Friday, March 29, 2024

When Art Becomes a 2nd Order Production...

 ...what becomes of its' meaning?  Where does its' meaning come from?

...especially when art-ifice alone (ie - AI) or mass production machinery produces art?

Art itself isn't dead... but the Artist (much like Roland Barthes and his Dead Author) certainly is.  And no, the User utilizing Chat GPT, much like a production manager at the Campbell Soup Cannery is NOT an Auteur, either. More likely he's just fronting a "brand" one pays for, like "Hunter Biden". And the Artwork's underlying expressed Idea, merely "Capitalism" as a product.
"Warhol's images are banal not because they might be said to be the reflection of a banal world, but because they are the products of the absence of any interpretative pretension on the part of the subject."
- Jean Baudrillard

Nowhere  today does the Capitalist Discourse get more LOUDLY expressed, than in Art and on the Factory Floor!
The True Artists have all but "Disappeared"!


  1. Heh... and what IS art? ;-P

  2. The expression of an idea. Today, it's largely a capitalist idea, a product made to make money. Like Hunter Biden's paintings, sold as dragon eggs for Joe Biden favours.

  3. Thinking Socrates would be pleased with such answer? ;-)

  4. Why not? Real Artists "channel" the gods. Capitalists posing as Artists merely channel their bank accounts.

  5. Plato, "Phaedo"
    And first I made a hymn in honour of the god of the festival, and then considering that a poet, if he is really to be a poet, should not only put together words, but should invent stories, and that I have no invention, I took some fables of Aesop, which I had ready at hand and which I knew—they were the first I came upon—and turned them into verse. Tell this to Evenus, Cebes, and bid him be of good cheer; say that I would have him come after me if he be a wise man, and not tarry; and that to-day I am likely to be going, for the Athenians say that I must.

    Socrates was a midwife. He perhaps would have enjoyed simply helping me deliver a more viable birth, and not some weak slander about the Death of Art itself.

  6. Maybe Zizek disguised as Socrates (draped in a white sheet ;-P) could agree with it.

    Not Socrates I know about.(like his dialog about Beauty, i referring to here)

    But... if you like such a counterfeit...

  7. Are teachers "midwifes"???

    It would be too simple and uninteresting... :-(((

    Well... where is that Teachers anyway.


  8. According to Socrates, beauty goes beyond the physical appearance of an object or person. He believed that beauty is not simply subjective and based on individual preferences, but rather an objective quality that is inherently tied to the pursuit of truth and the Good.

    What is beauty according to Socrates? - Quora
    Quora › What-is-beauty-according-to-...

  9. Was it divinely inspired or produced to be sold on Grub Street? If it was the former, I'd call it art. If the latter, I'd label it worthless Schlock produced by a modern day Javanese Mannequin. :P

  10. Yawn... I, understand that.

    Bradbury babbled about exactly that... long-long ago.

  11. Not all art is beautiful. Some is "sublime". The 3 qualities of beauty are measure, symmetry, and truth. And so long as the work have sufficient "measure" of "truth", one can call it beautiful, unless it invokes a feeling of awe or fear, in which case, it becomes sublime.

  12. Yet again -- what IS art? ;-)

  13. A vision gifted from the muses on Parnasus. To the Horsesprings to bathe with Pegasus!

  14. Hesiod, theogony

    [1] From the Heliconian Muses let us begin to sing, who hold the great and holy mount of Helicon, and dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty son of Cronos, and, when they have washed their tender bodies in Permessus or in the Horse's Spring or Olmeius, make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helicon and move with vigorous feet. Thence they arise and go abroad by night, veiled in thick mist, and utter their song with lovely voice, praising Zeus the aegis-holder and queenly Hera of Argos who walks on golden sandals and the daughter of Zeus the aegis-holder bright-eyed Athene, and Phoebus Apollo, and Artemis who delights in arrows, and Poseidon the earth-holder who shakes the earth, and reverend Themis and quick-glancing1 Aphrodite, and Hebe with the crown of gold, and fair Dione, Leto, Iapetus, and Cronos the crafty counsellor, Eos and great Helius and bright Selene, Earth too, and great Oceanus, and dark Night, and the holy race of all the other deathless ones that are for ever. And one day they taught Hesiod glorious song while he was shepherding his lambs under holy Helicon, and this word first the goddesses said to me – the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis: "Shepherds of the wilderness, wretched things of shame, mere bellies, we know how to speak many false things as though they were true; but we know, when we will, to utter true things.”

  15. \\A vision gifted from the muses on Parnasus. To the Horsesprings to bathe with Pegasus!


    Means, pre-Socratic. ;-P

    Well... Lem... talked about it too.

    About people who'd like to hide BACK in the easy-peasy unthinking past.

  16. Do you have that proverbial case... about ostriches hiding their heads in a sand? ;-)

  17. You'd prefer a less "artful" definition?

    How about this. One category of the means of human expression of the objet petite 'a (object cause of desire) related to the appearance of the desired object. A fiction of it, a simulacrum of it. Science is another such category that captures that desire's truth and produces the "reality" of it.

  18. btw where does the obect cause of desire originally come from? The gods, of course! ;)

  19. Science "fiction" is an 'art' that produces the appearance (words/pictures/signs) of the desired and imagined object. Science produces its' reality.

  20. What differs is the "tech" involved in its' "realization".

  21. ...which includes the technological methods employed.

  22. One contains the "reality" of quantum effects. The other merely mathematical models of them.

  23. Modernity is simply a "less artful" representation of the past. :(

  24. ...causing life to lose all its' "meaning". :((((((

  25. \\One category of the means of human expression of the objet petite 'a (object cause of desire)

    WHY desire? WHAT desire?

    If you feel hungry on the road to a fridge -- is it because of D-E-S-I-R-E!!!

    \\btw where does the obect cause of desire originally come from? The gods, of course! ;)

    Evolution, yawn.

    That animals that do not have desire to eat... well, they die off hunger.

    And quickly.

    \\Science "fiction" is an 'art' that produces the appearance (words/pictures/signs) of the desired and imagined object. Science produces its' reality.

    Desired WHAT????

    If tom Clancy... for example, was it HIS desire for WW3 to start? ;-P

    \\One contains the "reality" of quantum effects. The other merely mathematical models of them.

    We... discussed Wolfram... isn't it? ;-)

    \\Modernity is simply a "less artful" representation of the past. :(

    Yeah, yeah, yeah... here it is, such person... and his adventures

  26. No, Drive (appetite or pain) is the source (Michelangelo's Vitruvian man). Influence from the "Other" (the R-I-C-E of RICE) adds the "imaginary" to it, warping it, transforming "drive" into "desire". Desire is learned from asking the che vuoi question. The foam giving birth to Aphrodite from impotence and "other imprinting". Can you now please invent me a better transmorgrafier for turning drives into desires?

  27. If tom Clancy... for example, was it HIS desire for WW3 to start?

    No, it was his desire to understand how it might start and end.

  28. ...and his "wish" (desire - Eros) was that it end "happily" for the USA not Thanatos (death drive). Hence Red Storm Rising.

  29. The myths and gods of the Greeks were merely stand-ins to externalize and explain a man's own inner motivations. Like Freud's "Oedipus" complex to modern psychiatrists.

  30. Like his Gradiva story to explain a "fetish" and the concept of "transference".

  31. Nails for constructing a portrait of Daedalus (Plato, "Meno" - on "right opinion")

  32. Like RICE (Reward/Ideology/Coercion/Ego) as the components for motivating/manipulating others. Nails for the portrait. A "memory tech".

  33. Now, go use RICE on Elon Musk, and fulfill YOUR OWN desires for developing your tech.

  34. ...and remember, Modesty is NOT a Virtue to a needy man. (Plato, "Charmides" aka- On "Temperance"). You must show Courage (Plato, "Laches") ;)

  35. \\Now, go use RICE on Elon Musk, and fulfill YOUR OWN desires for developing your tech.

    And who said to you... that that is MY desire... whatever that word even could mean. ;-P

    \\The myths and gods of the Greeks were merely stand-ins to externalize and explain a man's own inner motivations. Like Freud's "Oedipus" complex to modern psychiatrists.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah... that ancient critters... they was primitive, and great US... modern and enlightened and wise... can read em as open book. ;-P


    \\...and his "wish" (desire - Eros) was that it end "happily" for the USA not Thanatos (death drive). Hence Red Storm Rising.


    That's just your traditional cultural feature -- to end everything with HappyEnding. ;-P

    Just to sell it better.

    That's why you invented bloody thrillers... to compensate for that.

    Just look around... that same Japanese you should know/remember something. Like watching their movies.

    Or latinos... with their Los Muertos.

    You still think like that aborigine from tiny island. ;-P

    \\No, it was his desire to understand how it might start and end.

    For that... picture in his head would be quite enough.

    Why he written a book.

    I, for example... still totally clueless -- why people write books for other people to read...

    I, who was unsuccessful even with writing blog...

    \\ Desire is learned from asking the che vuoi question. The foam giving birth to Aphrodite from impotence and "other imprinting". Can you now please invent me a better transmorgrafier for turning drives into desires?

    Cannabis are openly available... on your turf... I heard.

    \\and accidentally turned himself into a safe (he thought "I'm safe!" and the transmogrifier took him literally, turning him into a safe)


    Be vary... of your... desires? ;-p

  36. Or... as some Daois would say... "Your cup are full". (am I correct here? I used "is" initialy)

  37. Eeeeeeh... and what that damn spamfilter disliked THIS time. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Seee... World/Reality/Universe -- full of mystery. ;-P (like with Einstain's tongue)

  38. /I, for example... still totally clueless -- why people write books for other people to read...

    Ask Diotima....Plato "Symposium" ... For there is nothing which men love but the good. Is there anything?' 'Certainly, I should say, that there is nothing.' 'Then,' she said, 'the simple truth is, that men love the good.' 'Yes,' I said. 'To which must be added that they love the possession of the good?' 'Yes, that must be added.' 'And not only the possession, but the everlasting possession of the good?' 'That must be added too.' 'Then love,' she said, 'may be described generally as the love of the everlasting possession of the good?' 'That is most true.'

    'Then if this be the nature of love, can you tell me further,' she said, 'what is the manner of the pursuit? what are they doing who show all this eagerness and heat which is called love? and what is the object which they have in view? Answer me.' 'Nay, Diotima,' I replied, 'if I had known, I should not have wondered at your wisdom, neither should I have come to learn from you about this very matter.' 'Well,' she said, 'I will teach you:—The object which they have in view is birth in beauty, whether of body or soul.' 'I do not understand you,' I said; 'the oracle requires an explanation.' 'I will make my meaning clearer,' she replied. 'I mean to say, that all men are bringing to the birth in their bodies and in their souls. There is a certain age at which human nature is desirous of procreation—procreation which must be in beauty and not in deformity; and this procreation is the union of man and woman, and is a divine thing; for conception and generation are an immortal principle in the mortal creature, and in the inharmonious they can never be.

  39. (cont)

    But the deformed is always inharmonious with the divine, and the beautiful harmonious. Beauty, then, is the destiny or goddess of parturition who presides at birth, and therefore, when approaching beauty, the conceiving power is propitious, and diffusive, and benign, and begets and bears fruit: at the sight of ugliness she frowns and contracts and has a sense of pain, and turns away, and shrivels up, and not without a pang refrains from conception. And this is the reason why, when the hour of conception arrives, and the teeming nature is full, there is such a flutter and ecstasy about beauty whose approach is the alleviation of the pain of travail. For love, Socrates, is not, as you imagine, the love of the beautiful only.' 'What then?' 'The love of generation and of birth in beauty.' 'Yes,' I said. 'Yes, indeed,' she replied. 'But why of generation?' 'Because to the mortal creature, generation is a sort of eternity and immortality,' she replied; 'and if, as has been already admitted, love is of the everlasting possession of the good, all men will necessarily desire immortality together with good: Wherefore love is of immortality.'

  40. Socrates was a midwife, helping other men to give birth to "beautiful ideas" and thereby render their names "immortal" and lasting eternally.

  41. That's why you invented bloody thrillers... to compensate for that.

    No. EA Poe invented those so as to reveal the "sublime" (instead of the Good). For Death is sublime. It ends the "pain" of mortality. The "pain" of a mortal's love for those who have "passed on/ over".

  42. Or... as some Daois would say... "Your cup are full". (am I correct here? I used "is" initialy)

    The singular "is", as cup is singular and the presence of many disciples is not stated. Had the Daoist been addressing "many" disciples (instead of a singular one), he might have said "Your cups (plural) are full".

  43. ...and perhaps Einstein did not desire to be thought to be "too serious". ;)

  44. \\Socrates was a midwife, helping other men to give birth to "beautiful ideas" and thereby render their names "immortal" and lasting eternally.

    From words of some other man. ;-P

    \\...and perhaps Einstein did not desire to be thought to be "too serious". ;)

    Like I meaned anything else.


    \\Or... as some Daois would say... "Your cup are full". (am I correct here? I used "is" initialy)

    \\The singular "is", as cup is singular and the presence of many disciples is not stated.

    Yeah... but how to emphatise that it is DEFINITELY and UTTERLY full. ;-)

    \\That's why you invented bloody thrillers... to compensate for that.

    \\No. EA Poe invented those

    Po invented Freddy Kruger? ;-P


    No... your lack of mundane world problems and dangers... invented it.

    Like same Tom Clancy.

    \\But the deformed is always inharmonious with the divine, and the beautiful harmonious.

    Emmy Noether? AGAIN! ;-P

    \\There is a certain age at which human nature is desirous of procreation—procreation which must be in beauty and not in deformity; and this procreation is the union of man and woman, and is a divine thing; for conception and generation are an immortal principle in the mortal creature, and in the inharmonious they can never be.

    Have you watched your cats and dogs births?

    How many? How much?

    PS It seems... it disliked c-word. How do you think?

  45. \\Socrates was a midwife, helping other men to give birth to "beautiful ideas" and thereby render their names "immortal" and lasting eternally.
    /From words of some other man. ;-P

    "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." - Pericles

    Apparently the monuments atop the Acropolis were enough (ordered constructed by Pericles)

    \\...and perhaps Einstein did not desire to be thought to be "too serious". ;)
    /Like I meaned anything else.

    Perhaps he could distinguish between the sacred, profane, and mundane.

    \\Or... as some Daois would say... "Your cup are full". (am I correct here? I used "is" initialy)
    //The singular "is", as cup is singular and the presence of many disciples is not stated.
    /Yeah... but how to emphatise that it is DEFINITELY and UTTERLY full. ;-)

    A very "artful" distinction.

    \\That's why you invented bloody thrillers... to compensate for that.
    //No. EA Poe invented those
    \Po invented Freddy Kruger? ;-P
    No... your lack of mundane world problems and dangers... invented it.
    Like same Tom Clancy.

    He was bored? Then perhaps Byung-Chul Han is right. Boredom with and of the mundane leads to creativity. Indeed, boredom is required to instigate the creative process (Heideggarian "Dasein" state of "Being in the World"). :)

    \\But the deformed is always inharmonious with the divine, and the beautiful harmonious.
    /Emmy Noether? AGAIN! ;-P

    Classically educated. The sacred/ profane. Perhaps "art" is what also distingusuishes the truly sacred/profane from the BORING mundane, like the "creativity" of "Grub Street" for those of us desirous of "beauty" (Visit me, my Muse).

    \\There is a certain age at which human nature is desirous of procreation—procreation which must be in beauty and not in deformity; and this procreation is the union of man and woman, and is a divine thing; for conception and generation are an immortal principle in the mortal creature, and in the inharmonious they can never be.
    /Have you watched your cats and dogs births?
    How many? How much?

    Nah, they're all neutered/ spayed. And I was never on the farm when the hogs/ sheep/ cows were giving birth. The chickens laid eggs, but I never watched them do it. I did, however cut the umbilical cords for all of my three children.

    PS It seems... it disliked c-word. How do you think?

    Sounds like something to be observed and enjoyed obscene/ obskene (off-stage). ;)

  46. "pirric victory??? heh. ;-P"

    Sacred? or profane? or perhaps a bit of the sublime (victory/power) within the world of the normally profane?

    But then Homers "Iliad" was a book of war. Perhaps the Greeks saw it, too, as "sublime" and not merely "profane' as most "Moderns" do, in the mundane worlds/ mortal (not Divine) existences.

  47. ... Are you not compelled to think that all that is pious (holy) is just?


    Is it "Wise" to grant the Ukrainians "Justice". And just who would grant it, the gods? Europe? America? NATO?

  48. Socrates drank the hemlock. For Justice, tempered with the "Wisdom" of the Athenian polis, which had pronounced sentence, demanded to be carried out. And could any true Athenian flee such a "just" decree? Profanity!

  49. Courage:Temperance::Wisdom:Justice

    The 4 "Virtues".

  50. Life enters... death departs. Let there be much Beauty along the way!

  51. The sacred space is a kind of time-suspension machine within space-time. An "attractive /love" effect in time, much like "gravity" in space.

  52. \\\\Socrates was a midwife, helping other men to give birth to "beautiful ideas" and thereby render their names "immortal" and lasting eternally.
    /From words of some other man. ;-P

    \\"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." - Pericles

    \\Apparently the monuments atop the Acropolis were enough (ordered constructed by Pericles)

    Apparently... I was pointing to that obvious counter-argument... that that definitive feature of Socrates "Socrates was a midwife" -- is not present anywhere, anyhow... cannot be double-checked, by obvious reason "Socrates are man. Men are mortals".

    So... that is... just words.

    On words anyone can be like "Elvis of theory"... or Lindy, or whatever.

    \\Perhaps he could distinguish between the sacred, profane, and mundane.

    His words are definite "And I dunno which infinity are greater". ;-)

    \\He was bored? Then perhaps Byung-Chul Han is right. Boredom with and of the mundane leads to creativity. Indeed, boredom is required to instigate the creative process (Heideggarian "Dasein" state of "Being in the World"). :)

    Well... I of that branch, who say that NEED are source of creativity.

    Well... need to be NOT bored, suiting it too. ;-P

    \\\\But the deformed is always inharmonious with the divine, and the beautiful harmonious.
    /Emmy Noether? AGAIN! ;-P

    \\\Classically educated. The sacred/ profane. Perhaps "art" is what also distingusuishes the truly sacred/profane from the BORING mundane, like the "creativity" of "Grub Street" for those of us desirous of "beauty" (Visit me, my Muse).

    Same coda.

    "Wisdoms of past... tend to become unprecise and even outdate... with time".

    And I... I just referred to MORE NEW, MORE REFINED ones.

    That... that was discovered -- that Laws of Nature based on Symmetries. ;-)


    All everything -- is just a CONSEQUENCES of it. ;-P

    That initial, primordial, built-in into LITERALLY EVERYTHING symmetries.

    So... we talking about SAME things.

    But... still unable to understand each other? :-((((

    \\Nah, they're all neutered/ spayed.

    THAT'S IT!

    That is EXACTLY factual illustration to my words higher.

    "... your lack of mundane world problems and dangers... "

    Another word... you experiences... are "neutered"?

    And you crying about it being boring.


    Well... nothing new. English aristocrats invented it. Before you. ;-P


    \\ I did, however cut the umbilical cords for all of my three children.

    That's different.

    Too personal.

    Instinct flogged your mind.

    \\"pirric victory??? heh. ;-P"

    \\Sacred? or profane?

    Just numbers.


    Or what... maybe you are pythagorean? Seeing numbers as sacrosanct? ;-)

    \\But then Homers "Iliad" was a book of war. Perhaps the Greeks saw it, too, as "sublime" and not merely "profane' as most "Moderns" do, in the mundane worlds/ mortal (not Divine) existences.

    We... dunno. And could never know... what they thought.

    Especially as... inevitably, that was A LOT of different thoughts.

    \\Is it "Wise" to grant the Ukrainians "Justice". And just who would grant it, the gods? Europe? America? NATO?

    Waiting for Pearl Harbor 2.0.

    Then... such questions will enlight to became moot. ;-P

    \\btw - How's "Lindy" working out for you?

    Do Universe know about him? Care about him? ;-P


  53. \\Perhaps a reading of Plato's "Euthyphro" is in order?

    "As is common with Plato's earliest dialogues, it ends in aporia."


  54. Do *I* understand word "aporia" wrong???

    As "non-answer".

  55. "Socrates was a midwife" -- is not present anywhere, anyhow... cannot be double-checked, by obvious reason "Socrates are man. Men are mortals".

    Plato wrote about Socrates. So did Xenophon. Hence, it CAN be checked.

  56. So... that is... just words.

    On words anyone can be like "Elvis of theory"... or Lindy, or whatever.

    Indeed. As your own thoughts are "just words" as well. Words with "feelings" attached that sometimes ring true, other times ring false. We "keep" the ones that we believe make us "feel" more powerful. And Lindy tells us just how long those "feelings" have been collaborated/ and agreed upon. :P

  57. That's... just a text. Heresay. Somebody-somebody who said something-something. ;-)

    Do you see difference, no?

    Between real human... like I or you -- that can be asked questions, examinated, tested for real.

    And just some bunch of texts...

    It NEVER have come to you -- how ARTIFICIAL... that dialogs are???

    Where you saw people... who'd AGREE to a simple and logical argumantation

    Knock-knock, Neo.

    We are in a real world -- world, where people you corner with SWIFT and SOUND LOGICAL argument... would sooner try to torn your throat with their teeth... then agree with it.

    And under "agree" here I mean NOT "let's agree to disagree". ;-P

  58. \\Indeed. As your own thoughts are "just words" as well.


    My own thoughts. As well as your own thoughts. As well as thoughts of anybody/anything else (like your cats and dogs)... are MUCH MORE complex.

    That we talk with words -- that is limitation of our verbalization... tech.

    But thinking we... with emotions, feelings, inner brain images and so forth...

    well, our tech still not THAT developed... to say more here.

    Thought, there is quite a prospects... like use of Tomography and AI... to "read thoughts".

    And etc.

  59. /And I... I just referred to MORE NEW, MORE REFINED ones.
    That... that was discovered -- that Laws of Nature based on Symmetries. ;-)
    All everything -- is just a CONSEQUENCES of it. ;-P
    That initial, primordial, built-in into LITERALLY EVERYTHING symmetries.
    So... we talking about SAME things.
    But... still unable to understand each other? :-((((

    The local orders (laws of Nature) in the symmetries of Chaos (fractals) and Maths of 3 Body Problems?

    Relativity. *Yawn*

  60. \\And Lindy tells us just how long those "feelings" have been collaborated/ and agreed upon. :P

    And it can be instrumental?

    In achieving... what, actually?

  61. Let's talk about Phi like Pythagoreans then. You'll prove the irrationality of some numbers, then I'll throw you overboard.


  62. And it can be instrumental?
    In achieving... what, actually?

    Replicating feelings of "power". Phi is so ratio-nal.

  63. \\The local orders (laws of Nature)

    Are you Multi-Dimentional Entity that have access into Multiverse? ;-P

    If not... I have bad news for you.

    That "local orders" is EVERYTHING you have, and you and anybody else WILL HAVE.

    That is Mundane Truth... of this Universe -- that it is Mundane AS Hell.

    And even LS.D.(spamfilter disliked can.abiss, so...) trips... are just SAME mundane... when effects explained to you.

    \\ in the symmetries of Chaos (fractals) and Maths of 3 Body Problems?


    That is just a bunch of words glued together.

    Chaos??? That's just a Non-linear equations manifestation.

    Fractals? AKA Fractional Dimantions. "Fractional dimensions are a mathematical concept used to describe the geometric properties of objects that do not have integer dimensions. While it may seem counterintuitive, it is possible to have an object with a fractional dimension."

    Symmetries... it's symmetries. I dunno if there is a way to unwind such a basic concept as consisting of something even more basic...

    3 Body Problem... that's just ONE of multitude of math problems... we NOT know how to solve ANALITICALLY... because there is no such solution... or, we still dumb to find em.


  64. \\Nah, they're all neutered/ spayed.
    THAT'S IT!
    That is EXACTLY factual illustration to my words higher.
    "... your lack of mundane world problems and dangers...

    Words represent the surplus value of "castrated" natural objects.

    We are all castratii now.

  65. \\Let's talk about Phi like Pythagoreans then.

    Do we agree... that there NEED to be SOME number.

    As... everything we know and percieve, as it seems -- have dimensional and measurable value.

    So... what's STRANGE... that it all about some Phi-number? ;-)


    ""The Golden Ratio (also known as Phi, or the Fibonacci number) is the mathematical symmetry algorithm that underlies our perception of attractiveness.""

    As it look NOT random AT ALL. ;-)

    \\Replicating feelings of "power". Phi is so ratio-nal.

    That's why I prefer Tech.

    Because Techs give REAL powers.

    Not just "feelings" being powerFOOL. ;-P

  66. \\Words represent the surplus value of "castrated" natural objects.

    Yeah... if one treats em ONLY as words (hint: exactly what Derpy doing all of the time -- treating words... as real things -- FIRST ORDER OBJECTS)... while they are just miserly labels.

    Most propabably... you do not understand what I do mean here, am I right?

    While for me -- it DARN obvious...

    and not because I am some kinda wiseman %-P

    just because I HERE trying to use foreign language -- that difference is DAMN apparent to me. ;-)

  67. In a process of learning foreign language (in conscious age) ...

    everyone comes through stage of "back-translation".

    When each words of that language need to be translated back and forth.

    Into foreign language -- after thought formed in native and translated to communicate.

    Then again... from foreign into native -- to understand the answer.

  68. \\...but somehow I can still feel their lamellas...????

    Whatever... you can call me a behaviorist. ;-P

    Would you agree to come into my Skinner's Box? So I could test you.

  69. /"As is common with Plato's earliest dialogues, it ends in aporia."
    Do *I* understand word "aporia" wrong???
    As "non-answer".

    The Dialectic sets the two poles to the argument and then explore the regions in between them.

    The "poles" represent the quantum states. But the regions between them can be interesting as well. Much like lagrange points. Stable/ ordered regions to "settle" into and escape gravity's effects. These are "revealed" like the Biblical Book of Revelations through the process of dialectic. Aporia then can be a "revelation". Like the "holiness" of "justice".

  70. /It NEVER have come to you -- how ARTIFICIAL... that dialogs are???
    Where you saw people... who'd AGREE to a simple and logical argumantation
    Knock-knock, Neo.
    We are in a real world -- world, where people you corner with SWIFT and SOUND LOGICAL argument... would sooner try to torn your throat with their teeth... then agree with it.
    And under "agree" here I mean NOT "let's agree to disagree". ;-

    Indeed. And so they must be tested to determine if their "roads" actually DO lead to Larissa. for we cannot "know" otherwise. For they merely represent "right opinion" (Plato, "Meno"). Have you ever caught Theatetus' "birds" (Plato, "Theaetetus")?

  71. virtue being considered is the success that politicians enjoy by dint of the divine gift of eudoxia, good repute. (eudoxia - aka "Good Authority")

    Words are "feminine" (castrated). The "feminine virtues"... from Wisdom:Justice::Courage:Temperance). Gain experience and then judge the ratios for yourself.

  72. You wish to enCOURAGE the MANLY virtues in me. But my manly WISDOM questions your advice. Meden Agan!

  73. ...for "unsuccessful" courage we all label "rashness".

  74. \\The local orders (laws of Nature)
    /Are you Multi-Dimentional Entity that have access into Multiverse? ;-P
    If not... I have bad news for you.
    That "local orders" is EVERYTHING you have, and you and anybody else WILL HAVE.
    That is Mundane Truth... of this Universe -- that it is Mundane AS Hell.
    And even LS.D.(spamfilter disliked can.abiss, so...) trips... are just SAME mundane... when effects explained to you.

    Relativity. What is "time" to a photon travelling at the speed of light" relative to you (stationary)? I don't need extra-dimensions. Velocities will do for ALL your local laws of nature between your quantum "state" cases. Now can my Guild Navigators fold the "space" for you, Duke Leto II?

  75. Sometimes the questions to ask aren't "where" but "when" [misdirection] (Houdini) ;)

    What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes. - Harry Houdini

    I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic. - Harry Houdini

  76. Would you agree to come into my Skinner's Box? So I could test you.

    Would you mind staring at a few goats for me?

  77. I may not be able to shoot ACTUAL mind bullets, but the ones I can shoot have essentially the same effects. ;)

  78. My best friend has a degree in parapsychology from FSU. He's a real HOOT!

  79. He was US Air Force stationed in Thailand during the Vietnam War. ;P

    Naaaah. He was in PsyOps. He was in SIGINT.

  80. \\The Dialectic sets the two poles to the argument and then explore the regions in between them.


    \\The "poles" represent the quantum states.

    "Non-explaining" one meaningless word with another.

    What is REAL quantum states?

    Do you get that EVERYTHING which exist is in a quantum state. You, me, our planet, Galaxy, Universe...

    Meaning, there is NOTHING... that is NOT "quantum state".

    So??? HOW you can distinguish it? ;-)

    \\Much like lagrange points. Stable/ ordered regions to "settle" into and escape gravity's effects.


    Isn't that lagrange points IS the gravity effect???

    Again. HOW you distinguish it?

    \\ These are "revealed" like the Biblical Book of Revelations through the process of dialectic.

    Yeah... somebody-somebody said that... that it "revealed".

    \\Indeed. And so they must be tested to determine if their "roads" actually DO lead to Larissa. for we cannot "know" otherwise.

    Like I say something else.

    But... with a slightly phrasing... so you not recognizing it?

    \\I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic. - Harry Houdini

    David Copperfield beats him anyway. ;-P

    \\Would you mind staring at a few goats for me?

    Thinking I'm capable? %-)))))))

    \\Gain experience and then judge the ratios for yourself.

    Well... you know what experience I want to gain.

    \\You wish to enCOURAGE the MANLY virtues in me. But my manly WISDOM questions your advice. Meden Agan!

    Still... you think that there is some agenda behind my words... and trying to oppose it?

    How useless.


    \\Relativity. What is "time" to a photon travelling at the speed of light" relative to you (stationary)?

    And what is "photon"? ;-)

    I can share my experience.

    I... just anybody else (with higher education, yeah... so, yet not just anybody).

    Was tout about photons, electrons and etc such modern age fetishes. ;-p

    But... unlike most other -- I tried to come to the source.

    And found... that "father founders"... have had meaned it totally different. ;-)

    \\Velocities will do for ALL your local laws of nature between your quantum "state" cases.


    And what theory of quantum gravity saying that?

  81. \\"roads" actually DO lead to Larissa.

    ""Socrates reluctantly turns from his preferred question of what virtue is to Meno's preferred question of the teachability of virtue ""

    You know my answer -- why try to bruteforce some question -- of which you know for sure that you have NO capabilities to solve?

    Better try to find a workaround -- of how to make some machine, some algorithm, something with more processing power -- to solve it for you.

    Mentality of a programmer.

    Machines should work, people -- think.(tm) ;-)

  82. The poles of a dialectic are T/F (1/0) binary states. The "quantum" solutions include the Superposition of the two states. Like a qubit.

  83. Is Schroedinger's cat alive or dead inside the dialectic?

  84. ...and no, I'd prefer to NOT be a rat in your "Skinner's box". You'll just have to remain in a state of Aporia.

  85. father founders"... have had meaned it totally different.

    Like Ben Franklin's electricity. :)

  86. Different "tech" leading to the same goal. Like "evolution".

  87. Oh, wait, no goal. :(((((((

    Just "absurd' random variations expressed from different emergent harmonics under varying environmental conditions.


  88. Necessity is the mother of invention... not boredom? Maybe.

    I guess even JJ Rousseau needed to eat.

  89. btw - Who needs to calculate/solve a problem when a good guess/ leap of faith will do? Intuition (& induction) vs. deduction

    Nietzsche's rope walker can just as easily "fall to his death".

    “For meanwhile the tight-rope walker had begun his performance: he had stepped out of a small door and was walking over the rope, stretched between two towers and suspended over the market place and the people. When he had reached the exact middle of the course the small door opened once more and a fellow in motley clothes, looking like a jester, jumped out and followed the first one with quick steps….he uttered a devilish cry and jumped over the man who stood in his way. This man, however, seeing his rival win, lost his head and the rope, tossed away his pole, and plunged into the depth even faster, a whirlpool of arms and legs.

    “Zarathustra, however, did not move; and it was right next to him that the body fell, badly maimed and disfigured, but not yet dead. After a while the shattered man recovered consciousness and saw Zarathustra kneeling beside him. ‘What are you doing here?’ he asked at last. ‘I have long known that the devil would trip me. Now he will drag me to hell. Would you prevent him?’

    “’By my honor friend,’ answered Zarathustra, ‘all that of which you speak does not exist: there is no devil and no hell. Your soul will be dead even before your body: fear nothing further.’

    “The man looked up suspiciously. ‘If you speak the truth,’ he said. ‘I lose nothing when I lose my life. I am not much more than a beast that has been taught to dance by blows and a few meager morsels.’

  90. ‘By no means,’ said Zarathustra. ‘You have made danger your vocation; there is nothing contemptible in that. Now perish of your vocation: for that I will bury you with my own hands.’” (I, pp.131-132) Thus, interestingly, the metaphor for the pre-overman is to be buried by Zarathustra himself. But, Zarathustra does not bury him in a strict sense.

    “So he laid the dead man into a hollow tree – for he wanted to protect him from the wolves – and he himself lay down on the ground and the moss, his head under the tree.

    “For a long time Zarathustra slept, and not only dawn passed over his face but morning too. At last, however, his eyes opened: amazed, Zarathustra looked into the woods and the silence; amazed, he looked into himself.

    “’To lure many away from the herd, for that have I come. The people and the herd shall be angry with me: Zarathustra wants to be called a robber by the shepherds.’” (I, page 135) Zarathustra’s revelation is for a social bond with other overmen. Very specifically, Nietzsche makes clear Zarathustra does not seek worshipers but fellow creators.

    “’Companions, the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks – those who write new values on new tablets. Companions, the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest.” (I, page 136)

  91. \\The poles of a dialectic are T/F (1/0) binary states. The "quantum" solutions include the Superposition of the two states. Like a qubit.


    That is just words.

    Reality is that -- EVERYTHING AROUND *is* QBITS. ;-P

    In you. In me. Whole planet. Whole galaxy. Universe itself -- is quantum matter. ;-P

  92. \\...and no, I'd prefer to NOT be a rat in your "Skinner's box". You'll just have to remain in a state of Aporia.


    That's it.

    That's whole point of following this or that psychological theory, ;-P

    For you to analize em, and em NOT be able to analize you, :-))))

    \\Oh, wait, no goal. :(((((((


    And what's the problem? ;-P

    \\Just "absurd' random variations expressed from different emergent harmonics under varying environmental conditions.

    Why "absurd"?

    It EXIST for at least.

    Unlike burning and very talkative bushes. ;-P

    \\So??? HOW you can distinguish it? ;-)



    Imagine you are on the beach... no, better desert. In the midst of Sahara.

    Means... everything around is sand, sand and more sand.

    HOW you can distinguish... sand... from other sand? ;-P

    \\btw - Who needs to calculate/solve a problem when a good guess/ leap of faith will do? Intuition (& induction) vs. deduction


    Rats in a maze... as Lem stated.



    \\Nietzsche's rope walker can just as easily "fall to his death".

    I would not be able to understand it more... if you'd not find a way to rephrase it.

    Instead of repeating.


    \\Very specifically, Nietzsche makes clear Zarathustra does not seek worshipers but fellow creators.


  93. We used to build these Crycoolers for X-Yay telescopes... cooling detectors down to near absolute zero. I worked on 3-stage ones, and proposal for 5-7 cooling stages.

  94. /Well?

    I am not seeking the UberMensch. I'm just one of the "Last Men" now.

    As for "rope walkers"... the rope walker slowly crossing was Parmenides. The jester leaping over him Heraclitus? Maybe you should contrast/ compare Nietzsche's descriptions.

  95. Heraclitus counseled AGAINST poking the Persians and was denounced for it.

    I counsel AGAINST poking the Russians and am denounced as a Putin Puppet...

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. @@

  96. \\I am not seeking the UberMensch. I'm just one of the "Last Men" now.


    To not be a dumb ass... it's already damn big difference. ;-)

    \\As for "rope walkers"... the rope walker slowly crossing was Parmenides. The jester leaping over him Heraclitus? Maybe you should contrast/ compare Nietzsche's descriptions.


    \\I counsel AGAINST poking the Russians and am denounced as a Putin Puppet...


    Situation already out of anybodies hands.

    Worms are out of the box.

    Pocking... or not pocking, change nothing. Pearl Harbor 2.0 are imminent already.

    As you said...

    \\The more things change, the more they stay the same. @@

  97. HOW you can distinguish... sand... from other sand?

    A more accurate GPS...

  98. How would you distinguish on Star in the Universe from Another?

    You're fortunate, there are many more observable variables. I'm sure that in number, they are as many as the grains of sand on your beach.

  99. ...and no, I don't wish to help you build/ deploy it. I'll use Cepheid variables for now. ;P

  100. ...and a programmed star tracker that can compensate for movement and velocity over time. I always hated sun sensors and IMUs... (although some good IMUs might be handy for plotting my own course and movements over time) ;)

  101. I watched the last Indiana Jones movie (Dial of Destiny) this past weekend. I love it when (spoiler alert) Indy laughs at the Nazi for not compensating for "Continental Drift".

  102. Back in the day before deciding to go "Engine"... I really enjoyed the "Deckie" stuff. Pilotimng using a peloris and taking bearings, marking the on a chart to "triangulate the ship's locations. I never used a sextant though... and Bowditch tables are a pain, anyways.

  103. I think that "Continental Drift" would have proven the "least" of the Nazi's "error" problems...

  104. \\Position in Space...over Time. :P

    In respect to what? ;-)

    \\How would you distinguish on Star in the Universe from Another?

    Yes. How?

    \\...and no, I don't wish to help you build/ deploy it.


    Do you imagine. Do you understand. What distance from babbling on the Internet... and building/deploying... anything.

    From my experience... it working only with software. And even that... barely.

    So rare... that I even dunno -- what makes it fly???

    Efforts of individuals... mostly. Like heroic fit of Linus Torvalds.

  105. Whatever... and how it related???

  106. ps - In 2018, GitLab Inc. was considered to be the first partly-Ukrainian unicorn

  107. Too distant relation.

    Or... Linus have any do in gitlab???

  108. And well... he's author of Linux kernel first of all. ;-)

  109. I thought that THAT might have been the "heroic fit" that you mentioned...

  110. Nei... HOW????

    That's just "eat your own dog food".

    Making ones own version of UNIX... and giving it as Open Source -- totally another story.

    That's like...

    That's like...

    If Elon would make his SpaceX... just to give access to it to everyone... with analogue of amateur radio equipment. ;-P

  111. And not free software? Free like a bear.

    That is YOUR culture.

    But... there is NO prophet in own country. ;-P

  112. There a high cost to "free". Especially in Jack's Magic Coffee Shop.

    All an Open Societies SECRETS made available to a small CLOSED Society.

  113. Lem written a couple of very good snarky texts... about "secrets". ;-)

    For example one... about "very intelligent bandit"... who decided that collecting valuable information -- is more darn then collecting valuable goods. ;-P

  114. \\The ruined gate is the central setting — and provides the title — for Ryūnosuke Akutagawa's short story "Rashōmon" and hence for Akira Kurosawa's 1950 film. Akutagawa's use of the gate was deliberately symbolic, with the gate's ruined state representing the moral and physical decay of Japanese civilization and culture. According to one legend, it was inhabited by the demon Ibaraki Dōji.[4]

    O tempora, o mores!

    Or... Oh tempura, oh morayas. ;-P

    If you wish.

  115. Well... yeah... I kinda understand your problem.

    Well... kinda.

  116. Hah... captcha images... became more tricky. ;-P

  117. Why do you do them? 99% of the time, it lets me post without doing them. But then running Windows is different than running an emulation of Windows.

  118. The USIC runs Jack's Magic Coffee Shop. And they've Captcha'd the entire Government. So how is America different from Putin's Russia or Xi's China? The Techno-Feudal Age has arrived, and you don't need to be Yanis Varoufakis to see it.

  119. ps - They've "gone global" now. Welcome, Ukraine. Think YOUR votes matter now, or ever again in the future?

  120. \\ Why do you do them?

    Because I going as miserly anonimous? ;-P

    \\But then running Windows is different than running an emulation of Windows.

    In what way? ;-)

    \\So how is America different from Putin's Russia or Xi's China?


    THAT is the reason.

    You just dunno that thing can be THAT bad. ;-P

    And even WORSE. :-)))))

    \\The Techno-Feudal Age has arrived, and you don't need to be Yanis Varoufakis to see it.


    And that is... desirable future for DEMNs -- NO new techs, means NO rivals in political and social sense. HAPPY EVER AFTER... for DEMNs, FOR EVER. ;-P

  121. Because I going as miserly anonimous? ;-P

    You think I'm smart enough to ID you, otherwise? Well thanks, but I can assure you, I don't care. But then again, if its' "protocol", by all means...

    I know I used to track IPs and all, but everything is "spoofable" these days. So I took the trackers off (at least I think I did).

    \\But then running Windows is different than running an emulation of Windows.
    /In what way? ;-)

    Ever run MS Project? On an Apple (vs. Windows)? Ever try opening up a .pdf created in the Windows version on an Apple? It looks like garbage. You need to convert the .pdf to a .jpeg or .gif in order for the Apple user to see it correctly.

    \\So how is America different from Putin's Russia or Xi's China?
    THAT is the reason.
    You just dunno that thing can be THAT bad. ;-P
    And even WORSE. :-)))))

    Give it a little time. We'll then find out which is worse. Only on a GLOBAL scale where there will be NO WHERE TO HIDE.

    \\The Techno-Feudal Age has arrived, and you don't need to be Yanis Varoufakis to see it.
    And that is... desirable future for DEMNs -- NO new techs, means NO rivals in political and social sense. HAPPY EVER AFTER... for DEMNs, FOR EVER. ;-P

    Yeah, but its' GOOD to be the King!

  122. from Quora - The saying "Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven" comes from John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost," which was published in 1667. In the poem, the character Lucifer utters these words to express his defiance against serving in Heaven under God's rule. The phrase is often interpreted as a declaration of pride and independence, preferring personal power and autonomy even in a negative or destructive environment over submission to a higher authority. It's a powerful expression of the human desire for freedom and self-determination, even if it leads to undesirable consequences.

  123. btw - Know what they call having to live in another person's "dream" (utopia)? Nightmare.

    Want to know another? Living your own.

    Zizek, "Pervert's Guide" The notion of fantasy in psychoanalysisis very ambiguous. On the one hand,we have the pacifying aspect of fantasy. Piano Teacher plays with the opposite aspect of fantasy. Fantasy as the explosion of wild, unbearable desires. What we found in the middle of the film is probably, arguably, the most depressive sexual act in the entire history of cinema. As if to punish her for disclosing the fantasy in her letter to him, he literally enacts her fantasy in the way he makes love to her, which of course means that fantasy is lost for her. When fantasy disintegrates, you don’t get reality, you get some nightmarish real too traumatic to be experienced as ordinary reality. That would be another definition of nightmare. Hell is here. Paradise, at least this perverse paradise, is hell. Stop, please.

  124. On the pyramid at the back of a dollar bill:

    The Pyramid is un-capped, which may signify that our country was not yet finished. The unfinished state of the pyramid was intentional, and Charles Thompson, in his remarks to congress about the symbolism on the Great Seal, said the pyramid represented "Strength and Duration." Inside the capstone you have the all-seeing eye, and ancient symbol for divinity. Although Franklin's committee did not suggest a pyramid, it did originate the suggestion of the eye. However, the term "the all-seeing eye" was never officially used when describing it. The Franklin committee wanted the seal to include a reflection of divine providence and discussed a variety of themes including the Children of Israel in the Wilderness.

    "IN GOD WE TRUST" is on this currency. The Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means "God has favored our undertaking." It was Franklin's belief that one man couldn't do it alone, but a group of men with the help of God could do anything. The Latin below the pyramid, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, is interpreted to mean "a new order for the world." At the base of the pyramid is the Roman Numeral for 1776.

    I think that the unfinished pyramid meant that the construction wasn't "perfect" and that it NEVER could be. That attempts to "perfect/ complete" it would lead to its' destruction. Enter Democrats...

  125. \\You think I'm smart enough to ID you, otherwise?


    What more information about me you need???

    I not share not because I trying to play man of mistery, or something. ;-P

    Just to not bore you. As all other such info about me, is obviously tediously mundane.

    I'm nothing special.

    And well... I tried to play that game before... not played well. :-/

    Especially with recent event interference...

    \\I know I used to track IPs and all, but everything is "spoofable" these days. So I took the trackers off (at least I think I did).

    I used it on my pal. Also programmer. Thought it to be inner joke.

    But... he deleted connections...

    People... don't like Mr.Robots. ;-P

    And well, I also think it low brow games.

    \\Ever run MS Project? On an Apple (vs. Windows)? Ever try opening up a .pdf created in the Windows version on an Apple? It looks like garbage. You need to convert the .pdf to a .jpeg or .gif in order for the Apple user to see it correctly.

    You know... I'm programmer. ;-)

    Means... I know a way or two to workaround it.

    And well... I do not play much with WYSIWYG docs. ;-P

    And well... that is because of proprietary nature of Apple products.

    But... nothing biggy. After they adopted UNIX kernel... you can use ordinary UNIX/Linus instruments under it. ;-)

    \\Give it a little time. We'll then find out which is worse.

    Yeah... for a tropical paradise to became worse then stone cold polar ice rocks???

    Well... sure... though it would need a lot of geological time passed. But, yeah, as geologists and paleontologists saying, it really did happened.

    \\ Only on a GLOBAL scale where there will be NO WHERE TO HIDE.


    That is that hell gates your current (and previous) administration sissy-pussy and "nobody's home" response opened.

    BTW... did you fell the shakes? ;-)

    \\Yeah, but its' GOOD to be the King!

    Is it?

    Nowadays homeless bum have access to more luxuries and treasures... than any proverbial king of the past have had. EVER.

    They even did not have water-closets. ;-P

    \\ It's a powerful expression of the human desire for freedom and self-determination, even if it leads to undesirable consequences.

    Preaching to a choir? Again??? ;-)

    \\It was Franklin's belief that one man couldn't do it alone, but a group of men with the help of God could do anything.


    \\Enter Democrats...


    Like fools can even destroy anything... for good. ;-P

  126. /I'm nothing special.

    That makes 2 of us.

    People... don't like Mr.Robots. ;-P

    Just wait until they start scanning brain waves and then performing Inceptions... @@

    /Means... I know a way or two to workaround it.

    Good for you! I'm just happy not to have to worry about that kind of sh*t anymore. :)

    /BTW... did you fell the shakes? ;-)

    Naaah. We're south of the Mason-Dixon line. I've only felt one small quake here since '82. We used to get them all the time in California before then. We had a 6+ in Caracas once, killed over 200 people (bldg collapses).

    /They even did not have water-closets. ;-P

    No, they had Chamber Pots. I wouldn't mind that, it's the lack of toilet paper that would bother me... although if there were enough corn cobs handy....

    /Like fools can even destroy anything... for good. ;-P

    You'd be surprised. All you need to do is get rid of all the paper books and then put all the existing knowledge on a computer network for "easy editing".

  127. \\That makes 2 of us.

    Not a big fit. For sure. :-)

    \\Just wait until they start scanning brain waves and then performing Inceptions... @@

    You wanna to live till that times?

    \\Good for you! I'm just happy not to have to worry about that kind of sh*t anymore. :)


    \\/BTW... did you fell the shakes? ;-)

    \\Naaah. We're south of the Mason-Dixon line.

    That was tricky question.

    I meant through social canvas too. ;-)

    \\/They even did not have water-closets. ;-P

    \\No, they had Chamber Pots. I wouldn't mind that

    And no air conditioners? No baths... no jacuzzi.

    And many-many other things -- innumerable, one hardly can grok missing em... while they still around.

    \\You'd be surprised. All you need to do is get rid of all the paper books and then put all the existing knowledge on a computer network for "easy editing".

    That(highlighted) is... not what stupids can accomplish. ;-P

  128. /not what stupids can accomplish

    They can if they've enough smart people working for them. You'd be surprised what a "surplus salary" can buy you these days... an army of CEO's. The "Alchemy of Finance". :(

    /Social canvas?

    The epicenter was a Trump golf property. So it was Trump's "fault" :)

    /And no air conditioners? No baths... no jacuzzi.
    And many-many other things -- innumerable, one hardly can grok missing em... while they still around.

    Depends upon where you live. When I was a Boy Scout in Venezuela we used to camp at a military reservation called "Agua Fria" (Cold Water). You could live there comfortably year round so long as your tent was "trenched" to divert water during the rainy season. :)))))

  129. \\They can if they've enough smart people working for them.


    Do not believe it.

    My experience of off-shore programmer maybe slim.

    But it definite.

    Garbage in -- garbage out. ;-P

    \\ You'd be surprised what a "surplus salary" can buy you these days... an army of CEO's. The "Alchemy of Finance". :(

    Seeing is believing. ;-P

    \\The epicenter was a Trump golf property. So it was Trump's "fault" :)


    Sorry for asking.

    It seems I cannot watch CNN for more then couple minutes. ;-p

    \\Depends upon where you live. When I was a Boy Scout in Venezuela we used to camp at a military reservation called "Agua Fria" (Cold Water). You could live there comfortably year round so long as your tent was "trenched" to divert water during the rainy season. :)))))

    Yeah... tropical paradise -- nifty thing. :-)

    It called paradise not for nothing.

  130. \\They can if they've enough smart people working for them.
    Do not believe it.
    My experience of off-shore programmer maybe slim.
    But it definite.
    Garbage in -- garbage out. ;-P

    Not AI?

    \\ You'd be surprised what a "surplus salary" can buy you these days... an army of CEO's. The "Alchemy of Finance". :(
    Seeing is believing. ;-P

    I have. My former best friend Andres.

    \\The epicenter was a Trump golf property. So it was Trump's "fault" :)
    Sorry for asking.
    It seems I cannot watch CNN for more then couple minutes. ;-p

    Then you're like most "normal" people. :)

    \\Depends upon where you live. When I was a Boy Scout in Venezuela we used to camp at a military reservation called "Agua Fria" (Cold Water). You could live there comfortably year round so long as your tent was "trenched" to divert water during the rainy season. :)))))
    /Yeah... tropical paradise -- nifty thing. :-)
    It called paradise not for nothing.

    I never had more than a sheet on my bed in Caracas (no AC, but did have heat) for 4 years. :) Paradise indeed. We didn't have any AC in San Jose, either. The Pacific ocean kept us cool, despite 100+ summer days. We closed all the windows and kept the cool night air in.

  131. \\Not AI?

    What AI???

    You know that this two-letters acronym... means damn too many things... today. ;-P

    \\I have. My former best friend Andres.

    Your experience. Not my.

    I think I was careful enough with showing that I am trying to be accountable of my own shortcomings.

    \\Then you're like most "normal" people. :)


  132. \\Not AI?
    /What AI???
    You know that this two-letters acronym... means damn too many things... today. ;-P

    Once the "smart guys" develop an AI, what does the stupid guy need smart guys for? Like Truman to Oppenheimer... "I dropped my bomb".

    \\I have. My former best friend Andres.
    /Your experience. Not my.
    I think I was careful enough with showing that I am trying to be accountable of my own shortcomings.

    Soros LITERALLY thinks he has god powers and permission to change the world.

    \\Then you're like most "normal" people. :)

  133. \\Once the "smart guys" develop an AI, what does the stupid guy need smart guys for? Like Truman to Oppenheimer... "I dropped my bomb".


    To spare 100.000s of Ams soldiers lifes... was stupid????

    What is "wise" then??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\Soros LITERALLY thinks he has god powers and permission to change the world.

    So what???

  134. Either you change world... or world will change you.


    pS And... don't look at me -- that is not *I* who made such rule.

  135. \\Once the "smart guys" develop an AI, what does the stupid guy need smart guys for? Like Truman to Oppenheimer... "I dropped my bomb".
    To spare 100.000s of Ams soldiers lifes... was stupid????
    What is "wise" then??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    And if WWIII happens? Planet destroyed, reign of cockroaches begins? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    \\Soros LITERALLY thinks he has god powers and permission to change the world.
    /So what???

    lol! think of all the mischief in all his "good works". Do we really need Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots in Ferguson MO or George Floyd wherever?

    /Either you change world... or world will change you.
    pS And... don't look at me -- that is not *I* who made such rule.

    I prefer not getting p*ssed on and then told "its' raining".

  136. \\And if WWIII happens? Planet destroyed, reign of cockroaches begins? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


    Like "let's NOT escalate"????

    \\ Do we really need Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots in Ferguson MO or George Floyd wherever?

    Do you really think some miserly foreigner SHOULD answer to such question?

    That's -- your domestic problems -- try to solve em yourself.

    \\I prefer not getting p*ssed on and then told "its' raining".

    And what when Nature pissing on you... with that same raining.

    That is what I meant here.

  137. \\And if WWIII happens? Planet destroyed, reign of cockroaches begins? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    Like "let's NOT escalate"????

    F-16's aren't an escalation?

    \\ Do we really need Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots in Ferguson MO or George Floyd wherever?
    /Do you really think some miserly foreigner SHOULD answer to such question?
    That's -- your domestic problems -- try to solve em yourself.

    Do you really think some miserly American should answer about your war with Russia? That's domestic problems... observe 1st degree of separation principle, don't worry about the "butterfly effect/ 3 body problem" (US/Ukraine/Russia).

    \\I prefer not getting p*ssed on and then told "its' raining".
    /And what when Nature pissing on you... with that same raining.
    That is what I meant here.

    Then conquer Nature and impose a "human" standard (truth not important, only "operational success" matters [Soros, "Alchemy of Finance"])

  138. Besides, we never attribute "malevolence" to Nature anymore, just other "humans (why did they p*ss on us?)

  139. \\F-16's aren't an escalation?

    History of WW2.

    Anything apart from bombing Germany/Japan... is appeasement. ;-P

    \\Do you really think some miserly American should answer about your war with Russia?

    First. Was I asking that??? Anyone.

    Second. Is there whole humongous organization, called Pentagon... ;-) dedicated SOLELY to answer this, and all like that question.

    And that organization -- is American one.

    Or what??? It drowned in Uvalde syndrome too??? :-))))))))))))))))))

    Then... you Ams, are doomed.

    My premature condolences -- would you take em, from such a miserly anonimous? ;-P

    \\Then conquer Nature and impose a "human" standard (truth not important, only "operational success" matters [Soros, "Alchemy of Finance"])

    Well... you declined. And keep dismissing.

    My proposals of NEW techs...

    even as principle.

    So... go figure... %-)

  140. \\F-16's aren't an escalation?
    /History of WW2.
    Anything apart from bombing Germany/Japan... is appeasement. ;-P

    Isn't that why Japan attacked America? We cut of their steel and oil? And started supplying more military aid to China?

    \\Do you really think some miserly American should answer about your war with Russia?
    /First. Was I asking that??? Anyone.
    Second. Is there whole humongous organization, called Pentagon... ;-) dedicated SOLELY to answer this, and all like that question.
    And that organization -- is American one.
    Or what??? It drowned in Uvalde syndrome too??? :-))))))))))))))))))
    Then... you Ams, are doomed.
    My premature condolences -- would you take em, from such a miserly anonimous? ;-P

    Salaried bourgeoisie AND bureaucrats will always "play it safe". Which is why we need an actual "bourgeois entrepeneur" with "skin-in-the-game" as President (and not "Deep State Biden"). That comes to perceived threats as well. Even threats mistaken due to "excessive noise". Bomb them all first and then let G_d sort it out isn't a good strategy. IIt may be thought to be a "safe one". But when the other person has nukes? It's best to make sure you haven't gotten your "signals crossed". So you talk.

    \\Then conquer Nature and impose a "human" standard (truth not important, only "operational success" matters [Soros, "Alchemy of Finance"])
    /Well... you declined. And keep dismissing.
    My proposals of NEW techs...
    even as principle.
    So... go figure... %-)

    Because I work for Asimov's 2nd Foundation. Not the "techy" first, now.

  141. Information gaps from "not talking" are NOT your friend.

    They put you on a path to conspiracy theories and paranoiac-critical responses.

    Conspiracy Theories (Recipe that leads to their creation)
    1) Something Factual happens
    2) Gap of Info
    3) People become suspicious/ skeptical (why? lack of info/ denial)
    4) Develop Narrative that closes loop (which others copy cause idea "easy" to steal)

  142. \\Isn't that why Japan attacked America? We cut of their steel and oil? And started supplying more military aid to China?


    and does it ring a bell to you?

    Seems like not.

    \\But when the other person has nukes?

    Operation "Iron Dome" at your service. ;-P

    Or... you'd better wait till Caribean Crysis to happen?

    \\Because I work for Asimov's 2nd Foundation. Not the "techy" first, now.


    Trying to develop psychic powers? ;-P

    \\Information gaps from "not talking" are NOT your friend.

    Hah... like talking with outright liar... and BELIEVING.

    Is any better.

    Do you think to talk with Mule is anyhow wise??? (to reuse your analogy)

    \\They put you on a path to conspiracy theories and paranoiac-critical responses.

    If your feet not stationed firmly in hard rock of scientific facts and flawless logic.

    And instead are knee deep in quicksands of misinformation/disinformation garbage...

    especially one your sworn enemies trying to add more sticky mud into...

    \\Conspiracy Theories (Recipe that leads to their creation)
    1) Something Factual happens

    Just a wisdom (and courage?) to say "I... don't know" are perfectly enough. To mitigate it.


    But... obviously that is NOT possible in culture of "all-wise geniuses".



  143. Is cautious uncertainty -- a virtue? ;-)

    What your Greek&Roman Tarot cards tell you on this?

    Or... maybe you prefer wild guss flying as source of definite info?

  144. \\Isn't that why Japan attacked America? We cut of their steel and oil? And started supplying more military aid to China?
    and does it ring a bell to you?
    Seems like not.

    Tit-4-Tat. You should try it.

    \\But when the other person has nukes?
    /Operation "Iron Dome" at your service. ;-P
    Or... you'd better wait till Caribean Crysis to happen?

    Please. I helped build Iron Dome (Arrow II missile radar seeker) Think there aren't effective countermeasures and counter-countermeasures?

    \\Because I work for Asimov's 2nd Foundation. Not the "techy" first, now.
    Trying to develop psychic powers? ;-P

    Trying??? :)

    \\Information gaps from "not talking" are NOT your friend.
    /Hah... like talking with outright liar... and BELIEVING.
    Is any better.
    Do you think to talk with Mule is anyhow wise??? (to reuse your analogy)

    Distractions can be effective tools as well. The Mule was defeated. :)

    \\They put you on a path to conspiracy theories and paranoiac-critical responses.
    /If your feet not stationed firmly in hard rock of scientific facts and flawless logic.
    And instead are knee deep in quicksands of misinformation/disinformation garbage...
    especially one your sworn enemies trying to add more sticky mud into...

    So stick your fingers in your ears and repeat loudly, "Naah, naah, naah, naah..." while he punches you in the face. Do you think he'll tire of it?

    \\Conspiracy Theories (Recipe that leads to their creation)
    1) Something Factual happens
    /Just a wisdom (and courage?) to say "I... don't know" are perfectly enough. To mitigate it.
    But... obviously that is NOT possible in culture of "all-wise geniuses".

    Curiosity kills the cat. Dr. Schroedinger needs to know... to "observe" and collapse the wave function.

    /Is cautious uncertainty -- a virtue? ;-)
    What your Greek&Roman Tarot cards tell you on this?
    Or... maybe you prefer wild guss flying as source of definite info?

    I don't know, Rope Walker (Parmenides). A leaping Russian harlequin (like Heraclitus) might soon over-leap you. It's just a matter of "speed" and "when". -Nietzsche

    There is no certainty (Socrates). Only "observations" to instantaneously collapse the wave function at particular moments in time.

    And don't mistake the "blink" method of experts with the blinking of Nietzsche's Last Men.

  145. \\Tit-4-Tat. You should try it.

    Responding to a tone?

    \\Please. I helped build Iron Dome (Arrow II missile radar seeker) Think there aren't effective countermeasures and counter-countermeasures?

    You thinking like techy. Not like politician. ;-P

    \\Trying??? :)

    Who knows... %-)

    I, surely not fill myself affected.

    oh, no... I have had a hiccup... is it that??? Vau, you are master. ;-P

    \\Distractions can be effective tools as well. The Mule was defeated. :)

    By Marty Sue? ;-P

    Yeah. We all are unbeatable heros... in our dreams.

    \\So stick your fingers in your ears and repeat loudly, "Naah, naah, naah, naah..." while he punches you in the face. Do you think he'll tire of it?


    \\Curiosity kills the cat. Dr. Schroedinger needs to know... to "observe" and collapse the wave function.

    I do recall telling to you... about how I was seeking for how that theory was built.

    Hint: no cats was involved. ;-P

    \\There is no certainty (Socrates). Only "observations" to instantaneously collapse the wave function at particular moments in time.

    I do recall it... telling you that ALL matter inside us and around us -- are quantum matter. Undeniably.


    That again some of your local cultural tidbits?

    Naaah... I prefer Graham. ;-)

  146. \\Tit-4-Tat. You should try it.
    Responding to a tone?

    No. Japan broke agreements, we broke agreements... and this escalated into Pearl Harbor. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was also a series of escalating provocations in the Donbass. Ukraine's mistake was in believing that NATO and the US would back them by raising the ante (escalating). Unless Russia attacks NATO directly, THAT escalation will never happen. And realizing that you are engaged in an unfair and disadvantageous conflict, the smart thing would be to de-escalate the conflict. It's not our "existential' problem. It's yours. And tit-4-tat alway starts with cooperation. And sometimes, you need what is called a "double tit-4-tat" (two rounds of cooperation) to break a vicious circle... like the one you're in.

    \\Please. I helped build Iron Dome (Arrow II missile radar seeker) Think there aren't effective countermeasures and counter-countermeasures?
    /You thinking like techy. Not like politician. ;-P

    Thanks, I think... but I'd rather think like Plato's "Statesman".

    \\Trying??? :)
    /Who knows... %-)
    I, surely not fill myself affected.
    oh, no... I have had a hiccup... is it that??? Vau, you are master. ;-P

    Tit-4-Tat always begins in benevolent cooperation. And like I tell everyone, I'm a tit-4-tat kinda guy. :)

    \\Distractions can be effective tools as well. The Mule was defeated. :)
    /By Marty Sue? ;-P
    Yeah. We all are unbeatable heros... in our dreams.


    \\So stick your fingers in your ears and repeat loudly, "Naah, naah, naah, naah..." while he punches you in the face. Do you think he'll tire of it?

    Sorry, I keep going back to Russia/Ukraine and the need for talks/ dialogue.

  147. \\Curiosity kills the cat. Dr. Schroedinger needs to know... to "observe" and collapse the wave function.
    /I do recall telling to you... about how I was seeking for how that theory was built.
    Hint: no cats was involved. ;-P

    Sure, to make fun of the quantum concept of super-positions. As Einstein said, G_d doesn't roll dice.

    But then again, George Soros would say (Alchemy of Finance) "Natural Science," he says, "studies events that consist of a sequence of facts. When the events have thinking participants, the subject matter is no longer confined to facts, but also the P, the participants perceptions. The chain of causation does not lead directly from fact to fact, but from fact to perception, and from perception, to fact. This would not create any insuperable difficulties if there was some kind of Correspondence, or equivalence, between facts and perceptions. Unfortunately, that is impossible because the participants perceptions do not relate to facts, but to a situation that is contingent on their own perceptions and therefore cannot be treated as a fact."

    "So," he says, "that in fact, people don't act on facts, they act on their perceptions of facts." As he says, "facts lead to perceptions and then perceptions lead to new facts, which are new states of the world, but those are assessed as perceptions."

    "Again, and the process repeats over, and over, and over again." And the fact is that he says, "there's not a correspondence between what people perceive, and the facts." Which seems to be a strong overstatement of how much bias there is, "but to," he says, "a situation that is contingent on their own perceptions."

    \\There is no certainty (Socrates). Only "observations" to instantaneously collapse the wave function at particular moments in time.
    /I do recall it... telling you that ALL matter inside us and around us -- are quantum matter. Undeniably.

    And yet we continue to insist upon peeking... our curiosty as to the state of the "cat" never sated. Our ship of Theseus sails on.

    /That again some of your local cultural tidbits?
    Naaah... I prefer Graham. ;-)

    Gladwell can be a bit preachy, but then Graham ignores all the psychology and ideology (RICE) behind motivating and convincing the other person in the argument to "accept" a truthful conclusion, or even a dialectic (honest search for truth) instead of an "argument" (rhetorical game). Especially the last part of RICE... the 'E' - Ego.


    I musta missed it. :(

  148. \\\ Russia's invasion of Ukraine was also a series of escalating provocations in the Donbass.


    Russian Propaganda FAKED it all.

    Like Gleiwitz incident
    Wikipedia › G...
    The Gleiwitz incident was a false flag attack on the radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939.

    As I said... you just lacking in knowing/understanding history of WW2.

    Well... naturally. That "was not our war"... for USAians.


    \\Ukraine's mistake was in believing that NATO and the US would back them by raising the ante (escalating).


    That was DEMAND of capitulation -- from liliPut and to NATO/USA.

    Properly stated and diligently executed since.

    By motives of Hitler in 30th.

    Demand was to make NEW

    September 29–30, 1938: Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement, by which Czechoslovakia must surrender its border regions and defenses (the so-called Sudeten region) to Nazi Germany. German troops occupy these regions between October 1 and 10, 1938.

    Munich Agreement | Holocaust Encyclopedia
    Holocaust Encyclopedia › content › timeline-event

    And SAME as THAT time it was NOT about Chechs... same NOW it not about Ukrainians.

    But about ADMITTING DEFEAT by all West. And USA first of all.

    Are you ready to do that? Then do it. ;-P

    Well... Europeans already got it right, and even pulled their oustrich (brainless) chick-heads and started screaming about it.

    In your direction?

    Wanna betray em? ;-P

    Be my guest.

    Only... do not cry when you'd be in need and crying for help. ;-P

    \\Unless Russia attacks NATO directly,

    Are they cretins??? To do that some OTHER way.

    Apart from using some shady, false flag, "that's NOT us" pretense METHODS. ;-p

    Well... they ALREADY attacking you, USA.

    Only... instead of U-boats they using disinformation and propaganda streaming through your media -- in a way, that you'd believe THEIR version of event. ;-P

    There is NO need to throw a bomb at someone... who already ready to admit being defeated.


  149. \\ And realizing that you are engaged in an unfair and disadvantageous conflict, the smart thing would be to de-escalate the conflict.


    that's what liliPut crying about. ;-P

    That he are ready for "negotiations".

    Why you not give helping hand... to him.

    Like with sending some Lend Lease. ;-P

    \\ It's not our "existential' problem. It's yours.

    The more you'd continue thinking that way... and here I mean NOT you personally.

    But USA.

    As I trying to talk on abstract level. Of history and politics.

    And here... I just forced to "respond to tone" you using.

    With using that "you/yours".

    For expressive purposes only.

    The more big and devastating it will grow.

    That Pearl Harbor 2.0.


    By purely psychological reasons -- your enemies will think that you are weak, more and more, and will go closer and closer to idea -- that you need just one big shake (instead of proplonged war they would never win).

    Like 9/11.

    \\And tit-4-tat alway starts with cooperation.


    Cooperation inside United Europe.

    Which will have NO place for you, USA.

    And only possibility to join as minor partner.

    Maybe on state per state basis. ;-P

    \\ And sometimes, you need what is called a "double tit-4-tat" (two rounds of cooperation) to break a vicious circle... like the one you're in.


    In psychology that is called "projection", isn't it?

    \\Thanks, I think... but I'd rather think like Plato's "Statesman".

    Neither praise nor blame... just an observation.

    Is it praiseworthy to call a cat -- cat. And dog -- dog?

    \\Tit-4-Tat always begins in benevolent cooperation.

    That... preconditioned by -- who need what...

    So... (opening blocknote and taking pancel) what you think do you need? ;-)

    \\Sorry, I keep going back to Russia/Ukraine and the need for talks/ dialogue.

    I too have problems with expressing myself, I think.

    So... no need to be sorry... about such an even-handed setup.

  150. \\Sure, to make fun of the quantum concept of super-positions. As Einstein said, G_d doesn't roll dice.

    Problem is... we either do not have imagination of it. Or totally full of misconceptions.

    Really... that is just a tryes to explain. In layman words. Some abstract mathematical concept.

    \\"Again, and the process repeats over, and over, and over again." And the fact is that he says, "there's not a correspondence between what people perceive, and the facts." Which seems to be a strong overstatement of how much bias there is, "but to," he says, "a situation that is contingent on their own perceptions."

    You think Feynman... was dunno about it?

    \\And yet we continue to insist upon peeking... our curiosty as to the state of the "cat" never sated. Our ship of Theseus sails on.


    Most of people are idiots... who cannot separate their "I know" from "I dunno".

    Or not able to admit not knowing something... at all.

    I think, my talks with Derpy was more than revealing, of that fact.

    \\Gladwell can be a bit preachy, but then Graham ignores all the psychology and ideology

    Because... that is just a ways to mud water...

    As it was explained in one

    Father Brown
    Wikipedia › F...
    Father Brown is a fictional Roman Catholic priest and amateur detective. He is featured in 53 short stories by English author G. K. Chesterton, ...

    That catching a criminal -- is very easy indeed.

    One just need to imagine oneself being dumb simpleton... like, a child for example.

    And then, that child wanting something very very much.

    And from there -- to re-create all chain of events, to solve puzzle of a crime, will be easy...


    I like such WORKING and PRACTiCAL psychology methods.

    \\instead of an "argument" (rhetorical game).

    Logic and rhetoric.

    Are they opposite?


  151. \\\ Russia's invasion of Ukraine was also a series of escalating provocations in the Donbass.
    Russian Propaganda FAKED it all.
    Like Gleiwitz incident
    Wikipedia › G...
    The Gleiwitz incident was a false flag attack on the radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939.
    As I said... you just lacking in knowing/understanding history of WW2.
    Well... naturally. That "was not our war"... for USAians.

    Did they fake this map, too? There was obviously a lot of sympathy for the Russian position in the East.

    \\Ukraine's mistake was in believing that NATO and the US would back them by raising the ante (escalating).
    That was DEMAND of capitulation -- from liliPut and to NATO/USA.
    Properly stated and diligently executed since.
    By motives of Hitler in 30th.
    Demand was to make NEW
    September 29–30, 1938: Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement, by which Czechoslovakia must surrender its border regions and defenses (the so-called Sudeten region) to Nazi Germany. German troops occupy these regions between October 1 and 10, 1938.
    Munich Agreement | Holocaust Encyclopedia
    Holocaust Encyclopedia › content › timeline-event
    And SAME as THAT time it was NOT about Chechs... same NOW it not about Ukrainians.
    But about ADMITTING DEFEAT by all West. And USA first of all.
    Are you ready to do that? Then do it. ;-P

    Yes, I am. I'm willing to quit NATO and would recommend an immediate withdrawl from the organization should membership be granted while Russian troops occupy any part of Ukraine. Like I said, NMP. Russia poses no threat to the USA. We have NO national security interests (or even economic interests) in Ukraine. Russia has MANY.

    /Well... Europeans already got it right, and even pulled their oustrich (brainless) chick-heads and started screaming about it.
    In your direction?
    Wanna betray em? ;-P
    Be my guest.
    Only... do not cry when you'd be in need and crying for help. ;-P

    Europe's a big boy. They can take care of themselves, now. So stop crying. We've already saved your *sses twice. But I would recommend one thing before we go.

    \\Unless Russia attacks NATO directly,
    /Are they cretins??? To do that some OTHER way.
    Apart from using some shady, false flag, "that's NOT us" pretense METHODS. ;-p
    Well... they ALREADY attacking you, USA.
    Only... instead of U-boats they using disinformation and propaganda streaming through your media -- in a way, that you'd believe THEIR version of event. ;-P
    There is NO need to throw a bomb at someone... who already ready to admit being defeated.

    What makes you think we simply won't go back to a regional ARPANet? The only obstacle is the USIC, that would prefer to listen to and capture all your conversations so that it can shape the globe through Alchemy (as your accusations against Russia doing so represent). But then, what else could they think of doing, the lazy government f*cks. Collect HUMINT?

  152. \\ And realizing that you are engaged in an unfair and disadvantageous conflict, the smart thing would be to de-escalate the conflict.
    that's what liliPut crying about. ;-P
    That he are ready for "negotiations".
    Why you not give helping hand... to him.
    Like with sending some Lend Lease. ;-P

    I hear you're lowering the Draft age 2 more years. You must hate your own people.

    \\ It's not our "existential' problem. It's yours.
    /The more you'd continue thinking that way... and here I mean NOT you personally.
    But USA.
    As I trying to talk on abstract level. Of history and politics.
    And here... I just forced to "respond to tone" you using.
    With using that "you/yours".
    For expressive purposes only.
    The more big and devastating it will grow.
    That Pearl Harbor 2.0.
    By purely psychological reasons -- your enemies will think that you are weak, more and more, and will go closer and closer to idea -- that you need just one big shake (instead of proplonged war they would never win).
    Like 9/11.

    We are weak. We're $30t in debt. We're exhausted. We're one crises away from total collapse. And the worst part? This was ALL a war of choice. One that another $1t in "funny money" won't fix. Sending arms to Ukraine only saps our inventories and replaces them with electrons on a bankers hard-drive. You can't win battles with electrons on some accountant's spread sheet.

    \\And tit-4-tat alway starts with cooperation.
    Cooperation inside United Europe.
    Which will have NO place for you, USA.
    And only possibility to join as minor partner.
    Maybe on state per state basis. ;-P

    Sounds like a plan, then. :)

    \\ And sometimes, you need what is called a "double tit-4-tat" (two rounds of cooperation) to break a vicious circle... like the one you're in.
    In psychology that is called "projection", isn't it?

    Nope. It's more of a categorical imperative from philosophy. The Kantian part of treating others as ends unto themselves, rather than means to ends (imposing your own will on them). Russia isn't a small child. And neither is Europe.

    \\Thanks, I think... but I'd rather think like Plato's "Statesman".
    /Neither praise nor blame... just an observation.
    Is it praiseworthy to call a cat -- cat. And dog -- dog?

    Are you bilingual? Of course you are. What is "cat" in Russian? Pity the monolingual. They often mistake the word for the thing. Signifier for signified. Profile for Person. And in Plato's "Cratylus", words and names spoken in the languages of gods, men, and women. Then if you reject him you may learn of the poets, and in particular of Homer, who distinguishes the names given by Gods and men to the same things, as in the verse about the river God who fought with Hephaestus, “whom the Gods call Xanthus, and men call Scamander;” or in the lines in which he mentions the bird which the Gods call “Chalcis,” and men “Cymindis;” or the hill which men call “Batieia,” and the Gods “Myrinna’s Tomb.” Here is an important lesson; for the Gods must of course be right in their use of names. And this is not the only truth about philology which may be learnt from Homer. Does he not say that Hector’s son had two names—

    “Hector called him Scamandrius, but the others Astyanax”?

  153. Now, if the men called him Astyanax, is it not probable that the other name was conferred by the women? And which are more likely to be right—the wiser or the less wise, the men or the women? Homer evidently agreed with the men: and of the name given by them he offers an explanation;—the boy was called Astyanax (“king of the city”), because his father saved the city. The names Astyanax and Hector, moreover, are really the same,—the one means a king, and the other is “a holder or possessor.” For as the lion’s whelp may be called a lion, or the horse’s foal a foal, so the son of a king may be called a king. But if the horse had produced a calf, then that would be called a calf. Whether the syllables of a name are the same or not makes no difference, provided the meaning is retained. For example; the names of letters, whether vowels or consonants, do not correspond to their sounds, with the exception of epsilon, upsilon, omicron, omega. The name Beta has three letters added to the sound—and yet this does not alter the sense of the word, or prevent the whole name having the value which the legislator intended. And the same may be said of a king and the son of a king, who like other animals resemble each other in the course of nature; the words by which they are signified may be disguised, and yet amid differences of sound the etymologist may recognise the same notion, just as the physician recognises the power of the same drugs under different disguises of colour and smell. Hector and Astyanax have only one letter alike, but they have the same meaning; and Agis (leader) is altogether different in sound from Polemarchus (chief in war), or Eupolemus (good warrior); but the two words present the same idea of leader or general, like the words Iatrocles and Acesimbrotus, which equally denote a physician. The son succeeds the father as the foal succeeds the horse, but when, out of the course of nature, a prodigy occurs, and the offspring no longer resembles the parent, then the names no longer agree. This may be illustrated by the case of Agamemnon and his son Orestes, of whom the former has a name significant of his patience at the siege of Troy; while the name of the latter indicates his savage, man-of-the-mountain nature.

    \\Tit-4-Tat always begins in benevolent cooperation.
    /That... preconditioned by -- who need what...
    So... (opening blocknote and taking pancel) what you think do you need? ;-)

    Is that it? Or does it include a desire by both participants to "profit" (Plato, "Hipparchus" gain is good and loss is evil)

    And so what I need is Ukraine out of my pocket and off my worry list. Right now you are PURE loss.

    \\Sorry, I keep going back to Russia/Ukraine and the need for talks/ dialogue.
    /I too have problems with expressing myself, I think.
    So... no need to be sorry... about such an even-handed setup.


    \\Sure, to make fun of the quantum concept of super-positions. As Einstein said, G_d doesn't roll dice.
    /Problem is... we either do not have imagination of it. Or totally full of misconceptions.
    Really... that is just a tryes to explain. In layman words. Some abstract mathematical concept.

    As Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

  154. \\"Again, and the process repeats over, and over, and over again." And the fact is that he says, "there's not a correspondence between what people perceive, and the facts." Which seems to be a strong overstatement of how much bias there is, "but to," he says, "a situation that is contingent on their own perceptions."
    /You think Feynman... was dunno about it?

    I think he likely gave the idea to Soros (through Karl Popper).

    \\And yet we continue to insist upon peeking... our curiosty as to the state of the "cat" never sated. Our ship of Theseus sails on.
    Most of people are idiots... who cannot separate their "I know" from "I dunno".
    Or not able to admit not knowing something... at all.
    I think, my talks with Derpy was more than revealing, of that fact.

    Yeah, that 'E' in the RICE paradigm's a b*tch. Ego and the feeling of power that comes from "knowing". Not the Socratic humility of stating that you only know that you know nothing. As Feynman said in the lecture above about the scientific method, you can only disprove a theory (like Newton's), you can't definitively prove it.

    \\Gladwell can be a bit preachy, but then Graham ignores all the psychology and ideology
    /Because... that is just a ways to mud water...
    As it was explained in one
    Father Brown
    Wikipedia › F...
    Father Brown is a fictional Roman Catholic priest and amateur detective. He is featured in 53 short stories by English author G. K. Chesterton, ...
    That catching a criminal -- is very easy indeed.
    One just need to imagine oneself being dumb simpleton... like, a child for example.
    And then, that child wanting something very very much.
    And from there -- to re-create all chain of events, to solve puzzle of a crime, will be easy...
    I like such WORKING and PRACTiCAL psychology methods.

    That's what Holme's Dr. Watson was for (dumb simpleton perspective). But peasants got to be peasants. Especially in Lycea where hubris replaces caritas (or xenia). Where's Nemesis when she's needed.

    At the Nemesion Temple at Rhamnous (an ancient Greek city in Attica), Themis was worshiped along with Nemesis, the goddess of retribution and justice. It was believed that Themis collaborated with Nemesis to inflict punishment on those who violated the natural laws

    \\instead of an "argument" (rhetorical game).
    /Logic and rhetoric.
    Are they opposite?

    The common assumption about rhetoric, Phaedrus tells Socrates, is that orators do not need to know the truth about the case they are pleading, but aim only to persuade their listeners. Logic is also internally consistent (true) and aims to persuade it's listeners, yet it also does not need to know the truth (its' just the maths).

    So logic forms more the picture parts to be looked at, and rhetoric is more the "frame" that surrounds it and points out where the viewer should stand (perspective) for greatest resolution (or obfuscation) of anamorphic effect. Neither can present the "whole picture" that an understanding of "reality" might demand.

  155. \\Did they fake this map, too? There was obviously a lot of sympathy for the Russian position in the East.

    That map "faked" Stalin. In time of Golodomor and Purge(s). Yawn.

    And well... isn't similar maps is for USA. And pretty much every other country with democratic elections???

    So what??? Maybe USA need to be stripped off its borders with oceans... and for two separate countries? On base of your nowadays political Rep/Dem divide? ;-P

    \\Are you ready to do that? Then do it. ;-P

    \\Yes, I am.

    Too bad. You are powerless.

    And if you'd try to do something more about it -- you know better them me, list of that tri-letters dogs, that hellhounds, that would start hounding on you...

    \\ Like I said, NMP.

    Because you are just an individual.

    \\Russia poses no threat to the USA.

    Yeah... apart of pile of ICBMs stockpiled with ONLY ONE purpose in mind (or what, you think they made it to bomb out Paraguay???) and STILL directed at you.

    Apart from never-ending propaganda... from kindergardens NOW... that all bad things in their life -- is because of USA.

    Ogling at nuking you out. Making Yellowstone erupt. Tsunami washing you from the face of Earth.

    And etc, etc, etc...

    bin Laden posed NO treats to the USA??? Oh, yeah????!!! %-))))))))

    \\We have NO national security interests (or even economic interests) in Ukraine.

    You are not global civilization??? Have no interest and participation in global organizations and threaties?


    Well... why you'd not "get out from their lawns"??? I mean RFia and China???

    Withdraw from Eastern... or even better ALL Europe. And from Taiwan, and better out ALL Asia.

    Get back into your gopher hole and get curling in pose of embrio.

    Like I care. ;-P

    But... that's just a BS talks.

    USA -- CANNOT do that.

    Because... power of a habit, and pride, and foolishness (like British, before WW2).

    And well... even if you'd do... RFia and China WILL be coming to you, into your hole. To make tempura out miserly gophers.

    Just because they DESIRE SYMBOLIC VICTORY... over USA.

    Means... NO amount of self-humiliating and self-defeating crawling in a mud and kissing their boots... could SPARE you.

    \\ Russia has MANY.


    All RFia have -- it's DESIRE of their half-dead (if not already dead) leader(s)... to feel some youthful energy... they cannnot feel from sex anymore...

    All other RFians... is just letargic. Or, somnambulic, more correctly.

    \\Europe's a big boy. They can take care of themselves, now. So stop crying. We've already saved your *sses twice. But I would recommend one thing before we go.

    And what about that words of FDR?

    About lending a fire-horse?

    Isn't it because it wise -- to not wait until YOUR house will start catching on fire... after your naigbor.

    But... I already explained -- why and how it all about USA.

    Europe... can submit to a force. Or find way to withstand.

    But USA... USA are sacrificial goat. Your enemies WILL NOT stop till they humiliate and destoy you.

    Call it "killing one's father" complex. Or whatever else.

    But... that DESIRE... will not disappear without being fulfilled. Or... without showing decisively and for good -- that it CANNOT be fulfilled.

  156. \\What makes you think we simply won't go back to a regional ARPANet?

    Humiliating self-castration?

    Well. Yeah. That would satiate that DESIRE.

    But... not for too long.

    Instead, it will only work like adding some more benzine into a fire. ;-P

    \\I hear you're lowering the Draft age 2 more years. You must hate your own people.

    Again using "you".

    What for??? Think it can influence me, somehow?

    But... it do not work on you. So why you think OTHER people should react differently???

    Well, I know, I know.

    Objectivation bias (tm).

    People think only about themself as entities with a soul. And therefore having some internal motives.

    All other are just "talking dolls". Which behave only in accordance to where they was made, what label YOU stuck on em. (like Derpy relentlessly tried to stick "you are Trumpist" on me) ;-P

    See... I grok some Psychology. Isn't it?

    \\We are weak. We're $30t in debt. We're exhausted.


    Death, Famine, War, and Conquest does not care in the slightest about any of it...

    \\ And the worst part? This was ALL a war of choice. One that another $1t in "funny money" won't fix. Sending arms to Ukraine only saps our inventories and replaces them with electrons on a bankers hard-drive. You can't win battles with electrons on some accountant's spread sheet.


    \\Sounds like a plan, then. :)

    Though... not for all... only for ones who'd be able to survive.

    Do you have a bunker?

    \\The Kantian part of treating others as ends unto themselves

    And what if that OTHERS will NOT do the same to you?

    What Kant devised for that case? ;-P

    That's why Sun Tzu are smart ass. And Kant -- not. ;-P

    \\Russia isn't a small child. And neither is Europe.


    They are whole bunch of kindergartners. ;-P

    Only ones are from a burgeous school for good children. And other bunch... are from hoodlums.

    And only bunch of Boyscouts can separate em, and not allow blood to spill. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Are you bilingual? Of course you are. What is "cat" in Russian?


    \\And in Plato's "Cratylus", words and names spoken in the languages of gods, men, and women.



    What is hermeneutics in simple terms?
    The word hermeneutics means the interpretation of language, whether written or spoken. Generally, hermeneutics is an activity that interests biblical scholars, and the word is sometimes used in philosophy as well.

    Hermeneutics - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › dictionary › hermeneutics

  157. \\Is that it? Or does it include a desire by both participants to "profit" (Plato, "Hipparchus" gain is good and loss is evil)

    You are blind.

    Not all people. Of not all cultures. So centered on "profit".

    And USAian learned that... in some nasty way.

    But still... not internalized it, fully.

    \\And so what I need is Ukraine out of my pocket and off my worry list. Right now you are PURE loss.

    Ukraine just a symptom... not a cause.


    You just trying to punish a messanger for delivering bad messages.

    But... it never works.

    Same as try to beat waves... for making a flood.

    And... sorry to say... but that is damn funny to observe... (self-defeating honesty, I presume)

    \\As Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

    Imagination... but not dreaming.

    Because "dreaming mind give borth to a monsters". ;-P

    The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
    Wikipedia › wiki › The_Sleep_of_Reason...
    The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters or The Dream of Reason Produces Monsters is an aquatint by the Spanish painter and printmaker Francisco Goya.

    \\I think he likely gave the idea to Soros (through Karl Popper).

    But... did he got it right? ;-P

    \\ As Feynman said in the lecture above about the scientific method, you can only disprove a theory (like Newton's), you can't definitively prove it.


    Because only practice can do that.

    "Only in theory -- theory and practice is the same". ;-P

    And practice -- its Tech(s).

    That's what Holme's Dr. Watson was for (dumb simpleton perspective). But peasants got to be peasants.

    And I... admitted being prol. ;-P

    Proudly prol. %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\It was believed that Themis collaborated with Nemesis to inflict punishment on those who violated the natural laws

    From one God wants to punish... he takes Reason first. ;-P (it means... punishment (self-inflicting) therefore ensured)

    They saying.

    \\The common assumption about rhetoric, Phaedrus tells Socrates, is that orators do not need to know the truth about the case they are pleading, but aim only to persuade their listeners. Logic is also internally consistent (true) and aims to persuade it's listeners, yet it also does not need to know the truth (its' just the maths).


    In theory.

    And you saw (dunno, how much you was following it?) it in our with Derpy "brawls" -- what it made with Logic. ;-P

    \\yet it also does not need to know the truth (its' just the maths).

    Bu-u-u-ull Shi-i-i-it. %-)

    Logic -- it's a method of coming up with conclusions... from True premices and into True results.

    Without Truth -- it's utterly USELESS.

    As in Garbage In, Garbage Out.

    What Derpy did precisely demonstrated.

    \\Neither can present the "whole picture" that an understanding of "reality" might demand.

    Of course... cause, they are just a tools.

  158. \\But... that DESIRE... will not disappear without being fulfilled. Or... without showing decisively and for good -- that it CANNOT be fulfilled.

    You are Kronos and they are Zeus.

    Either you'll eat em... or they will, castrate you. ;-P

  159. ""
    Capricho No. 41: Ni más ni menos (Neither more nor less)


  160. \\Did they fake this map, too? There was obviously a lot of sympathy for the Russian position in the East.
    /That map "faked" Stalin. In time of Golodomor and Purge(s). Yawn.
    And well... isn't similar maps is for USA. And pretty much every other country with democratic elections???
    So what??? Maybe USA need to be stripped off its borders with oceans... and for two separate countries? On base of your nowadays political Rep/Dem divide? ;-P

    That's not a bad idea. It's a shame that the UNION won the Civil war.

    \\Are you ready to do that? Then do it. ;-P
    \\Yes, I am.
    /Too bad. You are powerless.
    And if you'd try to do something more about it -- you know better them me, list of that tri-letters dogs, that hellhounds, that would start hounding on you...

    That's okay, they'll all be out of work come next January. They f*cked with the wrong American. :)

    \\ Like I said, NMP.
    /Because you are just an individual.

    ..who pays taxes.

    \\Russia poses no threat to the USA.
    /Yeah... apart of pile of ICBMs stockpiled with ONLY ONE purpose in mind (or what, you think they made it to bomb out Paraguay???) and STILL directed at you.
    Apart from never-ending propaganda... from kindergardens NOW... that all bad things in their life -- is because of USA
    Ogling at nuking you out. Making Yellowstone erupt. Tsunami washing you from the face of Earth.
    And etc, etc, etc...
    bin Laden posed NO treats to the USA??? Oh, yeah????!!! %-))))))))

    Tit-4-Tat. :)

    \\We have NO national security interests (or even economic interests) in Ukraine.
    /You are not global civilization??? Have no interest and participation in global organizations and threaties?
    Means... NO amount of self-humiliating and self-defeating crawling in a mud and kissing their boots... could SPARE you.

    Molon labe. We've got a $30t debt to retire. It's time we set to work clearing it, not p*ssing it away on yesterday's glory and pride.

    \\ Russia has MANY.
    All RFia have -- it's DESIRE of their half-dead (if not already dead) leader(s)... to feel some youthful energy... they cannnot feel from sex anymore...
    All other RFians... is just letargic. Or, somnambulic, more correctly.

    Russia wants security, just like every other country in Europe and Asia. Sparta had it's men. Athens its' long wall. Britain it's ships. And the USA, it's Air Force. And like you said, the Russians are no Spartans. But like the Spartans, you put a NATO phalanx on their borders, and they'll be coming out to meet you. Because otherwise, they'll have no time to react more sensibly.

    \\Europe's a big boy. They can take care of themselves, now. So stop crying. We've already saved your *sses twice. But I would recommend one thing before we go.
    /And what about that words of FDR?
    About lending a fire-horse?
    Isn't it because it wise -- to not wait until YOUR house will start catching on fire... after your naigbor.
    But... I already explained -- why and how it all about USA.
    Europe... can submit to a force. Or find way to withstand.
    But USA... USA are sacrificial goat. Your enemies WILL NOT stop till they humiliate and destoy you.
    Call it "killing one's father" complex. Or whatever else.
    But... that DESIRE... will not disappear without being fulfilled. Or... without showing decisively and for good -- that it CANNOT be fulfilled.

    There is no "decisively and for good". There only the ability to stupidly "persist". And we've exceeded it.
