Friday, April 12, 2024

Deleuze, "What is a Creative Act?" Adventures in Space-Time

Robert Bresson - Blocks of Movement-Time linked by Hand Movements:
Did Bresson NEED hands?
Did Kurosawa Need Dostoevskian urgency?
HUMINT - An App for Crossing the Limits of Space - Time

I consider that having an idea, in any case, is not on the order of communication. This is the point I was aiming for. Everything we are talking about is irreducible to any communication. This is not a problem. What does it mean? Primarily, communication is the transmission and propagation of information. What is information? It is not very complicated, everyone knows what it is. Information is a set of imperatives, slogans, directions—order-words. When you are informed, you are told what you are supposed to believe. In other words, informing means circulating an order-word. Police declarations are appropriately called communiqués. Information is communicated to us, they tell us what we are supposed to be ready to, or have to, or be held to believe. And not even believe, but pretend like we believe. We are not asked to believe but to behave as if we did. That is information, communication. And outside these orders and their transmission, there is no information, no communication. This is the same thing as saying that information is exactly the system of control. It is obvious and it particularly concerns us all today. 
Let's say that is what information is, the controlled system of the order-words used in a given society. What does the work of art have to do with it? Let's not talk about works of art, but let's at least say that there is counter-information. In Hitler's time, the Jews arriving from Germany who were the first to tell us about the concentration camps were performing counter-information. We must realize that counterinformation was never enough to do anything. No counter-information ever bothered Hitler. Except in one case. What case? This is what's important. Counter-information only becomes really effective when it is—and it is by nature—or becomes an act of resistance. An act of resistance is not information or counter-information. Counterinformation is only effective when it becomes an act of resistance.

What relationship is there between the work of art and communication? None at all. A work of art is not an instrument of communication. A work of art has nothing to do with communication. A work of art does not contain the least bit of information. In contrast, there is a fundamental affinity between a work of art and an act of resistance. It has something to do with information and communication as an act of resistance. What is this mysterious relationship between a work of art and an act of resistance when the men and women who resist neither have the time nor sometimes the culture necessary to have the slightest connection with art? I do not know. Malraux developed an admirable philosophical concept. He said something very simple about art. He said it was the only thing that resists death. Let's go back to the beginning:

What does someone who does philosophy do? They invent concepts. I think this is the start of an admirable philosophical concept. Think about it... what resists death? You only have to look at a statuette from three thousand years before the Common Era to see that Malraux's response is a pretty one. We could then say, not as well, from the point of view that concerns us, that art resists, even if it is not the only thing that resists. Whence the close relationship between an act of resistance and a work of art. Every act of resistance is not a work of art, even though, in a certain way, it is. Every work of art is not an act of resistance, and yet, in a certain way, it is.


What relationship is there between human struggle and a work of art? The closest and for me the most mysterious relationship of all. Exactly what Paul Klee meant when he said: "You know, the people are missing." The people are missing and at the same time, they are not missing. The people are missing means that the fundamental affinity between a work of art and a people that does not yet exist is not, will never be clear. There is no work of art that does not call on a people who does not yet exist.


  1. \\Yeh, but at your house, not mine.
    /ICBM directed to that points in your vithinity.

    You think none of our are pointed at him? I'm not worried.

    \\Is that enough gopher holes f*cked for one day?
    /"I can do it whole day"... said some Captain America dude. ;-P

    I've also got some gopher holes of my own to fill... this posts comment thread is growing too long. We should move.

    \\You have a different "preferred pronoun"? I use "you" because I'm reminding "you" that it won't be "we" for much longer.
    /I just pointed to that... that it pointless. To anything other than rhetoric trick.
    And that trick -- not working on me. So, double as pointless.

    Life is absurd. So there we have it.

    \\So if you're seeking "allies", Dervy might be a better bet.
    /It's better to lost something... in a company with a smart. Than found something, in a company with dumb ass.
    They say. ;-)

    What do you think Nietzsche meant when he said (paraphrasing here), "You seek power? You want followers? Seek zeroes."

    \\He loves Ukraine so much...
    and love to call Ukrainians nazis.
    While demonstraying nazi attitudes... itself.

    Yeah, well it's a kind of self-love. He love's beeing seen supporting Ukraine so long as it costs him, personally, nothing and yet earns him the "moral admiration" of his peers. Think you could ever get him to pick up a gun and climb into a foxhole with you? I suspect you'd quickly discover what a "fairweather friend" is. So in the end, I suppose, you won't be seeing either of us there.

    \\Exactly. And all of those are in Ukraine.
    /Thier minions... still. ;-P
    MiniMys. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    While real and genuine Dr.Evil... dedicated to your turf... like with launching balloons over it.
    With who-know-what-inside. Have you seen ANY news about THAT balloons investigation. ;-P

    No, but I heard recently that the USAF got a lot of good SIGINT and Chinese Cmd&Cntl from them.

    \\I've got current enemies that are for more imminent threats than Putin.
    And... it never have come to your mind... that they could be just a proxies... of it. ;-)

    Yep. Could be. Think Putin will support them when the B-52s fly over?

    \\Nah. I don't plan on living forever.
    /Why so?
    It's boring to leave that place... on the wedge of most profound new developments. ;-)

    NASA today isn't the same NASA that put men on the moon. The "New Developments" are mostly with SpaceX and Blue Origins. And I've got no desire to move anywheres. All 3 of my kids are only 1/2 an hour away.

  2. \\You need to find a new babysitter. Your current one is going off to college soon.
    Free sex parties. Pots and sniffs. And postponing debt onto Future Me, that loser? ;-P

    That pretty much sums it up. :)

    \\The human brain's OS is largely hermeneutics.
    /That... as good definition, as any other.
    As far as there is NO real understanding.
    Like "everything made of ether". Or "everything made of fire elements" and etc. ;-P

    Hey, laugh while you can. For even Einstein has an aether theory now. :)

    \\ The war in Ukraine "profits" no one.
    /That's... you mistake.
    Do burglars think about "everybody's profits"???

    They should certainly think of their own. You may be a patriot, but always remember. The Social Contract (Ukraine Constitution) isn't a suicide pact. Sacrifice is for suckers, unless it's friends & family night. ;)

    \\So what IS the cause which we should be addressing to prevent a catastrophe?
    /Do *I* have POWER... I mean Tech(s)... to prevent that catastrophe.
    That is new. Something ancient greeks and romans was unaware off, I know.
    They could only "prey to Gods" in such cases.
    That is only 20th century made possible... with Nukes. ;-)

    Ever read Aeschylus' "7 Against Thebes" (aka 7 samurai, aka magnificent 7)? The original had the women gnashing their teeth and pulling out hair in the temples. But Cleon had a great plan for defending each gate. And don't get me started with Archimedes (Syracuse) or the Spartan designed circumvallation strategy (before Archuimedes). The Greeks had great tech. Like the phalanx. Or all of the schemes of Odesseus in both the Iliad and the Odyssey. Is "ear wax" a "tech"? (Sirens be damned!).

    \\You attribute it to Russian aggression. I, to Ukrainian ambitions. Which of us it right? We'll see.
    Try ask questions, instead of assuming.
    But, well...

    Acta non verba. After all, "Alexander never did what he said, and Caesar never said what he did" (Italian proverb).

    \\They're usually focused upon treating "symptoms", and not the underlying "causes" to problems that can cure it.
    /They do not like to talk (and even think) about causes... because that tend to go close to home... too close. ;-)

    Exactly. There's some self-serving "side benefit reason" for the stupid policy.

    \\That's what Contractors are for (not Civil Servants). Even Putin contracts out his dirty work (plausible deniability - Wagner Group).
    /You mean Mercenaries? ;-P
    And you provided PERFECT example, yourself. Spared me need to think/seek for one.

    Remember Blackwater? Ever hear of intelligence companies like Bellingcat?

    \\Where do you think UBI comes from?
    /Financial mumbo-jumbo? ;-P

    They can't just print the $$$ or you get Venezuelan level inflation.

    \\\\Tit-4-Tat. :)
    /10.000 for 1? %-)))
    \\You tell me. Would it stop, otherwise? Proportionality is for virtue signallers.
    /And... did it stop? ;-P

    That's what the ocassional double tit is for. Determining if it SHOULD stop.

    \\Who said I'd use a shield to defend myself?
    Advantage ALWAYS on the side of attacker.

    Yeah, Custer might have thought so. Pickett, too. But as the Japanese learned after Pearl, one battle a war doesn't always make.

  3. \\When they're done with Ukraine, let me know.
    “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

    I just need a little time to get my pants on, that's why I asked. ;P

    \\Don't worry. I only know how to send Sea Hawks. ;)
    /Who said it will be from you?
    Partners of Teisheira... still cursing that day they meet him. Probably.

    Sounds like a good partner to have. I don't suppose he could sell you a couple of AH-64 Longbow's, and a few A-10s? ;)

    \\Everyone needs some "independent metrics" indicating how the "Tech" effort is developing. ;)
    /Whatever euphemism you'd like. ;-P

    Plan, staff, organize, direct, and control. Is that enough Mgmt buzzwords for now?

    \\ I simply do my part, and He does His. ;0
    /No more possible.
    Because... Gawd is dead, you know. ;-P

    Naaah. I'm a Deist. After 7 days, he simply put it all on 'Autopilot' and then went back to watching his favorite Soaps.

    /Without his conscious intention, it seems.
    Just piling babbling over babbling.

    Isn't that what a dervish does? Spin in circles til he gets too dizzy and falls down. ;)

    \\Logic is based upon a fallacy... like that there are "equal" things. Nietzsche.
    /Whatever. ;-P
    It's just a tool.
    Hammers ALSO based on a fallacy -- that they are designed to hit only (k)nails. ;P

    Yes, but logic is a tool designed to fashions concepts, not hit nails. That probably explains why quantum logic is so difficult. Not boolean, like hammers. ;P

    \\Yes. "Useful" ones. But our own imaginations are needed to connect and fill all the gaps.
    /Nothing is perfect in this mundane Universe...
    maybe in some other Universe it can be better? ;-)
    One we'd build ourself, to suit our expectations? ;-)

    Ah, the G_d Project. I think I'd need more than 7 days, though. I still haven't exactly figured out the whole "evolution" thing. And why would ANYONE want to leave that Garden? *tsk-tsk*

    \\That "desire" comes from already having been swallowed and the causal "drive" 'perverted'. It represents che vuoi and taken from the "dreams" and teachings of "how to dream" (ie - Hollywood movies). And that desire always "changes" once it is fullfilled, anyway. It perpetually chases the objet petit 'a in a vain attempt to demonstrate the knowledge of its' desires to the imaginary Big Other. (Zizek, "A Pervert's Guide to Cinema"). Hence the power of the 'PsyOp', and psychical products of the 2nd Foundation. ;)
    Crowds of chmobicks... they quite real.
    Same as stockpiles of nukes and ICBMs.
    Same as Minster Torpedos...

    I suppose we could always put those Neutron bombs back on to the Production line.... and build a Space Dispenser for SpaceX's Starship (StarLink Variant). I wonder how long it would take us to get to TRL-6?

  4. To post...

    \\There is no work of art that does not call on a people who does not yet exist.

    That is because of pragmatic reasons. Art -- costly activity. Like that images on the rock in a caves...

    \\You think none of our are pointed at him? I'm not worried.

    That's why... there'd be NO fair play from their side -- WHY you don't get it???

    Like -- why liliPut revealed existance of that "Poseidons"??? While that is TOTALLY against Cold War rules -- you'd better NOT reveal your latest top notch Big Booms.

    But... he did it.

    And now, he even "shared" that info with North Korea. And maybe even with Iran.

    What for???

    For plausible denial.

    For when one will blow in your face -- to start screaming "it's NOT us! where is your PROOFS" (totally like Derpy, isn't it?)


    All they need to win -- just a couple of days -- to prevent you from swift response.

    An further... intimidation will be put at work.

    Yeah, hit was deadly and humiliating, but... if you'd start throwing nukes -- we'll be throwing nukes back at you -- means, there'd be quite more deaths.

    Means... same hyporitical "weapon" they tried to use against Ukraine -- "let's stop war... before MORE people will die".

    And you -- showing that it... WORKING!!!

    Like that charm.

    No people who UNDERSTAND Detterence seems like exist on the West, anymore.

    Especially encouraging was admission of some retired British generals -- that they would not
    throw retaliation nukes, even if Britain would be hit -- our of foolish "humanism".

    As you saying "if one survives, we all survive".


    As I said... you still NOt mastered Prisoner's Dilemma. All your high-brow acadenia, was NOt able to come up with definite answer.

    Even though it so simple.

    \\I've also got some gopher holes of my own to fill... this posts comment thread is growing too long. We should move.

    Your blog, your rules.

    \\What do you think Nietzsche meant when he said (paraphrasing here), "You seek power? You want followers? Seek zeroes."

    I'm techy. I would not like to have zeros... in my team. ;-P

    \\He love's beeing seen supporting Ukraine so long as it costs him, personally, nothing and yet earns him the "moral admiration" of his peers.

    And Palestina/HAMAS too???? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Think you could ever get him to pick up a gun and climb into a foxhole with you?

    Well... probably, he is foolish enough, to come to draft centers out of free will... just because propaganda told him. ;-P

    So. Yeah. Maybe not very reliable. But... War needs LOTS of cannon foddder. And totally ignorant about its quality. ;-P

    RFia proves it YET ONE time. ;-)

    \\No, but I heard recently that the USAF got a lot of good SIGINT and Chinese Cmd&Cntl from them.

    Yeah... "believe me, I'm expert" said it. ;-P

    SAME, as pre 9/11 ones have said that "our towers CAN withstand even jumbo jets hitting". ;-P

    \\Yep. Could be. Think Putin will support them when the B-52s fly over?

    Use B52 to fight against millions of drones?

    Like they showed track record before.

    Of winning wars.


    \\NASA today isn't the same NASA that put men on the moon.


    There is NO way to reform existing organization.

    only to make a NEW one.

    For NEW Techs and on NEW principles. Psychological and social too. ;-)

    \\And I've got no desire to move anywheres. All 3 of my kids are only 1/2 an hour away.

    In a time of "work from home".

    Hallo! We are in opposite hemispheres EVEN! ;-P

  5. \\That pretty much sums it up. :)


    Only now it all in a virtual space.

    Like Second Life. ;-P


    \\They should certainly think of their own. You may be a patriot, but always remember. The Social Contract (Ukraine Constitution) isn't a suicide pact. Sacrifice is for suckers, unless it's friends & family night. ;)

    That's... hairy question.

    How many of Catrina Harricane have their loses refurbished? ;-)

    \\And don't get me started with Archimedes

    Bad example.

    He -- lost.

    And because of treason.


    \\The Greeks had great tech. Like the phalanx.

    There is no such thing as "one size suit em all" Tech.

    By design. By definition.

    \\Acta non verba.

    And what is "Acta" in case of ones who need to use words... because that is their job?

    Like what should Commander to do... to show that "Acta non verba"? ;-P

    Hop on his stallion? And speedup to a battlefield? ;-P

    In the age of nukes???? ;-P

    \\Exactly. There's some self-serving "side benefit reason" for the stupid policy.

    Yeah. Defeat always an orphan. That is Victory, that have lots of Fathers. ;-P

    \\Ever hear of intelligence companies like Bellingcat?

    Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\\\Where do you think UBI comes from?
    /Financial mumbo-jumbo? ;-P

    \\They can't just print the $$$ or you get Venezuelan level inflation.

    That's why I called it "mumbo-jumbo".

    They... will not be calling it "inflation". ;-P

    Well, Inflation... is psychological effect, anyway. ;-)

    \\Yeah, Custer might have thought so. Pickett, too. But as the Japanese learned after Pearl, one battle a war doesn't always make.


    Where and when did you saw WISE aggressors? ;-P

    \\I just need a little time to get my pants on, that's why I asked. ;P

    After TWO years???

    \\ I don't suppose he could sell you a couple of AH-64 Longbow's, and a few A-10s? ;)

    Soon. USA will need to buy weapon from Ukraine.

    To replenish its obsolete and useless pile of junk. ;-P

    NEW spears. ;-)

    \\Plan, staff, organize, direct, and control. Is that enough Mgmt buzzwords for now?

    Difference between success and loss... yawn.

    \\Naaah. I'm a Deist. After 7 days, he simply put it all on 'Autopilot' and then went back to watching his favorite Soaps.


    As technologist... I even know why. ;-p

    \\Isn't that what a dervish does? Spin in circles til he gets too dizzy and falls down. ;)


    Well... for becoming dizzy... one need to have brains. ;-P

    In the first place.

    \\Yes, but logic is a tool designed to fashions concepts

    Who said?

    Do you really think I'd believe that my computer bent on fashion? ;-P

    \\That probably explains why quantum logic is so difficult.

    That's just a sham.

    We was told that QM is something "unimaginable".

    And we stopped trying to grok it.

    Laziness of mind. ;-P

    And nothing else.

    \\I still haven't exactly figured out the whole "evolution" thing. And why would ANYONE want to leave that Garden? *tsk-tsk*


    Laziness of mind. ;-P

    And nothing else.

    \\ I wonder how long it would take us to get to TRL-6?

    One can shut from existing rifle only. ;-P

    Like... Brits sending their LASER to Ukraine. ;-)

    Not even Munchhausen... was able to shot with his finger. ;-P

  6. \\

    Not loading...

    but nothing biggy, I workarounded.

    Well... babbling.


    "In theory -- theory and practice is the same"

  7. ""
    The fact that Aristotelian logic transformed during the twentieth century into different formal, axiomatic logical systems used in today’s philosophy and science doesn’t really matter, because the fundamental principle, and therefore the fundamental ontology, remained the same ([40], p. xix).

    Aha... biggly bullshit. :-)

  8. ""
    This ‘emptied’ logic actually contains an Eleatic ontology, that allows only for static descriptions of the world.

    Yeah. And Modal Logic and all other variants of Logics have come PAST you...

  9. I... as programmer... which mean one who accustomed to work with and create myself symbolic systems -- know for sure, that even seemingly little change -- still nakes a big difference.

  10. ""
    In QM however, the different structure of the physical properties of the system determines a change of nature regarding the meaning of possibility and potentiality.


    That is just how WE can see it. ;-P

    It's like to say that there is NO infrared and ultraviolet light... only visible to us.

  11. ""
    However, it was clear from the very beginning that this new quantum possibility was something completely different from that considered in classical theories.

    Only because you are dumb shit. ;-P

  12. ""
    The probability wave function, however, meant more than that; it meant a tendency for something. [152, p. 42]

    Because it SQUARE of probabilities. ;-P

    Because it some math mumbo-jumbo, to accomodate it with visible reality... somehow. :-)))))))))))))))))

    WHAT square of probability COULD mean -- nobody knows. ;-P

  13. It's like... it's like if...

    Mathematicians would find a way to do some other mathematical operations with rows and places in a cinema. ;-P

    Instead of perfectly logical and physical addition and subtraction.(well, to a point).

    Like, if you'd add +1 to a row number -- it means your place is deeper in a hall.


    What would mean SQUARE, or CUBE of that number??? SQUARE ROOT???? LOGARITHM???? :-))))))))))))))0

  14. ""
    Indeed, contrary to classical possibility which only refers to our incomplete knowledge of an actual state of affairs, quantum possibilities interact between each other.


    THAT'S IT.

    That's why it made SQUARE -- to make possible to EMULATE that "quantum possibilities interact between each other."

  15. ""
    As a matter of fact, the interpretation of Planck’s quantum postulate, the superposition principle, the non-commutativity of observables or the identity of quantum particles—just to mention a few—pose important problems which help us to coherently consider what QM is talking about. QL has been an important tool for discussing all these fascinating subjects.

    Bu-u-u-ull Shi-i-i-it. (that highlighted):-)

  16. \\That is, either proposition p or its negation ¬p is true (excluded middle principle), both assertions p and ¬p cannot be simultaneously true (PNC), meanings are sharp and unambiguous, and the meaning of a compound expression is determined by the meanings of its parts.


    That's just... SIMPLEST possible division. With simplest, and not mind boggling rules.

    But there possible... and there is Logics, devised.

    Where there MORE then TWO variants.

    Triples logic. Modal logic. Fuzzy logic. ;-P

  17. \\However, the structure of QM does not fit these features.

    Of course it not.

    Because it isn't... devised for any such usages.

    It devised for accounting "measurable observable values". Period.

  18. Means... counting number of electrons -- is NOT the same as counting number of coin falling odd or even.

  19. \\This is because there are states related with both a property and its negation called “superposition states.”

    Burrish BS. ;-P


  20. ""
    According to John von Neumann’s axiomatization of QM, the mathematical interpretation of a physical system is a complex separable Hilbert space H, and a pure state is represented by a ray in H. Differently from the classical scheme, physical magnitudes are represented by self-adjoint operators on H that, in general, do not commute under multiplication.

    Yeah... that is THAT words.

    But... do that author UNDERSTAND, and can EXPLAIN... what they mean???? :-)))))))))))

    The values that any magnitude may take are the eigenvalues of the corresponding operator, each one of which comes with its associated eigenstate. The non-commutativity of operators has problematic interpretational consequences, for it is then difficult to affirm that the quantum magnitudes thus represented are simultaneously pre-existent to observation. The evolution of the state is given by the Schrödinger equation that, due to its linearity, implies the formal existence of quantum superpositions of states. The fact that states may be linearly combined forbids the use of mere subsets as representatives of propositions, they are instead well represented by closed subspaces of H.


    Math mumbo-jumbo. ;-P

    The set of closed subspaces of H, ordered by inclusion and equipped with adequate definitions of algebraic operations, gives rise to a lattice [180], namely a partially ordered set (L,∨,∧) in which every pair of elements has a supremum called join (∨) and an infimum called meet (∧) that satisfy:

    commutative laws for the meet and join operations: x∨y = y∨x, x∧y = y ∧ x
    absorption laws: x ∨ (x ∧ y) = x, x ∧ (x ∨ y) = x
    associative laws: x ∨ (y ∨ z) = (x ∨ y) ∨ z, x ∧ (y ∧ z) = (x ∧ y) ∧ z


    Abstract Algebra. ;-P

    But... WHAT it do mean physicly???? Do YOU know, dumb ass???

    \\“the propositional calculus of quantum mechanics has the same structure as an abstract projective geometry.”

    Yeah... that's looks like the worthy point. ;-)

    Do you know projective geometry? ;-)

  21. I'll double down on it... because -- that's important. ;-)

    \\“the propositional calculus of quantum mechanics has the same structure as an abstract projective geometry.”

    Yeah... that's looks like the worthy point. ;-)

    Do you know projective geometry? ;-)

  22. ""
    Before discussing the historical development it has to be said that the name “quantum logic” is somewhat misleading. As Dalla Chiara et al. remark: “by standard quantum logic one usually means the complete orthomodular lattice based on the closed subspaces in a Hilbert space. Needless to observe, such a terminology that identifies a logic with a particular example of an algebraic structure turns out to be somewhat misleading from the strict logical point of view.”

    And what did I said? ;-P

    Bull Shit. :-))))))

    Means it... neither quantum nor logic... just a math mumbo-jumbo.


    Math consist nearly completely out of such mumbo-jumbo. ;-)

  23. Symbolic systems.

  24. ""
    The most difficult problem, however, concerning the use of language arises in quantum theory. Here we have at first no simple guide for correlating the mathematical symbols with concepts of ordinary language: and the only thing we know from the start is the fact that our common concepts cannot be applied to the structure of the atoms.

    And what did I said? ;-)

  25. ""
    But ‘not decided’ is by no means equivalent to ‘not known’. This kind of many valued logic may be extended to the successive levels of language.

    THAT'S IT!!!

  26. And. Lend-Lease at work? ;-P (I do not recognize that thing -- some version of Hammer?)

  27. \\There is no work of art that does not call on a people who does not yet exist.
    /That is because of pragmatic reasons. Art -- costly activity. Like that images on the rock in a caves...

    Hence the need for some luxury, as Straub and Huillet say. The artist must Possess it, to Express it. Even the caveman needed some free time find charcoal/ pigments.. and then the time to apply them to the ceiling of the cavern. It screams, "See! THIS is what you can achieve with FREEDOM! Beauty!" ;)

    \\You think none of our are pointed at him? I'm not worried.
    /That's why... there'd be NO fair play from their side -- WHY you don't get it???
    Like -- why liliPut revealed existance of that "Poseidons"??? While that is TOTALLY against Cold War rules -- you'd better NOT reveal your latest top notch Big Booms.
    But... he did it.
    And now, he even "shared" that info with North Korea. And maybe even with Iran.
    What for???
    For plausible denial.
    For when one will blow in your face -- to start screaming "it's NOT us! where is your PROOFS" (totally like Derpy, isn't it?)
    All they need to win -- just a couple of days -- to prevent you from swift response.
    An further... intimidation will be put at work.
    Yeah, hit was deadly and humiliating, but... if you'd start throwing nukes -- we'll be throwing nukes back at you -- means, there'd be quite more deaths.
    Means... same hyporitical "weapon" they tried to use against Ukraine -- "let's stop war... before MORE people will die".
    And you -- showing that it... WORKING!!!
    Like that charm.
    No people who UNDERSTAND Detterence seems like exist on the West, anymore.
    Especially encouraging was admission of some retired British generals -- that they would not
    throw retaliation nukes, even if Britain would be hit -- our of foolish "humanism".
    As you saying "if one survives, we all survive".
    As I said... you still NOt mastered Prisoner's Dilemma. All your high-brow acadenia, was NOt able to come up with definite answer.
    Even though it so simple.

    Was it "fair play" to encourage an Orange Revolution in Ukraine? Was it fair to hide behind Ukrainian proxies for the purpose of "Weakening Russia" and supply them with lethal weapons? Was it fair to force our European allies to apply economic sanctions on Russian petroleum and gas exports? "Fair" doesn't enter into it. It is what it is. Move-Countermove. Tit-4-Tat. The Great Game gets played. The Great Game continues. You wish to play the Queens Gambit. I wish to play Go, one stone at a time.

    \\I've also got some gopher holes of my own to fill... this posts comment thread is growing too long. We should move.
    /Your blog, your rules.

    Thankyou. I know it's just an extra click, but it annoys me when I have to go two-layers deep with every comment.

    \\What do you think Nietzsche meant when he said (paraphrasing here), "You seek power? You want followers? Seek zeroes."
    /I'm techy. I would not like to have zeros... in my team. ;-P

    Then you'll never be a successful manager or general, who are revered by others for the size of their staff/ armies and their abilities to waste them on unproductive projects and activities. It's a display of their luxurious "power" and "limitless" resources. No one wants to be in the field with the A-Team. They all crave Pentagon offices and billions for appropriations. How many zeroes in a billion? Why not add a few more? I know. One of my classmates at the Academy became a two star. And he was a zero.

  28. \\He love's beeing seen supporting Ukraine so long as it costs him, personally, nothing and yet earns him the "moral admiration" of his peers.
    /And Palestina/HAMAS too???? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Especially Palestine and Hamas. Israel, too. He HATES anti-Semitism, unless its' Semites killing or threatening OTHER Semites. The Colonialists must be stopped (hence he likely favours Hamas). He fails to understand that there are no autochthonous peoples who sping from the Earth and forever occupy that "native" land. Hence their love of current "immigrants" and disdain for every European immigrant (colonialist) who settled in the New World. The moral irrationality astounds.

    \\Think you could ever get him to pick up a gun and climb into a foxhole with you?
    /Well... probably, he is foolish enough, to come to draft centers out of free will... just because propaganda told him. ;-P
    So. Yeah. Maybe not very reliable. But... War needs LOTS of cannon foddder. And totally ignorant about its quality. ;-P
    RFia proves it YET ONE time. ;-)

    See, that's where we disagree. His "type" would never volunteer to serve. The New Left isn't like the Old Left. They're much more "urbanized". Today, few would go to Rafa, let alone Spain to fight the "fascists". He'd never put skin-in-the-game. He's one of the "conscripted" zeroes you'd assign to Patton to sit in England and serve as a distraction for the Germans.

    \\No, but I heard recently that the USAF got a lot of good SIGINT and Chinese Cmd&Cntl from them.
    /Yeah... "believe me, I'm expert" said it. ;-P
    SAME, as pre 9/11 ones have said that "our towers CAN withstand even jumbo jets hitting". ;-P

    I'm not in the USIC so I have no reliable information on the subject, and wouldn't completely trust it even if I did.

    \\Yep. Could be. Think Putin will support them when the B-52s fly over?
    /Use B52 to fight against millions of drones?
    Like they showed track record before.
    Of winning wars.

    Somebody has to make and assemble the drone parts.

    \\NASA today isn't the same NASA that put men on the moon.
    There is NO way to reform existing organization.
    only to make a NEW one.
    For NEW Techs and on NEW principles. Psychological and social too. ;-)

    Bad habits are hard to break. Alexander and the Gordian Knot.

  29. \\And I've got no desire to move anywheres. All 3 of my kids are only 1/2 an hour away.
    /In a time of "work from home".
    Hallo! We are in opposite hemispheres EVEN! ;-P

    Work with one hand tied behind my back? That's no recipe for success. I prefer practicing MBWA. I learned the benefits back when I was a 'Looper' at Bethlehem Steel San Francisco. And you can't see much that is "unofficial" or ObSkene from a continent away. You're never "off the record" or "on background". A good general needs to lead from the front, and always eat last.

    \\That pretty much sums it up. :)
    Only now it all in a virtual space.
    Like Second Life. ;-P

    Second life? Slow unpleasant Death. All surplus enjoyment, without experiencing the fundamental jouissance (booze/sex/fun) that underlies and suppliments it.

    \\They should certainly think of their own. You may be a patriot, but always remember. The Social Contract (Ukraine Constitution) isn't a suicide pact. Sacrifice is for suckers, unless it's friends & family night. ;)
    /That's... hairy question.
    How many of Catrina Harricane have their loses refurbished? ;-)

    Only the ones who bought insurance before hand. The rest only have new loans to pay back. Debt is not a prole's friend. Even at a government subsidized interest rate.

    \\And don't get me started with Archimedes
    /Bad example.
    He -- lost.
    And because of treason.

    Well, at least he had a good run for a while.

    \\The Greeks had great tech. Like the phalanx.
    /There is no such thing as "one size suit em all" Tech.
    By design. By definition.

    Every tech only works within the frame that exists at the time of its' discovery. Although adaptations to new frames are always possible. Like with Art (Huillet & Straub). :)

    \\Acta non verba.
    /And what is "Acta" in case of ones who need to use words... because that is their job?
    Like what should Commander to do... to show that "Acta non verba"? ;-P
    Hop on his stallion? And speedup to a battlefield? ;-P
    In the age of nukes???? ;-P

    Do as Washington did. Wax "laconic" in front of his men (so they cannot observe any foolishness)[Officers separated from Enlisteds]. And scribble his orders on papers and send them via messenger (so only one man ever see's a "part" of it, and never the whole). And only go to the Fish-house for punch after the battles are won. Oh, and always promote subordinates who independently fix your mistakes without being told to do so. ;)

    \\Exactly. There's some self-serving "side benefit reason" for the stupid policy.
    /Yeah. Defeat always an orphan. That is Victory, that have lots of Fathers. ;-P

    Scapegoats catch the blame. Then you either kill them, or release them into the Wilderness (sometimes you do both).

    \\Ever hear of intelligence companies like Bellingcat?
    /Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    A new career path? ;)

  30. \\ I don't suppose he could sell you a couple of AH-64 Longbow's, and a few A-10s? ;)
    /Soon. USA will need to buy weapon from Ukraine.
    To replenish its obsolete and useless pile of junk. ;-P
    NEW spears. ;-)

    We can always use more battle-tested and proven weapons. Engineers today seldom come from the experienced ranks of tankmen.

    \\Plan, staff, organize, direct, and control. Is that enough Mgmt buzzwords for now?
    /Difference between success and loss... yawn.

    A certain kind of "wisdom" for driving quadriga's much unlike the kind needed for unleashed Berserkers and Velites. For even localized chaos can be a tactic within a larger strategy.

    \\Naaah. I'm a Deist. After 7 days, he simply put it all on 'Autopilot' and then went back to watching his favorite Soaps.
    As technologist... I even know why. ;-p

    To go make alternate variants (Multiverse) and see which one turns out best? Why commit it all to one petri dish?

    \\Isn't that what a dervish does? Spin in circles til he gets too dizzy and falls down. ;)
    Well... for becoming dizzy... one need to have brains. ;-P
    In the first place.

    Maybe it's just a symptom of always being dizzy (pace of spinning too fast to keep up changes in the information stream). That's what the 7th Day is for. Luxuries. A day to stop "spinning" and recover/ restore one's brains. ;)

    \\Yes, but logic is a tool designed to fashions concepts
    /Who said?
    Do you really think I'd believe that my computer bent on fashion? ;-P

    ;P - Fashion (singular/ sorry). To "make/ construct/ manufacture". "Create" in a more "virtual" and less "Earthly" world/ space.

    \\That probably explains why quantum logic is so difficult.
    /That's just a sham.
    We was told that QM is something "unimaginable".
    And we stopped trying to grok it.
    Laziness of mind. ;-P
    And nothing else.

    Like Triune Concept's of G_d and other non-deterministic 3 Body Problems. Maybe you get less-lazy when you start living in one like the San-Ti? ;P

    \\I still haven't exactly figured out the whole "evolution" thing. And why would ANYONE want to leave that Garden? *tsk-tsk*
    Laziness of mind. ;-P
    And nothing else.

    Maybe Adam left from boredom. I wonder if my dogs will ever leave me. :(

    \\ I wonder how long it would take us to get to TRL-6?
    /One can shut from existing rifle only. ;-P
    Like... Brits sending their LASER to Ukraine. ;-)
    Not even Munchhausen... was able to shot with his finger. ;-P

    How fast do I need it? I was thinking 'sorta fast'. And why drag my noble nemesis into all this? How do you know that the tales you have heard of fingers and shooting weren't deliberately tampered with and over simplified to suit the palate of more narrow-minded overly-"Scientific" readers?

  31. \\
    /Not loading...
    but nothing biggy, I workarounded.
    Well... babbling.
    "In theory -- theory and practice is the same"

    from the link: "Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective
    Quantum Logic (QL) was developed as an attempt to construct a propositional structure that would allow for describing the events of interest in Quantum Mechanics (QM). QL replaced the Boolean structure, which, although suitable for the discourse of classical physics, was inadequate for representing the atomic realm. The mathematical structure of the propositional language about classical systems is a power set, partially ordered by set inclusion, with a pair of operations that represent conjunction and disjunction. This algebra is consistent with the discourse about both classical and relativistic phenomena, but inconsistent in a theory that prohibits, for example, giving simultaneous truth values to the following propositions: “The system possesses this velocity” and “The system is in this place.” The proposal of the founding fathers of QL was to replace the Boolean structure of classical logic by a weaker structure which relaxed the distributive properties of conjunction and disjunction.

    The fact that Aristotelian logic transformed during the twentieth century into different formal, axiomatic logical systems used in today’s philosophy and science doesn’t really matter, because the fundamental principle, and therefore the fundamental ontology, remained the same ([40], p. xix).
    /Aha... biggly bullshit. :-)

    The best kind...

    This ‘emptied’ logic actually contains an Eleatic ontology, that allows only for static descriptions of the world.
    /Yeah. And Modal Logic and all other variants of Logics have come PAST you...

    Woulda, Coulda, Shouda... ;)

    I... as programmer... which mean one who accustomed to work with and create myself symbolic systems -- know for sure, that even seemingly little change -- still nakes a big difference.

    Butterflies in your CPU?

  32. ""
    In QM however, the different structure of the physical properties of the system determines a change of nature regarding the meaning of possibility and potentiality.
    That is just how WE can see it. ;-P
    /It's like to say that there is NO infrared and ultraviolet light... only visible to us.

    Ever calculate Quaternions and other non-such?

    However, it was clear from the very beginning that this new quantum possibility was something completely different from that considered in classical theories.
    /Only because you are dumb shit. ;-P

    Most definitely!

    The probability wave function, however, meant more than that; it meant a tendency for something. [152, p. 42]
    /Because it SQUARE of probabilities. ;-P
    Because it some math mumbo-jumbo, to accomodate it with visible reality... somehow. :-)))))))))))))))))
    WHAT square of probability COULD mean -- nobody knows. ;-P

    Perhaps its' an "absolute" value? Ever read Plato's logic of Absolutes in his "Parmenides"? Try to "follow it"? How does it end? "If One is not, then nothing Is"...

    It's like... it's like if...
    /Mathematicians would find a way to do some other mathematical operations with rows and places in a cinema. ;-P
    Instead of perfectly logical and physical addition and subtraction.(well, to a point).
    Like, if you'd add +1 to a row number -- it means your place is deeper in a hall.
    What would mean SQUARE, or CUBE of that number??? SQUARE ROOT???? LOGARITHM???? :-))))))))))))))0

    Ask an Indian. I hear they love extremely large numbers.

    Indeed, contrary to classical possibility which only refers to our incomplete knowledge of an actual state of affairs, quantum possibilities interact between each other.
    THAT'S IT.
    That's why it made SQUARE -- to make possible to EMULATE that "quantum possibilities interact between each other."

    Space-Time has how many dimensions?

  33. \\\\Where do you think UBI comes from?
    /Financial mumbo-jumbo? ;-P
    \\They can't just print the $$$ or you get Venezuelan level inflation.
    That's why I called it "mumbo-jumbo".
    They... will not be calling it "inflation". ;-P
    Well, Inflation... is psychological effect, anyway. ;-)

    Yes, it's a word that means "stealing value from labour".

    \\Yeah, Custer might have thought so. Pickett, too. But as the Japanese learned after Pearl, one battle a war doesn't always make.
    Where and when did you saw WISE aggressors? ;-P

    When they WIN, of course. Always WISE, but never JUST.

    \\I just need a little time to get my pants on, that's why I asked. ;P
    /After TWO years???

    I can't pull up my pants while you're still pulling them down.

    As a matter of fact, the interpretation of Planck’s quantum postulate, the superposition principle, the non-commutativity of observables or the identity of quantum particles—just to mention a few—pose important problems which help us to coherently consider what QM is talking about. QL has been an important tool for discussing all these fascinating subjects.
    /Bu-u-u-ull Shi-i-i-it. (that highlighted):-)

    I never said I could do it. But hey, whatever works.

    \\That is, either proposition p or its negation ¬p is true (excluded middle principle), both assertions p and ¬p cannot be simultaneously true (PNC), meanings are sharp and unambiguous, and the meaning of a compound expression is determined by the meanings of its parts.
    That's just... SIMPLEST possible division. With simplest, and not mind boggling rules.
    But there possible... and there is Logics, devised.
    Where there MORE then TWO variants.
    Triples logic. Modal logic. Fuzzy logic. ;-P

    Dervy logic....

    \\However, the structure of QM does not fit these features.
    /Of course it not.
    Because it isn't... devised for any such usages.
    It devised for accounting "measurable observable values". Period.
    /Means... counting number of electrons -- is NOT the same as counting number of coin falling odd or even.
    \\This is because there are states related with both a property and its negation called “superposition states.”
    /Burrish BS. ;-P
    According to John von Neumann’s axiomatization of QM, the mathematical interpretation of a physical system is a complex separable Hilbert space H, and a pure state is represented by a ray in H. Differently from the classical scheme, physical magnitudes are represented by self-adjoint operators on H that, in general, do not commute under multiplication.
    /Yeah... that is THAT words.
    But... do that author UNDERSTAND, and can EXPLAIN... what they mean???? :-)))))))))))

    I know I can't.

  34. ""
    The values that any magnitude may take are the eigenvalues of the corresponding operator, each one of which comes with its associated eigenstate. The non-commutativity of operators has problematic interpretational consequences, for it is then difficult to affirm that the quantum magnitudes thus represented are simultaneously pre-existent to observation. The evolution of the state is given by the Schrödinger equation that, due to its linearity, implies the formal existence of quantum superpositions of states. The fact that states may be linearly combined forbids the use of mere subsets as representatives of propositions, they are instead well represented by closed subspaces of H.
    Math mumbo-jumbo. ;-P

    It's all Greek to me.

    The set of closed subspaces of H, ordered by inclusion and equipped with adequate definitions of algebraic operations, gives rise to a lattice [180], namely a partially ordered set (L,∨,∧) in which every pair of elements has a supremum called join (∨) and an infimum called meet (∧) that satisfy:
    commutative laws for the meet and join operations: x∨y = y∨x, x∧y = y ∧ x
    absorption laws: x ∨ (x ∧ y) = x, x ∧ (x ∨ y) = x
    associative laws: x ∨ (y ∨ z) = (x ∨ y) ∨ z, x ∧ (y ∧ z) = (x ∧ y) ∧ z
    Abstract Algebra. ;-P
    But... WHAT it do mean physicly???? Do YOU know, dumb ass???

    Not my area...

    \\“the propositional calculus of quantum mechanics has the same structure as an abstract projective geometry.”
    /Yeah... that's looks like the worthy point. ;-)
    Do you know projective geometry? ;-)

    I know I don't.

    /I'll double down on it... because -- that's important. ;-)
    \\“the propositional calculus of quantum mechanics has the same structure as an abstract projective geometry.”
    Yeah... that's looks like the worthy point. ;-)
    Do you know projective geometry? ;-)

    I think I'll double down on NOT knowing.

  35. ""
    Before discussing the historical development it has to be said that the name “quantum logic” is somewhat misleading. As Dalla Chiara et al. remark: “by standard quantum logic one usually means the complete orthomodular lattice based on the closed subspaces in a Hilbert space. Needless to observe, such a terminology that identifies a logic with a particular example of an algebraic structure turns out to be somewhat misleading from the strict logical point of view.”
    And what did I said? ;-P
    Bull Shit. :-))))))
    Means it... neither quantum nor logic... just a math mumbo-jumbo.
    Math consist nearly completely out of such mumbo-jumbo. ;-)

    I blame the 8th grade for me not understanding it.

    /Symbolic systems.


    The most difficult problem, however, concerning the use of language arises in quantum theory. Here we have at first no simple guide for correlating the mathematical symbols with concepts of ordinary language: and the only thing we know from the start is the fact that our common concepts cannot be applied to the structure of the atoms.
    /And what did I said? ;-)

    Necessity is the Mother of Invention...

    But ‘not decided’ is by no means equivalent to ‘not known’. This kind of many valued logic may be extended to the successive levels of language.
    /THAT'S IT!!!

    Not known. Merely "disprovable" by experiment?

    And. Lend-Lease at work? ;-P (I do not recognize that thing -- some version of Hammer?)

    Modified for drone protection? I hope you guy's have a good IFF system for your drone operators. Otherwise their targets will remain in a perpetually quantum "Superpositioned" state. :(

  36. \\Hence the need for some luxury, as Straub and Huillet say. The artist must Possess it, to Express it. Even the caveman needed some free time find charcoal/ pigments.. and then the time to apply them to the ceiling of the cavern. It screams, "See! THIS is what you can achieve with FREEDOM! Beauty!" ;)

    There's also that idle time... we ought to spend every day... to produce, beauty? ;-P

    I... do not know such model examples... when people given time on their own -- producing some beauty...

    Conlusion -- that is... much more rare and complex occurance. Or... you know something more, maybe?

    \\Was it "fair play" to encourage an Orange Revolution in Ukraine?

    And what you know about that "revolution"?

    And not from some shady "sources"??? ;-P

    \\Was it fair to hide behind Ukrainian proxies for the purpose of "Weakening Russia" and supply them with lethal weapons?

    Oh, Please.

    Like that was NoT "business as usual"... in Cold War times.


    \\ Was it fair to force our European allies to apply economic sanctions on Russian petroleum and gas exports?

    Making em doing something they SHOULD been done long ago??? FOR THeiR oWN SAKE.

    \\ "Fair" doesn't enter into it. It is what it is. Move-Countermove. Tit-4-Tat. The Great Game gets played. The Great Game continues. You wish to play the Queens Gambit. I wish to play Go, one stone at a time.

    For now... USA looks like denying even touching cards... with longest stick. ;-P

    \\Then you'll never be a successful manager or general, who are revered by others for the size of their staff/ armies and their abilities to waste them on unproductive projects and activities.


    Very intimidating... to a miserly prol. ;-P

    \\The moral irrationality astounds.


    Henlon's Razor.

    \\See, that's where we disagree. His "type" would never volunteer to serve. The New Left isn't like the Old Left. They're much more "urbanized". Today, few would go to Rafa, let alone Spain to fight the "fascists".

    Only because there is NO calling...

    they are puppets -- have no own agency -- only follow orders...

    \\I'm not in the USIC so I have no reliable information on the subject, and wouldn't completely trust it even if I did.

    Means... there's NO info...

    \\Somebody has to make and assemble the drone parts.


    Billion and a half... of Chinese.

    Whom YOU trained to work on conveyors. ;-P

  37. \\Work with one hand tied behind my back? That's no recipe for success. I prefer practicing MBWA. I learned the benefits back when I was a 'Looper' at Bethlehem Steel San Francisco. And you can't see much that is "unofficial" or ObSkene from a continent away. You're never "off the record" or "on background". A good general needs to lead from the front, and always eat last.

    Good generals able to learn new tricks.

    Great ones... INVENT em, each time. ;-P

    \\Every tech only works within the frame that exists at the time of its' discovery. Although adaptations to new frames are always possible. Like with Art (Huillet & Straub). :)

    Each tech CREATES its own techs... well, sometime to its own demise.


    \\Oh, and always promote subordinates who independently fix your mistakes without being told to do so. ;)


    It's never bad plan to perform.

    But... yeah... it need to NOT hire zeros, for that. ;-P

    Because even miserly amount of zeros... can stall this, such a beautiful plan.

    "Down periscope". ;-P

    \\\\Ever hear of intelligence companies like Bellingcat?
    /Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\A new career path? ;)

    Have you found a way to monetize your blogging? ;-P

    Maybe some Zizek advertizing. :-))))

    \\We can always use more battle-tested and proven weapons.

    Then... you welcome, to Ukrainian testing grounds... while there's still free places. ;-P

    \\A certain kind of "wisdom" for driving quadriga's much unlike the kind needed for unleashed Berserkers and Velites. For even localized chaos can be a tactic within a larger strategy.

    "You can not learn fighting ,unless you go into fire" Napoleon. ;-)

    \\To go make alternate variants (Multiverse) and see which one turns out best? Why commit it all to one petri dish?


    Seems like you found an answer... to Gawd Question. ;-)

    \\\\Yes, but logic is a tool designed to fashions concepts
    /Who said?
    Do you really think I'd believe that my computer bent on fashion? ;-P

    \\;P - Fashion (singular/ sorry). To "make/ construct/ manufacture". "Create" in a more "virtual" and less "Earthly" world/ space.

    Sorry to say... but that pun... was intended. (shy)

    Because... you know. To me, as prorgrammer, that "fashion concepts"... is very uneasy question. :-((((((

    From one side... you looks like unbounded freedom.

    But from another... you feel oneself stuck in Gordian Knot insides. :-((((((

    That's why SW is so dependent on "new blood"... constantly flowing in.

    Not made of zeros to boot.

    Because zeros... cannot be used even as pavement stones... there.

    \\Like Triune Concept's of G_d and other non-deterministic 3 Body Problems. Maybe you get less-lazy when you start living in one like the San-Ti? ;P

    I already said that I understand you. It seems.

    But probably not explained it. Explicitly.

    You are like on a pinnacle of Progress.

    While everybody else, just following you. And as such -- have less, or even totally NO questions, of what to do -- just follow your lead.

    But... you must find some encouragment, some clues... from somewhere.

    And... it seems apparent where you seeking for it...

    \\I wonder if my dogs will ever leave me. :(

    Sad memories... :-(((( sorry.

    \\How fast do I need it? I was thinking 'sorta fast'. And why drag my noble nemesis into all this? How do you know that the tales you have heard of fingers and shooting weren't deliberately tampered with and over simplified to suit the palate of more narrow-minded overly-"Scientific" readers?


    Munchhausen tales??? Scientific???

    The Tall Tales of Baron Munchausen | 4 Corners of the World
    Library of Congress (.gov) › the-t...
    Munchausen, the timeless adventurer, crisscrosses the world, visits the moon, and falls through the core of the earth to emerge on the other ...


  38. \\""
    The fact that Aristotelian logic transformed during the twentieth century into different formal, axiomatic logical systems used in today’s philosophy and science doesn’t really matter, because the fundamental principle, and therefore the fundamental ontology, remained the same ([40], p. xix).
    /Aha... biggly bullshit. :-)

    \\The best kind...


    Lindy. ;-P

    Means... of some anachronism type. Some "garbage genes". Some dirty palimpsest kind.

    One... which nobody even too job to clean up that mess.

    Like book on most deepest, most secluded, most unreaded (unreadable?) book in a library. ;-P

    Fossilized crap, so to say.

    Well... yeah... it's valuable, indeed.

    \\Woulda, Coulda, Shouda... ;)

    Well, yeah...

    \\Butterflies in your CPU?

    More like nasty moles.

    \\Ever calculate Quaternions and other non-such?


    However, it was clear from the very beginning that this new quantum possibility was something completely different from that considered in classical theories.
    /Only because you are dumb shit. ;-P

    \\Most definitely!

    That was rhetorical escapade... in a direction of author of that text.

    \\/Because it SQUARE of probabilities. ;-P
    Because it some math mumbo-jumbo, to accomodate it with visible reality... somehow. :-)))))))))))))))))
    WHAT square of probability COULD mean -- nobody knows. ;-P

    \\Perhaps its' an "absolute" value? Ever read Plato's logic of Absolutes in his "Parmenides"? Try to "follow it"? How does it end? "If One is not, then nothing Is"...

    And what if that thing would be called "beautiful value" -- what would you do?

    Call it Heavenly Beauty??? ;-P

    And what if it'll be called "bumbshit value".

    You know... that mathematicians pretty random, with their naming schemas? ;-P

    Because they *KNOW* -- that that names mean nothing.

    \\Ask an Indian. I hear they love extremely large numbers.

    And trying to make em into life? ;-P

    Maybe you/I/we... need to start studing hindi. ;-P

    Or... no... better start from sunscrit.

    \\Space-Time has how many dimensions?

    Of absolutely SAME gnostic value? ;-P

    \\Yes, it's a word that means "stealing value from labour".


    There is NO value in labor... err, any physical or psychical activity... on it's own.

    There is only FIXED and un-risked payment for the time and strength of worker -- which then rearranged in a productive way by entrepreneur... which then taking price cap for his ingenuity, if he'd succeed. Or... lose everything with going bankrupt.

    While his worker still enjoys non-risking and just change place of work. ;-P

    \\Where and when did you saw WISE aggressors? ;-P

    \\When they WIN, of course.

    And when was last time it happened???

    \\I can't pull up my pants while you're still pulling them down.


    \\Dervy logic....


    "Whatever makes me happy -- is True". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  39. \\/""
    According to John von Neumann’s axiomatization of QM, the mathematical interpretation of a physical system is a complex separable Hilbert space H, and a pure state is represented by a ray in H. Differently from the classical scheme, physical magnitudes are represented by self-adjoint operators on H that, in general, do not commute under multiplication.
    /Yeah... that is THAT words.
    But... do that author UNDERSTAND, and can EXPLAIN... what they mean???? :-)))))))))))

    \\I know I can't.

    That is just OVERLY UNNEEDEDLY HAIRY explanation of simple stuff...

    That that early 20th century brainiacs -- used math... to accomodate that visible experimental results of double-slit experiment(s).

    Central words here is "multiplication"... or application, of one value over another.

    Ordinarily... they work like in arithmetics. You know 2 apply/multiply 2... makes 4.

    Or... in trigonometry... sin of alpha apply to co-sin of alpha makes 1. ;-P

    But, it appeared that Real World (which is all and wholely are Quantum)... work on mixed mode of TWO above stated examples. ;-P

    \\It's all Greek to me.

    Stern Up, Anthropos! ;-P

    Abstract Algebra. ;-P
    But... WHAT it do mean physicly???? Do YOU know, dumb ass???

    \\Not my area...


    And again, it was directed at author ow that words. Not you, obviously.

    Or... was that ref to your work? ;-)

    See what's the problem with use of "you".

    \\Do you know projective geometry? ;-)

    \\I know I don't.

    Too bad. I'll enlight you. ;-P

    That is just a way to look at World AS IT IS.

    Instead of what that nasty greek Euclid forced us to think. ;-P

    Like... when we looking at rails or railway.

    We see that they crossing far-far away afar.

    But... he claimed that they never crossing.

    What a dumb ass, isn't it? That Derpy-greek Euclid? ;-P

    \\Not known. Merely "disprovable" by experiment?

    Merelly changing POV.

    with making "I dunno" same legitimate as "I know it True" or "I know it False". ;-P

    By destroying previous FALSE equivalence between Ignorance and Untruth. Bleh.

    Or... Ignorance and "I know it... because somebody-somebody have told me". Meh.

    \\Modified for drone protection? I hope you guy's have a good IFF system for your drone operators. Otherwise their targets will remain in a perpetually quantum "Superpositioned" state. :(


    Like... here. How reliable it became in a "superpositioned" state... of death. ;-P

  40. \\Hence the need for some luxury, as Straub and Huillet say. The artist must Possess it, to Express it. Even the caveman needed some free time find charcoal/ pigments.. and then the time to apply them to the ceiling of the cavern. It screams, "See! THIS is what you can achieve with FREEDOM! Beauty!" ;)
    /There's also that idle time... we ought to spend every day... to produce, beauty? ;-P
    I... do not know such model examples... when people given time on their own -- producing some beauty...
    Conlusion -- that is... much more rare and complex occurance. Or... you know something more, maybe?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Perhaps each beauty ideal seeks its' own level. There used to be a Yanitsaros video on the role of women, to bring beauty into the lives of their spouses (the 'luxury' of not working for a 2nd income). To create a 'garden' (household) free of daily troubles. An 'oasis' away from worry and hard labour (the woman performs the lighter labours of the household and decorates the household for celebrating the various holiday 'rituals'). Ever notice how so many artists and philosophers aren't married? How few women are artists and philosophers?

    \\Was it "fair play" to encourage an Orange Revolution in Ukraine?
    /And what you know about that "revolution"?
    And not from some shady "sources"??? ;-P

    Why don't you tell me then, or provide "better" sources?

    \\Was it fair to hide behind Ukrainian proxies for the purpose of "Weakening Russia" and supply them with lethal weapons?
    /Oh, Please.
    Like that was NoT "business as usual"... in Cold War times.

    Yes, but why are we BACK in "Cold War times? For two decades we cooperated. Only NATO kept moving ever farther East...

    \\ Was it fair to force our European allies to apply economic sanctions on Russian petroleum and gas exports?
    /Making em doing something they SHOULD been done long ago??? FOR THeiR oWN SAKE.

    Many (like Ukraine) don't have the "luxury of distance", as we do. For the Germans, it was a real sacrifice. Their economy tanked.

    \\ "Fair" doesn't enter into it. It is what it is. Move-Countermove. Tit-4-Tat. The Great Game gets played. The Great Game continues. You wish to play the Queens Gambit. I wish to play Go, one stone at a time.
    /For now... USA looks like denying even touching cards... with longest stick. ;-P

    $100b didn't "touch the cards"? So why trumpet $60b more? :P

    \\Then you'll never be a successful manager or general, who are revered by others for the size of their staff/ armies and their abilities to waste them on unproductive projects and activities.
    Very intimidating... to a miserly prol. ;-P

    I prefer "effective" (not necessarily "successful") managers. Those with the respect of other "effective" team players. What's the 80/20 rule for managing other people? I knew a VP at Lockheed Martin (Frank Santoro) who was THAT manager. His peers and higher ups HATED him (jealous). But he had the ability to succeed where other managers had failed. He was a troubleshooter, and he always turned sow's ears (failing projects) into silk purses (profitable ones... or at least projects with smaller losses). When projects were in trouble (over-budget and behind schedule), Frank was often the failing manager's replacement. He was the guy they called in once the project's "luxuries" (cost & schedule) had all been expended/ mismanaged away.

  41. \\The moral irrationality astounds.
    Henlon's Razor.

    You're probably right.

    \\See, that's where we disagree. His "type" would never volunteer to serve. The New Left isn't like the Old Left. They're much more "urbanized". Today, few would go to Rafa, let alone Spain to fight the "fascists".
    /Only because there is NO calling...
    they are puppets -- have no own agency -- only follow orders...

    Ah, too connected to "information" streams. Unable to "disconnect" from them. That's why I have no cell phone. I like being "unreachable" in some sacred space of mine, free of the sound of others screaming. ;)

    \\I'm not in the USIC so I have no reliable information on the subject, and wouldn't completely trust it even if I did.
    Means... there's NO info...

    No, it means there's only the limited info I choose to believe/ disbelieve. There are 'gaps' in the info to navigate. Gaps which an "analyst" must navigate so as to decide what to believe/ disbelieve and understand "Why" those gaps exist (Lacan's 4 discourse process). And then complete a new "narrative". Sew a point de capiton on the matter.

    What is at stake in the ideological struggle is which of the ‘nodal points’, points de capiton, will totalize, include in its series of equivalences, these free­-floating elements.
    Zizek, "The Sublime Object of Ideology" pp. 95–6.

    \\Somebody has to make and assemble the drone parts.
    Billion and a half... of Chinese.
    Whom YOU trained to work on conveyors. ;-P

    The do love our Universities.

    \\Work with one hand tied behind my back? That's no recipe for success. I prefer practicing MBWA. I learned the benefits back when I was a 'Looper' at Bethlehem Steel San Francisco. And you can't see much that is "unofficial" or ObSkene from a continent away. You're never "off the record" or "on background". A good general needs to lead from the front, and always eat last.
    /Good generals able to learn new tricks.
    Great ones... INVENT em, each time. ;-P

    I'm not a hacker. You need to see the posts that aren't on Facebook. The ones on PornHub. And no, nothing is more boring than analyzing metadata. Show me the Keystrokes. And even then, you won't figure out what bin Laden's up to. You need HUMINT for that. You need operatives in the FIELD wandering around, picking up "idle chatter". Not everything lives "in the Cloud". And so you'll never stumble over the many black swan eggs being laid and maturing daily.

    \\Every tech only works within the frame that exists at the time of its' discovery. Although adaptations to new frames are always possible. Like with Art (Huillet & Straub). :)
    /Each tech CREATES its own techs... well, sometime to its own demise.


  42. \\Oh, and always promote subordinates who independently fix your mistakes without being told to do so. ;)
    It's never bad plan to perform.
    But... yeah... it need to NOT hire zeros, for that. ;-P
    Because even miserly amount of zeros... can stall this, such a beautiful plan.
    "Down periscope". ;-P

    Calling Dr. Pareto...

    \\\\Ever hear of intelligence companies like Bellingcat?
    /Bu-ga-gah!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))
    \\A new career path? ;)
    Have you found a way to monetize your blogging? ;-P
    Maybe some Zizek advertizing. :-))))

    Sure, I could click the "Blogger" Adsense button. But I won't. I don't blog for "others". And much of what I post is NOT in the "public domain". I "appropriate" most of what I post LIKE the Zizek articles. And so I would have to change the way I blog. My blog contains "curated" information for my own, personal, church. If you wish to sit in a pew and pray with me, that's your choice.

    See how Brinn has "monetized" his blog? Buy my book, buy my book! No thanks. I've got nothing to sell.

    \\We can always use more battle-tested and proven weapons.
    /Then... you welcome, to Ukrainian testing grounds... while there's still free places. ;-P

    Let's see how the British laser works. I'd hate to be the maintenance tech when some mud/dirt get's on/in it. ;)

    \\A certain kind of "wisdom" for driving quadriga's much unlike the kind needed for unleashed Berserkers and Velites. For even localized chaos can be a tactic within a larger strategy.
    /"You can not learn fighting ,unless you go into fire" Napoleon. ;-)

    But I'm already IN the frying pan. :(

    \\To go make alternate variants (Multiverse) and see which one turns out best? Why commit it all to one petri dish?
    Seems like you found an answer... to Gawd Question. ;-)

    ...and this is the best possible one Dr. Pangloss!

    \\\\Yes, but logic is a tool designed to fashions concepts
    /Who said?
    Do you really think I'd believe that my computer bent on fashion? ;-P
    \\;P - Fashion (singular/ sorry). To "make/ construct/ manufacture". "Create" in a more "virtual" and less "Earthly" world/ space.
    /Sorry to say... but that pun... was intended. (shy)
    Because... you know. To me, as prorgrammer, that "fashion concepts"... is very uneasy question. :-((((((
    From one side... you looks like unbounded freedom.
    But from another... you feel oneself stuck in Gordian Knot insides. :-((((((
    That's why SW is so dependent on "new blood"... constantly flowing in.
    Not made of zeros to boot.
    Because zeros... cannot be used even as pavement stones... there.

    "Ah, Parsifal... how little your faith," said the Fisher King. "Do I seek to perpetuate Standard Science? Or Revolutionize it? Now bring me some water, I'm parched."

    You ARE Parsifal to the Fisher King after all, aren't you? To the king (Brinn) you might look like a zero. For even the Grail has been enchanted to "appear" as an ordinary Carpenter's cup. The only real question is, can the veil be lifted? ...and how? ;)

  43. \\Like Triune Concept's of G_d and other non-deterministic 3 Body Problems. Maybe you get less-lazy when you start living in one like the San-Ti? ;P
    /I already said that I understand you. It seems.
    But probably not explained it. Explicitly.
    You are like on a pinnacle of Progress.
    While everybody else, just following you. And as such -- have less, or even totally NO questions, of what to do -- just follow your lead.
    But... you must find some encouragment, some clues... from somewhere.
    And... it seems apparent where you seeking for it...

    Now you're projecting. That's why the analyst normally sits behind his patient. To prevent transferrence. America's kingdom is like the Fisher King's. It's all decadence and forms of decay. And our wounds cannot be healed. They're terminal. Not even an idiot savant like Donald Trump can save us. We need time to return either to 1st principle's, or adopt completely new ones. And those with a stake in the current state of globalist affairs are not willing to risk their fortunes on any substantial change. And so, we rot, and watch another Marvel Universe re-boot. I hope that they run out of film, soon. For Pride goeth before the Fall. And I'm almost ALL out of pride.

    \\How fast do I need it? I was thinking 'sorta fast'. And why drag my noble nemesis into all this? How do you know that the tales you have heard of fingers and shooting weren't deliberately tampered with and over simplified to suit the palate of more narrow-minded overly-"Scientific" readers?
    Munchhausen tales??? Scientific???
    The Tall Tales of Baron Munchausen | 4 Corners of the World
    Library of Congress (.gov) › the-t...
    Munchausen, the timeless adventurer, crisscrosses the world, visits the moon, and falls through the core of the earth to emerge on the other ...

    Munchausen tales were overly-"Scientific"? To what kind of reader, author Jules Verne?

    The fact that Aristotelian logic transformed during the twentieth century into different formal, axiomatic logical systems used in today’s philosophy and science doesn’t really matter, because the fundamental principle, and therefore the fundamental ontology, remained the same ([40], p. xix).
    /Aha... biggly bullshit. :-)
    \\The best kind...
    Lindy. ;-P
    Means... of some anachronism type. Some "garbage genes". Some dirty palimpsest kind.
    One... which nobody even too job to clean up that mess.
    Like book on most deepest, most secluded, most unreaded (unreadable?) book in a library. ;-P
    Fossilized crap, so to say.
    Well... yeah... it's valuable, indeed.

    Maybe the human genome should purge some DNA strands. Now where did I put my CRISPR..... Atavism at Twilight. Where are the Aurochs when you need them? :)

    \\Butterflies in your CPU?
    /More like nasty moles.

    Maybe you should buy your own coffee, instead of drinking it at Jack's Magic Coffee Shop. ;P

  44. \\Ever calculate Quaternions and other non-such?

    Imagine the implications (of i) like Dodgeson did.

    However, it was clear from the very beginning that this new quantum possibility was something completely different from that considered in classical theories.
    /Only because you are dumb shit. ;-P
    \\Most definitely!
    /That was rhetorical escapade... in a direction of author of that text.

    Perhaps, but it also "rang true" in a more personal sphere.

    \\/Because it SQUARE of probabilities. ;-P
    Because it some math mumbo-jumbo, to accomodate it with visible reality... somehow. :-)))))))))))))))))
    WHAT square of probability COULD mean -- nobody knows. ;-P
    \\Perhaps its' an "absolute" value? Ever read Plato's logic of Absolutes in his "Parmenides"? Try to "follow it"? How does it end? "If One is not, then nothing Is"...
    And what if that thing would be called "beautiful value" -- what would you do?
    Call it Heavenly Beauty??? ;-P
    And what if it'll be called "bumbshit value".
    You know... that mathematicians pretty random, with their naming schemas? ;-P
    Because they *KNOW* -- that that names mean nothing.

    Unlike Physicists. Perhaps you should do as Dodgeson and Schroedinger did. Rant through indirect refutation.

    \\Ask an Indian. I hear they love extremely large numbers.
    /And trying to make em into life? ;-P
    Maybe you/I/we... need to start studing hindi. ;-P
    Or... no... better start from sunscrit.

    Or just ransack Srinivasa Ramanujan's old library...

    \\Space-Time has how many dimensions?
    /Of absolutely SAME gnostic value? ;-P

    I give up. I've never looked into THAT particular Black Hole. I'm kinda partial to Flatland.

    \\Yes, it's a word that means "stealing value from labour".
    There is NO value in labor... err, any physical or psychical activity... on it's own.
    There is only FIXED and un-risked payment for the time and strength of worker -- which then rearranged in a productive way by entrepreneur... which then taking price cap for his ingenuity, if he'd succeed. Or... lose everything with going bankrupt.
    While his worker still enjoys non-risking and just change place of work. ;-P

    And so we bow once again to our Corporate Overlords... until he automates our labour position out of existence. :(

    \\Where and when did you saw WISE aggressors? ;-P
    \\When they WIN, of course.
    /And when was last time it happened???

    In Ukraine?

    \\Dervy logic....
    "Whatever makes me happy -- is True". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Gotta capture the Jouissance...

  45. \\/""
    According to John von Neumann’s axiomatization of QM, the mathematical interpretation of a physical system is a complex separable Hilbert space H, and a pure state is represented by a ray in H. Differently from the classical scheme, physical magnitudes are represented by self-adjoint operators on H that, in general, do not commute under multiplication.
    /Yeah... that is THAT words.
    But... do that author UNDERSTAND, and can EXPLAIN... what they mean???? :-)))))))))))
    \\I know I can't.
    /That is just OVERLY UNNEEDEDLY HAIRY explanation of simple stuff...
    That that early 20th century brainiacs -- used math... to accomodate that visible experimental results of double-slit experiment(s).
    Central words here is "multiplication"... or application, of one value over another.
    Ordinarily... they work like in arithmetics. You know 2 apply/multiply 2... makes 4.
    Or... in trigonometry... sin of alpha apply to co-sin of alpha makes 1. ;-P
    But, it appeared that Real World (which is all and wholely are Quantum)... work on mixed mode of TWO above stated examples. ;-P

    ...and I HATED Calculus AND DIFFY Q's. :P

    \\It's all Greek to me.
    /Stern Up, Anthropos! ;-P


    Abstract Algebra. ;-P
    But... WHAT it do mean physicly???? Do YOU know, dumb ass???
    \\Not my area...
    And again, it was directed at author ow that words. Not you, obviously.
    Or... was that ref to your work? ;-)
    See what's the problem with use of "you".

    No, the truth often rings through and true, regardless of pronoun useage. And cut the guy some slack, he's a mathemetician, NOT a physicist (who MEANS something physical with every algebraic variable).

    \\Do you know projective geometry? ;-)
    \\I know I don't.
    /Too bad. I'll enlight you. ;-P
    That is just a way to look at World AS IT IS.
    Instead of what that nasty greek Euclid forced us to think. ;-P
    Like... when we looking at rails or railway.
    We see that they crossing far-far away afar.
    But... he claimed that they never crossing.
    What a dumb ass, isn't it? That Derpy-greek Euclid? ;-P

    Who did all his "maths" without using any zeroes, and the 1's alway's stood for the "unit"... so his number system began at 2 (and he also had no negative numbers to work with).

    \\Not known. Merely "disprovable" by experiment?
    /Merelly changing POV.
    with making "I dunno" same legitimate as "I know it True" or "I know it False". ;-P
    By destroying previous FALSE equivalence between Ignorance and Untruth. Bleh.
    Or... Ignorance and "I know it... because somebody-somebody have told me". Meh.

    Gnothi seauton! aka - The Spirit of Enlightenment. Get out from under the rule of the 'experts'.

    \\Modified for drone protection? I hope you guy's have a good IFF system for your drone operators. Otherwise their targets will remain in a perpetually quantum "Superpositioned" state. :(
    Like... here. How reliable it became in a "superpositioned" state... of death. ;-P

    Kill them all. Let G_d sort them out. ;P

  46. \\Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

    It... was not my argument here.

    \\Ever notice how so many artists and philosophers aren't married? How few women are artists and philosophers?

    Yes. That's interesting questions to poneder.

    And what your answer(s)?

    \\Why don't you tell me then, or provide "better" sources?

    One who have fingers... can type-in request in Google...

    \\Yes, but why are we BACK in "Cold War times? For two decades we cooperated. Only NATO kept moving ever farther East...

    Still don't get what "sworn enemy" mean.


    \\Many (like Ukraine) don't have the "luxury of distance", as we do.

    In time of ICBMs???


    \\$100b didn't "touch the cards"? So why trumpet $60b more? :P

    Ask your Pentagon. Why you ask me?

    It's them said... that even they have 1 billion $ budget...

    they, somehow "unable to move"... without that 60.

    Do you think *I* -- foreigner, can know more about such things???

    \\I prefer "effective" (not necessarily "successful") managers.

    "Effectiveness"... in they eyes of beholder? ;-)

    \\ I knew a VP at Lockheed Martin (Frank Santoro) who was THAT manager. His peers and higher ups HATED him (jealous). But he had the ability to succeed where other managers had failed. He was a troubleshooter, and he always turned sow's ears (failing projects) into silk purses (profitable ones... or at least projects with smaller losses).


    Sounds as someone who'd be interested in moonshoots, aren't it right?

    \\ That's why I have no cell phone. I like being "unreachable" in some sacred space of mine, free of the sound of others screaming. ;)

    Buy smartphone. ;-)

    There's an option "airplane mode" in one... tap. ;-P

    \\No, it means there's only the limited info I choose to believe/ disbelieve.

    Sorry to say... but that's looks too much as Derpy... ;-P

    I... prefer acknowledge information... without believing of disbelieving it.

    Well... one need to be proficient in philosophy... to play that trick.

    \\You need operatives in the FIELD wandering around, picking up "idle chatter".


    Nobody will listen to their revelations.


    So... netter be some "dossies" concockter.

    Or... mass destruction weapon witness. ;-P

    \\ I "appropriate" most of what I post LIKE the Zizek articles.

    Well... do you do backups for at least?

    Want me help you with it?

    \\See how Brinn has "monetized" his blog?

    Hoh. You think he doing it only in THAT his blog.

    No... that is secluded place, where he allows his pantofle kissed. ;-P


  47. \\But I'm already IN the frying pan. :(

    Yeah... realm of despair and struggles...

    one of real values of Lem -- that he open to show that he is one with reader... in it.

    \\...and this is the best possible one Dr. Pangloss!

    Well... given that there always is way out...

    \\You ARE Parsifal to the Fisher King after all, aren't you? To the king (Brinn) you might look like a zero.

    To look being a fool... to a Naked Emperor from Emperor's New Clothes? ;-P

    \\ The only real question is, can the veil be lifted? ...and how? ;)

    One who have eyes... would see...

    \\Now you're projecting.


    I obviously have NO problems what so ever with seeing ins and out.

    And therefore... no need for "seeking truth"... on a scrapyard.

    My beliefs and motives are firm and clear, and accountable to myself.

    \\That's why the analyst normally sits behind his patient. To prevent transferrence.

    Yeah... miscommunication is easy... when only through text.

    But also... they are most apparent and open to observation too.

    \\ It's all decadence and forms of decay.

    Utter BS.

    Given with examples of NEW and breakthrough... about nearly everybody else... cannot even dream about.

    That is just a skewed perception.

    To fix it... you could find a courage and trip to some shithole...

    but, you will not.

    You'd only continue loathe your whereabouts and surroundings.


    Well... I'm not have authority of a therapist over you...

    \\or adopt completely new ones.


    With NEW tech(s).

    \\And I'm almost ALL out of pride.

    *I*... know that is not true.

    Why? You talking with miserly anonymous prol. ;-P

    Or... I read that "out of pride" wrong? I read it as "made out of pride", no?

    \\Munchausen tales were overly-"Scientific"? To what kind of reader, author Jules Verne?

    Yeah. To whom???

    Honest sci-fi are open and honest about its premises.

    \\Maybe you should buy your own coffee, instead of drinking it at Jack's Magic Coffee Shop. ;P

    Turing Machine instead of von Neiman ones??? ;-P

    But... they all equal, didn't you know it? ;-)

    A Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation describing an abstract machine that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite the model's simplicity, it is capable of implementing any computer algorithm. A physical Turing machine model.

    Turing machine - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Turing_machine
    Turing machine - Wikipedia
    What's a Turing Machine? (And Why Does It Matter?) | by ...

  48. \\\\""
    However, it was clear from the very beginning that this new quantum possibility was something completely different from that considered in classical theories.
    /Only because you are dumb shit. ;-P
    \\Most definitely!
    /That was rhetorical escapade... in a direction of author of that text.

    \\Perhaps, but it also "rang true" in a more personal sphere.

    Not intended. :-(((

    I prefer to be utterly direct with such things. ;-P

    \\Unlike Physicists.


    Like calling quarks "up, down, charm an beauty"... ;-P

    Well... what that "quarks" even are. ;-P

    \\\\Space-Time has how many dimensions?
    /Of absolutely SAME gnostic value? ;-P

    \\I give up. I've never looked into THAT particular Black Hole. I'm kinda partial to Flatland.

    Means... dimension of time is the same as dimension of space?

    \\And so we bow once again to our Corporate Overlords... until he automates our labour position out of existence. :(

    So what?

    \\\\Where and when did you saw WISE aggressors? ;-P
    \\When they WIN, of course.
    /And when was last time it happened???

    \\In Ukraine?


    Because USA ALLOWED it.

    \\\\Dervy logic....
    "Whatever makes me happy -- is True". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Gotta capture the Jouissance...


    I have no problem with anyone following ANY logic.

    One just need to do that honestly... and correctly.

    \\...and I HATED Calculus AND DIFFY Q's. :P


    \\And cut the guy some slack, he's a mathemetician, NOT a physicist (who MEANS something physical with every algebraic variable).

    Why he talks about philosophy, then? %-))))))

    \\Who did all his "maths" without using any zeroes, and the 1's alway's stood for the "unit"... so his number system began at 2 (and he also had no negative numbers to work with).

    BEFORE Arabic Numbers was invented? ;-)

    \\Kill them all. Let G_d sort them out. ;P

    "Who will come to us with sword... will perish from one"(c)

  49. \\Ever notice how so many artists and philosophers aren't married? How few women are artists and philosophers?
    /Yes. That's interesting questions to poneder.
    And what your answer(s)?

    It's obvious they philo (love) Sophie (wisdom). And they are monogamous.

    \\Why don't you tell me then, or provide "better" sources?
    /One who have fingers... can type-in request in Google...

    Ah, that same whore!

    \\Yes, but why are we BACK in "Cold War times? For two decades we cooperated. Only NATO kept moving ever farther East...
    /Still don't get what "sworn enemy" mean.

    I never swore it.

    \\Many (like Ukraine) don't have the "luxury of distance", as we do.
    /In time of ICBMs???

    That's MAD talk!

    ...with which I respond as always, "Molon labe"... Come, take... I'll meet you at the Hot Gates. ;)

    \\$100b didn't "touch the cards"? So why trumpet $60b more? :P
    /Ask your Pentagon. Why you ask me?
    It's them said... that even they have 1 billion $ budget...
    they, somehow "unable to move"... without that 60.
    Do you think *I* -- foreigner, can know more about such things???

    Apparently the check's in the mail. But if I may be so bold and suggest that you use it "wisely". You may not have such opportunities to treat again at the trough of American Stupidity come January.

    \\I prefer "effective" (not necessarily "successful") managers.
    /"Effectiveness"... in they eyes of beholder? ;-)

    Sometimes the most effective missions and results are best achieved "in the dark" and so not crowned with the admiration that "success" engenders. No "triumph" for the returning generals.

    \\ I knew a VP at Lockheed Martin (Frank Santoro) who was THAT manager. His peers and higher ups HATED him (jealous). But he had the ability to succeed where other managers had failed. He was a troubleshooter, and he always turned sow's ears (failing projects) into silk purses (profitable ones... or at least projects with smaller losses).
    Sounds as someone who'd be interested in moonshoots, aren't it right?

    I doubt it. That was 30+ years ago. He'd be in his late 80's now. We used to get reamed by <a href='">Jack Welch</a> over conference calls wanting to know the progress on our towed arrays and <a href="">beamformers</a>. Maybe you should pitch your "robo-fish" to GE.

  50. \\ That's why I have no cell phone. I like being "unreachable" in some sacred space of mine, free of the sound of others screaming. ;)
    /Buy smartphone. ;-)
    There's an option "airplane mode" in one... tap. ;-P

    But they'd all know that I had a phone handy. ;)

    I long ago lost a hound, a bay horse, and a turtle-dove, and am still on their trail. Many are the travelers I have spoken concerning them, describing their tracks and what calls they answered to. I have met one or two who have heard the hound, and the tramp of the horse, and even seen the dove disappear behind a cloud, and they seemed as anxious to recover them as if they had lost them themselves.
    ~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden; or, Life in the Woods (1854).

    \\No, it means there's only the limited info I choose to believe/ disbelieve.
    /Sorry to say... but that's looks too much as Derpy... ;-P
    I... prefer acknowledge information... without believing of disbelieving it.
    Well... one need to be proficient in philosophy... to play that trick.

    “We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.”
    ― Jean Baudrillard

    "Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
    -T. S. Eliot

    \\You need operatives in the FIELD wandering around, picking up "idle chatter".
    Nobody will listen to their revelations.
    So... netter be some "dossies" concockter.
    Or... mass destruction weapon witness. ;-P

    Yes, much better to do the MBWA yourself. Use your OWN eyes, THEN decide what to believe/ disbelieve.

    \\ I "appropriate" most of what I post LIKE the Zizek articles.
    /Well... do you do backups for at least?
    Want me help you with it?

    Thanks, but I doubt I'll live another 10 years to lose it as a reference. Getting older's a b*tch.

    \\See how Brinn has "monetized" his blog?
    /Hoh. You think he doing it only in THAT his blog.
    No... that is secluded place, where he allows his pantofle kissed. ;-P

    ...or writes off some tax expenses as an advertising space.

    \\But I'm already IN the frying pan. :(
    /Yeah... realm of despair and struggles...
    one of real values of Lem -- that he open to show that he is one with reader... in it.

    Sounds like a man after my own heart...

    \\...and this is the best possible one Dr. Pangloss!
    /Well... given that there always is way out...

    Suicide bomber vest? ;)

    \\You ARE Parsifal to the Fisher King after all, aren't you? To the king (Brinn) you might look like a zero.
    /To look being a fool... to a Naked Emperor from Emperor's New Clothes? ;-P

    I'd cry out, but would rather laugh at the sight to myself for now, and then look for an audience with longer ears. :P

    \\ The only real question is, can the veil be lifted? ...and how? ;)
    /One who have eyes... would see...

    Seeing's one thing, acting's another.

    \\Now you're projecting.
    I obviously have NO problems what so ever with seeing ins and out.
    And therefore... no need for "seeking truth"... on a scrapyard.
    My beliefs and motives are firm and clear, and accountable to myself.

    Good 4u!

  51. \\That's why the analyst normally sits behind his patient. To prevent transferrence.
    /Yeah... miscommunication is easy... when only through text.
    But also... they are most apparent and open to observation too.

    Whereas the Big Other, who knows che voui, is invisible

    \\ It's all decadence and forms of decay.
    /Utter BS.
    Given with examples of NEW and breakthrough... about nearly everybody else... cannot even dream about.
    That is just a skewed perception.
    To fix it... you could find a courage and trip to some shithole...
    but, you will not.
    You'd only continue loathe your whereabouts and surroundings.
    Well... I'm not have authority of a therapist over you...

    I've been to plenty of sh*tholes. I'm beginning to live in one now. We derisively call it "The Swamp". It's a lot like Baltimore, but with a more dangerous, increasingly criminal, element.

    \\And I'm almost ALL out of pride.
    /*I*... know that is not true.
    Why? You talking with miserly anonymous prol. ;-P
    Or... I read that "out of pride" wrong? I read it as "made out of pride", no?

    Nope. That point right before the Dead Cat Bounces.

    \\Munchausen tales were overly-"Scientific"? To what kind of reader, author Jules Verne?
    /Yeah. To whom???
    Honest sci-fi are open and honest about its premises.

    ...and satire, not so much.

    \\Maybe you should buy your own coffee, instead of drinking it at Jack's Magic Coffee Shop. ;P
    /Turing Machine instead of von Neiman ones??? ;-P
    But... they all equal, didn't you know it? ;-)
    A Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation describing an abstract machine that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite the model's simplicity, it is capable of implementing any computer algorithm. A physical Turing machine model.
    Turing machine - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Turing_machine
    Turing machine - Wikipedia
    What's a Turing Machine? (And Why Does It Matter?) | by ...

    Can it build a factory for producing self-copies?

    However, it was clear from the very beginning that this new quantum possibility was something completely different from that considered in classical theories.
    /Only because you are dumb shit. ;-P
    \\Most definitely!
    /That was rhetorical escapade... in a direction of author of that text.
    \\Perhaps, but it also "rang true" in a more personal sphere.
    /Not intended. :-(((
    I prefer to be utterly direct with such things. ;-P

    ...and I honest about my own limitations (sometimes, not always).

  52. \\Unlike Physicists.
    Like calling quarks "up, down, charm an beauty"... ;-P
    Well... what that "quarks" even are. ;-P

    Quarks - Parts for making up Particles needed to explain the strong force inside an atom's nucleus that hold it together? Feynman originally called them "Partons"

    \\\\Space-Time has how many dimensions?
    /Of absolutely SAME gnostic value? ;-P
    \\I give up. I've never looked into THAT particular Black Hole. I'm kinda partial to Flatland.
    /Means... dimension of time is the same as dimension of space?

    Running parallel in streams next to (or through) it, but also a part of it? ;P

    \\And so we bow once again to our Corporate Overlords... until he automates our labour position out of existence. :(
    /So what?

    So I don't want to eat the bugs. I prefer chicken and excess methane-producing beef (not net zero). Klaus Schwab is very exacting about implementing WEF's goals.

    \\\\Where and when did you saw WISE aggressors? ;-P
    \\When they WIN, of course.
    /And when was last time it happened???
    \\In Ukraine?
    Because USA ALLOWED it.

    We'll see.

    \\\\Dervy logic....
    "Whatever makes me happy -- is True". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    \\Gotta capture the Jouissance...
    I have no problem with anyone following ANY logic.
    One just need to do that honestly... and correctly.

    That's not how SuperEgo works. It's more "whimsical". Which drive xformed into a 'desire' is knocking the loudest.

    \\...and I HATED Calculus AND DIFFY Q's. :P

    By the time I took the GREs I'd beat a HS SAT 650M down to a more modest 590M. Still numerate, but less biased so.

    \\And cut the guy some slack, he's a mathemetician, NOT a physicist (who MEANS something physical with every algebraic variable).
    /Why he talks about philosophy, then? %-))))))

    Like Boethius or Marcus Aurelius. For its' "consolations". Nietzsche would have just kicked them both in the nuts. Rochambeau!

    \\Who did all his "maths" without using any zeroes, and the 1's alway's stood for the "unit"... so his number system began at 2 (and he also had no negative numbers to work with).
    /BEFORE Arabic Numbers was invented? ;-)

    Indeed. And using "Greek" numerals. :)

    \\Kill them all. Let G_d sort them out. ;P
    /"Who will come to us with sword... will perish from one"(c)

    Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn “a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law — a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” - Mathew 10: 34-36

    Wisdoms. Gotta love 'em!
