Sunday, May 14, 2023

Ingredients of Intelligence


  1. I was in better thought about Michio :-(((

    Well... he is not evolutionist...

  2. Well... I never was too much into personalities.

  3. Well... he is not evolutionist too.

  4. Life... it's synonim of intelligence.

    From the very beginning. From the very first cell -- it existed ONLY because it was able to perform little, but still intelligent tasks.

    Like transcription of RNA/DNA into proteins.

    And sympatetic reaction to outer environment.

  5. Intelligent, much like 'wise' as a descriptor, is always applied through the rear view mirror. Success is "intelligent"... failure is "stupid".

    Yes, "life" is a synonym for intelligence. Death is therefore a synonym for its' lack. I suppose when Albert Einstein died he became stupid.

  6. \\Intelligent, much like 'wise' as a descriptor, is always applied through the rear view mirror. Success is "intelligent"... failure is "stupid".

    What is success when it all inside your mind? ;-)

    \\I suppose when Albert Einstein died he became stupid.

    Well, yeah... like in Darwin Prize. ;-P

  7. \\I suppose when Albert Einstein died he became stupid.

    Not stupid. Just ordinary. Per se.

  8. Saw a documentary yesterday.

    By a chance. Just lazyly switching channels.

    Exactly about that topic I trying to rise here, frantikly. :-)

    About travels to another stars and all that.

    They say that self-replicated robots needed for that.
    So, I understand that my "bright ideas" may look boring.
    As that is common place. A buzzword, maybe, even.

    Though... being them "self-replicated" is not that important -- as ability to produce em cheaply and easily.
    I mean... without all that heavy weight industry we developed here on Earth.
    All that raw deposits excavators, furnaces, steel rolling and etc machinery.

    That is obviously not possible -- to base production of anything... on such techs... on the Moon or Mars.

    We cannot deliever it there.

    We cannot make it work there.

    We even cannot breath there. There's NO oxygen. :-))))

    Oh... I derailed myself. But... let it be. To entertain you (?)


    There was some Phillip from NASA showed.

    With his design of robot for exploration (an excavation)

    Razor? Riser? Raizer??? Dunno how it written.

    That same old design with wheels, bolts and nut.

    But well... he adopted 3D-printing... for making some parts of it. ;-P

    Well... many questions are interesting for me about that.
    Like, how'd you feel -- that that was not true that I saw that film? That there is such film? That there I found it to rise that topic again? (shy)

    Well. That info is pretty common place. Travels to other planets. Super-duper new techs. That is things that are around for a long time.

    Like from Jule Vern. Who cleverly and entertainingly depicted travel to the Moon.

    But it took a century and totally another Vern... er. To make it true.

    That is how it works.
    Concept of Primordia Soup. Information that already exist out there. For a long time.
    And only wait for a moment when puzzle will collect itself...

    That's why I devised a plan of how that my tech can be created, actually.
    I need to talk with many smart people. And explain to em my idea. And recollect it again and again, with using elements of input from them.
    To push it into reality.

    That's the plan. ;-P

  9. Engineers Building Hard-working Mining Robot - NASA › topics › features › RASSOR
    Dubbed RASSOR, for Regolith Advanced Surface Systems Operations Robot and pronounced "razor," the autonomous machine is far from space-ready ...

  10. I watched a few of the YouTube films. This one seemed closest to your building concept.

    And perhaps "replication" is the organic life form's chief advantage over other "resource intensive" mechanical/power forms. Tractors and other fossil-fuel discovery dependent aids didn't become a reality until the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries.

  11. How many billions of years worth of life forms did it take to establish a readily exploitable fuel base? Maybe the astronauts should take horses with them. ;)

  12. ""with an ecosystem of 3D printing robots arriving months ahead of any human explorers to construct a protective shield using a modular robotic swarm strategy.""

    Yep. That is pretty much common place. From the times of Norbert Weiner, I think. ;-P

    But all question is -- HOW???

    How to make it ALL as robust system, with all contradicting factors neatly working together?

    where to take raw materials? Take with yourself -- naah, that won't work.
    where to take energy from? nuclear reactor? And what to do when it'll be depleated? Bring another one?
    how to control all that mess? from Earth? send humans? :-))))))

    Wanna know how I see it?
    Raw Materials -- same as here on Earth, most ubiquotous and eas to use material -- carbon.
    And the way to extract it -- photosyntesys. As we know, atmosphere of Mars it's CO2, isn't it? ;-)

    See... material plus energy solved in one step.

    But... that is possible ONLY with a tech that is NOTHING like our contemporary ones.
    Hydride one, bio-liken one.

    And to control it -- we need to rethink it from the very base.
    And that would need some brains... well, after talks with Derpy here, I start feeling that there is no amount of brains here on Earth... :-(((

    "The smallest configuration will be a one-wheeled Scout Rover that uses ultrasonic scanning to analyze the Martian surface."

    That is clearly not my idea...

    Where is bio-likness here??? ;-)

    My idea -- that we need to learn to live in and utilize resources of space itself.
    Settling on the ground in a deep gravity well -- devioid of purpose -- achiles's ancle is need to drop down and then rise again of lots of matter.
    Quite stupid, from economical side. Unfeasable.
    All matter MUST be reused.
    And that mean -- NO (or very few) metals. Too heavy. Too not universal.

    For example.

    One of early my thoughts -- that instead of big bulky rockets -- delivery of mass to the orbit could be in relatively small packets. Launched from high in the air -- from aerostates for example -- two birds with one stone -- big surface collecting energy with solar elements -- to power a railgun -- to send like 1 kilo (10? 100?) to a low orbit -- where it would be caught and sent higher.

    Well... space lift -- one packet sent on the orbit and some other dropped doen -- exchanging energy in the process.

    Well... but that is idle mind thoughts, mostly. As there is no means to achieve it... for me alone. :-/

    \\And perhaps "replication" is the organic life form's chief advantage over other "resource intensive" mechanical/power forms.

    As Lem stated it -- because NO other way was possible.
    And... circumstances was favorable to it (we still have that environment in our cells -- solty full of elements waters of primirdial ocean)

    But for our uses and purposes -- it is not that important...

    \\Tractors and other fossil-fuel discovery dependent aids didn't become a reality until the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries.

    We can create it in a systematic way.
    Well, isn't that what NASA was doing... all the way?
    Or that is "old wisdom" already forgotten there?

    Like... there was no industries to create Apollo Mission...
    but it was created in a process.

    \\How many billions of years worth of life forms did it take to establish a readily exploitable fuel base?

    Most of it was dissipated in a swamps.

    Did you heared about bio-fuels?

    Photosyntetic bacterias ready to produce em... just with CO2 and light provided. ;-)

    \\Maybe the astronauts should take horses with them. ;)

    Does there really need to be astronaughts???

  13. I'd like to hope that with that I'm showing something to you, But, it's mostly for my own satisfaction.

    Humanum credendo est :-)

    So, I perfectly know that all that "starts from a blimp" is beyond being "castles in the sky" non-sence... with nowaday techs. ;-P
    And hardly you can criticize me more then my inner critic. ;-)

    Because I know (a little%) about problems of it.

    It need to be hydrogen, in that baloons. And hydrogen -- leaking.(helium too, am I right?)
    And well, it's impossible to make skin of that ballons thin and durable.
    And there is overhead of skeleton it all need to be stitched to.
    And that is... without starting to talk about solar panels and rail gun.
    Big, bulky, and in a price of a skyscreper... at best. :-))))))))))))))
    And robust and durable... like that toy baloon. Packed with needles.


    What if that skin would be of bio-like cells -- not only with sensory cells, to keep in check leaks.
    But also some self-repare cells.
    Some muscle cells.
    And of course -- why there cannot be solar-collecting cells?
    And that is attacked to a "body".Segmented structure that can as produce more baloons, as well as deflate and take-in or jettison unusabe.
    As well as collect energy and information from em and direct it to some other structures...


    But that is how biological enities do it.

    Go look at dandelion. Which sprouts through asphalt (well, probably, you do not have such things at your place -- cracked asphalt... but, there are, must be some dandelions still).

    With absolutely minimal involvment of ANY engineers.

    From some miserly seed. That still able to do that dropshot. Absorb needed from environment. Sprout a solar energy collector. Produce a many-store pole. Which able to withstand even tornado winds. While having a complex take-off platform on the top. Which then transforms into producer of more seeds.

    Go brag about... that NASA anytime soon to making anything like that. ;-)

  14. I do love how you think.. its' kinda steam-punk.

    But I don't work with the bio-sections at NASA so I haven't a clue what is possible in that area. And what little I do know of bio-fuels, its' all being done under the stupidity of a "green-energy" rubric, not with the goal of providing an off-world self-sustainable fuel base. Yes, maybe you just release a sample of these bacteria and organism into a Martian crater and then wait a hundred years. But I'm sure that the moment that you proposed it, some Earth based Environmental group would accuse you of polluting Mars' "pristine" natural environment and all future funding would disappear. I suppose if the new "Space Force" developed it, they would keep it classified so that the "greenies" never found out.

    No, there is little "intelligence" here on Earth.

  15. \\But I don't work with the bio-sections at NASA so I haven't a clue what is possible in that area.

    Not bio. Bio-like.

    AFAIK it's called - Bionics.

    How elements of how biological enitities built -- can be used in our human techs.

    That is like brather's Wright researched how bird's wings work... befor they have built their plane.

    \\And what little I do know of bio-fuels, its' all being done under the stupidity of a "green-energy" rubric, not with the goal of providing an off-world self-sustainable fuel base.

    Well... cutted wood are "green-energy" source too. ;-P

    \\Yes, maybe you just release a sample of these bacteria and organism into a Martian crater and then wait a hundred years.

    Surely... it would not work.

    And that is -- totally other discipline -- terra-forming.

    \\But I'm sure that the moment that you proposed it, some Earth based Environmental group would accuse you of polluting Mars' "pristine" natural environment and all future funding would disappear.


    \\No, there is little "intelligence" here on Earth.


  16. One of early my thoughts -- that instead of big bulky rockets -- delivery of mass to the orbit could be in relatively small packets. Launched from high in the air -- from aerostates for example -- two birds with one stone -- big surface collecting energy with solar elements -- to power a railgun -- to send like 1 kilo (10? 100?) to a low orbit -- where it would be caught and sent higher.

    Well... space lift -- one packet sent on the orbit and some other dropped doen -- exchanging energy in the process.

    Well... but that is idle mind thoughts, mostly. As there is no means to achieve it... for me alone. :-/

    That was a lot like the Pegasus/X-15 concept. Take a rocket up and drop it from a B-52. And railguns would be fine, except the package would have to survive some serious G-forces from launch. Not possible for living bio-forms. Space elevators are impractical... your destination would likely have to be orbiting at geo 22,000 miles above Earth to keep from falling out of orbit...

  17. Does there really need to be astronaughts???

    There's no public support for NASA w/o human space flight. Nobody in America gives 2 sh*ts about funding science welfare projects. It's "exploration" that excites/funds NASA.

  18. What if that skin would be of bio-like cells -- not only with sensory cells, to keep in check leaks.
    But also some self-repare cells.
    Some muscle cells.
    And of course -- why there cannot be solar-collecting cells?
    And that is attacked to a "body".Segmented structure that can as produce more baloons, as well as deflate and take-in or jettison unusabe.
    As well as collect energy and information from em and direct it to some other structures...


    But that is how biological enities do it.

    Do you remember the Babylon 5 series? Organic spaceships like the Vorlon had. That would be some interesting science.

  19. ...and yes, you'd have to build an entire industry for it from the ground up... starting with Earth-based commercial product applications.

  20. \\Do you remember the Babylon 5 series? Organic spaceships like the Vorlon had. That would be some interesting science.

    Technology. ;-)

    \\There's no public support for NASA w/o human space flight. Nobody in America gives 2 sh*ts about funding science welfare projects. It's "exploration" that excites/funds NASA.

    I mean astronauts as some cheap prols to do some manual work. ;-P

    As it was depicted in pretty much any scifi.

    ST, SW... or just mentioned by you B5. Or more recent ¨Expanse¨. :-))))))

    \\ except the package would have to survive some serious G-forces from launch.

    Do you know what amount of Gs withstand some fluffy things... especialy ones without bones in it. ;-)

    See... it matching. Non-bio-morph tech and products of that tech -- would have a big problem with such delievery.

    \\ Space elevators are impractical...

    In one step -- yes.

    Thatś why I said that it is bogus idea -- to rise us into space... just to drop on some other surface.

    But as a way to exchange matter with orbit... I see it as pretty much ONLY option.

    Either this, or totally forget about colonization of space.

    Elonś ¨spaceships¨... meh.

  21. \\Do you remember the Babylon 5 series? Organic spaceships like the Vorlon had. That would be some interesting science.
    /Technology. ;-)

    Po'tato, pota'to... ;)

    \\There's no public support for NASA w/o human space flight. Nobody in America gives 2 sh*ts about funding science welfare projects. It's "exploration" that excites/funds NASA.
    /I mean astronauts as some cheap prols to do some manual work. ;-P
    As it was depicted in pretty much any scifi.
    ST, SW... or just mentioned by you B5. Or more recent ¨Expanse¨. :-))))))

    Nobody would watch a movie like "Silent Running" if Bruce Dern hadn't been on board.

    \\ except the package would have to survive some serious G-forces from launch.
    /Do you know what amount of Gs withstand some fluffy things... especialy ones without bones in it. ;-)
    See... it matching. Non-bio-morph tech and products of that tech -- would have a big problem with such delievery.

    Railguns should be able to fire 6 rounds per minute with a rail life of about 3000 rounds, tolerating launch accelerations of tens of thousands of g's, extreme pressures and megaampere currents, but this is not feasible with current technology

    \\ Space elevators are impractical...
    /In one step -- yes.
    Thatś why I said that it is bogus idea -- to rise us into space... just to drop on some other surface.
    But as a way to exchange matter with orbit... I see it as pretty much ONLY option.
    Either this, or totally forget about colonization of space.
    Elonś ¨spaceships¨... meh.

    Elon isn't the only one with spaceships (think Virgin Galactic/ Blue Origin). Aerostats and Blimps are a waste of time. Yes, you need a "staging area" in order to piece together the elementss needed for a larger mission. And THAT is what the moon is for.

  22. \\\\/Technology. ;-)
    \\Po'tato, pota'to... ;)

    From afar everything can (be said) look similar.

    But mindset of scientists and technologists... quite different.

    Technologists -- seeking how to accomplish tasks.

    Scientists -- seeking answers to a questions.

    And... have you seen systems engineers among scientists? ;-)

    \\Railguns should be able to fire 6 rounds per minute with a rail life of about 3000 rounds

    That's... with our current techs.

    I bet that it can be workarounded... technologically.

    Like with longer tubes and more gentle speedup. Or etc.

    That is just a matter of brains applyed, tools and approaches awailable.

    \\Elon isn't the only one with spaceships (think Virgin Galactic/ Blue Origin).

    You know yourself -- that attempts is nothing, only victorious results.

    \\Aerostats and Blimps are a waste of time.

    With current techs, yes.

    \\Yes, you need a "staging area" in order to piece together the elementss needed for a larger mission. And THAT is what the moon is for.

    And on the moon you'd need robots.
    Robust. Universal. Self-producing. ;-)

    Bullet Summary:
    - "Invincible" is a song with aviation and radio communication imagery
    - The lyrics convey the idea of love being invincible
    - The song reflects on the uncertainty and chaos of the world, but emphasizes that love can conquer all
    - The lyrics also touch on the idea that individuals are part of something greater
    - The song encourages listeners to feel important and remember that their light is indivisible when they love.


    \\The landers... ...and now #2.

    Anyway... you'd need a plan what to do next. ;-)

  23. Do you know about tansegrity?

  24. How to Design and Understand Unusual Tensegrity Structures - Ansys › Blog
    Tensegrity, or tensile integrity, describes a system of isolated, compressed components within a network of chords that are under continuous ...

  25. That is a way biological systems built.

    Which allow em to be more cheap, robust and light.

    Because pretty much every element in our bodies for example perform not 1, but several tasks.

    Like bones -- not only struccural elements, but also deposits of calcium and even factories of making whit cells.

  26. Never heard of it before. I'm reading wikipedia now...

  27. I like example from ansys (AFAIR) CAD system.

    Of optimisation of ordinary structural elements to became more like biological. (leaving only that amount which are really important and doing job)

    3 to 10 times less materials used. With comparable or bigger sturdity.

    And that is with same materials and ways of production. And same designs.

    Again. Dandelion.

    Can give favor to Burge Khalifa even. ;-)

    In all possible respects.


    You know the coda already.

    All that nifty possibilities -- is just impossible with nowaday approaches and techs used.

  28. Yap.

    But that is all with nowaday techs. Or even with manual work.

    Not scailable, as you understand.

    And not technological.

    All that need systems engineering approach applyed.

    Means, not only constructor's work on designs.

    But also of technologists -- to make production lines.

    Marketologists -- to find marketing niches.

    Some scientists -- to collect data and produce some more advanced theories.

    Some industrialists -- to put it all in greater use.

    And etc.

  29. Well... as our biological life... here on the Earth, or Elsewhere...

    All as Lem said -- Evolution is much more capable Engineer... than we... yet?

  30. Many of her inventions become more fragile the higher they're scaled up. Mouse -> Dinosaur. Grasshopper -> Elephant

  31. \\Many of her inventions become more fragile...

    There'd be no Evolution otherwise...

    \\Like human "intelligence"..

    Well... definition?

    Practice Is the Criterion of Truth

  32. Strategies for Action that help an organism's offspring survive and reproduce. Human intelligence has devolved to become an idiocracy.

  33. Naah...

    it WAS idiocracy, most of the time. (go rewatch Braigel's paintings (or reread Swioft's texts) -- do you see much intelligence there? ;-))

    Only nowaday requrments rised to high.

    Well... Singularity.

    Or bottleneck... if you/Evolution wish.
