorship of conservative thought?

  8. The army of non-fact-checked media is EXACTLY what it means by the term de-corporatization.

  9. The army of non-fact-checked media is EXACTLY what it means by the term de-corporatization.

    No, it doesn't at all. On the fringes of the 'alt-media' is a grubby underworld of pundits that are hyper-partisan and don't fact check anything. They are in fact worse than CNN/Fox et al.

    Do you want to end up getting your 'news' from Alex Jones? Because that's where your libertarian wet dream of 'indie-news' will lead to.

  10. Better him than the Tokyo Roses at CNN.

  11. Look, I'm sick of getting no news but that which adds to the confirmation bias of anti-racist BLM thumping neoliberal activists. I want to hear news that occassionally contradict those bias' and detract from the mythical moral suffering of minority communities. Because lets face it, they can be as big a bunch of bigotted b*stards as the rest of us.
