Saturday, November 4, 2023

Pre-Pre-Modern Wisdoms, Ressurected

...We Need a sense of "Purpose" with which we can IDENTIFY!

...they ALL want to be seen.


  1. YOU Own It. ALL you Liberals, Progressives, Democratic Socialists, thought that the mean tweeting Orange Guy was so outrageously awful that they needed to exchange him for a half-wit plagiarist with his busy hands all over little girls was the answer to all our Woes.
    You thought that they guy who campaigned in his Basement was the answer. And that the Fact he was called Mr.“Dementia.” Was only a joke! Well Look at whats going on in Gaza, and Israel RIGHT NOW, a Joke? No it's no Joke.
    Prior to his “Falsely” being elected president, this dork was, WRONG on every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. The same genius who thought killing Bin Ladin was a bad idea also thought ditching Bagram was a good one. Well, at least he’s consistent.
    And you gave us Kamala Harris, America's most hated woman in America second only to Nancy to Pelosi.
    This is your failure Mr., and Mrs. Democratic-Socialist you are responsible for Delusional Joey, because of you this entire Afghanistan disaster was caused by Joe Biden, the entire disaster can be blamed on HIM.
    So Own It. Own the failure. It doesn’t come as a surprise that you and he was going to point your boney fingers at Donald Trump failure, no, this FAILURE doesn’t come as a surprise.

    Electing Joe Biden was an essentially an act of desperation by people that really FEARED President Trump. Feared him because they knew that he would expose them as the money grabbing self-serving cretins they were. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country...
    You thought that Dictator Biden’s signing approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office was a GREAT Idea.

    Look around, at the $5 gas, the insane prices at our Super markets, and in our restaurants, look at all the Stores that are now for rent,
    You thought that Banning a Pancake Syrup, and some Children's books, Mr. Potato head was a good idea. And the homeless Hippies pooping in the Streets of San Francisco, at the School Teachers determined to INJECT Progressivism Racism into your Children’s heads. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

  2. To Continue:
    The economy was humming, and even after the Chinese comrades inflicted the Virus pandemic on us, we were coming back. We were energy independent. The border was getting secure. Taxes got cut. The Super Terrorist Soleimani was a cold POS and ISIS was almost gone. But you Liberal Pussy’s didn’t like that. You didn’t want th United States to be a Super Power. You would rather see the Dummies Kneeling at our Sporting events refusing to STAND for our National Anthem, or Saluting our Flag. .
    You did that, you SICK Biden voters
    You all but Destroyed the country because of your HATE. It’s hard to blame anyone else, because BIDEN’S the one that ignored all the inelegance and threw in HIS plan that didn’t work, and that everyone including the General’s KNEW wouldn’t work. Because it was a DUMB idea.
    And even he (Biden) said “ the buck stops” with him. But he Blamed Trump anyway!
    Of course he OWNS IT.

    Electing Joe Biden was an essentially an act by people consumed with POWER. People that didn’t give a DAMN for this country, but only for thie own POWER! And these predictable consequences from that brought failure because the people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist’s dummy. None of the Democrats were too great, but this guy can’t find his own ass with both of his hands, much less lead our country.
    And their opposition to Trumpism gave us Bidenism, a Brain Dead Senile, Delusional Spineless, Decrepit, Worn-out Moron who spent his life with his Crackhead Son selling this country out to the Chinese and the highest bidder..

    Remember the saying “ The President is Not the King”
    Remember “Elections have Consequences”? Remember when Us Republicans Blasted Joe Biden For Signing a record amount of Executive Orders in First Week in Office, only because they were Donald Trump’s.. He didn’t read what he was signing. Good or Bad, he canceled them. !
    And now, we no longer have a President willing to stand up to Communist China, and who bring manufacturing jobs back to America, We NO LONGER have energy Independence., we no longer have relative peace in the Middle East

    For the Progressives Trump was a threat to their gravy train and an insult to their desire for Socialism. Trump saw the scam clearly – and he took pleasure at their pathetic groveling for dollars, and their insane Bills. . But while he sometimes gave them money, he never gave them respect, because he knew they deserve none and he was incapable of pretending that they did. They had to destroy him, and his entire presidency was filled with him defending false accusations, and controversies from the fake Russia nonsense to the fake Ukraine nonsense to the fake insurrection nonsense
    And how about that Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has been an outspoken supporter of the Palestinian cause. However, her alleged connections to the Hamas terrorist group have only recently been uncovered
    So thanks to Geniuses like you, we traded “Trumpism” for Bidenism....Eventually Biden's (or his handler's) feet will be held to the fire.. And the Grand Old Scheme will come to light

  3. (Re)Watched "Lethal Weapon". All four. ;-Pp

  4. That was certainly a pairing of opposites Gibson/Glover (right vs. left in "real" life). Was it any good? Have a favorite?

  5. It is masterpiece of you Hollywood.

    Balance of blood and humor... makes it "very real".

    Only forth part starts dangling... which is natural thing.

    And now... I rewatched soviet Solaris. ;-P

    Wanna link? With latino subs. to waste 3 hours of your life.

  6. Someone once said that if Marxism I ever come to America it will come from within.
    It will not will not come from the enemy IMO, this is because Americans are not a society to just pusg around,or to be told a crock of crap and they would just fall in line.
    Americans have some hutzpa, or is it called “chutzpah” in any case they have self-confidence, and They always have “hope” of improving their position. Therefore, in order to institute Marxism in America the push must come from the top down. That is, convincing the dictator whoever it might be that they are NOT stuck and can never achieve anything without some kind of Marxist 'fighting' for them.

    This is precisely what is happening right now. Our Democrat representatives are constantly trying to convince US we are miserable while, at the same time, actually they are the ones who are causing misery with their legislative powers, and with their “Leaders”.
    Therefore, in order for them to institute Marxism in America the push must come from the top down.
    To say it best: GIVE A MARXIST THE ELECTION, AND GET A MARXIST FOR A PRESIDENT! It’s as simple as that!
    Think about it. Which party is running us into the ground
    Who's killing the economy ?
    Who’s Trying to put their only competition in Jail?
    And wants to assure himself to stay in power by eliminating their competition!
    Any idiot can be a Leader! Think about the intelligence of the Dictators that you know from the past!

    It takes intelligence to be successful in the role of the leader of the Government. And YOU MUST Start with Brainwashing the Children.
    For example, read the Rules for Radicals and you will understand Barrack Obama !

  7. IN MY HONEST OPINION Barack Hussein Obama’s lack of condemning the terrorism by the savages in Hamas and rather refuses to take sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict raises much concern.

    So, if I was asked about where his favoritism lies there would be no doubt in my mind that Obama, like his mentor, and “adviser” Reverend Jeremiah Wright, is NO DOUBT a full blown Communist and who holds anti-America, anti-Israel, anti-White, and anti-Semitic views, and that his favoritism is 100 ercent with the Muslims. .

    So, while rockets are coming down on Israel, Obama and his ILK no daunt to advocate for a Palestinian state, and not with the unbelievably, Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security.

    This is an impossibility given the governing charters of the terrorist groups Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, which demand the total annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people.
    Obama also expressed concerns about Israeli settlement construction in the “occupied” Palestinian territories, which were built on formerly Jewish land.
    So the Bottom Line is: I still feel that someone should hold Barack Obama accountable for all of the damage he has caused to our nation and the world in his 2 terms as the President. Let us not forget that it was Obama and his cadre of communists who radicalized American institutions, spied on American citizens, subverted justice, and are grossly responsible for all of the corruption and damage done by Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State John Kerry, and many others.

    Also I still want to know where Obama was when Muslim terrorists attacked Benghazi and WHO WAS IT that gave the Stand-Down order to prevent their rescue. It seems as if the FBI, and the Department of Justice has forgotten that question. But I havent!

  8. Spanish subtitles? Tempting, but I think I'll pass. I had a hard enough time with the George Clooney English version (I hate George Clooney). @@

  9. Then... "Demolition man". Yet one old classics.

    Sant-Angeles ;-) Shuva-tan as president... in year Anno Domini 2036.

    Means, you still have time to make it. ;-)

  10. Sorry for mental diversion... I cannot make use of. ;-/

    I see that "Demolition man" flick very literaly.

    Bulky Stalone. Slim Bullock. Swift Snipes.

    I have no, and can have no "behind the curtain" understanding of it.

    To discern your reaction.

    It makes me a fool here.

  11. Well, at least you refrained from cursing and avoided the fine.

    Society of Control wins in the end? :(

  12. Dunno.

    To both.

    What you call "Society of Control"??? People seems happy there. And they choose it for themself freely. Like... to protect em from "brutality of 90th" -- remember?

    Same as you. Today.

    Humans like comfort. ;-P And having "two shells"... it's ephitomy of comfort, it seems. ;-)

    PS Crouching Tiger, Hiden Dragon OR... what do you know about China? ;-)

  13. Society of control.... or freedom? I suppose it would depend upon the control settings.

  14. That is state we was living historically.


    And I was talking about movie... Crouching Tiger, Hiden Dragon.

    Intresting observation -- how many other movies in china setting, china actors... are known on the West???

  15. /That is state we was living historically.

    Kant answers the question in the first sentence of the essay: "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity (Unmündigkeit)." He argues that the immaturity is self-inflicted not from a lack of understanding, but from the lack of courage to use one's reason, intellect, and wisdom without the guidance of another. Kant argued that using one's reason is considered dangerous by most men and all women.[1] He exclaims that the motto of the Enlightenment is "Sapere aude"! – Dare to be wise!

    The anti-Enlightenment? Enlightenment as Mass Deception? Enlightenment never had any other promise than the “happiness” of each, the ability to transform oneself into “utter insignificance”.

    /And I was talking about movie... Crouching Tiger, Hiden Dragon.
    Intresting observation -- how many other movies in china setting, china actors... are known on the West???

    All the "Martial Arts" ones. Call it the "Bruce Lee Phenomenom" with Hong Kong Chinese.

  16. I think I showed you my "mother's" first film performance in 55 Days in Peking (filmed when we were living in Spain). She was a dancer in the ballroom scene.

  17. \\"Sapere aude"! – Dare to be wise!

    Yap. Like Derpy do -- just self-assigned being smart to itself.

    And then just continue being stubborn of it. :-))))

    \\ Enlightenment never had any other promise than the “happiness” of each, the ability to transform oneself into “utter insignificance”.


    Is there some manifest of enlightment I still not read.

    Well, I didn't read commie's one. Same as any other else.


    Give me some technology roadmap, better. ;-P

    \\All the "Martial Arts" ones. Call it the "Bruce Lee Phenomenom" with Hong Kong Chinese.

    And Jakie. ;-)

    But well... that is Toy China, anyway.

  18. \\"Sapere aude"! – Dare to be wise!
    /Yap. Like Derpy do -- just self-assigned being smart to itself.
    And then just continue being stubborn of it. :-))))

    Picture the woman in this picture with her foot on a stack of classical Greeks instead of a Bible, an engineering degree and a Masters degree in systems management. As for Dervy, his foot, like the man in the picture, is still planted on a stack of newspapers. As for the unpictured "Aristocrats" and their "machine"... I see them too.

    \\ Enlightenment never had any other promise than the “happiness” of each, the ability to transform oneself into “utter insignificance”.
    Is there some manifest of enlightment I still not read.
    Well, I didn't read commie's one. Same as any other else.
    Give me some technology roadmap, better. ;-P

    Know why zebras have stripes? They're antifragile. The stripes make the lions not see them individually. Harder to single out their prey.

    And now you wish to build better guillotines. It's important to make yourself "useful" as we attend to raising disputes and striving to get one another's goods. But you, Perses, shall have no second chance to deal so again: nay, let us settle our dispute here with true judgement divided our inheritance, but you seized the greater share and carried it off, greatly swelling the glory of our bribe-swallowing lords (Musk and Jobs) who love to judge such a cause as this.

    You "didn't read commie's one"... did you read William Tell's?

    \\All the "Martial Arts" ones. Call it the "Bruce Lee Phenomenom" with Hong Kong Chinese.
    /And Jakie. ;-)
    But well... that is Toy China, anyway.

    No longer. Hong Kong was always my favorite port. Taiwan (Kaoshung/Keelung) not so much. I never made it to the mainland. It was still "too soon" after Nixon went. I did have a good time in Manila once... I was in Rizal Park on the night they lifted curfew...

  19. \\Picture the woman in this picture with her foot on a stack of...

    That is... just an account of epoche.

    But, Current France has built on GLORIFYING their deeds. That man and women. ;-P

    To that extent that even today people do mimicing em.

    You know, in Yellow Jackets.

    \\Know why zebras have stripes? They're antifragile. The stripes make the lions not see them individually. Harder to single out their prey.

    Naah. ;-P

    That is just because stripes make Fem-zebras more attractive to Male-zebras.

    \\And now you wish to build better guillotines.

    Dunno how probes to other worlds is the same as guillotines... my fantasy betrays me here.

    Only, maybe, it both products of Progress? Yes??

    But... that is only example of classical "throwing out a child alongside with a used bath water".

    And you lookng like one who propose to do that from highest rock possible... to be sure.

    \\But you, Perses, shall have no second chance to deal so again: nay, let us settle our dispute here with true judgement divided our inheritance, but you seized the greater share and carried it off, greatly swelling the glory of our bribe-swallowing lords (Musk and Jobs) who love to judge such a cause as this.

    Dunno how anything of it is me.

    I am not Musk... neither Jobs.

    And I am miserly prol... that have no place behind that table where they divide... anything.

    I'm not even one who feed on breadcrubs from that table...

    PS I am glad if I was of any use for you... to talk it out that things that disturbing you.

    But I fear I am not equipped to show empaty to anything of it. And not because of ill will or something, just cannot relate with it. Well, not a bad thing can it be, actually.

  20. \\Picture the woman in this picture with her foot on a stack of...
    /That is... just an account of epoche.
    But, Current France has built on GLORIFYING their deeds. That man and women. ;-P
    To that extent that even today people do mimicing em.
    You know, in Yellow Jackets.

    Is it just an account of the epoch? Or are the commoner's feet (foundation) still reliant upon the Bible and Newspapers? (Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our Educational Institutions") and perhaps the Marxist University profs of '68? No... that would be the policies of the government officials they're protesting.

    \\And now you wish to build better guillotines.
    /Dunno how probes to other worlds is the same as guillotines... my fantasy betrays me here.
    Only, maybe, it both products of Progress? Yes??
    But... that is only example of classical "throwing out a child alongside with a used bath water".
    And you lookng like one who propose to do that from highest rock possible... to be sure.

    Guillotines? Most definitely. Not possible without them. Joseph d'Maistre, "St. Peterberg letters: On the Executioner" and all his arguments against the Enlightenment and the ideas of Voltaire. If you want to follow the rule of the of priests experts, guillotines of various makes and sizes must always be in attendence. Them, and a few Torquemadas to determine if a society of sovereignty (Death punishment) or discipline (physical torture) is preferable to one of control (mental torment).

    \\But you, Perses, shall have no second chance to deal so again: nay, let us settle our dispute here with true judgement divided our inheritance, but you seized the greater share and carried it off, greatly swelling the glory of our bribe-swallowing lords (Musk and Jobs) who love to judge such a cause as this.
    /Dunno how anything of it is me.
    I am not Musk... neither Jobs.
    And I am miserly prol... that have no place behind that table where they divide... anything.
    I'm not even one who feed on breadcrubs from that table...

    You'll settle for half and for mallow and asphodel then? Good for you. Who needs corrupt elites to "judge" and show their thumbs? Let the gladitorial combat in the arena end when it ends, with the judgements of justice or mercy of the gladiators themselves.

    /PS I am glad if I was of any use for you... to talk it out that things that disturbing you.
    But I fear I am not equipped to show empaty to anything of it. And not because of ill will or something, just cannot relate with it. Well, not a bad thing can it be, actually.

    Too true. To love thy neighbor (despite his crazy ways of living).

  21. \\Is it just an account of the epoch? Or are the commoner's feet (foundation) still reliant upon the Bible and Newspapers? (Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our Educational Institutions") and perhaps the Marxist University profs of '68? No... that would be the policies of the government officials they're protesting.

    Cannot say for the France here...

    \\Guillotines? Most definitely. Not possible without them. Joseph d'Maistre, "St. Peterberg letters: On the Executioner" and all his arguments against the Enlightenment and the ideas of Voltaire. If you want to follow the rule of the of priests experts, guillotines of various makes and sizes must always be in attendence. Them, and a few Torquemadas to determine if a society of sovereignty (Death punishment) or discipline (physical torture) is preferable to one of control (mental torment).

    Great Socialist Revolution in Rush'A worked jine and without em. Yawn.

    And Pol Pit ruled without need of anything fancier than gardening tools... creatively re-used. Yawn.

    \\You'll settle for half and for mallow and asphodel then? Good for you. Who needs corrupt elites to "judge" and show their thumbs? Let the gladitorial combat in the arena end when it ends, with the judgements of justice or mercy of the gladiators themselves.

    You already know that much -- that I am from post-Soviet realm.

    What you wanna scary me with here????

    With my historical memory of bloody attrocities: Golodomors, Gulags, etc...

    \\Too true. To love thy neighbor (despite his crazy ways of living).

    Around that thing... only one thing interesting to me -- role of this Christianic-Messianic ideosyncrazy, in instigating Progress.

    But my working hypothesis -- that was just a flux. Geography and climate was of bigger importance.

  22. "/Cannot say for the France here..."

    Sure you can. How coherent are the Gilletes Jeunes demands? Is it "enunciated" anger, or just general anger driving them into the streets to protest. My guess, it's prices and future opportunities, which are "higher" and "none". They're in a "Divine Anger" mode.... violence to follow. Like the annual Moslem riots and looting sprees in Paris.

    /Great Socialist Revolution in Rush'A worked jine and without em. Yawn.
    And Pol Pit ruled without need of anything fancier than gardening tools... creatively re-used. Yawn.

    It's a metaphor.

    \\You'll settle for half and for mallow and asphodel then? Good for you. Who needs corrupt elites to "judge" and show their thumbs? Let the gladitorial combat in the arena end when it ends, with the judgements of justice or mercy of the gladiators themselves.
    /You already know that much -- that I am from post-Soviet realm.
    What you wanna scary me with here????
    With my historical memory of bloody attrocities: Golodomors, Gulags, etc...

    No, just reminding you that Zelensky and his ministers aren't caring about you, necessarily. Offer them a chateau in Zurich and access to the money they've skimmed and they'll be Swiss citizens in a heartbeat.

    \\Too true. To love thy neighbor (despite his crazy ways of living).
    /Around that thing... only one thing interesting to me -- role of this Christianic-Messianic ideosyncrazy, in instigating Progress.
    But my working hypothesis -- that was just a flux. Geography and climate was of bigger importance.

    Markets and the new Green-religion. Yep. They don't "love" their neighbors (by leaving them alone and to their ways). They want to "change them". Like "evangelicals."

    the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness.

  23. \\Sure you can. How coherent are the Gilletes Jeunes demands? Is it "enunciated" anger, or just general anger driving them into the streets to protest.

    They are followers of those who was storming Bastilia. ;-P
    As well as students that opposed de Gole.

    \\It's a metaphor.


    \\No, just reminding you that Zelensky and his ministers aren't caring about you, necessarily. Offer them a chateau in Zurich and access to the money they've skimmed and they'll be Swiss citizens in a heartbeat.

    History again.

    They have had such a chance in March of 2022.

    To make deal with Putin and to flee.

    What happened then, you know.

    \\Markets and the new Green-religion. Yep. They don't "love" their neighbors (by leaving them alone and to their ways). They want to "change them". Like "evangelicals."

    You leaving me in hopeless situation again.

    I cannot fully understand your current situation.

    And even less I can equal to your feelings about it.

    Is there REALLY nobody in your neighbourhood you could discuss your inner politics???

  24. \\Sure you can. How coherent are the Gilletes Jeunes demands? Is it "enunciated" anger, or just general anger driving them into the streets to protest.
    They are followers of those who was storming Bastilia. ;-P
    As well as students that opposed de Gole.

    That works, too. They don't have solutions. They're just p*ssed!

    \\No, just reminding you that Zelensky and his ministers aren't caring about you, necessarily. Offer them a chateau in Zurich and access to the money they've skimmed and they'll be Swiss citizens in a heartbeat.
    /History again.
    They have had such a chance in March of 2022.
    To make deal with Putin and to flee.
    What happened then, you know.

    Yes. The "experts" hadn't been demonstrated to being so completely wrong, yet. Now, however... maybe the reality is starting to set in?

    \\Markets and the new Green-religion. Yep. They don't "love" their neighbors (by leaving them alone and to their ways). They want to "change them". Like "evangelicals."
    /You leaving me in hopeless situation again.
    I cannot fully understand your current situation.
    And even less I can equal to your feelings about it.
    Is there REALLY nobody in your neighbourhood you could discuss your inner politics???

    Oh, you still think that there are permanent answers that fix problems and not just "absurdly" throw us into the middle of a never ending "Meden agan", Looking first Left, then Right? Plato's <a href='">Divided Line</a>.

    And yes, I do "politics" mostly at Tea Leaves and "Philosophy" mostly here.

  25. \\That works, too. They don't have solutions. They're just p*ssed!

    Naaah. That's just symbolic games.

    Like that in your "Hunger Games" flik. In the beginning.

    In opposition to what it bicame in the end.

    But still, that was theatrical.

    \\Yes. The "experts" hadn't been demonstrated to being so completely wrong, yet. Now, however... maybe the reality is starting to set in?


    Because that was NOT experts... but "listen to me, I'm an expert" crown.


    \\Oh, you still think that there are permanent answers that fix problems...


    You are romantic here. And I forced to play role of pragmatist.

    // and not just "absurdly" throw us into the middle of a never ending "Meden agan", Looking first Left, then Right? Plato's <a href='">Divided Line</a>.

    Middle ground fallacy.

    You on the West seems like drawning in it.

    \\And yes, I do "politics" mostly at Tea Leaves and "Philosophy" mostly here.

    You call that politics?

    Made you yourself some work to read at least "Politology for Idiots"???

  26. Yet one sci-fi reminiscence.

    About super-duper Space-Spy... that coming to some distant planet, of barbaric brutes...

    and cought in a jiffy, and all his secrets and sping devices became cracked too.

    Because levels of cunningness in the environment of that planet -- exceed anything Mighty Galactic Empire of DEMNS could come up with. ;-)

    Teishaira is a symptom of that same, isn't it? ;-)

  27. \\That works, too. They don't have solutions. They're just p*ssed!
    /Naaah. That's just symbolic games.
    Like that in your "Hunger Games" flik. In the beginning.
    In opposition to what it bicame in the end.
    But still, that was theatrical.

    The Boy Scout sign was a nice touch. But symbols can be re-appropriated and misleading. Signifier accidentally or deliberately misread as different signified (Dervy's favorite trick). In this case, it's more of a metaphor symbolozing the confused and different "ends" of the signifiers (gilletes jeunes).

    \\Yes. The "experts" hadn't been demonstrated to being so completely wrong, yet. Now, however... maybe the reality is starting to set in?
    Because that was NOT experts... but "listen to me, I'm an expert" crown.

    No because the experts and decision makers all confused their desires with the facts. And the experts the decision makers listened to (Americans) had too little "skin in the game". The money they spent wasn't even their own.

    \\Oh, you still think that there are permanent answers that fix problems...
    You are romantic here. And I forced to play role of pragmatist.

    So you are Daedalus and I am Icarus? Maybe.

    // and not just "absurdly" throw us into the middle of a never ending "Meden agan", Looking first Left, then Right? Plato's Divided Line.
    /Middle ground fallacy.
    You on the West seems like drawning in it.

    Show me a "wisdom" that isn't. It's opposed virtue is "justice".

    \\And yes, I do "politics" mostly at Tea Leaves and "Philosophy" mostly here.
    /You call that politics?
    Made you yourself some work to read at least "Politology for Idiots"???

    I didn't write the rules of Identity Politics that Dervy plays.

    /Yet one sci-fi reminiscence.
    About super-duper Space-Spy... that coming to some distant planet, of barbaric brutes...
    and cought in a jiffy, and all his secrets and sping devices became cracked too.
    Because levels of cunningness in the environment of that planet -- exceed anything Mighty Galactic Empire of DEMNS could come up with. ;-)

    Sounds cool.

    Teishaira is a symptom of that same, isn't it? ;-)

    Teishaira???? Sorry. Not sure what that is :(

  28. \\Signifier accidentally or deliberately misread as different signified (Dervy's favorite trick).


    I don't believe it. :-))))))

    Deliberately being playing being so though?

    \\ In this case, it's more of a metaphor symbolozing the confused and different "ends" of the signifiers (gilletes jeunes).

    Goesn't matter.

    All our history. Our self-representation have built on it.

    \\No because the experts and decision makers all confused their desires with the facts. And the experts the decision makers listened to (Americans) had too little "skin in the game". The money they spent wasn't even their own.

    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."(c)???

    But in this case I think you give to big name to a stupidity.

    \\So you are Daedalus and I am Icarus? Maybe.

    And from where we try to jailbreak???

    \\Show me a "wisdom" that isn't. It's opposed virtue is "justice".

    Technology inside our bodies.

    \\I didn't write the rules of Identity Politics that Dervy plays.


    You are not jedi yet...

    \\Sounds cool.

    Of course.

    That's van Vogt piece. If I recall correctly.

    \\Teishaira???? Sorry. Not sure what that is :(

    Curse that lang. :-)

    Teixeira. Discord. Leaks.

    Rings a bell now?
