Thursday, July 7, 2022

ScapeCows for the Secular Sacred?

"When a cow’s down in the street, every man’s a butcher.”

- Arab Proverb

"One aspect, not the central one, that i admired with you and that i was immediately ready to link with Hegel... this idea of the imminent reversal, like in principle, the sacred, in the sense of religion, is... should be above... the political. But within the political it turns around. And this is what, in a way, the elementary trick of Hegel's dialectic. And this is also how we should read Antigone.  My friend, Fred Jensen pointed out that this split that we see in Antigone between these religious divinities, Antigone, and the political aspect Creon is not a mark of a decay of some original Greek state but it's constitutive of the state. Antigone is not a play which signals that the state is falling apart, but it's the you have to have that gap between religious and power precisely to have the state functioning. It's constitutive of the state."

-Slavoj Zizek (@ ~4:00 minute mark above) 


  1. I brought back Politics Rewritten. I am sure that will piss off some people, lol!

  2. I am keeping both blogs...

  3. Sounds like a plan. Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!
