Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Current State of 'Normal' Science

It’s long been realized that adding just one additional ingredient to the Universe can explain the behavior of all the structures that we see. That ingredient, known as dark matter, would have the following properties:
-it would always be cold, or moving slowly compared to the speed of light,

-it would exist in five times the abundance of normal matter,

-it would gravitate, but wouldn’t experience the electromagnetic or nuclear interactions,

-it wouldn’t collide with either itself or with any of the Standard Model particles,

-but it would curve space just as surely as any entity with mass or energy would
But is it something else (MOND)?


  1. Biden's banana republic?

    I think Trumpeldore's republic and administration looked far, far more like a banana republic!

  2. What's with the new cryptic avatar?

  3. It's a Star of David embroidered with MAGA. I figured since the president has chosen in his speech in Philadelphia to make pariahs out of Trump supporters, I might as well where the brand, so I now sow David's star on my Internet avatar so that the sheeple won't mistake me for a 1st class citizen.

  4. Oh the mighty Trump Army... Stopped by mask mandates at Golden Corral. Most. Boring. Civil. War. Ever.

  5. Not bad, depends on the day of the week you go. ;)

  6. The only thing worse than a sneeze shield is a mask mandate!
