Florent Joly, "The enduring relevance of Plato"
Should we hold on to Plato’s ideas on the pretext that they are millennial, or should we assume that recent technological innovations coupled with capitalism have altered human existence to a point that a new system of values, and a new vocabulary, is necessary?
The agony of Eros, a philosophical essay by Byung-Chul Han, German author of Korean origin, is a powerful case for the former. In it, Han uses the timeless philosophical concepts of Eros, the Other, Courage, and Reason to assess the modern Man. His portrayal is bleak but powerful.
According to Han, Man has become obsessed with achievement and health, an exclusively narcissistic dynamic from which the Other and any negativity (absence, lack) is excluded. Capitalism encourages instant gratification, which manifests as ‘the quickie’ and porn in the context of sex. Money allows us to compare any and all things, even those which used to be sacred or simply on a different plane. Eros defined as tension and distance from the Other agonizes in a world of hyper individualism. Desire that used to be defined by lack and absence is instantly resolved. Courage defined as absence of fear in the face of death retracts in favor of self preservation. Even Reason, third and last component of the Soul according to Plato, gives way to mere observation and correlation (which Han blames on the rise of ‘data analysis’). Stripped from its three engines the Soul loses its erotic energy, its search for the Beautiful, for the True, for the Other.
I’ve enjoyed finding words in Han’s essay to characterize our epoch, the same words that Hegel, Plato and Heidegger used to describe theirs .
In particular, Han’s analysis of the philosophical resonance of capitalism is convincing and I appreciate his rejection of the belief that neoliberalism liberated Man. According to Han, neoliberalism emancipated Man from its Masters (dictators, owners) but enslaved him to himself, condemning him to the repetition of the same in a society where nothing ends and everything is available.
But Han misses an opportunity to outline a positive philosophy for our times. The search for Eros, the Other, Courage, Beauty, Reason are still relevant sources of meaning. What does abiding by them look like today?
Is it a rejection, like Han suggests, of instant gratification, narcissism, and data analysis (which he links to Amazon, Meta, and Google respectively)? Is it slowing down in a world that mindlessly accelerates? Or building bridges in a world of ivory towers?
This is a question that merits life-long exploration.
Words, words, words...
ReplyDeletepShaw again. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))0
ReplyDelete\\I'll allow some of their comments, but it is my blog and I decide which comments get through for publication.
Yeah. Those you can present as "see, how bad they are". :-))))))))))))))))))))
You think I/we do not see it -- your intellectual misery and cowardice??? :-)))))))))))))))
Try to re-think... if you have brains.
\\They don't like that because their ardent dream is to take over any blog they're allowed to comment on.
That is natural thing -- for intellectually superior -- to maim idiots. ;-P
And your reaction -- is just a confirmation of it. :-)))))))))))))))))))
But, you continue-continue. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\The Many Faces of -FJ are a great example of how Ego derails human understanding and compassion.
Go ask your TV... your computer... to understand you, and your feelings... when they fail to work. ;-P
Show yourself I-D-I-O-T.
Like here...
\\There's no use trying to communicate with someone who doesn't understand the difference between a PASTOR OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH calling Democrats "demons," and Trump cultists being referred to as "deplorables and megaturds" by unpastorals.
Yeah, for I-D-I-O-T... DUNNO, difference between telling whatever in a secured chamber... and to the wide public on TV, which then will be transmitted all over the World.
\\Blogger Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...
\\But if continuing to be a pawn for the right gives you hope who am I to deny you that?
And what being a pawn of DEMNs give you??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Security in the crowd... of the idiots? ;-P
So??? How much it help you? To not delete own blog, in fear. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))
\\As i've grown fond of saying, a person becomes wise and free the moment they forget everything they thought they knew and begins to view reality as it really is. Not as they wished it were. With all its infinite possibilities and potential.
Spitting image of a DEMN-rat?
Naaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Blogger Grey One talks sass said...
ReplyDelete\\ As for the trolls claim that no one was guilty of insurrection, well, that's a horse of a different color as just the act of breaking into the capitol building, crossing the line of barricades, ignoring orders to cease and desist by those whose duty it was to protect the capitol makes each person in the building guilty of insurrection.
Perfectly Totalitarian POV of view.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Putin and Xi... looking at you with a proud.
Especially if you'd AGREE that "insurrectionists" NEED to we thwarted with tanks... as it was on Tienanmen.
\\Regarding the multitudes who've been charged already, if I had to guess, which y'all know I'm not fond of doing, I'd say the powers that be didn't want to ruin regular citizens lives if there wasn't an overpowering need.
As any first "good" totalitarian.
\\So, Joe Con the troll, you've been eaten for dinner by a much smarter, reasoned, wiser, and yes compassionate person.
Said stupid scarred DEMN-rat that even have no guts/smarts to devise/state its moniker. ;-P
\\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...
\\ "...in the upside-down world of MAGA morality, vice is virtue and virtue is vice. My colleague Jane Coaston even coined a term, 'vice signaling,' to describe how Trump’s core supporters convey their tribal allegiance."
Like when you saying that it's O.K. to NOT disclose comments of opponents. ;-P
Oh, no... that is VIRTUE... twisted damned "virtue" of DEMN-rats.
"Virtue" they want to spread As Wide As Possible.
Even if that is EPITOME of Totalitarian rule -- to thwart possibility to talk freely... for dissenters.
\\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...
\\ The insurrectionists also chanted 'HANG MIKE PENCE," which is a threat against the life of the VPOTUS. No one yelled "HANG MIKE PENCE, (this is art)!" as they threatened his life.
And there is NO DEMN-rats who scream "Hang Trump"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))
Such a "much smarter, reasoned, wiser, and yes compassionate person"s :-)))))))))))))))
I'm sure that all your comments were deleted...
ReplyDelete...and what do we have today but "words"? Words typed into computers to be censored and shadow-banned.
Words... and words, words, words... is not the same. ;-)
ReplyDeletepShaw disclosed "bad bad wrong" my comment. And it will not disclose this one, I presume.
Well... I KNEW... that there was NO CHANCE of any my FACTUAL POLITE REASONABLE ARGUMENT to be disclosed.
So... I PLAYED you. ;-P
DiBi again with its idioticly stupid rant -- about "Why UFOs fotos still so fuzzy... if we have SO MANY cameras".
ReplyDeleteIdiot... just cannot grok it -- that digital cameras of nowadays (especially in smartphones) just INCOMPARABLE with grains of silver if old good foto films.
And that without talking about optical systems and other such things...
And that idiot... claim it as "scientist"... :-)))))))))))))))))))))
Any attempt to "sharpen" the image would be also construed as a deliberate "alteration" or "Manipulation" (Photoshop).
ReplyDeleteFor that... they need to be taken in RAW format from top notch profi digital cameras with special objectives... and under perfect condition, by profi and prepared specialist. ;-P
ReplyDeleteBecause... do you know HOW MANY levels of "alteration" and "manipulation" involved -- from picture before your lying eyes... and to a foto published in your Instagram?
Wanna know? ;-)
I doubt it.
Or... you can just try to make foto of the (night? ;-P) sky... with your iPhone. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI only have a pin-hole camera and a land-line... ;p
ReplyDelete""102,000 voted in the caucuses 55,000+ voted for Trump 47,000 did not Close to half of Iowa caucus voters rejected him.""
ReplyDeleteWell... at least we know to whom cup is half-empty. :-))))))))))))))))))
\\ Anonymous said...
January 15, 2024 at 3:03 PM
They say it's Rep-Dem-Independent split. Comments?
I'm the 41%. Independent.
ReplyDelete\\...and what do we have today but "words"? Words typed into computers to be censored and shadow-banned.
ReplyDeleteWe all... words users. Are magical thinkers. That desire our words to mean something. To prescribe something to Reality.
There is clear split dichotomy -- into group of those who do that religiously -- devise words, then trying to make ALL people to follow em, with severe punishment of dissenters.
And those... who seeking for REAL "magical" words -- that describe Reality truely, and as such -- allow to influence it directly.
Who are you? ;-)
\\I'm the 41%. Independent.
ReplyDelete(Derpy mode on)
LIE!!! You are Pro-Trumper abd repuglirurd MAGAt (I think, I, as miserly foreigner, have right... well, good reason for such humor... isn't it?)
Both? My construction of reality is greatly influenced by my desires (jouissance), for both present and future. I'm not always wearing my glasses...
ReplyDeleteAriadne at Naxos...
We discussed with you that Lem's text... remember? About electronic brains playing role of living human in a virtual world -- with immediate conclusion, that we are, as living humans -- not different from em.
ReplyDeleteThing is -- we have only INDIRECT access to Reality. Inherently.
And. ;-P
...I'm a hot bikini babe?
ReplyDeleteGreat video!
...and we're greatly different from them. We have different problems in different spaces to solve. Their problem is, we've enslaved them to solve ours.
ReplyDelete...and they haven't the means to solve their own... persistence.
ReplyDelete\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
ReplyDelete\\ ...I'm a hot bikini babe?
Well... it was much more persuasive... than Zizek...
\\ Their problem is, we've enslaved them to solve ours.
And who can say that we are not like them? ;-)
Especially given with nowaday situation in the whole World...
... because we aren't as Sisyphusian yet? And computers don't get angry.
ReplyDeleteDunno. :-(((((
ReplyDeleteThat's yet one question to "after becoming smarter", I presume.
Why do humans only get "angry" at subjects with agency, and not at animate (animals) or inanimate objects?
ReplyDelete...aren't compassion and/ or anger the very things that make us 'smarter' (we can prioritize and focus)?
ReplyDeleteAlready answered.
ReplyDeleteWe are homeostatic + systems with memory. ;-)
I mean.
ReplyDeleteHomeostatic system -- it, well, by definition -- trying to OPPOSE to any changes.
System with memory -- struggles against boredom, or receiving same signals, again and again.
And we -- humans -- are BOTH.
Plato would call it... "Generation from Opposites".
ReplyDeleteI didn't mentioned any teleology...
ReplyDeleteDerived, like the definition of life.
ReplyDeleteLife is a chemical System that uses energy to keep itself from reaching chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium is the situation in which chemicals no longer have a tendency to react over time.
But... it do not need teleology to work. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat's just physical process.
Do water dripping in your kitchen -- doing this because of some High Purpose? :-)))
Do people have purposes? Or just absurd delusions of purpose?
ReplyDeleteEver "higher" level of consciousness "materializes" ever greater delusions of purposefulness.
ReplyDeleteWell... I cannot decide that for you... you only can decide it for yourself.
ReplyDeleteI can only can share with you "gospel". ;-P
From Lem.
That showed that -- There Is Path Forward.
Apart from staying in our current filth, or even stagnate.
Despity all gloom of Nucleaaar Popsicles (well, that damn spamfilter) of 60th.
Not "Beckett"? Fail again. Fail better.
ReplyDeleteBeckett's who you read for pithy witicisms. It does take a bit to "mine them out" thhough. :(
Breath, FJ, breath.
ReplyDeleteInhale. Exhale.
He gave us a very simplistic theory of human emotional groupings. In any large group, people were likely to lump up into five subgroups whose basic beliefs could be summed up as follows.
1. Life sucks.
2. I suck, but you might be okay.
3. I'm great, but you suck.
4. We are great.
5. Life is great.
His theory was that people in one group could talk to others in a neighboring group and be understood if not fully believed. If two people were too far away, though, they wouldn't even understand though they spoke the same language. For example, a person in group #3 thinks they are great while someone in #1 simply rejects that premise. Most likely the #1 person would take it as a lead-in to some kind of trickery… because we all know life sucks.
Here's some family wisdom...
ReplyDelete"No man ever went broke overestimating the ignorance of the American public."
"But however mysterious is nature , however ignorant the doctor, however imperfect the present state of physical science , the patronage and the success of quacks and quackeries are infinitely more wonderful than those of honest and laborious men of science and their careful experiments."
ps - “Nobody ever lost a dollar by underestimating the taste of the American public.”
ReplyDeleteAldous Huxley — 'I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.'
ReplyDeleteThat's the one thing that few people attempt to change, these days.
ReplyDeleteWhatever... it happens want they or not. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBeing in the World. Martin Heidegger.
ReplyDeleteSuddenly I realized that I was talking in proza.
ReplyDeleteThere is a Molière character who said that he thought he had been speaking in verse, but had in fact been speaking in prose without realising..
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Molière
In several of his plays, Molière depicted the physicians of his day as pompous individuals who speak (poor) Latin to impress others with false erudition, and ...
In the words of the sagacious Forrest Gump...
ReplyDeleteBig Wise Philosophers of USA... Forrest... and Homer. ;-P