“They saw their injured country's woe;
The flaming town, the wasted field;
Then rushed to meet the insulting foe;
They took the spear, - but left the shield.”
―Philip Freneau
Friday, October 27, 2023
So why isn't the US sending millions of drones to swarm Ukraine?
Me neither, but one of my regular posters, Q, is from Ukraine (or Poland?). I've tried convincing him that he was going to get abandoned like an Afghani, but he doesn't believe me...
I've heard tell (Col MacGregor) that we've entered the "Biden" phase of the war... Ukraine no longer has the ability to engage in close-in warfare, and so must seek to use ever "longer range" weapons. The longer the range, the greater the likelihood of WWIII starting, hence he uses the term "Biden Phase". At some point, Russia will then be forced ever deeper "into Ukraine" to counter them. With no peace talks, this won't end well for Ukraine.
Look, if America's official foreign policy were stated and was to conquer the world, I'd get aboard. But since they refuse to state their official policy, as they did in George Kennan's long telegram, they can go 'f themselves.
You can, but you don't. Back when I believed that our elites had the best interest of the American people in mind, I was very supportive of them, I suppose that if I thought they had my interest at heart, I'd still be doing so. Believe me when I say that the support they're giving Ukraine is NOT is Ukraine's "best interest". It lies in their own SELF-interest. And they will soon be robbing you to pay their expenses for their continued self-interest.
I suppose I just need to give up on my attempts to reconstitute my father trapped in the belly of the whale from fragments of the best fathers I've met and know who weren't so trapped. :P
I know very few of what you deem as Common Knowledge.
And even less I have connections to concider importance of anything you deem as very important politically.
So... yeah. I could pretend having this or that opinion -- what Derpy tryed to force me to do.
But... what for???
Especially, as because of stated above reasons I have no enough knack to fake it.
And well... what for,again?
\\Back when I believed that our elites had the best interest of the American people in mind, I was very supportive of them, I suppose that if I thought they had my interest at heart, I'd still be doing so. Believe me when I say that the support they're giving Ukraine is NOT is Ukraine's "best interest". It lies in their own SELF-interest. And they will soon be robbing you to pay their expenses for their continued self-interest.
And I'll say it again -- you DUNNO history of Ukraine.
Well. O.K. You are stubborn enough to not get aquitant with it even through YouTube flick "History of ...(country you choose) in 5 minutes".
So I forced to share with you at least that tidbit of it, I refering to.
History of Ukraine is nearly ALL consist of tryes to rely on unsteady, unfaithful, with own interests "allies".
So... you trying to scary drunkard with one more pint of booz here. ;-P
\\I suppose I just need to give up on my attempts to reconstitute my father trapped in the belly of the whale from fragments of the best fathers I've met and know who weren't so trapped. :P
CAN OF WORMS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary › can-of-... a situation that causes a lot of problems for you when you start to deal with it: Corruption is a serious problem, but nobody has yet been ...
And as they say -- there ONLY one possibility to deal with it -- place that can and that worms in much bigger can/case/box. To seal em em there.
And to do that... I add, one need new tech.
PS Well... if you'd allow me such frankness... you seems like have a problem with meta-thinking. Which is important for understanding phylosophy.
Ability to ask oneself question -- and WHY I thinking what I thinking?
Like in this political case -- your government should be asking themself -- and why that country, that never was very interested in us, as well as we in it... suddenly came to us and even demand some help from us???
Then... you/your government, maybe could start phatome that some tectonical changes happened in the World.
But naaah... they started to show some suspicion... only now.
\\Man is a rational animal, as Aristotle put it. Not that he is always rational, but that he is capable of reason. Reason, trained, leads to happiness. Orwell wasn’t the first person to observe that this didn’t always work in practice.
Ignorance it's bliss. As in our chidhood.
Reason - it's uncertainity... well, if you have not good phylosophy under your belt to guide you. ;-P
\\We attribute importance to facts which back our preferred theory and dismiss as unimportant those which do not.
And that is - rational behavior. Useful euristic.
As we are very limited in our ability to draw conclusions. And variety of facts -- is just immence.
So... we adopted that eiristic, since our grand-grand-fathers jumped off the tree brunches, and started walking straight.
NO, much earlier... our mammal predecessors. Or even earlier.
\\defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.
That's... just contradiction in terms.
Or what? You, the same as Derpy think that all people in the world have and use term "nationalism" THE SAME as you?
Even if that is their OWN native tongue.
\\So long as it is applied merely to the more notorious and identifiable nationalist movements in Germany, Japan, and other countries, all this is obvious enough.
Like in this place. Intermixing Germany and Japan.
Total lack of knowing of History... well, forgivable -- given with who and in which time saying that.
Japan was obvious impialism. They was empire. That tryed to re-tool itself to modern times.
There was NO bitter nation against nation struggles as it was in Europe. So, there was NO and not even possible for Japanese to become "nationalistic". Against whom???
Koreans and Chinese -- whom they deemed as lowlife? And conquired so damn easily?
Naaah. That is Gernmans -- in their bitter fight against other peers -- Europeans. Ones they was nearly wiping out ALL of the TIMES... History, again.
But then, suddenly, LOST... in a bitter fight of WW1.
And it was looking DAMN unfair. Just by a whim of a moment (like involvment of USA, or reassurgents of Commies)
Which created rich soil for all what Orwel colorfully depicted...
\\that I am only using the word ‘nationalism’ for lack of a better. Nationalism, in the extended sense in which I am using the word, includes such movements and tendencies as Communism, political Catholicism, Zionism, Antisemitism, Trotskyism and Pacifism.
That's it!
\\It is also worth emphasising once again that nationalist feeling can be purely negative. There are, for example, Trotskyists who have become simply enemies of the U.S.S.R. without developing a corresponding loyalty to any other unit.
\\Which of the three great allies, the U.S.S.R., Britain and the USA, has contributed most
And who are one to talk about "nationalism" here? ;-P
\\facts but for the stimulation of nationalistic loyalties(3). And aesthetic judgements, especially literary judgements, are often corrupted in the same way as political ones. It would be difficult for an Indian Nationalist to enjoy reading Kipling or for a Conservative to see merit in Mayakovsky, and there is always a temptation to claim that any book whose tendency one disagrees with must be a bad book from a literary point of view. People of strongly nationalistic outlook often perform this sleight of hand without being conscious of dishonesty.
\\now seem to be reviving among a minority. Among the intelligentsia, it hardly needs saying that the dominant form of nationalism is Communism — using this word in a very loose sense, to include not merely Communist Party members, but ‘fellow travellers’ and russophiles generally. A Communist, for my purpose here, is one who looks upon the U.S.S.R. as his Fatherland and feels it his duty t justify Russian policy and advance Russian interests at all costs. Obviously such people abound in England today, and their
Very to the point and so fresh even for today. ;-)
You're too polite/ well mannered. But I do "occassionally" value an alternate perspective...a transcendent "outsider" perspective rather than an insider baseball, Dervy type -emergent one.
/History of Ukraine is nearly ALL consist of tryes to rely on unsteady, unfaithful, with own interests "allies".
We'll you won't be soon disappointed that way, I suspect. :(
So as American aviators like to say, "watch your six."
/Like in this political case -- your government should be asking themself -- and why that country, that never was very interested in us, as well as we in it... suddenly came to us and even demand some help from us???
They're looking at you like at a gift horse in the mouth, a new economic market ripe for exploitation. They don't give 2 sh*ts about Russia, that's DOD's problem. Our oligarchs are thinking with their wallets, and using their bureaucratic surrogates to drag the Ukrainian horse in through the gates of Troy. Call me Cassandra.
/You, the same as Derpy think that all people in the world have and use term "nationalism" THE SAME as you?
No, we all use it differently. To Dervy, nationalism is fascism. He forever calls me a "white nationist" (Like I care about race as much as he does). Or like I think that patriotism is the same as the fascism/nationalism he believes that I believe in. Cuz patriotism is my form of nationalism. And it's not got room for fascism (as defined by Mussolini, a government/ corporate cooperative, nor Dervy's fascist/ authoritarian dictatorship.) My nationalism includes my own self-interest.
Japan was obvious impialism. They was empire. That tryed to re-tool itself to modern times.
America has always dabbled in empire, but didn't really achieve it until after WWII when the American Republic switched gears full-time to Empire and abandoned "Republican" thinking for evangelical corporate globalism 24/7.
Not at all. I know no manners (american for sure). And are quite barbaric.
So. That is is not feigned. Not at all.
That is absoilutely real question -- what for? I could, I should fake having political opinion... where I have none???
\\But I do "occassionally" value an alternate perspective...a transcendent "outsider" perspective rather than an insider baseball, Dervy type -emergent one.
Dunno what you mean.
I see him just the same as ordinary Russians -- they only chant government propaganda. No own ideas. No own words. That's why I stoped to try to talk with em.
\\We'll you won't be soon disappointed that way, I suspect. :(
That is... just the Reality.
Something totally opposite to hyper-reality of media and Internet.
Real World... in opposition to Barbi World -- have you watched it already? (no purpose question, just became toom tired of advertising ;-P)
\\So as American aviators like to say, "watch your six."
You still think that you talking with Zelensky, or something.
Well, even if that'll be Zelensky -- there'd be no polite answer -- he is idiotic schmuk... which believes in having immance levels of luck... or, charisma.
Like in your Trump ;-)
Would you try to suggest to him what to do? Or what not to?
You know effectivity of it, isn't it?
Well... that is how political system works -- sheeps voting for a goat to lead em. ;-P
\\They're looking at you like at a gift horse in the mouth, a new economic market ripe for exploitation. They don't give 2 sh*ts about Russia, that's DOD's problem. Our oligarchs are thinking with their wallets, and using their bureaucratic surrogates to drag the Ukrainian horse in through the gates of Troy. Call me Cassandra.
If that is true... good. :-)
\\No, we all use it differently.
Little hint to you. In other language it can have OPPOSITE meaning EVEN. ;-)
I mean, word that sounds similar. Well, you are living in an ubiquotous English wold. And even closest to you langs are Latin-based.
But... there 200 more languages in this World. ;-)
\\To Dervy, nationalism is fascism.
After a year of bickering, I hightly doubt it -- that Derpy have a clue... about anything.
It just repeating propaganda.
Well. Not bad things, actually. Not that bad.
"Prejudges make fool looking smart"(c)
\\My nationalism includes my own self-interest.
Only, I would be curious about -- whom you share your nationalism with.
In current atomised and way too diverse world.
\\America has always dabbled in empire, but didn't really achieve it until after WWII when the American Republic switched gears full-time to Empire and abandoned "Republican" thinking for evangelical corporate globalism 24/7.
That's... just a phantom pains. You WAS part of empire.
And by smaggle hack of History... you share Culture of your Imperial Metropoloy.
Means, you have it in your genes.
But you yourself -- do not pass even simplest test of being Empire.
Empire it's:
Never ending conquests for new and new territories. Never ending expansion -- which Rush'A and China demonstrate to you.
Empires ARE egalitarian -- means loyalty to empire is ONLY measure of success.
To be EVEN START to be something like Empire.
You need to:
1) Start real conquest. Like your neighbours. But there still Canada, free as it is. And Mexica, which is good joke -- you fear "aliens" from your south border so much. But if you'd be an empire -- you'd need to allow EM ALL... and maybe even to change your capital. ;-P
Because Mehico is much more siutable to be tha Capital of Great and Glorious Empire of Both Americas. ;-P
2) Allow SAME laws, same rules as for your old citizens, as for new ones. ;-)
/That is absoilutely real question -- what for? I could, I should fake having political opinion... where I have none???
I suppose I believe it's like the old saying, "Opinions are like *ssholes, everybody's got one". I thought that maybe your "inner voice" (like the one of Socrates) was restraining you from stating it. That would make it either a moral reason or one of social graces. It's fine to not have one, too.
/No own ideas. No own words. That's why I stoped to try to talk with em.
It's why I enjoy talking to you. You are the opposite.
Real World... in opposition to Barbi World -- have you watched it already? (no purpose question, just became toom tired of advertising
Nope. A fusion of entertainment/ advertising and economic stagnation laid on the alter of corporate capitalism. It shows you how our modern identities are built.
/Well... that is how political system works -- sheeps voting for a goat to lead em. ;-P
For you maybe. To me, its' symptomatic of the problem of America's current economy (which as you already know, I wish to change).
In other language it can have OPPOSITE meaning EVEN. ;-)
Hmmmmmmmmm..... possibly.
Only, I would be curious about -- whom you share your nationalism with.
Veterans, mostly. My bff is a Vietnam Vet, and we hang out socially with a lot of his friends from the local Veterans Center.
/You WAS part of empire.
My whole life was in service to it. 3.5 years in Spain. 4 years in Venezuela. 4 years at the USMMA. 7 years shipbuilding. 7 years Defense Contracting. 30 years NASA contractor.
And our empire was never one of "territory". It was a commercial empire. One we're feeling the ill effects of and are labelling "late capitalism". The Panem et Circenses phase of Empire of gladiatorial Spectacles ala "Ukraine v. Russia". "Place your bets, gentlemen. Caesar, thumbs up or down? Now in the Center ring, David v. Goliath. Can I get a loan with which to make another bet?"
The economy is but one (dominant) autopoetic social subsystem... linking nations to other nations (as in the Avenue of the Sphinxes at Karnak. And we are the owners/ controllers of the shuttlecocks that move along them (Temple of Kamutef outside the Precinct of Mut) Note the separation between Kamutef and the Precinct of Montu. As you can tell, I love studying sacred geometry.
/I... don't see it any time soon happening. ;-P
Me either. I'd likely support it if it were a stated goal, but it's not, never was, and likely never will be.
\\I suppose I believe it's like the old saying, "Opinions are like *ssholes, everybody's got one". I thought that maybe your "inner voice" (like the one of Socrates) was restraining you from stating it. That would make it either a moral reason or one of social graces.
I just cannot find a base to have one.
Really. Why that is so hard to grok to you?
Do you have, do you have to have an opinion... about inner quarrels among some pig shit earers from some Timbuktu?
Obviously you have no. Same like you not interested into history of some Ukraine.
Well. High and mighty USA might not be that prone to it...
but, it seems that is transitive thing too. ;-)
Hope I showed not too much acidness... that's just to show that that is not about politness in this case. ;-)
\\It's why I enjoy talking to you. You are the opposite.
Well... I cannot say that I have too much in my sleaves...
apart from my interest in Progress...
\\Nope. A fusion of entertainment/ advertising and economic stagnation laid on the alter of corporate capitalism. It shows you how our modern identities are built.
Before First WW it was the same... they say.
It even scored it's own name -- Decadance. ;-)
\\For you maybe. To me, its' symptomatic of the problem of America's current economy (which as you already know, I wish to change).
Not very peruasively -- you not show interest into gaining power/finding means to change it.
And in this... looking just the same as any other modern politician (and Trump too) -- they only like to talk about changes, but very scared of changes, actually.
Professional politics. ;-P
Changes was always introduced by diletants.
\\Hmmmmmmmmm..... possibly.
Yes. As one who trying talking in English... I see it clearly.
\\Veterans, mostly. My bff is a Vietnam Vet, and we hang out socially with a lot of his friends from the local Veterans Center.
That's... endemic to USA, I assume.
Though I know that veterans of Afgan in (post)Soviet Union do unite too.
But hardly as any united political force... today.
By obvious reason.
\\And our empire was never one of "territory". It was a commercial empire.
Empires is ALWAYS about territories.
Look at Britain -- they was EVEN MORE into commerce.
But... same time they was "empire... under which Sun never sunsetting".
That's why you have such a big problems with understanding your peers/rivals -- true empires. On the Middle East. China. Even that phony counterfeit Rush'A.
\\Me either. I'd likely support it if it were a stated goal, but it's not, never was, and likely never will be.
Hard thing to guess. Too few specimen. Too diverse.
But I have my hypothesis -- what makes nation to step up to became empire -- and that is -- bitter defeat.
Like Romans have had from Gannibal.
Yet one reason why you are... not one. Maybe yet.
But go procrastinate for some more time... and you'd have it. If you'd survive.
Because. Strategicly. To make radioactive desert out of North America... looks very daring... to certain someone, of your rivals.
/Professional politics. ;-P Changes was always introduced by diletants.
I wouldn't last 2 minutes. My views are too-out-of-the-polite-mainstream.
\\Veterans, mostly. My bff is a Vietnam Vet, and we hang out socially with a lot of his friends from the local Veterans Center. That's... endemic to USA, I assume. Though I know that veterans of Afgan in (post)Soviet Union do unite too. But hardly as any united political force... today. By obvious reason.
They're strictly monitored for signs of "domestic terrorism"... the adminstrations biggest boogeyman.
\\And our empire was never one of "territory". It was a commercial empire. BS. Empires is ALWAYS about territories. Look at Britain -- they was EVEN MORE into commerce. But... same time they was "empire... under which Sun never sunsetting". That's why you have such a big problems with understanding your peers/rivals -- true empires. On the Middle East. China. Even that phony counterfeit Rush'A.
The sun never sets on US military bases. That's all the "territory" we need.
\\Me either. I'd likely support it if it were a stated goal, but it's not, never was, and likely never will be. Hard thing to guess. Too few specimen. Too diverse. But I have my hypothesis -- what makes nation to step up to became empire -- and that is -- bitter defeat. Like Romans have had from Gannibal. Yet one reason why you are... not one. Maybe yet. But go procrastinate for some more time... and you'd have it. If you'd survive.
Hannibal took his fight to Rome and Roman territory. Pearl Harbor... 9/11. They never "landed" to fight.
Because. Strategicly. To make radioactive desert out of North America... looks very daring... to certain someone, of your rivals.
Ever see "Wolverines". Thats what I worry about. Not an atomic bomb.
In the merchant marines in WWII, if you were on an iron ore ship, you slept with your boots on, because if torpedoed, the ship would sink quickly. But if you were on an ammunition ship, you took off all your clothes to sleep, cuz there was no chance for escape.
We're on an ammunition ship, not an iron ore carrier.
\\I wouldn't last 2 minutes. My views are too-out-of-the-polite-mainstream. /And that saying one who bragged being reading The Prince. ;-)
I think that after Trump, the press has learned it's lesson and wouldn't give me the coverage. They'd "Cloak of Gyges" me faster than you can say, "He never happened".
\\They're strictly monitored for signs of "domestic terrorism"... the adminstrations biggest boogeyman. /And that prevents em from talking? From thinking?
No, we talk, and think. But it's not an "exclusive" circle. I'm not even a "veteran" (officially). I was only in the Reserves (a volunteer). They are all former active duty... and mostly drafted/ conscripted involuntarily. I've never even been in a war zone or seen actual combat.
\\The sun never sets on US military bases. That's all the "territory" we need. /Pft!
Sure in WWII we took territory and replaced civil authorities. But we're back to being a "strategic hamlet" and "green zone" occupier. Our footprint for "control" gets ever smaller (now it's inside computers and communications devices). We don't do "disciplinary societies" anymore. We're a society of control. Our algorithms monitor your behaviour, and reward acceptable ones with future continued access. We're inside your cellphone.
\\Hannibal took his fight to Rome and Roman territory. Pearl Harbor... 9/11. They never "landed" to fight. /That... will not be forever. And when it happen... it will not be light. Forgiving. And giving you time to retaliate. And there is NO backup which could come to your rescue... as you did to Europe. But well, you have so many zombie/postap movie... so maybe that is what your public desires -- total destruction??? "If you'd look into a chasm for too long..."
Wanna take over America? You'll have to hack our computers (like the Chinese) and change the algorithms. Don't waste your time landing a "disciplinary" force. We'll cooperate and work for whoever pays the bills.
Wait a little. Go loose some more time. And you'd became proficient in it... as that'll be ONE LAST chance for you. The same as it was with Brits. Or with Bizantines before. ;-P
\\I think that after Trump, the press has learned it's lesson and wouldn't give me the coverage. They'd "Cloak of Gyges" me faster than you can say, "He never happened".
You think that Power... in being cajoled by press???
Oh, I thought you much wise then that. :-(
\\No, we talk, and think. But it's not an "exclusive" circle. I'm not even a "veteran" (officially). I was only in the Reserves (a volunteer). They are all former active duty... and mostly drafted/ conscripted involuntarily. I've never even been in a war zone or seen actual combat.
So what?
You have no tunnel vision then...
\\We're inside your cellphone.
Aha... on top of Chinese supervising soft. ;-P
I bet Chinese do with you thing you with your candidness cannot even imagine. Like Tik-Tok. ;-P
\\Wanna take over America? You'll have to hack our computers (like the Chinese) and change the algorithms. Don't waste your time landing a "disciplinary" force. We'll cooperate and work for whoever pays the bills.
What for?
You not good neither as workforce nor as brainpower. (trying to impersonate Xi here)
""The text mentions the concept of psychological warfare, which targets the mind of the enemy rather than their physical body. The soldiers involved in this type of warfare are expected to have a broad understanding of human experience and to study various social sciences.""
btw - The Press isn't the 4th estate? Who knew? And they don't support certain Grand Narratives? Who knew that, either?
ps - The Chinese don't need our workers. They only need our "Creatives". The rest are watching Tik Tok.
...and yes, our social sciences are a veritable sh*thole. They were captured years ago by the Marxist New Left and practice a combination of Foucauldian power dynamics and intersectional grievance studies.
\\ps - The Chinese don't need our workers. They only need our "Creatives".
They already have em. Paying more.
\\...and yes, our social sciences are a veritable sh*thole. They were captured years ago by the Marxist New Left and practice a combination of Foucauldian power dynamics and intersectional grievance studies.
Social studies ALWAYS was Marxist.
Press? And what you wanna to achieve with press? You not controlling anyway.
\\And do they work on their own projects, or projects assigned by a mandarin? /And at your place?
Now? Mandarins, of course.
\\Did you watch the Peter Thiel bureaucratic lack of progress video? /Naaah. Is there something new??? To Ams, maybe? But I saw USSR.
The "Great Leap Forward" in progress of Science is a one-time thing. It may Standardize the Paradigm" for a moment in time and allow others to catch up... but ultimately it prevents the paradigm altering breakthroughs needed for Maoist "leaps forward".
How should I see China? I've been to Hong Kong under British Rule (loved it). I've been to Keelung/ Kaoshung on Taiwan (indifferent towards... aesthetically depressing unless you visit a temple). Never been to Communist China. I still see it as in the film "55 Days in Peking" or Mao's Cultural Revolution. And I see the economy as the Three Represents, a State Directed economy which America imitates and grows more similar to, daily. Call it the curse of the German "Research Institution". Our Universities don't "preserve" knowledge, they now attempt to "create" it, which is why our culture has evaporated into the air of the commercial marketplace.
I'm still a fan of helping Taiwan resist assimilation by the mainland Chinese. Call me "old school" Navy.
I do admire one thing about the mainland Chinese. The Communist government claims that it's priority lies in maintaining/ supporting Chinese culture. I wish them well.
Militarily, I see China as a MUCH greater threat than Russia, but a still manageable one. It'll take them a while to develop a Blue Water Navy. So I agree, we have at least 5 years. :P
...but PS - It would take America more than 5 years to achieve the shipbuilding capacity necessary to go toe to toe with China once they're ready to go "blue". Our steel and shipbuilding infrastructure is pretty much non-existent. Not nearly what it was at the middle of WWII when BethShip alone used to launch a ship a day.
\\The Communist government claims that it's priority lies in maintaining/ supporting Chinese culture. I wish them well. /Yap. By making it Potemkin's Village. Or stuffed animal. Yawn.
Keeping the illusion alive. They "persist". It's all any mortal life form can ask for. To "persist".
>\\Militarily, I see China as a MUCH greater threat than Russia, but a still manageable one. /Yap. Because THEY allow you to see em like that. You thought that you better then Japanese, once. Then you thought that miserly russians will never surpass you in anything. ARE you able to learn... from your own blunders for at least???
Who is "THEY"? My censors? ...or the Chinese? And "who" is right? I receive no USIC briefings.
\\Keeping the illusion alive. They "persist". It's all any mortal life form can ask for. To "persist". /Pft! As stuffed animal? Or automaton? That is REAL chinese culture that able to withstand. Even tryes to eliminate it. And survive. Like Falungun. Or Tibetian Buddhism. Or... kung-fu. ;-P Like Bruce Lee said: "Be like Water".
Achilles said the same thing. :)
\\Who is "THEY"? My censors? ...or the Chinese? And "who" is right? I receive no USIC briefings. /As always. I talking from History standpoint. And from you using idea -- that individual can somehow be responsible for the doing of whole country... Is it my blunder to do that? But I just use what I can, I see available to use... Just like Evolution. Like Reality itself. (or that is humble bragging again ;-P)
You're not going all Hillary Clinton, "It takes a village" on me, are you? ;)
Meden Agan. One little boy can put his finger into a hole in the dyke, and save the town. He just can't do it "forever".
...and no, still just regular bragging. Humble bragging is self-deprecating
\\Like Bruce Lee said: "Be like Water". \\Achilles said the same thing. :) /Dunno. And as Google dunno about it too. And I can be only as wise as Google about it.
Yeah, and I can't help. YouTube took down all of Yanitsaros old videos. They were the best videos on the whole Ap, too. He had 2 on Achilles. Be fluid... transfer power. Use sequence... then break it. Great stuff. You'll have to take my word for it. Achilles mother was Thetis, a Sea Nymph and Daughter of Ocean.
\\You're not going all Hillary Clinton, "It takes a village" on me, are you? ;) /Dunno what it for? I just trying to use Meta-Thinking and Meta-Talking. As Ever.
Ah... meden agan!
\\...and no, still just regular bragging. Humble bragging is self-deprecating /It is self-deprecating. I promptly stated how limited I am.
Is it my blunder, or I just use evolution/ nature... I don't know. Is it self deprecating to phrase it as a question? I think it has to be more definitive than that.
\\I saved the Republic...and I but Skywalker's lowly padawan. /Asoka?
Ren??? (The other Skywalker)? I give up. I'm losing the bubble on humble brags.
\\Yeah, and I can't help. YouTube took down all of Yanitsaros old videos.
They are... elsewhere.
Or... you could make yourself a hustle to save em -- that is the way as anything keep it's like inside Internet. ;-)
\\Ah... meden agan!
Ah... I'd like it to be more. But it already are to the best of my abilities...
\\/It is self-deprecating. I promptly stated how limited I am.
\\Is it my blunder, or I just use evolution/ nature... I don't know. Is it self deprecating to phrase it as a question? I think it has to be more definitive than that.
Nature... doesn't care...
\\\\I saved the Republic...and I but Skywalker's lowly padawan. /Asoka?
\\Ren??? (The other Skywalker)? I give up. I'm losing the bubble on humble brags.
And she already got padawan???
Sorry for me being so outdated. I still watcing it on VHS. ;-P NOT.
Just not a big fan of it.
It's just that part of your culture -- you pushing into mouthes of people, with a pipe now.
\\Yeah, and I can't help. YouTube took down all of Yanitsaros old videos. /They are... elsewhere. Or... you could make yourself a hustle to save em -- that is the way as anything keep it's like inside Internet. ;-)
Sorry, I hate computers and the idiots who write the algorithms that police the content on the net. I will be shadowbanned no matter what I post/write. "They" cannot be saved. They can only be "sought". For virtue cannot be taught. Only "learned". (Yes, I'm also a lazy f*ck! ...but discovery for one's-self vs being spoon fed virtue? Priceless.)
\\Ah... meden agan! /Ah... I'd like it to be more. But it already are to the best of my abilities...
Then become the self-moving mover who moves others. And what better to move them than a "story"?
\\/It is self-deprecating. /I promptly stated how limited I am.
I never understood the social norms myself. If you are ambitious, why must you pretend to not be? So that you are not perceived a threat? I give up, it all seems pointless. Truth does not serve man well. At least not if it challenges the "structural" power that be, sustained by the "noble lies".
\\Is it my blunder, or I just use evolution/ nature... I don't know. Is it self deprecating to phrase it as a question? I think it has to be more definitive than that. /Nature... doesn't care...
But does "polite society"?
\\\\I saved the Republic...and I but Skywalker's lowly padawan. /Asoka? \\Ren??? (The other Skywalker)? I give up. I'm losing the bubble on humble brags. /And she already got padawan???
/Sorry for me being so outdated. I still watcing it on VHS. ;-P NOT. Just not a big fan of it. It's just that part of your culture -- you pushing into mouthes of people, with a pipe now. Like to that slaves of Matrix. Oh, shit. See.
"The Last Jedi" wasn't the best of the series, IMO. And yes, some real sh*t is coming out of Hollywood... ever since the CIA bought in, anyways. ;) Maybe they need a better "front"? Ever been to CAA HQ?
Yanitsaros Youtube videos statistics Youtubers.me https://zw.youtubers.me › yo... Yanitsaros Yanitsaros. Subscribers. 1,490. Video views. 2,115,817. Video count ... I found it at youtubers.me/yanitsaros Check out the Youtube video stats of ...
Video Pelasgians imperiya.by https://imperiya.by › CBgQAQ · The Pelasgians - Direct Ancestors Of The Later Great Greek Nation ... Yanitsaros 15 год. Pre-Indo-Europeans EP1: Pelasgians 01:16. Pre-Indo ...
\\Then become the self-moving mover who moves others. And what better to move them than a "story"?
All question is HOW???
\\But does "polite society"?
Nature doesn't care about it... I suspect.
\\Wasn't she/he both trained under Luke?
Ah, yeah... though that hardly can be called "being padawan".
Just a crash course.
And you not commented on link I gave there. Didn't liked? Music for at least. ;-)
\\"The Last Jedi" wasn't the best of the series, IMO.
Know about it only because it was pushed into my mouth.
Well... for today, that doesn't matter even -- better it is, or worse. Given how much stuff was already produced...
\\ Ever been to CAA HQ?
Still trying to uncover me being your neighbour just pretending being foreigner??? %-))))
Yanitsaros Youtube videos statistics Youtubers.me https://zw.youtubers.me › yo... Yanitsaros Yanitsaros. Subscribers. 1,490. Video views. 2,115,817. Video count ... I found it at youtubers.me/yanitsaros Check out the Youtube video stats of ... /Video Pelasgians imperiya.by https://imperiya.by › CBgQAQ · The Pelasgians - Direct Ancestors Of The Later Great Greek Nation ... Yanitsaros 15 год. Pre-Indo-Europeans EP1: Pelasgians 01:16. Pre-Indo ...
That's not an archive, it it? If so, I didn't know where to click to find it. Pelasgians was one vid, but there were many more/better ones. Usually PowerPoint slides accompanied with Greek music. Old School Greek philosophy... or myths about the Gods.
\\Then become the self-moving mover who moves others. And what better to move them than a "story"? All question is HOW???
Like David Brin did. Write a SciFi story of Von Neumann machines. Only better.
\\But does "polite society"? /Nature doesn't care about it... I suspect.
But she is Mother Nature's deadliest enemy. She been looking to banish Mother Nature since the founding of the first village.
\\Wasn't she/he both trained under Luke? /Ah, yeah... though that hardly can be called "being padawan". Just a crash course. And you not commented on link I gave there. Didn't liked? Music for at least. ;-)
I suppose I was in too great a hurry. I usually paste your comments into Notepad, but the links don't come through. I remember seeing that it was animated, though. I'll have to go back and do a better job of checking it out. :(
\\"The Last Jedi" wasn't the best of the series, IMO. Dunno. Know about it only because it was pushed into my mouth. Well... for today, that doesn't matter even -- better it is, or worse. Given how much stuff was already produced...
Sorry, I'm still a fan. I saw the first one when I was attending the Academy. I had a Prof who went nuts in his enthusiasm for it, extolling its' robots "realism" and attention to detail (C3PO's hydraulic lines).
\\ Ever been to CAA HQ? Still trying to uncover me being your neighbour just pretending being foreigner??? %-))))
You never know. I did a post on it at Tea Leaves a while back and can't find it anymore... nor any trace of the video that accompanied it. The picture was shot from a drone, and showed the "Masonic" symbolism built into the building placement and compounds courtyard architecture. CIA enjoys such jokes. It gives them "plausible deniability" that its' just a "conspiracy theory".
\\That's not an archive, it it? If so, I didn't know where to click to find it. Pelasgians was one vid, but there were many more/better ones. Usually PowerPoint slides accompanied with Greek music. Old School Greek philosophy... or myths about the Gods.
That's what I was able to scramble.
It's usual problem of trying to seek for something you dunno...
Especially if you doing it for a friend. ;-)
\\Like David Brin did. Write a SciFi story of Von Neumann machines. Only better.
Dunno that story... and don't care.
He is not an influencer it like to imagine itself -- his was just a Novice Luck syndrome sufferer -- after his "Postman" became movie.
became self-ensured that that was deserved success.
But other his works... is just mediocre.
My favorite (apart from Lem) is Accelerando. ;-)
\\But she is Mother Nature's deadliest enemy. She been looking to banish Mother Nature since the founding of the first village.
\\ I remember seeing that it was animated, though. I'll have to go back and do a better job of checking it out. :(
I just thought it could entertain you...
\\Sorry, I'm still a fan. I saw the first one when I was attending the Academy. I had a Prof who went nuts in his enthusiasm for it, extolling its' robots "realism" and attention to detail (C3PO's hydraulic lines).
Of Extended Universe too?
Well... as being fan is something bad.
Do not try to excuse yourself for something like that before me. Is it your culture stigma?
Well, I would like to be a fan... of something. :-/
\\That's not an archive, it it? If so, I didn't know where to click to find it. Pelasgians was one vid, but there were many more/better ones. Usually PowerPoint slides accompanied with Greek music. Old School Greek philosophy... or myths about the Gods. /That's what I was able to scramble. It's usual problem of trying to seek for something you dunno... Especially if you doing it for a friend. ;-) Sorry.
No problem, I appreciate the effort. And I don't need it for myself, it's one of those things I used to refer others to, a lot.
\\Like David Brin did. Write a SciFi story of Von Neumann machines. Only better. /Dunno that story... and don't care. He is not an influencer it like to imagine itself -- his was just a Novice Luck syndrome sufferer -- after his "Postman" became movie. became self-ensured that that was deserved success. But other his works... is just mediocre.
I saw the movie once, years ago. It's not one I'd seek out to watch again.
\\Sorry, I'm still a fan. I saw the first one when I was attending the Academy. I had a Prof who went nuts in his enthusiasm for it, extolling its' robots "realism" and attention to detail (C3PO's hydraulic lines). /Of Extended Universe too? Well... as being fan is something bad. Do not try to excuse yourself for something like that before me. Is it your culture stigma? Well, I would like to be a fan... of something. :-/
Yes, the extended universe, too. Mandalorian, Boba Fett, et al. Who doesn't want to be a Jedi saving the Galaxy?
\\But other his works... is just mediocre. /Though... professionally made, I give him that. Well, that is not surprising... having mom and dad English teachers.
I loved the moment I called him anti-Semetic that he started hurling Yiddish insults at me. He probably thought I was a real Jew, and not just a symbolic one wearing a patch for easier identification for social scorn and ostracization.
Besides, most groups/ organization worth joining are the ones, like APS (The AMerican Philosophical Society) or Royal Society, that are "invitation only". And even THAT one was killed through "entryism".
\\No problem, I appreciate the effort. And I don't need it for myself, it's one of those things I used to refer others to, a lot.
And you have no habit squirreling good things for yourself? ;-)
\\I saw the movie once, years ago. It's not one I'd seek out to watch again.
Well... DiBi himself displeased by it itself... but believe me, the book is even worse -- just a novice work. As I have said -- Novice Luck.
But... it gave it name. So it was able to show it's face on TV. And even bestowed with some power by government bureaucracy. (no, I didn't know about that facts before coming to its echo-chamber... I didn't know about echo-chambers and many-many other things about your culture... I was *SO* naive (blushing)) Just tried to explore hypothesis that such an open-minded person as sci-fi writer -- could be more apt to grok my ideas...
\\My favorite (apart from Lem) is Accelerando. ;-)
\\Wow! Thats some premise.
But same time... it showed with all certainity -- that Sci-Fi as genre -- is dead. :-((((
It cannot penetrate that Cognitive Horizon. Same as Light cannot break through Even Horizon of a BH.
for full understanding -- you can try to read "Life and death of Solomon Gursky"... too.
And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
\\Yes, the extended universe, too. Mandalorian, Boba Fett, et al. Who doesn't want to be a Jedi saving the Galaxy?
Because I know super-weapon against ANY jedi. ;-P
Hint: Because I know some Geometry. (not a spoiler, I think)
\\I loved the moment I called him anti-Semetic that he started hurling Yiddish insults at me. He probably thought I was a real Jew, and not just a symbolic one wearing a patch for easier identification for social scorn and ostracization.
That's just usual monkey throwing shit.
Do you know such a nasty little trivia about our little cousines? Of cleverly use of own shit to scare out possible threats and nearby predators? ;-)
That's why I not using self-representing monikers -- to not allow to play such silly games.
\\Besides, most groups/ organization worth joining are the ones, like APS (The AMerican Philosophical Society) or Royal Society, that are "invitation only".
Hoh... like in that historical anecdote about French Royal Academi. :-)))
\\No problem, I appreciate the effort. And I don't need it for myself, it's one of those things I used to refer others to, a lot. /And you have no habit squirreling good things for yourself? ;-)
Yes, that's what this blog is for (most of the time). But I can't copy or transcribe every video I link to. C'est la vie.
\\I saw the movie once, years ago. It's not one I'd seek out to watch again. /Well... DiBi himself displeased by it itself... but believe me, the book is even worse -- just a novice work. As I have said -- Novice Luck.
Why do I sense the remorse of Aesop's fox (Fox & Grapes) vs. DiBi?
But... it gave it name. So it was able to show it's face on TV. And even bestowed with some power by government bureaucracy. (no, I didn't know about that facts before coming to its echo-chamber... I didn't know about echo-chambers and many-many other things about your culture... I was *SO* naive (blushing)) Just tried to explore hypothesis that such an open-minded person as sci-fi writer -- could be more apt to grok my ideas...
The sidebar ads for books should have tipped you off. Pure profilicity, IMO.
\\My favorite (apart from Lem) is Accelerando. ;-) /\\Wow! Thats some premise. Yap. But same time... it showed with all certainity -- that Sci-Fi as genre -- is dead. :-(((( It cannot penetrate that Cognitive Horizon. Same as Light cannot break through Even Horizon of a BH. for full understanding -- you can try to read "Life and death of Solomon Gursky"... too.
/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
\\Yes, the extended universe, too. Mandalorian, Boba Fett, et al. Who doesn't want to be a Jedi saving the Galaxy? /I. Because I know super-weapon against ANY jedi. ;-P Hint: Because I know some Geometry. (not a spoiler, I think)
So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation.
\\I loved the moment I called him anti-Semetic that he started hurling Yiddish insults at me. He probably thought I was a real Jew, and not just a symbolic one wearing a patch for easier identification for social scorn and ostracization. /That's just usual monkey throwing shit. Do you know such a nasty little trivia about our little cousines? Of cleverly use of own shit to scare out possible threats and nearby predators? ;-) That's why I not using self-representing monikers -- to not allow to play such silly games.
Scent marking and swapping is only important to non-humans. Fortunately our sense of smell got "re-purposed" by evolution (per Freud). No pheremones for me, please. Only enough info to decide whether or not it might be "good to eat" (or not).
\\Besides, most groups/ organization worth joining are the ones, like APS (The AMerican Philosophical Society) or Royal Society, that are "invitation only". /Hoh... like in that historical anecdote about French Royal Academi. :-)))
Probably. Or like an episode of "The Gilded Age" (Old money vs. New in a world that de-legitimized "Aristocracy" and substituted ideas of Merit) or Beethoven vs. Goethe.
\\But I can't copy or transcribe every video I link to. C'est la vie.
For every techy problem there is techy soultion. Whole bunch of em, even.
\\Why do I sense the remorse of Aesop's fox (Fox & Grapes) vs. DiBi?
One need to talk out his resentments from time to time... for em to not overburden one.
Isn't that is what your psychologs are for. And social networks in general? ;-P
Well... I just shared with you some factual trivias... which you'd not try to acqure yourself.
As always... trying to make a ground for Meta-Talk.
\\The sidebar ads for books should have tipped you off. Pure profilicity, IMO.
I said that I was unexperienced, isn't it?
\\\\for full understanding -- you can try to read "Life and death of Solomon Gursky"... too. \\Not Grundy? I'm having an affaire with his former wife (one of my old blogs). ;)
The Days of Solomon Gursky Ian McDonald 3.83 12 ratings3 reviews Ian McDonald’s new tale, which begins with a passionate love story and takes us to the end of the universe and beyond, is set against the same background as his 1995 novel (Bantam). The author’s latest SF novel, is just out from Gollancz (UK). It’s a sequel to a book that Bantam published in paperback early last year. Mr. McDonald is currently writing —his first mainstream novel.
I first read this 25 years ago in an anthology I still have to this day. I had read a lot of short fiction by that time, as well as a mountain of SF novels.
I'm happy to say that this random little story from over two decades ago has done a better job of immortalizing itself to me than any other. Few have shone as brightly as this one. Indeed, I might say this one is my absolute favorite short SF of all time.
Sure, some older SF authors might have touched on the same overall theme and some later authors will have done the same, but this one has everything I love most.
Back in '98, nanotech was still shiny, but what never goes out of style is a good tale: all the love, immortality, sheer unrestrained originality, time, and memory.
It's a densely crafted tale that sets up the seven days of Solomon Grundy, only hard-SF -- and it's full of heart. It rejects the idea that immortality kills love. There's a lot more going on in it than is obvious in even two reads.
I'll be honest here: if I had any way to immortalize this story, make sure everyone in the universe reads it, gets it under their skin, then I would be a very happy man. If any story should not be forgotten, if it should have many, many reprints, then it ought to be this one.
Quite a long short story by the standards of this collection, perhaps too long. I found the first part pretty good (perhaps a bit too much erotica for my jaded British tastes). Then I felt the attempt to encompass a vast span of time and evolution - to god like powers and the end of the universe and back again no less was perhaps a step too far for me. It began to drag , despite the wondrous transformations and cosmic journeys …which inevitably attempted to return to the original human story. So 3 stars.
\\/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
Face of The Future.
\\So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation.
Do you want a spoiler? Even if your world will never be the same?
\\Scent marking and swapping is only important to non-humans. Fortunately our sense of smell got "re-purposed" by evolution (per Freud). No pheremones for me, please. Only enough info to decide whether or not it might be "good to eat" (or not).
Not only smell. :-))))
ALL elements of shit involved.
\\/Hoh... like in that historical anecdote about French Royal Academi. :-)))
\\Probably. Or like an episode of "The Gilded Age" (Old money vs. New in a world that delegitimized "Aristocracy" and substituted ideas of Merit) or Beethoven vs. Goethe.
Sorry for not explained.
Something around this words... sorry, not precise, and I didn't found it in Google.
France decided to make to oneself Royal Academy of Sciences... in the image of their arch-rival England.
But... to spare something with "Royal" title from possibility of refusing such an monarchic generous... rule to admit only THOSE who would propose themself was instantiated.
\\But I can't copy or transcribe every video I link to. C'est la vie. /For every techy problem there is techy soultion. Whole bunch of em, even.
Perhaps. But I'd rather try and download the content into memory than external storage, anyway. Sometimes the tech just makes you stupider... and interpassive. ;)
\\Why do I sense the remorse of Aesop's fox (Fox & Grapes) vs. DiBi? /One need to talk out his resentments from time to time... for em to not overburden one. Isn't that is what your psychologs are for. And social networks in general? ;-P Well... I just shared with you some factual trivias... which you'd not try to acqure yourself. As always... trying to make a ground for Meta-Talk.
Why not simply tell the "Big Other" directly then? That's what religious people do. No one get's "burdened" that way, and the "letter always arrives at its' destination" (EA Poe, "The Purloined Letter")(clears the conscience like Kafka's letter to his dead father).
\\The sidebar ads for books should have tipped you off. Pure profilicity, IMO. /I said that I was unexperienced, isn't it?
And not as attuned to "Capitalist Realism" as you should be. The man is in the business of selling ideas, and his "suppliers" must be like-minded. ;)
\\\\for full understanding -- you can try to read "Life and death of Solomon Gursky"... too. \\Not Grundy? I'm having an affaire with his former wife (one of my old blogs). ;) /The Days of Solomon Gursky Ian McDonald 3.83 12 ratings3 reviews Ian McDonald’s new tale. (...)
Sounds like a great story. This sounds vaguely like the same theme....
And the lesson of ecology is that we should go to the end here and accept the non-existence of the ultimate big Other, nature itself with its pattern of regular rhythms, the ultimate reference of order and stability.
However, this lack of the big Other does not entail that we are irrevocably caught in the misery of our finitude, deprived of any redemptive moments. In his The Cattle Truck, Jorge Semprun reports how he witnessed the arrival of a truckload of Polish Jews at Buchenwald; they were stacked into the freight train almost 200 to a car, traveling for days without food and water in the coldest winter of the war. On arrival all in the carriage had frozen to death except for 15 children, kept warm by the others in the centre of the bundle of bodies. When the children were emptied from the car the Nazis let their dogs loose on them. Soon only two fleeing children were left: The little one began to fall behind, the SS were howling behind them and then the dogs began to howl too, the smell of blood was driving them mad, and then the bigger of the two children slowed his pace to take the hand of the smaller... together they covered a few more yards... till the blows of the clubs felled them and, together they dropped, their faces to the ground, their hands clasped for all eternity. One can easily imagine how this scene should be filmed: while the soundtrack renders what goes on in reality (the two children are clubbed to death), the image of their hands clasped freezes, immobilized for eternity - while the sound renders temporary reality, the image renders the eternal Real. It is the pure surface of such fixed images of eternity, not any deeper Meaning, which allows for redemptive moments in the bleak story of the Shoah. One should read this imagined scene together with the final shot of Thelma and Louise: the frozen image of the car with the two women "flying" above the precipice: is this the positive utopia (triumph of the feminine subjectivity over death), or the masking of the miserable wreck the car IS in reality at that time? The weakness of the final shot from Thelma and Louise is that the frozen image is not accompanied by the soundtrack depicting what "really" went on (the car crash, terrible cries of the dying women) - strangely, this lack of reality undermines the very utopian dimension of the frozen image. In contrast to this scene, our imagined filmed scene from Semprun would fully assert the Platonic duality of temporal empirical reality and eternal Idea.
\\/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos. \\????? Face of The Future.
Short story title or part of Ion Tychy futurological congress story... Google doesn't exactly say.
\\So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation. /Do you want a spoiler? Even if your world will never be the same?
\\Scent marking and swapping is only important to non-humans. Fortunately our sense of smell got "re-purposed" by evolution (per Freud). No pheremones for me, please. Only enough info to decide whether or not it might be "good to eat" (or not). /Not only smell. :-)))) ALL elements of shit involved.
Disgust as a physical expression, not only a mental thought. Gotta love the septal nuclei. Where would we animals be without the ability to "discriminate" particulars from universals. Recognize mother's face, from all other people? Recognize predator's shape like tiger, or danger like snake? Poison berry from edible one?
\\/Hoh... like in that historical anecdote about French Royal Academi. :-))) \\Probably. Or like an episode of "The Gilded Age" (Old money vs. New in a world that delegitimized "Aristocracy" and substituted ideas of Merit) or Beethoven vs. Goethe. /Sorry for not explained. Something around this words... sorry, not precise, and I didn't found it in Google. France decided to make to oneself Royal Academy of Sciences... in the image of their arch-rival England. But... to spare something with "Royal" title from possibility of refusing such an monarchic generous... rule to admit only THOSE who would propose themself was instantiated. Hillarity ensured.
Ahhhh. Like the APA. (American Philosophical Society (APS) vs American Philosophical Association(APA) ) First is invite only "selective" club, second is invite yourself "takes everyone' club.
/Hoh. Second part was eaten out by censure/spamfilter... What it disliked this time? "errotica"??? ;-)))
\\Perhaps. But I'd rather try and download the content into memory than external storage, anyway. Sometimes the tech just makes you stupider... and interpassive. ;)
If you'd state it as a task... for development of some new tech....
\\Why not simply tell the "Big Other" directly then? That's what religious people do.
Pft! :-)))))))
Maybe some children. Or some severly delusional.
Ordinary "believers" know it too damn well -- that there is no any Big Other. That that's just their hypocrisy and nothing more.
That's why it's so intriguing to observe Derpy...
well, not that much, already.
Broken gramophone plate... that glithcing on the same track... again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again... ad nauseous
\\And not as attuned to "Capitalist Realism" as you should be. The man is in the business of selling ideas, and his "suppliers" must be like-minded. ;)
Not sure that I could master it any time soon...
\\And the lesson of ecology is that we should go to the end here and accept the non-existence of the ultimate big Other, nature itself with its pattern of regular rhythms, the ultimate reference of order and stability.
\\In contrast to this scene, our imagined filmed scene from Semprun would fully assert the Platonic duality of temporal empirical reality and eternal Idea.
Pseudo-profound bullshit detected.
\\days of Solomon Gursky - Vision of the "eternal Real"? Love of Gursky for his partner over an "eternity".
That three Buddists Monkeys: that do not see, do not hear and do not talk.
\\/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos. \\????? Face of The Future.
\\Short story title or part of Ion Tychy futurological congress story... Google doesn't exactly say.
Literal. Well... :-)))) literally poetic. ;-P
Face of the Future -- we FEAR to look into.
Because we CANNOT imagine what it'll be anymore.
Well,,, we never was able. But previously, we was under the spell of sci-fi -- making us thinking that we -- KNOW.
\\\\So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation. /Do you want a spoiler? Even if your world will never be the same?
Light sabre -- it's a straight line.
From Geometry we know that TWO points needed to make straight line.
But to make a plain... THREE points needed. Means -- straight line CANNOT block THREE simultaneously fired charges. ;-P
\/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos. \\????? /Face of The Future. \\Short story title or part of Ion Tychy futurological congress story... Google doesn't exactly say. /Literal. Well... :-)))) literally poetic. ;-P Face of the Future -- we FEAR to look into. Because we CANNOT imagine what it'll be anymore. Well,,, we never was able. But previously, we was under the spell of sci-fi -- making us thinking that we -- KNOW.
Nietzsche's "Abyss"??? “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
The Undiscovered Country? Shakespeare "Hamlet" To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have, Than fly to others that we know not of
\\\\So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation. /Do you want a spoiler? Even if your world will never be the same? \\Always. /Light sabre -- it's a straight line. From Geometry we know that TWO points needed to make straight line. But to make a plain... THREE points needed. Means -- straight line CANNOT block THREE simultaneously fired charges. ;-P
...but tech is "magical"... or at least movies are. ;P
\\Nietzsche's "Abyss"??? “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
\\The Undiscovered Country? Shakespeare "Hamlet"
Even if not after death.
Well... first of all if it nit about death.
Seeing near death and turning blind eye to it -- already perfectly explored in modern psychology, AFAIK.
\\...but tech is "magical"... or at least movies are. ;P
Who said?
That dumb ass that dunno about tech?
Well... magic have MANY flavours: sorcery, wizardry, witchcraft, alchemy -- so, which one are Tech? ;-P
\\Nietzsche's "Abyss"??? “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” /Hardly...
...the future won't gaze into its' past... into our "now"? Into "history"?
\\The Undiscovered Country? Shakespeare "Hamlet" Even if not after death. Well... first of all if it nit about death. Seeing near death and turning blind eye to it -- already perfectly explored in modern psychology, AFAIK.
Why care about what comes "after" one's death? For "name" immortality? Like Achilles? Only the "good" die young. Us "bad" old people generally die uselessly in our own beds.
He must have decided that you weren't trolling him. It's easy to dismiss a troll.... like its' easy to dismiss a "racist". The Left spends most ofits' time "dismissing" instead of "thinking".
ps - all that "thinking" a soldier does on the battlefield is for solutions that worked during TRAINING.
And, I should add, I never did care about the Ukrainian War.
ReplyDeleteMe neither, but one of my regular posters, Q, is from Ukraine (or Poland?). I've tried convincing him that he was going to get abandoned like an Afghani, but he doesn't believe me...
ReplyDeleteBecause... you DO NOT know history of Ukraine.
ReplyDeleteEven through that YouTube flick "History of this or that country in 5 minutes"...
Blame your ignorance, Joe.
No, but I am very familiar with the history of the US and our reliability as an ally.
ReplyDeleteI've heard tell (Col MacGregor) that we've entered the "Biden" phase of the war... Ukraine no longer has the ability to engage in close-in warfare, and so must seek to use ever "longer range" weapons. The longer the range, the greater the likelihood of WWIII starting, hence he uses the term "Biden Phase". At some point, Russia will then be forced ever deeper "into Ukraine" to counter them. With no peace talks, this won't end well for Ukraine.
ReplyDelete...or NATO/ US.
ReplyDelete\\No, but I am very familiar with the history of the US and our reliability as an ally.
ReplyDeleteSo what? You think its secret knowledge? :-)
Your Hollywood opened it to all world. And your documentaries are all around too.
Internet is half English half american at all.
Well, anyway, Uncle Joe -- your double -- was quite happy from having you as an ally. ;-P
\\I've heard tell (Col MacGregor) that we've entered the "Biden" phase of the
That propagandist on salary from liliPut?
\\ The longer the range, the greater the likelihood of WWIII starting,
It already started.
Same as WW2 started NOT with D-Day.
But with betraial of Poland.
And WW1 from some scirmishes on Balcan.
So... now all question -- how'd you react.
Would you try to suppress it... wich your current WH residents looks like come to understand and started trying.
Or... you will postpone all calls... and will wait until ICBMs will start flying.
I'm all for throwing Ukraine under a Russian bus, leaving NATO, and letting Europe deal with their "land" problems.
ReplyDeleteSo what?
ReplyDeleteYou think I would start to blame you for that and will produce tons of shit like Derpy do? ;-P
For such a thought crime. ;-P
ReplyDeleteLook, if America's official foreign policy were stated and was to conquer the world, I'd get aboard. But since they refuse to state their official policy, as they did in George Kennan's long telegram, they can go 'f themselves.
ReplyDeleteHelping them obviously is not in my, or the world's, "best interest".
ReplyDeleteI... as foreinger... cannot say anything about it.
ReplyDeleteSorry. :-(
You can, but you don't. Back when I believed that our elites had the best interest of the American people in mind, I was very supportive of them, I suppose that if I thought they had my interest at heart, I'd still be doing so. Believe me when I say that the support they're giving Ukraine is NOT is Ukraine's "best interest". It lies in their own SELF-interest. And they will soon be robbing you to pay their expenses for their continued self-interest.
ReplyDeleteI suppose I just need to give up on my attempts to reconstitute my father trapped in the belly of the whale from fragments of the best fathers I've met and know who weren't so trapped. :P
ReplyDelete\\You can, but you don't.
ReplyDeleteThat is baseless preassumption.
On what base I could do it? ;-)
I know very few of what you deem as Common Knowledge.
And even less I have connections to concider importance of anything you deem as very important politically.
So... yeah. I could pretend having this or that opinion -- what Derpy tryed to force me to do.
But... what for???
Especially, as because of stated above reasons I have no enough knack to fake it.
And well... what for,again?
\\Back when I believed that our elites had the best interest of the American people in mind, I was very supportive of them, I suppose that if I thought they had my interest at heart, I'd still be doing so. Believe me when I say that the support they're giving Ukraine is NOT is Ukraine's "best interest". It lies in their own SELF-interest. And they will soon be robbing you to pay their expenses for their continued self-interest.
And I'll say it again -- you DUNNO history of Ukraine.
Well. O.K. You are stubborn enough to not get aquitant with it even through YouTube flick "History of ...(country you choose) in 5 minutes".
So I forced to share with you at least that tidbit of it, I refering to.
History of Ukraine is nearly ALL consist of tryes to rely on unsteady, unfaithful, with own interests "allies".
So... you trying to scary drunkard with one more pint of booz here. ;-P
\\I suppose I just need to give up on my attempts to reconstitute my father trapped in the belly of the whale from fragments of the best fathers I've met and know who weren't so trapped. :P
CAN OF WORMS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
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a situation that causes a lot of problems for you when you start to deal with it: Corruption is a serious problem, but nobody has yet been ...
And as they say -- there ONLY one possibility to deal with it -- place that can and that worms in much bigger can/case/box. To seal em em there.
And to do that... I add, one need new tech.
PS Well... if you'd allow me such frankness... you seems like have a problem with meta-thinking. Which is important for understanding phylosophy.
Ability to ask oneself question -- and WHY I thinking what I thinking?
Like in this political case -- your government should be asking themself -- and why that country, that never was very interested in us, as well as we in it... suddenly came to us and even demand some help from us???
Then... you/your government, maybe could start phatome that some tectonical changes happened in the World.
But naaah... they started to show some suspicion... only now.
And that one, still too faint, too uncertain.
\\Man is a rational animal, as Aristotle put it. Not that he is always rational, but that he is capable of reason. Reason, trained, leads to happiness. Orwell wasn’t the first person to observe that this didn’t always work in practice.
Ignorance it's bliss. As in our chidhood.
Reason - it's uncertainity... well, if you have not good phylosophy under your belt to guide you. ;-P
\\We attribute importance to facts which back our preferred theory and dismiss as unimportant those which do not.
And that is - rational behavior. Useful euristic.
As we are very limited in our ability to draw conclusions. And variety of facts -- is just immence.
So... we adopted that eiristic, since our grand-grand-fathers jumped off the tree brunches, and started walking straight.
NO, much earlier... our mammal predecessors. Or even earlier.
\\defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.
ReplyDeleteThat's... just contradiction in terms.
Or what? You, the same as Derpy think that all people in the world have and use term "nationalism" THE SAME as you?
Even if that is their OWN native tongue.
\\So long as it is applied merely to the more notorious and identifiable nationalist movements in Germany, Japan, and other countries, all this is obvious enough.
Like in this place. Intermixing Germany and Japan.
Total lack of knowing of History... well, forgivable -- given with who and in which time saying that.
Japan was obvious impialism. They was empire. That tryed to re-tool itself to modern times.
There was NO bitter nation against nation struggles as it was in Europe.
So, there was NO and not even possible for Japanese to become "nationalistic". Against whom???
Koreans and Chinese -- whom they deemed as lowlife? And conquired so damn easily?
Naaah. That is Gernmans -- in their bitter fight against other peers -- Europeans. Ones they was nearly wiping out ALL of the TIMES... History, again.
But then, suddenly, LOST... in a bitter fight of WW1.
And it was looking DAMN unfair. Just by a whim of a moment (like involvment of USA, or reassurgents of Commies)
Which created rich soil for all what Orwel colorfully depicted...
\\that I am only using the word ‘nationalism’ for lack of a better. Nationalism, in the extended sense in which I am using the word, includes such movements and tendencies as Communism, political Catholicism, Zionism, Antisemitism, Trotskyism and Pacifism.
That's it!
\\It is also worth emphasising once again that nationalist feeling can be purely negative. There are, for example, Trotskyists who have become simply enemies of the U.S.S.R. without developing a corresponding loyalty to any other unit.
\\Which of the three great allies, the U.S.S.R., Britain and the USA, has contributed most
And who are one to talk about "nationalism" here? ;-P
\\facts but for the stimulation of nationalistic loyalties(3). And aesthetic judgements, especially literary judgements, are often corrupted in the same way as political ones. It would be difficult for an Indian Nationalist to enjoy reading Kipling or for a Conservative to see merit in Mayakovsky, and there is always a temptation to claim that any book whose tendency one disagrees with must be a bad book from a literary point of view. People of strongly nationalistic outlook often perform this sleight of hand without being conscious of dishonesty.
\\now seem to be reviving among a minority. Among the intelligentsia, it hardly needs saying that the dominant form of nationalism is Communism — using this word in a very loose sense, to include not merely Communist Party members, but ‘fellow travellers’ and russophiles generally. A Communist, for my purpose here, is one who looks upon the U.S.S.R. as his Fatherland and feels it his duty t justify Russian policy and advance Russian interests at all costs. Obviously such people abound in England today, and their
Very to the point and so fresh even for today. ;-)
/And well... what for, again?
ReplyDeleteYou're too polite/ well mannered. But I do "occassionally" value an alternate perspective...a transcendent "outsider" perspective rather than an insider baseball, Dervy type -emergent one.
/History of Ukraine is nearly ALL consist of tryes to rely on unsteady, unfaithful, with own interests "allies".
We'll you won't be soon disappointed that way, I suspect. :(
So as American aviators like to say, "watch your six."
/Like in this political case -- your government should be asking themself -- and why that country, that never was very interested in us, as well as we in it... suddenly came to us and even demand some help from us???
They're looking at you like at a gift horse in the mouth, a new economic market ripe for exploitation. They don't give 2 sh*ts about Russia, that's DOD's problem. Our oligarchs are thinking with their wallets, and using their bureaucratic surrogates to drag the Ukrainian horse in through the gates of Troy. Call me Cassandra.
/You, the same as Derpy think that all people in the world have and use term "nationalism" THE SAME as you?
No, we all use it differently. To Dervy, nationalism is fascism. He forever calls me a "white nationist" (Like I care about race as much as he does). Or like I think that patriotism is the same as the fascism/nationalism he believes that I believe in. Cuz patriotism is my form of nationalism. And it's not got room for fascism (as defined by Mussolini, a government/ corporate cooperative, nor Dervy's fascist/ authoritarian dictatorship.) My nationalism includes my own self-interest.
Japan was obvious impialism. They was empire. That tryed to re-tool itself to modern times.
America has always dabbled in empire, but didn't really achieve it until after WWII when the American Republic switched gears full-time to Empire and abandoned "Republican" thinking for evangelical corporate globalism 24/7.
\\/And well... what for, again?
ReplyDelete\\You're too polite/ well mannered.
Not at all. I know no manners (american for sure). And are quite barbaric.
So. That is is not feigned. Not at all.
That is absoilutely real question -- what for? I could, I should fake having political opinion... where I have none???
\\But I do "occassionally" value an alternate perspective...a transcendent "outsider" perspective rather than an insider baseball, Dervy type -emergent one.
Dunno what you mean.
I see him just the same as ordinary Russians -- they only chant government propaganda. No own ideas. No own words. That's why I stoped to try to talk with em.
\\We'll you won't be soon disappointed that way, I suspect. :(
That is... just the Reality.
Something totally opposite to hyper-reality of media and Internet.
Real World... in opposition to Barbi World -- have you watched it already? (no purpose question, just became toom tired of advertising ;-P)
\\So as American aviators like to say, "watch your six."
You still think that you talking with Zelensky, or something.
Well, even if that'll be Zelensky -- there'd be no polite answer -- he is idiotic schmuk... which believes in having immance levels of luck... or, charisma.
Like in your Trump ;-)
Would you try to suggest to him what to do? Or what not to?
You know effectivity of it, isn't it?
Well... that is how political system works -- sheeps voting for a goat to lead em. ;-P
\\They're looking at you like at a gift horse in the mouth, a new economic market ripe for exploitation. They don't give 2 sh*ts about Russia, that's DOD's problem. Our oligarchs are thinking with their wallets, and using their bureaucratic surrogates to drag the Ukrainian horse in through the gates of Troy. Call me Cassandra.
If that is true... good. :-)
\\No, we all use it differently.
Little hint to you. In other language it can have OPPOSITE meaning EVEN. ;-)
I mean, word that sounds similar. Well, you are living in an ubiquotous English wold. And even closest to you langs are Latin-based.
But... there 200 more languages in this World. ;-)
\\To Dervy, nationalism is fascism.
After a year of bickering, I hightly doubt it -- that Derpy have a clue... about anything.
It just repeating propaganda.
Well. Not bad things, actually. Not that bad.
"Prejudges make fool looking smart"(c)
\\My nationalism includes my own self-interest.
Only, I would be curious about -- whom you share your nationalism with.
In current atomised and way too diverse world.
\\America has always dabbled in empire, but didn't really achieve it until after WWII when the American Republic switched gears full-time to Empire and abandoned "Republican" thinking for evangelical corporate globalism 24/7.
That's... just a phantom pains. You WAS part of empire.
And by smaggle hack of History... you share Culture of your Imperial Metropoloy.
Means, you have it in your genes.
But you yourself -- do not pass even simplest test of being Empire.
Empire it's:
Never ending conquests for new and new territories. Never ending expansion -- which Rush'A and China demonstrate to you.
Empires ARE egalitarian -- means loyalty to empire is ONLY measure of success.
To be EVEN START to be something like Empire.
You need to:
1) Start real conquest. Like your neighbours. But there still Canada, free as it is. And Mexica, which is good joke -- you fear "aliens" from your south border so much. But if you'd be an empire -- you'd need to allow EM ALL... and maybe even to change your capital. ;-P
Because Mehico is much more siutable to be tha Capital of Great and Glorious Empire of Both Americas. ;-P
2) Allow SAME laws, same rules as for your old citizens, as for new ones. ;-)
I... don't see it any time soon happening. ;-P
/That is absoilutely real question -- what for? I could, I should fake having political opinion... where I have none???
ReplyDeleteI suppose I believe it's like the old saying, "Opinions are like *ssholes, everybody's got one". I thought that maybe your "inner voice" (like the one of Socrates) was restraining you from stating it. That would make it either a moral reason or one of social graces.
It's fine to not have one, too.
/No own ideas. No own words. That's why I stoped to try to talk with em.
It's why I enjoy talking to you. You are the opposite.
Real World... in opposition to Barbi World -- have you watched it already? (no purpose question, just became toom tired of advertising
Nope. A fusion of entertainment/ advertising and economic stagnation laid on the alter of corporate capitalism. It shows you how our modern identities are built.
/Well... that is how political system works -- sheeps voting for a goat to lead em. ;-P
If that is true... good. :-)
For you maybe. To me, its' symptomatic of the problem of America's current economy (which as you already know, I wish to change).
In other language it can have OPPOSITE meaning EVEN. ;-)
Hmmmmmmmmm..... possibly.
Only, I would be curious about -- whom you share your nationalism with.
Veterans, mostly. My bff is a Vietnam Vet, and we hang out socially with a lot of his friends from the local Veterans Center.
/You WAS part of empire.
My whole life was in service to it. 3.5 years in Spain. 4 years in Venezuela. 4 years at the USMMA. 7 years shipbuilding. 7 years Defense Contracting. 30 years NASA contractor.
And our empire was never one of "territory". It was a commercial empire. One we're feeling the ill effects of and are labelling "late capitalism". The Panem et Circenses phase of Empire of gladiatorial Spectacles ala "Ukraine v. Russia". "Place your bets, gentlemen. Caesar, thumbs up or down? Now in the Center ring, David v. Goliath. Can I get a loan with which to make another bet?"
The economy is but one (dominant) autopoetic social subsystem... linking nations to other nations (as in the Avenue of the Sphinxes at Karnak. And we are the owners/ controllers of the shuttlecocks that move along them (Temple of Kamutef outside the Precinct of Mut) Note the separation between Kamutef and the Precinct of Montu. As you can tell, I love studying sacred geometry.
/I... don't see it any time soon happening. ;-P
Me either. I'd likely support it if it were a stated goal, but it's not, never was, and likely never will be.
\\I suppose I believe it's like the old saying, "Opinions are like *ssholes, everybody's got one". I thought that maybe your "inner voice" (like the one of Socrates) was restraining you from stating it. That would make it either a moral reason or one of social graces.
I just cannot find a base to have one.
Really. Why that is so hard to grok to you?
Do you have, do you have to have an opinion... about inner quarrels among some pig shit earers from some Timbuktu?
Obviously you have no. Same like you not interested into history of some Ukraine.
Well. High and mighty USA might not be that prone to it...
but, it seems that is transitive thing too. ;-)
Hope I showed not too much acidness... that's just to show that that is not about politness in this case. ;-)
\\It's why I enjoy talking to you. You are the opposite.
Well... I cannot say that I have too much in my sleaves...
apart from my interest in Progress...
\\Nope. A fusion of entertainment/ advertising and economic stagnation laid on the alter of corporate capitalism. It shows you how our modern identities are built.
Before First WW it was the same... they say.
It even scored it's own name -- Decadance. ;-)
\\For you maybe. To me, its' symptomatic of the problem of America's current economy (which as you already know, I wish to change).
Not very peruasively -- you not show interest into gaining power/finding means to change it.
And in this... looking just the same as any other modern politician (and Trump too) -- they only like to talk about changes, but very scared of changes, actually.
Professional politics. ;-P
Changes was always introduced by diletants.
\\Hmmmmmmmmm..... possibly.
Yes. As one who trying talking in English... I see it clearly.
\\Veterans, mostly. My bff is a Vietnam Vet, and we hang out socially with a lot of his friends from the local Veterans Center.
That's... endemic to USA, I assume.
Though I know that veterans of Afgan in (post)Soviet Union do unite too.
But hardly as any united political force... today.
By obvious reason.
\\And our empire was never one of "territory". It was a commercial empire.
Empires is ALWAYS about territories.
Look at Britain -- they was EVEN MORE into commerce.
But... same time they was "empire... under which Sun never sunsetting".
That's why you have such a big problems with understanding your peers/rivals -- true empires. On the Middle East. China. Even that phony counterfeit Rush'A.
\\Me either. I'd likely support it if it were a stated goal, but it's not, never was, and likely never will be.
Hard thing to guess. Too few specimen. Too diverse.
But I have my hypothesis -- what makes nation to step up to became empire -- and that is -- bitter defeat.
Like Romans have had from Gannibal.
Yet one reason why you are... not one. Maybe yet.
But go procrastinate for some more time... and you'd have it. If you'd survive.
Because. Strategicly. To make radioactive desert out of North America... looks very daring... to certain someone, of your rivals.
/Professional politics. ;-P
ReplyDeleteChanges was always introduced by diletants.
I wouldn't last 2 minutes. My views are too-out-of-the-polite-mainstream.
\\Veterans, mostly. My bff is a Vietnam Vet, and we hang out socially with a lot of his friends from the local Veterans Center.
That's... endemic to USA, I assume.
Though I know that veterans of Afgan in (post)Soviet Union do unite too.
But hardly as any united political force... today.
By obvious reason.
They're strictly monitored for signs of "domestic terrorism"... the adminstrations biggest boogeyman.
\\And our empire was never one of "territory". It was a commercial empire.
Empires is ALWAYS about territories.
Look at Britain -- they was EVEN MORE into commerce.
But... same time they was "empire... under which Sun never sunsetting".
That's why you have such a big problems with understanding your peers/rivals -- true empires. On the Middle East. China. Even that phony counterfeit Rush'A.
The sun never sets on US military bases. That's all the "territory" we need.
\\Me either. I'd likely support it if it were a stated goal, but it's not, never was, and likely never will be.
Hard thing to guess. Too few specimen. Too diverse.
But I have my hypothesis -- what makes nation to step up to became empire -- and that is -- bitter defeat.
Like Romans have had from Gannibal.
Yet one reason why you are... not one. Maybe yet.
But go procrastinate for some more time... and you'd have it. If you'd survive.
Hannibal took his fight to Rome and Roman territory. Pearl Harbor... 9/11. They never "landed" to fight.
Because. Strategicly. To make radioactive desert out of North America... looks very daring... to certain someone, of your rivals.
Ever see "Wolverines". Thats what I worry about. Not an atomic bomb.
In the merchant marines in WWII, if you were on an iron ore ship, you slept with your boots on, because if torpedoed, the ship would sink quickly. But if you were on an ammunition ship, you took off all your clothes to sleep, cuz there was no chance for escape.
We're on an ammunition ship, not an iron ore carrier.
\\I wouldn't last 2 minutes. My views are too-out-of-the-polite-mainstream.
ReplyDeleteAnd that saying one who bragged being reading The Prince. ;-)
\\They're strictly monitored for signs of "domestic terrorism"... the adminstrations biggest boogeyman.
And that prevents em from talking? From thinking?
\\The sun never sets on US military bases. That's all the "territory" we need.
\\Hannibal took his fight to Rome and Roman territory. Pearl Harbor... 9/11. They never "landed" to fight.
That... will not be forever.
And when it happen... it will not be light. Forgiving. And giving you time to retaliate.
And there is NO backup which could come to your rescue... as you did to Europe.
But well, you have so many zombie/postap movie... so maybe that is what your public desires -- total destruction???
"If you'd look into a chasm for too long..."
\\We're on an ammunition ship, not an iron ore carrier.
\\I wouldn't last 2 minutes. My views are too-out-of-the-polite-mainstream.
ReplyDelete/And that saying one who bragged being reading The Prince. ;-)
I think that after Trump, the press has learned it's lesson and wouldn't give me the coverage. They'd "Cloak of Gyges" me faster than you can say, "He never happened".
\\They're strictly monitored for signs of "domestic terrorism"... the adminstrations biggest boogeyman.
/And that prevents em from talking? From thinking?
No, we talk, and think. But it's not an "exclusive" circle. I'm not even a "veteran" (officially). I was only in the Reserves (a volunteer). They are all former active duty... and mostly drafted/ conscripted involuntarily. I've never even been in a war zone or seen actual combat.
\\The sun never sets on US military bases. That's all the "territory" we need.
Sure in WWII we took territory and replaced civil authorities. But we're back to being a "strategic hamlet" and "green zone" occupier. Our footprint for "control" gets ever smaller (now it's inside computers and communications devices). We don't do "disciplinary societies" anymore. We're a society of control. Our algorithms monitor your behaviour, and reward acceptable ones with future continued access. We're inside your cellphone.
\\Hannibal took his fight to Rome and Roman territory. Pearl Harbor... 9/11. They never "landed" to fight.
/That... will not be forever.
And when it happen... it will not be light. Forgiving. And giving you time to retaliate.
And there is NO backup which could come to your rescue... as you did to Europe.
But well, you have so many zombie/postap movie... so maybe that is what your public desires -- total destruction???
"If you'd look into a chasm for too long..."
Wanna take over America? You'll have to hack our computers (like the Chinese) and change the algorithms. Don't waste your time landing a "disciplinary" force. We'll cooperate and work for whoever pays the bills.
We're the ghost in the machine...
...but we're not nearly so good at it as the Brits. We still prefer hard kills. And they are "perfidious Albion".
ReplyDeleteWait a little. Go loose some more time. And you'd became proficient in it... as that'll be ONE LAST chance for you. The same as it was with Brits. Or with Bizantines before. ;-P
ReplyDelete\\I think that after Trump, the press has learned it's lesson and wouldn't give me the coverage. They'd "Cloak of Gyges" me faster than you can say, "He never happened".
You think that Power... in being cajoled by press???
Oh, I thought you much wise then that. :-(
\\No, we talk, and think. But it's not an "exclusive" circle. I'm not even a "veteran" (officially). I was only in the Reserves (a volunteer). They are all former active duty... and mostly drafted/ conscripted involuntarily. I've never even been in a war zone or seen actual combat.
So what?
You have no tunnel vision then...
\\We're inside your cellphone.
Aha... on top of Chinese supervising soft. ;-P
I bet Chinese do with you thing you with your candidness cannot even imagine.
Like Tik-Tok. ;-P
\\Wanna take over America? You'll have to hack our computers (like the Chinese) and change the algorithms. Don't waste your time landing a "disciplinary" force. We'll cooperate and work for whoever pays the bills.
What for?
You not good neither as workforce nor as brainpower. (trying to impersonate Xi here)
""The text mentions the concept of psychological warfare, which targets the mind of the enemy rather than their physical body. The soldiers involved in this type of warfare are expected to have a broad understanding of human experience and to study various social sciences.""
ReplyDeleteSaid certainly not about USAians. ;-P
Got a lunch with the Vets today.
ReplyDeletebtw - The Press isn't the 4th estate? Who knew? And they don't support certain Grand Narratives? Who knew that, either?
ps - The Chinese don't need our workers. They only need our "Creatives". The rest are watching Tik Tok.
...and yes, our social sciences are a veritable sh*thole. They were captured years ago by the Marxist New Left and practice a combination of Foucauldian power dynamics and intersectional grievance studies.
\\ps - The Chinese don't need our workers. They only need our "Creatives".
ReplyDeleteThey already have em. Paying more.
\\...and yes, our social sciences are a veritable sh*thole. They were captured years ago by the Marxist New Left and practice a combination of Foucauldian power dynamics and intersectional grievance studies.
Social studies ALWAYS was Marxist.
Press? And what you wanna to achieve with press? You not controlling anyway.
They already have em. Paying more.
ReplyDeleteAnd do they work on their own projects, or projects assigned by a mandarin?
Did you watch the Peter Thiel bureaucratic lack of progress video?
ReplyDelete\\And do they work on their own projects, or projects assigned by a mandarin?
ReplyDeleteAnd at your place?
\\Did you watch the Peter Thiel bureaucratic lack of progress video?
Is there something new???
To Ams, maybe? But I saw USSR.
\\And do they work on their own projects, or projects assigned by a mandarin?
ReplyDelete/And at your place?
Now? Mandarins, of course.
\\Did you watch the Peter Thiel bureaucratic lack of progress video?
Is there something new???
To Ams, maybe? But I saw USSR.
The "Great Leap Forward" in progress of Science is a one-time thing. It may Standardize the Paradigm" for a moment in time and allow others to catch up... but ultimately it prevents the paradigm altering breakthroughs needed for Maoist "leaps forward".
Wa-wa-wa-wat??? %-)))
ReplyDeleteWell, sorry for my reaction.
I just mnot versed in your cultural things. How you see China, and all other world.
I could try to deduce it... but you'd give not enough data. And will not answer to directly asked questions.
So... that is like dead end. Again. :-(((
Well... now your West Deep State FINNALY admitted Reality.
ReplyDeleteBut still are TOO DEMN optimistic -- that there'd be whole 5 MORE years to prepare for it...
How should I see China? I've been to Hong Kong under British Rule (loved it). I've been to Keelung/ Kaoshung on Taiwan (indifferent towards... aesthetically depressing unless you visit a temple). Never been to Communist China. I still see it as in the film "55 Days in Peking" or Mao's Cultural Revolution. And I see the economy as the Three Represents, a State Directed economy which America imitates and grows more similar to, daily. Call it the curse of the German "Research Institution". Our Universities don't "preserve" knowledge, they now attempt to "create" it, which is why our culture has evaporated into the air of the commercial marketplace.
ReplyDeleteI'm still a fan of helping Taiwan resist assimilation by the mainland Chinese. Call me "old school" Navy.
I do admire one thing about the mainland Chinese. The Communist government claims that it's priority lies in maintaining/ supporting Chinese culture. I wish them well.
ReplyDeleteMilitarily, I see China as a MUCH greater threat than Russia, but a still manageable one. It'll take them a while to develop a Blue Water Navy. So I agree, we have at least 5 years. :P
ReplyDeleteThe relevant term.
ReplyDelete...but PS - It would take America more than 5 years to achieve the shipbuilding capacity necessary to go toe to toe with China once they're ready to go "blue". Our steel and shipbuilding infrastructure is pretty much non-existent. Not nearly what it was at the middle of WWII when BethShip alone used to launch a ship a day.
ReplyDelete\\The Communist government claims that it's priority lies in maintaining/ supporting Chinese culture. I wish them well.
By making it Potemkin's Village.
Or stuffed animal.
\\Militarily, I see China as a MUCH greater threat than Russia, but a still manageable one.
Because THEY allow you to see em like that.
You thought that you better then Japanese, once.
Then you thought that miserly russians will never surpass you in anything.
ARE you able to learn... from your own blunders for at least???
\\The Communist government claims that it's priority lies in maintaining/ supporting Chinese culture. I wish them well.
By making it Potemkin's Village.
Or stuffed animal.
Keeping the illusion alive. They "persist". It's all any mortal life form can ask for. To "persist".
>\\Militarily, I see China as a MUCH greater threat than Russia, but a still manageable one.
Because THEY allow you to see em like that.
You thought that you better then Japanese, once.
Then you thought that miserly russians will never surpass you in anything.
ARE you able to learn... from your own blunders for at least???
Who is "THEY"? My censors? ...or the Chinese? And "who" is right? I receive no USIC briefings.
\\Keeping the illusion alive. They "persist". It's all any mortal life form can ask for. To "persist".
As stuffed animal? Or automaton?
That is REAL chinese culture that able to withstand. Even tryes to eliminate it. And survive.
Like Falungun.
Or Tibetian Buddhism.
Or... kung-fu. ;-P
Like Bruce Lee said: "Be like Water".
\\Who is "THEY"? My censors? ...or the Chinese? And "who" is right? I receive no USIC briefings.
As always.
I talking from History standpoint.
And from you using idea -- that individual can somehow be responsible for the doing of whole country...
Is it my blunder to do that? But I just use what I can, I see available to use...
Just like Evolution. Like Reality itself.
(or that is humble bragging again ;-P)
\\Keeping the illusion alive. They "persist". It's all any mortal life form can ask for. To "persist".
As stuffed animal? Or automaton?
That is REAL chinese culture that able to withstand. Even tryes to eliminate it. And survive.
Like Falungun.
Or Tibetian Buddhism.
Or... kung-fu. ;-P
Like Bruce Lee said: "Be like Water".
Achilles said the same thing. :)
\\Who is "THEY"? My censors? ...or the Chinese? And "who" is right? I receive no USIC briefings.
/As always.
I talking from History standpoint.
And from you using idea -- that individual can somehow be responsible for the doing of whole country...
Is it my blunder to do that? But I just use what I can, I see available to use...
Just like Evolution. Like Reality itself.
(or that is humble bragging again ;-P)
You're not going all Hillary Clinton, "It takes a village" on me, are you? ;)
Meden Agan. One little boy can put his finger into a hole in the dyke, and save the town. He just can't do it "forever".
...and no, still just regular bragging. Humble bragging is self-deprecating
I saved the Republic...and I but Skywalker's lowly padawan.
ReplyDelete\\Like Bruce Lee said: "Be like Water".
ReplyDelete\\Achilles said the same thing. :)
And as Google dunno about it too.
And I can be only as wise as Google about it.
\\You're not going all Hillary Clinton, "It takes a village" on me, are you? ;)
Dunno what it for?
I just trying to use Meta-Thinking and Meta-Talking. As Ever.
\\...and no, still just regular bragging. Humble bragging is self-deprecating
It is self-deprecating.
I promptly stated how limited I am.
\\I saved the Republic...and I but Skywalker's lowly padawan.
\\Like Bruce Lee said: "Be like Water".
ReplyDelete\\Achilles said the same thing. :)
And as Google dunno about it too.
And I can be only as wise as Google about it.
Yeah, and I can't help. YouTube took down all of Yanitsaros old videos. They were the best videos on the whole Ap, too. He had 2 on Achilles. Be fluid... transfer power. Use sequence... then break it. Great stuff. You'll have to take my word for it. Achilles mother was Thetis, a Sea Nymph and Daughter of Ocean.
\\You're not going all Hillary Clinton, "It takes a village" on me, are you? ;)
/Dunno what it for?
I just trying to use Meta-Thinking and Meta-Talking. As Ever.
Ah... meden agan!
\\...and no, still just regular bragging. Humble bragging is self-deprecating
/It is self-deprecating.
I promptly stated how limited I am.
Is it my blunder, or I just use evolution/ nature... I don't know. Is it self deprecating to phrase it as a question? I think it has to be more definitive than that.
\\I saved the Republic...and I but Skywalker's lowly padawan.
Ren??? (The other Skywalker)? I give up. I'm losing the bubble on humble brags.
\\Yeah, and I can't help. YouTube took down all of Yanitsaros old videos.
ReplyDeleteThey are... elsewhere.
Or... you could make yourself a hustle to save em -- that is the way as anything keep it's like inside Internet. ;-)
\\Ah... meden agan!
Ah... I'd like it to be more. But it already are to the best of my abilities...
\\/It is self-deprecating.
I promptly stated how limited I am.
\\Is it my blunder, or I just use evolution/ nature... I don't know. Is it self deprecating to phrase it as a question? I think it has to be more definitive than that.
Nature... doesn't care...
\\\\I saved the Republic...and I but Skywalker's lowly padawan.
\\Ren??? (The other Skywalker)? I give up. I'm losing the bubble on humble brags.
And she already got padawan???
Sorry for me being so outdated. I still watcing it on VHS. ;-P NOT.
Just not a big fan of it.
It's just that part of your culture -- you pushing into mouthes of people, with a pipe now.
Like to that slaves of Matrix. Oh, shit.
\\Yeah, and I can't help. YouTube took down all of Yanitsaros old videos.
ReplyDelete/They are... elsewhere.
Or... you could make yourself a hustle to save em -- that is the way as anything keep it's like inside Internet. ;-)
Sorry, I hate computers and the idiots who write the algorithms that police the content on the net. I will be shadowbanned no matter what I post/write. "They" cannot be saved. They can only be "sought". For virtue cannot be taught. Only "learned". (Yes, I'm also a lazy f*ck! ...but discovery for one's-self vs being spoon fed virtue? Priceless.)
\\Ah... meden agan!
/Ah... I'd like it to be more. But it already are to the best of my abilities...
Then become the self-moving mover who moves others. And what better to move them than a "story"?
\\/It is self-deprecating.
/I promptly stated how limited I am.
I never understood the social norms myself. If you are ambitious, why must you pretend to not be? So that you are not perceived a threat? I give up, it all seems pointless. Truth does not serve man well. At least not if it challenges the "structural" power that be, sustained by the "noble lies".
\\Is it my blunder, or I just use evolution/ nature... I don't know. Is it self deprecating to phrase it as a question? I think it has to be more definitive than that.
/Nature... doesn't care...
But does "polite society"?
\\\\I saved the Republic...and I but Skywalker's lowly padawan.
\\Ren??? (The other Skywalker)? I give up. I'm losing the bubble on humble brags.
/And she already got padawan???
Wasn't she/he both trained under Luke?
/Sorry for me being so outdated. I still watcing it on VHS. ;-P NOT.
Just not a big fan of it.
It's just that part of your culture -- you pushing into mouthes of people, with a pipe now.
Like to that slaves of Matrix. Oh, shit.
"The Last Jedi" wasn't the best of the series, IMO. And yes, some real sh*t is coming out of Hollywood... ever since the CIA bought in, anyways. ;) Maybe they need a better "front"? Ever been to CAA HQ?
ReplyDeleteYanitsaros Youtube videos statistics
https://zw.youtubers.me › yo...
Yanitsaros Yanitsaros. Subscribers. 1,490. Video views. 2,115,817. Video count ... I found it at youtubers.me/yanitsaros Check out the Youtube video stats of ...
Video Pelasgians
https://imperiya.by › CBgQAQ
The Pelasgians - Direct Ancestors Of The Later Great Greek Nation ... Yanitsaros 15 год. Pre-Indo-Europeans EP1: Pelasgians 01:16. Pre-Indo ...
\\Then become the self-moving mover who moves others. And what better to move them than a "story"?
All question is HOW???
\\But does "polite society"?
Nature doesn't care about it... I suspect.
\\Wasn't she/he both trained under Luke?
Ah, yeah... though that hardly can be called "being padawan".
Just a crash course.
And you not commented on link I gave there. Didn't liked? Music for at least. ;-)
\\"The Last Jedi" wasn't the best of the series, IMO.
Know about it only because it was pushed into my mouth.
Well... for today, that doesn't matter even -- better it is, or worse. Given how much stuff was already produced...
\\ Ever been to CAA HQ?
Still trying to uncover me being your neighbour just pretending being foreigner??? %-))))
Yanitsaros Youtube videos statistics
https://zw.youtubers.me › yo...
Yanitsaros Yanitsaros. Subscribers. 1,490. Video views. 2,115,817. Video count ... I found it at youtubers.me/yanitsaros Check out the Youtube video stats of ...
/Video Pelasgians
https://imperiya.by › CBgQAQ
The Pelasgians - Direct Ancestors Of The Later Great Greek Nation ... Yanitsaros 15 год. Pre-Indo-Europeans EP1: Pelasgians 01:16. Pre-Indo ...
That's not an archive, it it? If so, I didn't know where to click to find it. Pelasgians was one vid, but there were many more/better ones. Usually PowerPoint slides accompanied with Greek music. Old School Greek philosophy... or myths about the Gods.
\\Then become the self-moving mover who moves others. And what better to move them than a "story"?
All question is HOW???
Like David Brin did. Write a SciFi story of Von Neumann machines. Only better.
\\But does "polite society"?
/Nature doesn't care about it... I suspect.
But she is Mother Nature's deadliest enemy. She been looking to banish Mother Nature since the founding of the first village.
\\Wasn't she/he both trained under Luke?
/Ah, yeah... though that hardly can be called "being padawan".
Just a crash course.
And you not commented on link I gave there. Didn't liked? Music for at least. ;-)
I suppose I was in too great a hurry. I usually paste your comments into Notepad, but the links don't come through. I remember seeing that it was animated, though. I'll have to go back and do a better job of checking it out. :(
\\"The Last Jedi" wasn't the best of the series, IMO.
Know about it only because it was pushed into my mouth.
Well... for today, that doesn't matter even -- better it is, or worse. Given how much stuff was already produced...
Sorry, I'm still a fan. I saw the first one when I was attending the Academy. I had a Prof who went nuts in his enthusiasm for it, extolling its' robots "realism" and attention to detail (C3PO's hydraulic lines).
\\ Ever been to CAA HQ?
Still trying to uncover me being your neighbour just pretending being foreigner??? %-))))
You never know. I did a post on it at Tea Leaves a while back and can't find it anymore... nor any trace of the video that accompanied it. The picture was shot from a drone, and showed the "Masonic" symbolism built into the building placement and compounds courtyard architecture. CIA enjoys such jokes. It gives them "plausible deniability" that its' just a "conspiracy theory".
\\That's not an archive, it it? If so, I didn't know where to click to find it. Pelasgians was one vid, but there were many more/better ones. Usually PowerPoint slides accompanied with Greek music. Old School Greek philosophy... or myths about the Gods.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was able to scramble.
It's usual problem of trying to seek for something you dunno...
Especially if you doing it for a friend. ;-)
\\Like David Brin did. Write a SciFi story of Von Neumann machines. Only better.
Dunno that story... and don't care.
He is not an influencer it like to imagine itself -- his was just a Novice Luck syndrome sufferer -- after his "Postman" became movie.
became self-ensured that that was deserved success.
But other his works... is just mediocre.
My favorite (apart from Lem) is Accelerando. ;-)
\\But she is Mother Nature's deadliest enemy. She been looking to banish Mother Nature since the founding of the first village.
\\ I remember seeing that it was animated, though. I'll have to go back and do a better job of checking it out. :(
I just thought it could entertain you...
\\Sorry, I'm still a fan. I saw the first one when I was attending the Academy. I had a Prof who went nuts in his enthusiasm for it, extolling its' robots "realism" and attention to detail (C3PO's hydraulic lines).
Of Extended Universe too?
Well... as being fan is something bad.
Do not try to excuse yourself for something like that before me. Is it your culture stigma?
Well, I would like to be a fan... of something. :-/
\\But other his works... is just mediocre.
ReplyDeleteThough... professionally made, I give him that.
Well, that is not surprising... having mom and dad English teachers.
\\That's not an archive, it it? If so, I didn't know where to click to find it. Pelasgians was one vid, but there were many more/better ones. Usually PowerPoint slides accompanied with Greek music. Old School Greek philosophy... or myths about the Gods.
ReplyDelete/That's what I was able to scramble.
It's usual problem of trying to seek for something you dunno...
Especially if you doing it for a friend. ;-)
No problem, I appreciate the effort. And I don't need it for myself, it's one of those things I used to refer others to, a lot.
\\Like David Brin did. Write a SciFi story of Von Neumann machines. Only better.
/Dunno that story... and don't care.
He is not an influencer it like to imagine itself -- his was just a Novice Luck syndrome sufferer -- after his "Postman" became movie.
became self-ensured that that was deserved success.
But other his works... is just mediocre.
I saw the movie once, years ago. It's not one I'd seek out to watch again.
My favorite (apart from Lem) is Accelerando. ;-)
Wow! Thats some premise.
\\Sorry, I'm still a fan. I saw the first one when I was attending the Academy. I had a Prof who went nuts in his enthusiasm for it, extolling its' robots "realism" and attention to detail (C3PO's hydraulic lines).
/Of Extended Universe too?
Well... as being fan is something bad.
Do not try to excuse yourself for something like that before me. Is it your culture stigma?
Well, I would like to be a fan... of something. :-/
Yes, the extended universe, too. Mandalorian, Boba Fett, et al. Who doesn't want to be a Jedi saving the Galaxy?
\\But other his works... is just mediocre.
/Though... professionally made, I give him that.
Well, that is not surprising... having mom and dad English teachers.
I loved the moment I called him anti-Semetic that he started hurling Yiddish insults at me. He probably thought I was a real Jew, and not just a symbolic one wearing a patch for easier identification for social scorn and ostracization.
Besides, most groups/ organization worth joining are the ones, like APS (The AMerican Philosophical Society) or Royal Society, that are "invitation only". And even THAT one was killed through "entryism".
\\No problem, I appreciate the effort. And I don't need it for myself, it's one of those things I used to refer others to, a lot.
ReplyDeleteAnd you have no habit squirreling good things for yourself? ;-)
\\I saw the movie once, years ago. It's not one I'd seek out to watch again.
Well... DiBi himself displeased by it itself... but believe me, the book is even worse -- just a novice work. As I have said -- Novice Luck.
But... it gave it name. So it was able to show it's face on TV. And even bestowed with some power by government bureaucracy. (no, I didn't know about that facts before coming to its echo-chamber... I didn't know about echo-chambers and many-many other things about your culture... I was *SO* naive (blushing)) Just tried to explore hypothesis that such an open-minded person as sci-fi writer -- could be more apt to grok my ideas...
\\My favorite (apart from Lem) is Accelerando. ;-)
\\Wow! Thats some premise.
But same time... it showed with all certainity -- that Sci-Fi as genre -- is dead. :-((((
It cannot penetrate that Cognitive Horizon. Same as Light cannot break through Even Horizon of a BH.
for full understanding -- you can try to read "Life and death of Solomon Gursky"... too.
And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
\\Yes, the extended universe, too. Mandalorian, Boba Fett, et al. Who doesn't want to be a Jedi saving the Galaxy?
Because I know super-weapon against ANY jedi. ;-P
Hint: Because I know some Geometry. (not a spoiler, I think)
\\I loved the moment I called him anti-Semetic that he started hurling Yiddish insults at me. He probably thought I was a real Jew, and not just a symbolic one wearing a patch for easier identification for social scorn and ostracization.
That's just usual monkey throwing shit.
Do you know such a nasty little trivia about our little cousines? Of cleverly use of own shit to scare out possible threats and nearby predators? ;-)
That's why I not using self-representing monikers -- to not allow to play such silly games.
\\Besides, most groups/ organization worth joining are the ones, like APS (The AMerican Philosophical Society) or Royal Society, that are "invitation only".
Hoh... like in that historical anecdote about French Royal Academi. :-)))
\\No problem, I appreciate the effort. And I don't need it for myself, it's one of those things I used to refer others to, a lot.
ReplyDelete/And you have no habit squirreling good things for yourself? ;-)
Yes, that's what this blog is for (most of the time). But I can't copy or transcribe every video I link to. C'est la vie.
\\I saw the movie once, years ago. It's not one I'd seek out to watch again.
/Well... DiBi himself displeased by it itself... but believe me, the book is even worse -- just a novice work. As I have said -- Novice Luck.
Why do I sense the remorse of Aesop's fox (Fox & Grapes) vs. DiBi?
But... it gave it name. So it was able to show it's face on TV. And even bestowed with some power by government bureaucracy. (no, I didn't know about that facts before coming to its echo-chamber... I didn't know about echo-chambers and many-many other things about your culture... I was *SO* naive (blushing)) Just tried to explore hypothesis that such an open-minded person as sci-fi writer -- could be more apt to grok my ideas...
The sidebar ads for books should have tipped you off. Pure profilicity, IMO.
\\My favorite (apart from Lem) is Accelerando. ;-)
/\\Wow! Thats some premise.
But same time... it showed with all certainity -- that Sci-Fi as genre -- is dead. :-((((
It cannot penetrate that Cognitive Horizon. Same as Light cannot break through Even Horizon of a BH.
for full understanding -- you can try to read "Life and death of Solomon Gursky"... too.
Not Grundy? I'm having an affaire with his former wife (one of my old blogs). ;)
/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
\\Yes, the extended universe, too. Mandalorian, Boba Fett, et al. Who doesn't want to be a Jedi saving the Galaxy?
Because I know super-weapon against ANY jedi. ;-P
Hint: Because I know some Geometry. (not a spoiler, I think)
So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation.
\\I loved the moment I called him anti-Semetic that he started hurling Yiddish insults at me. He probably thought I was a real Jew, and not just a symbolic one wearing a patch for easier identification for social scorn and ostracization.
/That's just usual monkey throwing shit.
Do you know such a nasty little trivia about our little cousines? Of cleverly use of own shit to scare out possible threats and nearby predators? ;-)
That's why I not using self-representing monikers -- to not allow to play such silly games.
Scent marking and swapping is only important to non-humans. Fortunately our sense of smell got "re-purposed" by evolution (per Freud). No pheremones for me, please. Only enough info to decide whether or not it might be "good to eat" (or not).
\\Besides, most groups/ organization worth joining are the ones, like APS (The AMerican Philosophical Society) or Royal Society, that are "invitation only".
/Hoh... like in that historical anecdote about French Royal Academi. :-)))
Probably. Or like an episode of "The Gilded Age" (Old money vs. New in a world that de-legitimized "Aristocracy" and substituted ideas of Merit) or Beethoven vs. Goethe.
\\But I can't copy or transcribe every video I link to. C'est la vie.
ReplyDeleteFor every techy problem there is techy soultion. Whole bunch of em, even.
\\Why do I sense the remorse of Aesop's fox (Fox & Grapes) vs. DiBi?
One need to talk out his resentments from time to time... for em to not overburden one.
Isn't that is what your psychologs are for. And social networks in general? ;-P
Well... I just shared with you some factual trivias... which you'd not try to acqure yourself.
As always... trying to make a ground for Meta-Talk.
\\The sidebar ads for books should have tipped you off. Pure profilicity, IMO.
I said that I was unexperienced, isn't it?
\\\\for full understanding -- you can try to read "Life and death of Solomon Gursky"... too.
\\Not Grundy? I'm having an affaire with his former wife (one of my old blogs). ;)
The Days of Solomon Gursky
Ian McDonald
12 ratings3 reviews
Ian McDonald’s new tale, which begins with a passionate love story and takes us to the end of the universe and beyond, is set against the same background as his 1995 novel (Bantam). The author’s latest SF novel, is just out from Gollancz (UK). It’s a sequel to a book that Bantam published in paperback early last year. Mr. McDonald is currently writing —his first mainstream novel.
I first read this 25 years ago in an anthology I still have to this day. I had read a lot of short fiction by that time, as well as a mountain of SF novels.
I'm happy to say that this random little story from over two decades ago has done a better job of immortalizing itself to me than any other. Few have shone as brightly as this one. Indeed, I might say this one is my absolute favorite short SF of all time.
Sure, some older SF authors might have touched on the same overall theme and some later authors will have done the same, but this one has everything I love most.
Back in '98, nanotech was still shiny, but what never goes out of style is a good tale: all the love, immortality, sheer unrestrained originality, time, and memory.
It's a densely crafted tale that sets up the seven days of Solomon Grundy, only hard-SF -- and it's full of heart. It rejects the idea that immortality kills love. There's a lot more going on in it than is obvious in even two reads.
I'll be honest here: if I had any way to immortalize this story, make sure everyone in the universe reads it, gets it under their skin, then I would be a very happy man. If any story should not be forgotten, if it should have many, many reprints, then it ought to be this one.
Quite a long short story by the standards of this collection, perhaps too long. I found the first part pretty good (perhaps a bit too much erotica for my jaded British tastes). Then I felt the attempt to encompass a vast span of time and evolution - to god like powers and the end of the universe and back again no less was perhaps a step too far for me. It began to drag , despite the wondrous transformations and cosmic journeys …which inevitably attempted to return to the original human story. So 3 stars.
\\/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
Face of The Future.
\\So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation.
Do you want a spoiler? Even if your world will never be the same?
\\Scent marking and swapping is only important to non-humans. Fortunately our sense of smell got "re-purposed" by evolution (per Freud). No pheremones for me, please. Only enough info to decide whether or not it might be "good to eat" (or not).
Not only smell. :-))))
ALL elements of shit involved.
\\/Hoh... like in that historical anecdote about French Royal Academi. :-)))
\\Probably. Or like an episode of "The Gilded Age" (Old money vs. New in a world that delegitimized "Aristocracy" and substituted ideas of Merit) or Beethoven vs. Goethe.
Sorry for not explained.
Something around this words... sorry, not precise, and I didn't found it in Google.
France decided to make to oneself Royal Academy of Sciences... in the image of their arch-rival England.
But... to spare something with "Royal" title from possibility of refusing such an monarchic generous... rule to admit only THOSE who would propose themself was instantiated.
Hillarity ensured.
Hoh. Second part was eaten out by censure/spamfilter... What it disliked this time? "errotica"??? ;-)))
ReplyDelete\\But I can't copy or transcribe every video I link to. C'est la vie.
ReplyDelete/For every techy problem there is techy soultion. Whole bunch of em, even.
Perhaps. But I'd rather try and download the content into memory than external storage, anyway. Sometimes the tech just makes you stupider... and interpassive. ;)
\\Why do I sense the remorse of Aesop's fox (Fox & Grapes) vs. DiBi?
/One need to talk out his resentments from time to time... for em to not overburden one.
Isn't that is what your psychologs are for. And social networks in general? ;-P
Well... I just shared with you some factual trivias... which you'd not try to acqure yourself.
As always... trying to make a ground for Meta-Talk.
Why not simply tell the "Big Other" directly then? That's what religious people do. No one get's "burdened" that way, and the "letter always arrives at its' destination" (EA Poe, "The Purloined Letter")(clears the conscience like Kafka's letter to his dead father).
\\The sidebar ads for books should have tipped you off. Pure profilicity, IMO.
/I said that I was unexperienced, isn't it?
And not as attuned to "Capitalist Realism" as you should be. The man is in the business of selling ideas, and his "suppliers" must be like-minded. ;)
\\\\for full understanding -- you can try to read "Life and death of Solomon Gursky"... too.
\\Not Grundy? I'm having an affaire with his former wife (one of my old blogs). ;)
/The Days of Solomon Gursky
Ian McDonald
12 ratings3 reviews
Ian McDonald’s new tale. (...)
Sounds like a great story. This sounds vaguely like the same theme....
ReplyDeleteAnd the lesson of ecology is that we should go to the end here and accept the non-existence of the ultimate big Other, nature itself with its pattern of regular rhythms, the ultimate reference of order and stability.
However, this lack of the big Other does not entail that we are irrevocably caught in the misery of our finitude, deprived of any redemptive moments. In his The Cattle Truck, Jorge Semprun reports how he witnessed the arrival of a truckload of Polish Jews at Buchenwald; they were stacked into the freight train almost 200 to a car, traveling for days without food and water in the coldest winter of the war. On arrival all in the carriage had frozen to death except for 15 children, kept warm by the others in the centre of the bundle of bodies. When the children were emptied from the car the Nazis let their dogs loose on them. Soon only two fleeing children were left:
The little one began to fall behind, the SS were howling behind them and then the dogs began to howl too, the smell of blood was driving them mad, and then the bigger of the two children slowed his pace to take the hand of the smaller... together they covered a few more yards... till the blows of the clubs felled them and, together they dropped, their faces to the ground, their hands clasped for all eternity.
One can easily imagine how this scene should be filmed: while the soundtrack renders what goes on in reality (the two children are clubbed to death), the image of their hands clasped freezes, immobilized for eternity - while the sound renders temporary reality, the image renders the eternal Real. It is the pure surface of such fixed images of eternity, not any deeper Meaning, which allows for redemptive moments in the bleak story of the Shoah. One should read this imagined scene together with the final shot of Thelma and Louise: the frozen image of the car with the two women "flying" above the precipice: is this the positive utopia (triumph of the feminine subjectivity over death), or the masking of the miserable wreck the car IS in reality at that time? The weakness of the final shot from Thelma and Louise is that the frozen image is not accompanied by the soundtrack depicting what "really" went on (the car crash, terrible cries of the dying women) - strangely, this lack of reality undermines the very utopian dimension of the frozen image. In contrast to this scene, our imagined filmed scene from Semprun would fully assert the Platonic duality of temporal empirical reality and eternal Idea.
days of Solomon Gursky - Vision of the "eternal Real"? Love of Gursky for his partner over an "eternity".
ReplyDelete\\/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
Face of The Future.
Short story title or part of Ion Tychy futurological congress story... Google doesn't exactly say.
\\So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation.
/Do you want a spoiler? Even if your world will never be the same?
\\Scent marking and swapping is only important to non-humans. Fortunately our sense of smell got "re-purposed" by evolution (per Freud). No pheremones for me, please. Only enough info to decide whether or not it might be "good to eat" (or not).
/Not only smell. :-))))
ALL elements of shit involved.
Disgust as a physical expression, not only a mental thought. Gotta love the septal nuclei. Where would we animals be without the ability to "discriminate" particulars from universals. Recognize mother's face, from all other people? Recognize predator's shape like tiger, or danger like snake? Poison berry from edible one?
\\/Hoh... like in that historical anecdote about French Royal Academi. :-)))
\\Probably. Or like an episode of "The Gilded Age" (Old money vs. New in a world that delegitimized "Aristocracy" and substituted ideas of Merit) or Beethoven vs. Goethe.
/Sorry for not explained.
Something around this words... sorry, not precise, and I didn't found it in Google.
France decided to make to oneself Royal Academy of Sciences... in the image of their arch-rival England.
But... to spare something with "Royal" title from possibility of refusing such an monarchic generous... rule to admit only THOSE who would propose themself was instantiated.
Hillarity ensured.
Ahhhh. Like the APA. (American Philosophical Society (APS) vs American Philosophical Association(APA) ) First is invite only "selective" club, second is invite yourself "takes everyone' club.
/Hoh. Second part was eaten out by censure/spamfilter... What it disliked this time? "errotica"??? ;-)))
SciFi Sex? lol!
\\Perhaps. But I'd rather try and download the content into memory than external storage, anyway. Sometimes the tech just makes you stupider... and interpassive. ;)
ReplyDeleteIf you'd state it as a task... for development of some new tech....
\\Why not simply tell the "Big Other" directly then? That's what religious people do.
Pft! :-)))))))
Maybe some children. Or some severly delusional.
Ordinary "believers" know it too damn well -- that there is no any Big Other. That that's just their hypocrisy and nothing more.
That's why it's so intriguing to observe Derpy...
well, not that much, already.
Broken gramophone plate... that glithcing on the same track... again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again... ad nauseous
\\And not as attuned to "Capitalist Realism" as you should be. The man is in the business of selling ideas, and his "suppliers" must be like-minded. ;)
Not sure that I could master it any time soon...
\\And the lesson of ecology is that we should go to the end here and accept the non-existence of the ultimate big Other, nature itself with its pattern of regular rhythms, the ultimate reference of order and stability.
\\In contrast to this scene, our imagined filmed scene from Semprun would fully assert the Platonic duality of temporal empirical reality and eternal Idea.
Pseudo-profound bullshit detected.
\\days of Solomon Gursky - Vision of the "eternal Real"? Love of Gursky for his partner over an "eternity".
That three Buddists Monkeys: that do not see, do not hear and do not talk.
\\/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
Face of The Future.
\\Short story title or part of Ion Tychy futurological congress story... Google doesn't exactly say.
Literal. Well... :-)))) literally poetic. ;-P
Face of the Future -- we FEAR to look into.
Because we CANNOT imagine what it'll be anymore.
Well,,, we never was able. But previously, we was under the spell of sci-fi -- making us thinking that we -- KNOW.
\\\\So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation.
/Do you want a spoiler? Even if your world will never be the same?
Light sabre -- it's a straight line.
From Geometry we know that TWO points needed to make straight line.
But to make a plain... THREE points needed. Means -- straight line CANNOT block THREE simultaneously fired charges. ;-P
PS Was 72 comments... became 71?
\/And... only Lem seems like was able to rise for a little a cloak from that Horror Kryptos.
/Face of The Future.
\\Short story title or part of Ion Tychy futurological congress story... Google doesn't exactly say.
/Literal. Well... :-)))) literally poetic. ;-P
Face of the Future -- we FEAR to look into.
Because we CANNOT imagine what it'll be anymore.
Well,,, we never was able. But previously, we was under the spell of sci-fi -- making us thinking that we -- KNOW.
Nietzsche's "Abyss"??? “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
The Undiscovered Country? Shakespeare "Hamlet"
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveler returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly to others that we know not of
\\\\So you'd rather own the Death Star. Got it. It's the "tech" approach. Like American "hard kill" infatuation.
/Do you want a spoiler? Even if your world will never be the same?
/Light sabre -- it's a straight line.
From Geometry we know that TWO points needed to make straight line.
But to make a plain... THREE points needed. Means -- straight line CANNOT block THREE simultaneously fired charges. ;-P
...but tech is "magical"... or at least movies are. ;P
PS Was 72 comments... became 71?
I'll check the Spam folder again.
\\Nietzsche's "Abyss"??? “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
\\The Undiscovered Country? Shakespeare "Hamlet"
Even if not after death.
Well... first of all if it nit about death.
Seeing near death and turning blind eye to it -- already perfectly explored in modern psychology, AFAIK.
\\...but tech is "magical"... or at least movies are. ;P
Who said?
That dumb ass that dunno about tech?
Well... magic have MANY flavours: sorcery, wizardry, witchcraft, alchemy -- so, which one are Tech? ;-P
\\Nietzsche's "Abyss"??? “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
...the future won't gaze into its' past... into our "now"? Into "history"?
\\The Undiscovered Country? Shakespeare "Hamlet"
Even if not after death.
Well... first of all if it nit about death.
Seeing near death and turning blind eye to it -- already perfectly explored in modern psychology, AFAIK.
Why care about what comes "after" one's death? For "name" immortality? Like Achilles? Only the "good" die young. Us "bad" old people generally die uselessly in our own beds.
One dimensional Light-saber magic... of course!
\\One dimensional Light-saber magic... of course!
ReplyDeleteAs Feynman have said: "if you just know/invented a name of it -- you do not know it".
\\Why care about what comes "after" one's death?
Still... one need to find with what to feel remaining days...
Or... you like belly button meditation? ;-P
\\...the future won't gaze into its' past... into our "now"? Into "history"?
Well... you have reaction of DiDi (Dave Dubya) to my words... it even disclosed all my comments.
He must have decided that you weren't trolling him. It's easy to dismiss a troll.... like its' easy to dismiss a "racist". The Left spends most ofits' time "dismissing" instead of "thinking".
ReplyDeleteps - all that "thinking" a soldier does on the battlefield is for solutions that worked during TRAINING.
ReplyDeleteEver play Paintball? Training/ practicing DEOS teach good lessons.
ReplyDeleteOnly those who able to learn.