Saturday, March 12, 2022

Pre-Phase III - The Virtual Cultural War


  1. It's now virtually impossible for me to watch telly, except for NF. No matter where you turn all you get are talking heads babbling about U/R without the slightest knowledge of the subject matter whatsover. It's the Age of the Stenographers alright... Consaent has never been manufactured at this blitzkrieg speed before.

    Even on Sky Sports which I have on for customers, you bget footballers pontificating about Chelsea/Abromovitch.

  2. Great vid, thanks.

    Cultural Marxism probably didn't exist but 'Cultural Capitalism' was (is?) very alive.

  3. Is. Definitely.

    ...and now, Old Fitz, like Tennyson's Tiresias you must watch...

    Of civil outbreak, when I knew the twain
    Would each waste each, and bring on both the yoke
    Of stronger states, was mine the voice to curb
    The madness of our cities and their kings.
    Who ever turn'd upon his heel to hear
    My warning that the tyranny of one
    Was prelude to the tyranny of all?
    My counsel that the tyranny of all
    Led backward to the tyranny of one?
    This power hath work'd no good to aught that lives
    And these blind hands were useless in their wars.
    O. therefore, that the unfulfill'd desire,
    The grief for ever born from griefs to be
    The boundless yearning of the prophet's heart‹
    Could that stand forth, and like a statue, rear'd
    To some great citizen, wim all praise from all
    Who past it, saying, "That was he!"
    In vain!
    Virtue must shape itself im deed, and those
    Whom weakness or necessity have cramp'd
    Withm themselves, immerging, each, his urn
    In his own well, draws solace as he may.

  4. TC:

    Ludovico worked well on me but then they reversed it for political expedience. Plus ça change!

  5. It was the George Clinton P-Funk All Stars samples, wasn't it?
