Thursday, November 16, 2023

Once More Into the Rabbit Warren... (Hairy the 5th)

“There is some soul of goodness in things evil, Would men observingly distill it out.”
― William Shakespeare, Henry V

"No storytelling will ever be able to relight a camp fire, around which people congregate to tell each other stories," says Byung-Chul Han. Not even those everyday personal stories or stories that abound on social networks have the capacity to do so, as they are mere "pornographic self-portraits or self-exhibitions", in their own words. In his text, Han also establishes a close dialogue with Walter Benjamin's essay The Narrator, which is as relevant today as when it was written, since it would seem that for Benjamin the fire in the camp was already being extinguished in 1936, the year in which he published his essay.

For Han, capitalism takes over all narrative when storytelling gives way to storyselling

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