Monday, November 6, 2023

Now be Polite....but don't Expect Politeness to be Returned

...cuz if it isn't, it would mean that either your LACK OF SOCIAL PRIVILEGE is now showing, or you're being intentionally DISSED!


  1. Here’s a snippet of what I found on the Internet in someone’s Blog that uses things said out of context or uses a quote or snippet of something in political battle is hardly a ‘tactic’ to make these people look stupid. But will never say one single world about any liberal-democrat such as any of the foolish or should I say stupid things said by Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi, and you will never see her attack a Democrat like Joe Biden.It is so SAD but this is the people making decisions affecting our lives and our country. But it’s so quick to attack anyone on the right who did much less This liberals blog item is such complete rubbish, which is why I’m surprised it even mentioned here. Unfortunately, it appears to be the topic of the day.

    And in regards to Hillary Clinton’s pathetic statement about Benghazi, it does and should always matter both how and why Americans die, or died. It matters as it happens, it matters when any administration is going before the nation to explain it – and it matters now. By falsely using the film as the rationale the Obama administration was in standard liberal blame America first mode. It’s shameful. It's about time that the truth about this little cockroach came out.
    I’ve often thought the exact same thing about Ole Hillary.

    They deserve to be held accountable for it and as a part of the administration so does Susan Rice and Mr. Obama himself. It’s the liberal -progressive blogger spewing BS I about this case.. Let us not forget that 4 AMERICANS we killed and we still do not have the truthful answers! Because of these DAMN liberals!!! These dumbasse criminals that you love to BS the Country!!! They ALL would be toast if I had my way about Benghazi., And all these liberal people who are covering up for them today have shit for brains! Yes, read what I said and understand what I wrote, and if you can’t, then “you” are part of the problem!
    And it’s not just Obama and Biden, It’s the whole Liberal administration as well as the Democrat party itself. And why do these Progressives defend Michelle Obama, no matter what she says?
    These, Liberals-Progressives even protected, and defended that thieving bunch from ACORN after they tried their best to Steal Our Elections

  2. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But there is nothing new under heaven. Powers once separated have been rejoined and weaponized. It is what it is. Hate's a waste of emotion. What goes around, comes around.
