Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Medium IS the Message

Byung-Chul Han, "Non-things: Upheaval in the Lifeworld" (Pgs 23-25}
It is not we who use the smartphone; the smartphone uses us. The real actor is the smartphone. We are at the mercy of this digital informant, beneath the surface of which various actors steer and distract us.

The emancipatory aspects of the smartphone are not all there is to it. There is no fundamental difference between being reachable at all times and being enslaved. The smartphone is a mobile labour camp in which we voluntarily intern ourselves. The smartphone is also a pornophone: we voluntarily expose ourselves. The smartphone functions like a mobile confessional box. It is the continuation of the “sacral rule of the confessional box” on another form.

Every form of rule has its own devotional objects. The theologian Ernst Troeltsch speaks of “devotional objects that fascinate the imagination of the people.” These objects stabilize rule by making it habitual and anchoring it in the body. In German, devot also means submissive. Smartphones have established themselves as the devotional objects of the neoliberal regime. As apparatuses that serve the purpose of submission, they resemble the rosary, which is just as mobile and handy. The like is the digital amen. By clicking on the like button, we submit ourselves to the context of rule.

Platforms like Facebook or Google are our new feudal lords. We tirelessly work their land and produce the valuable data that they exploit. We feel free, although we are completely exploited and controlled. In a system that exploits freedom, there is no resistance. Once it coincides with freedom, rule becomes total….

The communist system that represses freedom differs fundamentally from the neoliberal surveillance capitalism that exploits freedom. We are too intoxicated by our digital drugs, by communication, to raise the voice of resistance and cry “No more!”…

The neoliberal regime is itself smart. Smart power does not operate through orders or prohibitions. It does not make us docile; it makes us dependent and addicted. Instead of breaking our wills, it serves our needs. It wants to be liked. It is permissive rather than repressive. It does not condemn us to silence. Rather, we are constantly asked to share our opinions, preferences, needs and desires – even to tell the stories of our lives. Smart power conceals its intention to rule by coming across as friendly, smart. The subject is not even aware of its submission. It believes that it is free. Capitalism culminates in the capitalism of the like. Because it is permissive, it need not fear resistance or revolution.


Meanwhile, is the "medium" censoring THIS post below this?:

from Reddit:
Oliver Anthony - A prediction for possible future Zizek reference regarding Marxist alienation.
So there's this song called "Rich Men North of Richmond" by Oliver Anthony, regular working class dude from Virginia and it has, not surprisingly, become popular among conservatives. What people like is the text, the song itself is rather simple in terms of melody and harmony. The text focuses on how he is working hard for bad pay and how the rich elite is keeping him down. Apart from some mentions of people on welfare and high taxes this song is marxist in its core. If this was sung on a street corner in a major European city in the 19th century it would be among socialist, workers party circles etc, where it would be popular. There's this sense of alienation of the value which is being produced by him as a worker. Why I connect this to Zizek is mainly because he has on numerous occasions expressed how the failure of the left today is in the "failing" of people like Oliver Anthony. I think that if Zizek somehow learned of this latest hype he would find it ironic how Marxist the song and the reactions to the song is. It is worth mentioning that the singer has not declared himself to any particular political leaning but instead claimed to be a centrist.
Without collapsing into tribalism, what do you honestly think about the way the reactions to this song say about the ignorance of the conservative movement in their, sometimes, overtly Marxist rhetoric?
Slavoj Zizek, "The authentic voice of protest – and its dark truth" (Google Translate)
Oliver Anthony's viral country song about the exploitation of the little man captivates with its immediacy and authenticity: a man, his guitar, his rage. However, Anthony's memorable lines conceal a dilemma that any resistance faces today. (rest behind paywall)

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