Monday, September 11, 2023

9/11 - The Event that Enabled America to Subvert the US Constitution and Destroy Itself from Within

Wow! 9/11 videos now violate YouTubes "terms of service". Sounds like a pretty lousy "service". One that lets members of a "politicized" National Security State dictate YouTube's own censorship policies and "community standards/ terms of service". Here's a replacement: Do you "kind of understand" why some of us Americans are not exactly "too concerned" about Russia right now, Q? Our own country has started to "become" more and more "like Russia" in that our so-called "representatives" and "bureaucrats/ civil servants" no longer feel "constrained" by the words and precendents established by the spirit/ preamble of the U.S. Constitution. Our privacy and rights are under attack by a "palliative" national security state". And no, "Russia" is/ was not a disease that posed a near-term or imminent threat to the health or welfare of the citizenry of the USA. It's attack upon Russia (thru Ukraine) only serves the long-term ambitions of the American and NATO Allied oligarchies.


  1. \\Our own country has started to "become" more and more "like Russia" in that our so-called "representatives" and "bureaucrats/ civil servants" no longer feel "constrained" by the words and precendents established by the spirit/ preamble of the U.S. Constitution.

    Oh... but isn't that is natural... when fighting with someone -- becaming LIKE that someone?

    That way, or another.

  2. And minwhile...

    what a travesty -- liliPut greeting Un, while trying to suck up to it. :-)))))))))))))))

  3. If Putin wants N. Korea to do something, he needs to have Xi (China) on-board or NOTHING will happen. N. Korea is a China proxy, much like Ukraine is a US proxy.

  4. He... it, already want what it want -- posterity before its internal public.

  5. I'm sure that any capable assassin can grant him that.

  6. One in among his own guard?

    Sure. ;-P

  7. That is what liliPut preparing for you.

    With that millions of refugies... you West so kindly allowed to come to you.

    Because they said they are "anti-Putin" and want your freedom.

    How many of them are KGB/FSB agents?

    Or just subcepted to be one through intimate strings of their wretched souls being pulled?

    As it happend with "muslim terrorism".

    And ALSO... there is millions and millions of putin's-youth... whose being brainwashed in school -- through drastic change in teaching program.
    To became soldiers. Or terrorists. "Secret agants".

    While being White Caucasians, indewstinguishable from your core population. Knowing English and Ams culture. Ready to work for Chinese too.

    Your services... will have a lot of work... soon.
    And they will not make it. Too half-assed. (given with that Snowden and Teisheira examples)

  8. That's what I like about you Q, you're ever the optimist! ;)

  9. Optimist its (dis?)informed pessimist? ;-P

  10. New documentary.

    From Sean Penn. "Superpower"

    Factually correct... but too scattered -- well, that's not surprise, if one tryes to explain so complex events in just hour and a half...

    Without boring people out. :-)))

  11. Sean Penn represents the CAA, a CIA cutout. Why would I want to watch CIA propaganda?

  12. "Know your enemy"(c) Sun Tzu?

  13. Hey, they make some great propaganda. But it's only produced to make themselves look bigger than they really are.

  14. Do you know about Drake's equation (about probability of E.T. in Universe)

    That same your CIA boggling their minds with... well, if they have brains.

    It's like... would Hitler press Big Red Button, if he'd have one? Especially when in his last days, in bunker?
    Seems like it obvious -- sure thing.
    So, the more one certain liliput will feel itself pressed to a brink, the more sure it will do.
    That is the reason your DC "those, who know better" fear "escalation".

    But, that liliput KNOW it too... and trying to EXPLOIT that fear...

    So -- waiting for too long -- and that probability will go to be closer and closer to 1.


    Next probability in a chain is probqability of when that button be pressed -- all other system will work smoothly.
    And that is based on people in that system understanding what they do.
    And don't wanting.
    But... with time and radicalization growing, they will grow being fanatiks.
    Means... that probability ALSO going closer and closer to 1. With time.


    Next probability -- is their that system ABLE to work???
    Not rusted. Not glitching.
    But, that ALSO grows with time.

    Well... there is more important probabilit, that direct nukelar exchange M.A.D.-style

    And that is -- nukelarr terarism (you know why I mangling words, isn't it? ;-))

    But that all, is old and boring. And unrelevant.

    MOST IMPORTANT observation is.

    That TODAY it is NOTHING like Old Good Cold War times.

    And You Know Why?

    Because there is MANY perpetrators with

    That mean -- old good idea -- if there some rocket launched -- it's THEM!

    Do not work ANY MORE.

    And cunning strategy -- to launch false flag attack, so TWO most eager would destroy themself...

    and you know TO WHOM it would be benefitial, isn't it?

    That is Three Body Problem. Not TWO. ;-P

  15. 1st off, it's NUKE-U-LAR ... ;) (my kids used to laugh when I said it)

    and second. The North Star (Polaris) is also a three body problem.

    btw - Anyway you think that China (or anybody else) would survive a US/Russia all-out nuclear exchange?

  16. That is not that question.

    Real question -- and how WE can be sure... that they NOT think that way.(though we know that Mao have told em EXACTLY THAT)

    While it looks VERY benefitial.

    They'd become FIRST and foremost power in a jiffy.

    And will have a good face -- on such a background.

    And all riches of the world to their use.


    But they defended from that with wastness of space -- look at the map.


    I dunno... did Bi-den said to Xi properly -- that he sees Rush'A as his proxy.

    And IF nookes from there will fly onto you -- retaliation will fly into mainland china TOO.

    How do you think? Have Bi-den enough balls for that? To mitigate such an apparent winning strategy?

  17. Biden has no balls. The Pentagon will advise, and Biden will demure. Hardkills are their "speciality".

  18. Bi-den is Chamberlain of nowadays... it seems.

  19. Just remember, the LAST war we ever "won" was WWII. Everything after has been either a stalemate, or more recently, a "loss". America doesn't win wars. It kicks cans down the road.

  20. That's why you are waiting for "god's sign"?

    Like Pearl Harbor. Or 9/11.

  21. Biden loses support for Ukraine daily. Enjoy it while you can. Things will not be getting "better" in Ukraine. The high water mark is ebbing ever more quickly.

    Don't worry. There will be plenty of UN refugee camps in Poland and an unending stream of welfare money for refugee's. You'll be the new Palestinians.

  22. Hah.

    You still do not want to believe that liliPut will go further. It seems.


    That is inevitability.

    He... it'll be FORCED to do that.


    Because of own marasmatic ideological stance (remember? it declared ultimatively -- for NATO to disband).


    Most important now. Economy of Rush'A starts falling apart.

    Do you know -- they have lack of benzine now. Country which pumping oil!!!


    To "fix" for this deficiencies it will NEED to continue this war.

    And... you remember, China.

    Thay WILL USE this success of liliPut, as precedent for own conquest -- conquest, which Xi ALREADY declared too.


    Loss of Ukraine -- will be loss of ALL World.

    As it was with loss of Poland in 1939.

    Do you remember what happened next?

    Well. Europe. Remembers it very well.

  23. Ah, the German-Soviet Pact. So when the US-Russian Pact is signed and Ukraine divided, who's going to bail Ukraine out? China?

  24. Europe's gonna have to bail itself out. And if they want you to be a part of it, they'll have to "step-up" and let you know. Right now, Germany's buying Russian gas again. Jes' Sayin'.

  25. \\Ah, the German-Soviet Pact. So when the US-Russian Pact is signed and Ukraine divided, who's going to bail Ukraine out? China?

    You really think that way?

    Or just as usual trying to concoct something to shake me off the ground? :-)))))

    \\Europe's gonna have to bail itself out. And if they want you to be a part of it, they'll have to "step-up" and let you know. Right now, Germany's buying Russian gas again. Jes' Sayin'.

    USA was sending ships to Nazi Germany... well, until their U-boats started suncking that ships... so what?

    PS First rule of trolling. ;-)
    Naaah... I will not be teaching you that. ;-P

  26. First rule of dialectic. "Give them the torpedoes "shock"." (Plato, "Meno")

    from the Jowett introduction:
    Meno complains that the conversation of Socrates has the effect of a torpedo's shock upon him. When he talks with other persons he has plenty to say about virtue; in the presence of Socrates, his thoughts desert him. Socrates replies that he is only the cause of perplexity in others, because he is himself perplexed. He proposes to continue the enquiry. But how, asks Meno, can he enquire either into what he knows or into what he does not know? This is a sophistical puzzle, which, as Socrates remarks, saves a great deal of trouble to him who accepts it. But the puzzle has a real difficulty latent under it, to which Socrates will endeavour to find a reply. The difficulty is the origin of knowledge:—

    He has heard from priests and priestesses, and from the poet Pindar, of an immortal soul which is born again and again in successive periods of existence, returning into this world when she has paid the penalty of ancient crime, and, having wandered over all places of the upper and under world, and seen and known all things at one time or other, is by association out of one thing capable of recovering all. For nature is of one kindred; and every soul has a seed or germ which may be developed into all knowledge. The existence of this latent knowledge is further proved by the interrogation of one of Meno's slaves, who, in the skilful hands of Socrates, is made to acknowledge some elementary relations of geometrical figures. The theorem that the square of the diagonal is double the square of the side—that famous discovery of primitive mathematics, in honour of which the legendary Pythagoras is said to have sacrificed a hecatomb—is elicited from him. The first step in the process of teaching has made him conscious of his own ignorance. He has had the 'torpedo's shock' given him, and is the better for the operation. But whence had the uneducated man this knowledge? He had never learnt geometry in this world; nor was it born with him; he must therefore have had it when he was not a man. And as he always either was or was not a man, he must have always had it. (Compare Phaedo.)

  27. \\First rule of dialectic.

    This one?

    ""At the same time the development is realized according to three basic dialectical laws: 1) the qualitative and quantitative changes mutual transition law; 2) the oppositions unity and conflict law; 3) the negation of negation law.""

    Sorry to say... but I see it only as stupendious bullshit.

    An have my strong reasons.

    Means... it is counter-productive to use it as an argument in my withinity. ;-)


    This is good parable.

    But question behind it -- is math a discovery or completely man-made?

    Is not new, and I have my answer to it -- math formalisms they are homological(this way or another) to Reality, and as such have nothing "artifical" in it.

    e.g. abacus.

  28. 90% of everything... is crap. (c)

    But well... what is crap for ones, for others... it's fertilizer! ;-)

  29. The mother of idiots is always prgnant! - Italian proverb.

  30. Are lemmings idiots? Or just shark's food? ;-)

    Biosphere!!! What is shit for ones, is a food for another. ;-P
