Thursday, October 27, 2022

What Sail Rockets Mean for the Next America's Cup...



  1. As a young man I did a lot of competitive dinghy sailing (and had my share of wins)

    But going to Uni I started chasing beer and skirt and that's why you've not seen me in the AsC! Pity...

  2. But I've never forgotton the American faces when the Ozzies beat them!

  3. I've done very little sailing... but I did spend some time on a sailboat with people who did. One was supposed to sail in the Olympics, but we boycotted the 80 Olympics after the Russian Afghan invasion. :(

    And for a year or so, A replica of the America sat tied up to our dock at the Academy. I loved seeing her there... I'd sit in class and stare out the window at her.

  4. Foiling is the revolution of sailing. Why did no one think of it before. It's cheap too!

  5. I sailed a Hobie Cat once about a dozen years ago. I never had so much fun. But this foil revolution is even a step up from that. I need to try it.
