Saturday, September 16, 2023

Proof Political Animals Have NO Sense of Humour...

 On April Fools Day in 2011, I posted the following post here.  In March of 2023, some idiot flagged it to Blogger, and I received the following e-mail:


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  1. And you was not banned indefinitely and without any explanation?

    Good for you.

    Or that is courtesy your Digital Bureaucracy showing for Ams only?

  2. Probably the latter. They haven't assumed "complete control" yet. The Republicans hold the House.

  3. Isn't MS is republican asset? ;-)

  4. You trying to say that you dunno what it mean?

    Follower of cult of Apples? ;-)

  5. Microsoft? Republican? Bill Gates Inc?

    Bill Gates is a Gatesian corporatist. He's the UniParty (D)'s and Neocon (R)s.

  6. Created cannot be smarter than Creator, isn't it? ;-)

  7. Indeed. NeoLiberal corporate Globalism is Bill Gate's ultimate Creator.

  8. Does he make money by exploited workers? No. He makes his money collecting perpetual rent on a product that costs nothing to maintain. He pays workers.... nothing. It's an economic money pump that ensures he will eventually own... EVRRYTHING. Which is the false promise of the WEF. "You will own nothing, and be happy!"

  9. "This" is the system that Ukrainians are "dying to join". :(

  10. And North Korean florishing?

    Or maybe it was Cambogians under Red Khmers?

    Or that same chinese under Mao?

    Or maybe millions died in "Great Experiment" in Rush'A/USSR???

    Well... they long as dead, and cannot say their word.

    So... "this" system -- it allows to live for enough time to whine about its deficeincies... for the very least. ;-)

    And that is MUCH MORE then any other systems BEFORE...

  11. That's not true. There was a time in the late 1700's and early 1800's (before the railroad) in America when some 'Wise Men of Gotham' could thrive.

  12. \\There was a time in the late 1700's and early 1800's (before the railroad) in America...

    Not all posess such a wonder as your continent.

    Wast plains, rich mountains, deep rivers and lakes like seas.

    Whole TWO ocean coasts!

    Look at the map -- you are living in a Promiced Land.

    Of course you'd be thriving...

  13. ...until the "robber barons" came along. It went downhill from there. We started needing "trust busters".

  14. There are no "trust busters" today. Only "trust builders".

  15. ...and the BIGGEST trust in the world is the US Government.

  16. ...who no longer keep their "trust" with the American people. They now keep their trust with the demi-trusts.

  17. There are only 8 independent thinkers in the entire US House of Representatives. Yesterday, they ousted the Speaker of the House.

  18. Even my own Representative sided with the corporate mob.

  19. ...only 8 see the direction that the country needs to move in.

  20. And I'm glad that is not of my business. ;-P

  21. Having TWO Russia's to deal with isn't your business? Who knew?

  22. See. Israel have it's wake up call, already.

  23. wwiii is here, want you... or not.

    but you, USA have had all power and all chances to prevent it.

    and it will be scribed-in in annals of history as such.

    and your bamas,rumps and dens will be condemned as Collective Chamberlain.

    And let's hope that some Churchil are among you too... not a big hope, given with track record of Mr.Chu... nobody of your nowaday "they, who know better" have.

  24. that... if there'd be someone... anyone, to condemn... :-((((
