Friday, September 22, 2023

Incompetent Core Competencies (Reprised video)

Selected excerpts from video above 

If there wasn't multi-scale competency (frog's mouth off to one side instead if in front) the organism would be dead. Your Fitness is zero because you can't eat and you would never get to explore the other beneficial consequences of that mutation. You'd have to wait until you find some other way of doing it without moving them out. That's really hard. So the fitness landscape would be incredibly rugged. Evolution would take forever. 
The reason it works so well is because, no worries, the mouth will find its way to where it belongs. Right. So now you get to explore what that means is that all these mutations that otherwise would be deleterious are now neutral. Because the competency of the parts make up for all kinds of things. So all the noise of development, all the variability in the environment, all these things the competencies do, the parts makes up for it, So that's all fantastic right? That's all great! 
The only other thing to remember when we compare this to human efforts is that every component has its' own goals in various spaces, usually with very little regard for the welfare of the other levels. So as a simple example, you, as a complex system, will go out and you will do Jiu Jitsu or whatever. You'll have some call to go rock climbing and scrape a bunch of cells off your hands. And then you're happy, as a system, right? You come back and you've accomplished some goals, and you're really happy. Those cells are dead. They're gone. Right? Did you think about those cells? Not really, right? You had some bruising out, you selfish SOB, that's it. And so the thing to remember is that you know, and we know, this from history, is that just being a collective isn't enough. Because what the goals of that Collective will be relative to the welfare of the individual Parts is a massively open question. 
Ends justify the means? 
I'm telling you that Stalin was on to something, So that's the danger. But we can exactly know that's the danger for us humans? We have to construct ethical systems under which we don't take seriously the full mechanism of biology, and apply it to the way the world functions. Which is an interesting line we've drawn. The world that built us is the one we reject, in some sense, when we construct human societies. The idea that this country was founded on, that all men are created equal, that's such a fascinating idea. It's like you're fighting against nature and you're saying, "Well, there's something bigger here than a hierarchical competency architecture. yeah

Yeah, especially when the higher levels (government) think that they're SO SMART that they intrude upon and invade the core (economic) competencies of the lower levels, the citizens, and destroy their very means of survival and making a living.  That sounds very much like the road to evolutionary extinction, a REAL DEAD END. 


Rating Societal Competencies - Government:


  1. \\The idea that this country was founded on, that all men are created equal, that's such a fascinating idea. It's like you're fighting against nature and you're saying,

    That is exactly the truth. Well, approximation to it.

    That is PREVIOUS "ethical system" -- christianity and monarchy was based on some pipe dreams.

    And because of this -- failed.

    The more closer you to the truth of the World -- the more successfull you are. ;-P

    That is what "fitness" mean.

  2. ...and all this time I thought it meant "six-pack abs". ;(

  3. \\FITNESS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › fitness
    the quality of being suitable for someone or something: No one questioned her fitness for the job.

    \\Fitness - definition of fitness by The Free Dictionary › fitness
    fitness · 1. the state of being fit · 2. (Biology) biology. a. the degree of adaptation of an organism to its environment, determined by its genetic constitution.

    It's not mine... it's your lang. :-\

  4. In that case, having "too much intelligence" is detrimental. Over-Intelligence leans towards "artifice".

  5. \\In that case, having "too much intelligence" is detrimental. Over-Intelligence leans towards "artifice".

    Oh... you are one who know definition of inteligence?

    Please, tell... very interesting. ;-)

  6. That Bitter, Lying Loser Hillary Clinton is out there again attacking Donald Trump about her LYING, Idiotic Russia Collusion Hoax . That Old Coot, never gives up.
    Hillary needs to be deported to Libya, or some other shit- Hole. And she needs to be made to to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false MADE-UP Russia Hoax, and all the investigations that were wasted on her lies. . Even Comey testified that there weren’t even a single vote that was were switched to Trump because of any Russian meddling.

  7. Cells solve problems in physiological, metabolic, and gene expression (transcriptional) spaces.

    Tissues solve those problems during embryogenesis or regeneration + problems in anatomical space. etc.

    Intelligence in each architecture level must be goal directed/ have multiple paths to solve problems or undertake actions not completely determined by local circumstances.

    We solve problems in 3D space, they solve in the other three (physiological/metabolic/gene expression/ etc. spaces)

    If the collective-intelligence has the knowledge, but not the means, cause, will, and/or strength to use it or communicate it to another intelligence that does and would be "willing" to help it solve its' problem, then it's excessively (too) smart because it can't solve the immediate problem and will die.

  8. It also likely becomes bored "shaping its space" and would seek to "alter its' space" (from will to power) through "falsification"... artifice... searching for new solutions. Deception and/or invention through Trial and error. It becomes "Hamlet" (Act IV sc iv)

    How all occasions do inform against me
    And spur my dull revenge. What is a man
    If his chief good and market of his time
    Be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more.
    Sure He that made us with such large discourse,
    Looking before and after, gave us not
    That capability and godlike reason
    To fust in us unused. Now whether it be
    Bestial oblivion or some craven scruple
    Of thinking too precisely on th’ event
    (A thought which, quartered, hath but one part
    And ever three parts coward), I do not know
    Why yet I live to say “This thing’s to do,”
    Sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means
    To do ’t. Examples gross as Earth exhort me:
    Witness this army of such mass and charge,
    Led by a delicate and tender prince,
    Whose spirit with divine ambition puffed
    Makes mouths at the invisible event,
    Exposing what is mortal and unsure
    To all that fortune, death, and danger dare,
    Even for an eggshell. Rightly to be great
    Is not to stir without great argument,
    But greatly to find quarrel in a straw
    When honor’s at the stake. How stand I, then,
    That have a father killed, a mother stained,
    Excitements of my reason and my blood,
    And let all sleep, while to my shame I see
    The imminent death of twenty thousand men
    That for a fantasy and trick of fame
    Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot
    Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause,
    Which is not tomb enough and continent
    To hide the slain? O, from this time forth
    My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth!

  9. Either that, or if the environment it was in was sufficiently "bountiful", it would choose to reproduce.

    The "Lucy" effect.

  10. ...only she HAD the ability to "solve the problem" and so "evolved".

  11. Les Carpenter said...

    "The more intelligent question is... why the hell are you suppirting a rapist ans insurrectionist?"

    Or the More important question as far as I am concerned is... Why are YOU "SUPPIRTING" a stupid childish, Obsessed Moronic Progressive Blog author.???

  12. ...instead of becoming a slave to the "new collective" (Type 1 civilization).

  13. I'll tell you what intelligence ISN'T. It's not the collective intelligence that enlists, and then requires, 2nd order observation. For it is far too "artful" (corrupted Academia and Science "systems" as true:untrue arbiters) to compete with biological evolutionary realities. They're FAR TOO Fragile.

  14. \\Cells solve problems in physiological, metabolic, and gene expression (transcriptional) spaces.

    It's quite creative redefinition of "solve problems". ;-)

    \\Intelligence in each architecture level must be goal directed/ have multiple paths to solve problems or undertake actions not completely determined by local circumstances.

    Who knows?

    That is problem -- that cannot be solved, from inside of our brains.

    Have you read Lem's professor Korkoran? ;-)

    \\It also likely becomes bored "shaping its space" and would seek to "alter its' space" (from will to power)

    "Knowledge itself -- it's power!"(c)

    Means will to power it's will to knowledge, isn't it? ;-)

    \\Evolved into an UberMensch.

    And your definition of it... is?

    \\I'll tell you what intelligence ISN'T.

    Oh... what a big news... not. :-)

  15. "solve problems"

    learn to prosper?

    Have you read Lem's professor Korkoran? ;-)

    I'll have to look for it.

    \\Evolved into an UberMensch.

    That which is over man.

  16. Lem's mad scientists include professors Corcoran, who created several artificial universes in isolated lockers;

    A fictional review of a non-existing book Non Serviam supposedly written by Professor James Dobb, discuses Dobb's ideas about "personetics", the simulated creation of intelligent beings ("personoids") inside a computer, a development of professor Corcoran's ideas.[10]

    An encounter of Tichy with professor Corcoran was made into a TV show Przypadek Ijona Tichego (1999) by Lech Raczak

    Stanislaw Lem's professor Corcoran (met by Ijon Tichy during his interstellar travels, first published by Lem in 1961[1]) simulated conscious agents (personoids) to actually test the viability of the "simulation hypothesis" of the reality, i.e., the idea of solipsism.[2}

    Curiously enough, nobody has yet (in Poland) analysed Lem's works by psychoanalytical methods. His whole opus is opposed to isolation—and to open space (and how profound this sounds in depth analysis!). I know of no work with a more marked claustrophobia, and so permeated by the suspicion that the apparently limitless universe surrounding us is in reality a huge, misleading stage backdrop designed to fit our cognitive faculties, while the essence of things is hidden away somewhere else, behind the stage. One of the most significant and often repeated motifs in Lem's work is the situation of an individual or a group of individuals, or even a whole society, imprisoned in the artificial space of a computer. It starts with the possibility to give an "exact description of the atomic structure" of human beings—this problem is raised in Dialogues and realized in The Star Diaries. If it should be possible to copy a human being, why should it not then be possible to imitate his consciousness in a machine—as in "The Hammer ,"17 "Doctor Diagoras, "18 or "From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy II."19 One step farther in this direction, and it is possible to create whole worlds by mathematical methods: the personalities of human beings are programmed, their consciousness is filled with the pictures of a world not existing in reality, and these artificial beings are allowed to develop spontaneously. Thus we get the "boxes" of Professor Corcoran in "From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy I"20 or the "personetic" experiments of Professor Dobb in "Non Serviam."21

  17. Well, Lem may say now, we know that there is nothing in a machine aside from some currents, but he who has become a person in these currents is not aware of it: he thinks he is a human being, sees other human beings, landscapes, etc. And, what is most important, there is no practical way he could test empirically the nature of his existence. For him, the creator of the boxes is a god. Our own confidence and our cognitive optimism are snuffed out when we take a deeper look at our own situation: for who could claim "irrefutably" that he himself is not in such a box? Corcoran horrifies us with a vision of the world as a hierarchy of boxes—a modern version of Berkeley's dilemma. Of course, Berkeley had his benevolent god "who wouldn't deceive him." In Summa Technologiae Lem mockingly proposes a robot god as well as artificial transcendence and artificial immortality.

  18. \\\\Evolved into an UberMensch.

    \\That which is over man.


    Damn too many things that are "over" man.

    So... big as an elephant? would it be that Over?

    Or having as much smelling sensor as a dog? Would it be?


    \\Lem's mad scientists include professors Corcoran, who created several artificial universes in isolated lockers;

    See... that is wonder of communication.

    HOW this one was reading that text???

    There was ONLY ONE such world... by all evidances given in text.


    \\Stanislaw Lem's professor Corcoran (met by Ijon Tichy during his interstellar travels, first published by Lem in 1961[1]) simulated conscious agents (personoids) to actually test the viability of the "simulation hypothesis" of the reality, i.e., the idea of solipsism.[2}


    That's correct summary.


    \\\Curiously enough, nobody has yet (in Poland) analysed Lem's works by psychoanalytical methods. His whole opus is opposed to isolation—and to open space (and how profound this sounds in depth analysis!).

    What a bullshit. :-)))

    \\ One of the most significant and often repeated motifs in Lem's work is the situation of an individual or a group of individuals, or even a whole society, imprisoned in the artificial space of a computer.

    WAT??? :-)))))

    \\One step farther in this direction, and it is possible to create whole worlds by mathematical methods: the personalities of human beings are programmed, their consciousness is filled with the pictures of a world not existing in reality, and these artificial beings are allowed to develop spontaneously.


    As what we have now as VR Virtual Reality worlds of games and etc...

    \\Of course, Berkeley had his benevolent god "who wouldn't deceive him."

    But... he could not be able to explain to us The Truth. ;-P

    Like we, would have a big problem trying to explain to a child... QM for example. ;-)

    \\In Summa Technologiae Lem mockingly proposes a robot god as well as artificial transcendence and artificial immortality.

    Ehm??? Mockingly?

    PS Still. Here is no YOUR reaction to it. ;-)

  19. Good piece.ław_Lem

  20. \\That which is over man.
    /Damn too many things that are "over" man.
    So... big as an elephant? would it be that Over?
    Or having as much smelling sensor as a dog? Would it be?

    That which "governs" man? "Directs him? "Influences" him? Like a ruler, or even a bureaucracy, social system, culture, or economic system (ie - capitalism).

    \Lem's mad scientists include professors Corcoran, who created several artificial universes in isolated lockers;
    /See... that is wonder of communication.
    PS Still. Here is no YOUR reaction to it. ;-)

    I take you to mean something like "the Architect" or "the Analyst" in the "Matrix"? ...or?

  21. \\That which "governs" man? "Directs him? "Influences" him? Like a ruler, or even a bureaucracy, social system, culture, or economic system (ie - capitalism).

    Do as Lem -- look in the root of it -- and from where is that need -- to be governed?

    Like children -- they need to be "governed", why? (like in NeverLand(like, in that movie with Williams) they look quite capable of self-governing ;-))

    \\I take you to mean something like "the Architect" or "the Analyst" in the "Matrix"?

    Is it?

    Have you read that text?

    "Tichy, you're my man. You have an open mind. I may be wrong, but I'm willing to take a chance. Come see me." And he handed me his card. "Call first: I don't open the door to anyone. But it's up to you..."

    That was all I could blurt out before he cut me off:

    "Don't be an ass, Tichy. You're made of atoms, aren't you? Do you feel your atoms?"


    "Those atoms form molecules, proteins. Do you feel your proteins?"


    "Every second of the night and day, cosmic rays pass through your body. Do you feel that?"


    Corcoran measured me with piercing eyes. For a long while he did not answer.

    "Yes," he said at last, "I'm glad I brought you here, Tichy. All the idiots I've shown this to ended
    by railing against my cruelty... What do you mean by your question?"

    "You only supply them with raw material," I said, "in the form of those impulses, just as the world
    supplies us. When I stand and gaze at the stars, what I feel and what I think belong to me alone, not to
    the world. With them" — I pointed to the rows of boxes — "it is the same."

    "That's hue," the professor said dryly. He hunched over and seemed to become smaller. "But now that you've said it, you've spared me long arguments, for I suppose you understand by now why I created them?"

    "Yes," he replied. "And now you know as much as I do, and further conversation is pointless.
    Thank you for coming, and good-bye."

    Well... it was not that easy to groke the wisdom of that last remark too...

    \\ ...or?

    To that last my summarizer -- said:
    "The quotes are from various characters and episodes throughout the show's long history, making it difficult to summarize the text as a whole."


    Remarkable, isn't it? ;-P
