Wednesday, April 3, 2024

CIA Psych Tools

National Security Triangle
aka Everyday Espionage (how the National Security Triangle relates to Everyday Espionage
-Health (Security)
-Wealth (Power)
-Relationships (Influence)
Ockham's Razor - Hanlon's Razor (Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity) - Conspiracy of Dunces

Conspiracy Theories (Recipe that leads to their creation)
1) Something Factual happens
2) Gap of Info
3) People become suspicious/ skeptical (why? lack of info/ denial)
4) Develop Narrative that closes loop (which others copy cause idea "easy" to steal)
Partial video transcript:
RB:...I'm reflecting on... even when we tell stories in our personal lives, right, what's that saying? That there's three sides to every story, his side, her side, and the truth? That we're always, maybe even unconsciously, bending the story to suit our interest to some extent, right? Depending on who we're telling, when we're telling it, what the purpose of that conversation is, we're going to emphasize certain aspects of the event and de-emphasize others. Is this just part of The Human Condition too? That we can't help but bend, well we have to tell stories as we've established, the story is never going to be a perfect representation of reality so we're always just going to use that wiggle room to kind of bend it to our advantage even if it's unconscious?

AB: What we're talking about here isn't really about uh bending the truth, it's about the human need for connection, right? We are a tribal animal, we're a pack animal, yeah? Yes you're right, that we are more than just animals. We also have a spiritual element, and a philosophical element, but we are still some portion of animal. And without a community, without a pack, we know we will die. And that's why loneliness is such a problem for Americans, for humans, but especially for Americans, right? So when I choose to share a story with you, or when you choose to share a story with me, or we share a story with our audience, we are inherently shaping the story to justify our actions so that we will be accepted. Because we want to be accepted into a community, so that we belong to something. That's the his side and her side, right? His side is telling his story because he wants to be accepted by the other his's and he's listening, right? Her, she's telling a story from her point of view so that she can be accepted by all the other she's hearing the story. And then, you're right, there's the cold hard truth.

What's really fascinating is that the truth is that just telling the truth will build a community on its own. Because that's what so few people get, and what most people are looking for. So what I really respect about what you're doing is that you are telling the truth as you know it, as you've studied it, as you've seen it, as you've practiced it, as you live it, right? That is the truth. It's not your slant, it's not your bias, if anything, your bookshelves are full of books that demonstrate your willingness to try to break yourself out of your personal bias. You are trying to create the truth, because that's what you want. And then you're attracting people who want the truth along with you. I can back someone like that all day long. Because there's enough people out there twisting the truth to try to glorify themselves.

RB: I appreciate you saying that, and I think I am trying to do that, but also running into my own limitations. Like, still finding myself like, not exactly saying it the way I meant to say it? Or, and it's often when you're kind of caught off guard, I found it's like, "Oh, someone asked you a thing, you like, say it real quick." And then you might reflect on it later. I'm like, "Wow, I could have said that differently." I de-emphasize something or emphasize something that was for a reason. So like you detect, I don't know, it's weird when you when you're constantly trying to step outside of yourself and then reevaluate how you acted in a situation. I still find myself just being biased, right? Doing all the things that we're all prone to.

AB: And that's exactly right, we're prone to it. You're prone to it, and I'm prone to it. The difference is, trained people, and you are kind of self-trained here, trained people become aware of that bias. Untrained people are completely blind to their own bias.


AB: We're taught at the Agency that everybody has 3 lives. There's a public life, a private life, and a secret life.

The public life is the life that you're talking about right now. We emphasize our strengths, we obfuscate our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities, we try to make ourselves look stronger than we are, more courageous than we are, smarter than we are, so that we will be accepted. Because that's the Persona we want to project to others. It's something that we do unconsciously. It's something that we're conditioned to do from childhood. Because that's just the way human beings connect and collaborate, right? We want to look attractive to others.

RB: So that's all of our public life.

AB: Everybody who's a friend, everybody who's an associate, everybody who's a who's a professional connection, they're all part of your public life.

But then you have a private life, too. Now your private life is for a much smaller group of people, right? Intimate friends, intimate family. If in your public life people think that you're super smart, in your private life they know that your breath actually smells. They know that you're lactose intolerant, right? They know that you have a weird patch of hair that grows on your lower back, right? Your intimate family, your kids, your wife, your.. you know whatever, your parents, they know that about you. But that's okay, because they're part of your private life or they can see through the public life and know who you are, in private.

But then we still have a third life, a secret life. And inside that secret life, we may never let anyone in. We may only let one or two people in. In that secret life is where our shame lives. It's where our guilt lives. It's where those Secrets live and insecurities. The things that you and I have done, that we know we've done that we've never told anybody, ever. And there's many more of those Secrets than any of us have ever cared to remember. Even as we say this, if you tell somebody one of those Secrets, you're letting them into your secret life. Now, what CIA tells us is so powerful about this, is that once you let someone into your secret life, you never let them out. So you can move someone from public life into private life, and if they disappoint you, or let you down, or..., you can move them back to public life, right? They go back and forth. Well, when you move someone from private life to secret life, and you share that level of vulnerability with them, even if you're mad at them, disappointed by them, don't trust them, you never really let them out of your secret life.

So Espionage is a game of getting people to let you into their secret life. Because then you gain all the leverage. You gain all the power. You know that they've been cheating on their wife since they were married three years. You know that they have two illegitimate kids. You know that they're secretly addicted to cocaine. You know that they love child pornography. You know whatever it is. You know their secrets in their secret life, and they can't help but trust you because you are the only other person carrying the burden of those Secrets.

And when someone else carries the burden of your secrets, you're intrinsically connected to that.

RB: And that's why you can't remove them.

AB: Because their loyalty to you is unending.

RB: And then once you have gained access to their secret life, you have the dirt on them, presumably. That's a very high Leverage, possession, or control mechanism.

AB: Right. We call it coercion, it's a tool called coercion.

Now coercion is the weakest of all tools to use, which is why when you get the dirt, the most valuable thing to understand is that you never want to exploit the dirt. What you always want to do is sell them the "hope behind the dirt", right? Like, "I know you've got a problem with opioids. I know you're addicted to opioid and I know you've been hiding it from the whole world, and one day, together, we're gonna get you past it. But today, you need to perform. And you need your opioid identity, right? So today, I need you to go and have this meeting, and get this secret, and come back and bring it to me so that we can change the world. And we're not going to do that if we start cleaning you up today."

RB: So is that part of the Espionage game then, it's to get into their secret world, know that weak point or point of high leverage, and then you just press that point to inspire the behaviors that suit your interest, or your boss's interest, I guess?

AB: That's not part of the game, that is the game. That is what makes a spy worth the $2.5 million dollars of training that they get. To learn how to do that systematically and predictably, with any culture, any gender, any age, any level of Education.

RB: That's incredible. Well, that sounds like some cool schooling, too.

AB: It's super cool schooling, it's a great it's a great tool to have, and it serves in business and in the commercial world, too. Because people still have Secret Lives. And when when a client lets you into their secret life for any reason, their secret fears, or shame, or guilt about their business, or their shame, or their fears about failing their family. When they let you in, when you can help them through that, when you can make them stronger, when you can make them more courageous, they love you for it. And, you're improving the productivity of them, and their business and at their own business a part of, and the country that you're in.

RB: And the Legacy that you're leaving, I'm just gonna say, because to gain access to someone's secret life also sounds like deep, best friendship. Or something you'd want with a your significant other. So, it doesn't. It's weird, that the game of Espionage is to gain access to that secret life. But that's also The Game of Love, right? Between friends, or between romantic partners, that you want to have someone that you can divulge, or invite into, that secret life. And be invited into their secret life.

AB: Right, you want it, but at the same time, if we're being honest with each other, we kind of don't, right? When I sit across from My Wife and she's having a hard day, I love my wife, I don't really want to be part of tha, right? She's got all sorts of secret life drama going on. She's got stuff coming up from her childhood. She's got, you know, grief from her grandmother dying. And she's got guilt about being a mom. And I'm like, "Oh, you know what, I'm really comfortable in the private life," or "I know you have guilt, and grief, and shame, and fear, but I really don't want to be part of it right now," right? And that's really what the Game of Love tends to be. And that's why we have a crazy 52% divorce rate, or something like that, right? Because we don't really, actually want anyone in our secret life. And we really don't want to put the investment into being part of somebody else's secret life, so then, because the ROI isn't there, right?

RB: Are you then also trained, if you're trained to infiltrate the secret lives of others, are you also trained to prevent infiltration of your own secret life?

AB: Absolutely, the tool that we use for that is something called "Know, Like, Trust (KLT)."

So there's a process in which you meet somebody, right? When you don't know somebody, they're a stranger to you. You're, they're out. You never have to worry about that person gaining access to your secret life.

So, then you meet the person, now that's the "Know", the K in KLT, the Know in Know, Like, Trust. Now you know the person exists. But knowing the person exists doesn't necessarily mean you Like them. So, over time you realize you have things in common, you think the same way, you have, you know, similar ideals, you grew up in similar households, whatever else. Over time, you start to develop a liking for somebody. This is where things get dangerous because as you learn to like somebody you absolutely naturally, and unintentionally, slip into trusting them. Anybody who's ever been let down anybody, who's ever trusted somebody that didn't deserve their trust, knows exactly what I'm talking about. It's very easy to fall into a pattern of not knowing someone exists, and then you know them, and then you get along really great, and you like them. And before you know it, you act in ways where you trust them even though you have no reason to trust them.

That's Know, Like, Trust.

Well, what we're trained as CIA operatives is that when Know, Like, Trust happens quickly, that's a big red flag that you're dealing with somebody who's trained. Because a trained person can get you through KLT in an immense amount of time. The average time it takes for a CIA officer to get into the secret life of a Target is nine months. For especially hard targets, like the, the people who are, who inherently distrust Americans, or inherently distrust the United States, that process becomes more like 15 to 18 months. But that's our system. We know how frequently, how often, what to talk about, what to bring up things. Like what to bring up, what to push on so that we can get into a Target's secret life within nine months.

Most engagements last more than 12 months. Most dating relationships exceed two years, right? So, I mean, that's three years from meeting to marriage, on average. And people still aren't in each other's secret life.

RB: Wow, then are you, I guess you end up with this inner sanctum of Secret Life, as a trained covert operative, to just, it never, you'd never connect that, with anyone else in the world.

AB: Or, when you do, it's a very intentional choice, right? Like my wife is a former CIA officer. I trust my wife explicitly. I trust her implicitly. I trust her completely. I still have things I would never never tell her. Well, and she knows that, and she understands that because when I tell her that there are secret life topics that I don't want to share with her. She knows that those must be so [ __ ] dark, so shameful, so significant, that it's going to negatively impact her to even hear about them. So, she's okay not being. So she doesn't cry. She doesn't try to ask what was it. Know, Like, Trust. Know-Like-Trust she doesn't try to infiltrate. She knows that I trust her already, right? And I trust her enough to tell her, "You don't [ __ ] want to know about that, right?


  1. Americans... opening to themself whole world of obviousness. :-)

    Well... not quite true. That said there. I, for example, have problem just to say something. In foreign lang.

    To try to lie in it. Or even to try to suit it to opponent expectations -- but I DUNNO -- what your expectations, really??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... I did not come through that 2.5 million$ training. I just watched post-soviet mockumentary about soviet spies... well, one precise spy.

    And know that I just need to listen, and to nod along your words. Like that numerous moments when you shared some info about yourself...

    I just need to play along.

    But... I -- don't like it. Feel it as breaching your personal sphere.

    And well... not that interested.

    Stooopid me. ;-P

    Not fit to be a spy at all. ;-)

  2. Or... you making winks to me... that you are trying to breach MY secret life? ;-P

    Too bad... there is... no. ;-P

    I just a dude with pecular ideas in and out. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

  3. Well... Lem again.

    We discussed that his piece. About spies, isn't it? ;-)

  4. I could give a sh*t about spies. It's the psychology that interests me. It's like an exploration of the mind of a sociopath from a trained sociopath. I pity the businessman that goes to him for "training". Listening to him is kind of like seeing the performance of a character from "The Golden Ass" or the "Satyricon". I'm sure he'll make an excellent "handler" for all his former "clients".

    It also pokes a few holes in Professor Moeller's "profilicity" theories (or perhaps exposes the fact that his theories are not altogether that "original") No wonder Jack's Magic Coffee Shop loves Social Media so much.

  5. And I could give a sh*t if you're a spy. You'll get nothing but open source intelligence from me. And I doubt you could blackmail me with even if you knew my entire secret life. Like the Jerry Harrison song goes...

  6. btw - The first part of the transcription exposes the plot of Roshomon and reveals a greater explicitly stated context. :)

  7. \\ It's the psychology that interests me.

    I call it theory of a mind.

    And... as I said previously -- I see a problem inside any such interest.

    Mind -- cannot emulate other mind. No freaking calculation power. ;-P

    That is like emulation of a computer on another computer -- staggering lose of calculation cycles... and nothing else.

    At best... you can gain understanding of minds of some stupids and simpletons -- is it worth it??? ;-P

    So... as I have said -- I postopned such interests to time when I'd have MORE calculative power. ;-)

    \\And I could give a sh*t if you're a spy.

    Of course... as I'm not. ;-P

    \\You'll get nothing but open source intelligence from me.

    Part of trivia to you. 90% if not all intelligence -- is from open sources. ;-P

    That information in secret safes -- are useless junk. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because it mirroring biases and stupidity of those who write it.

    And nothing more.

    Truly interesting and valuable information -- one that reveal this or that about Reality itself. ;-)

  8. \\btw - The first part of the transcription exposes the plot of Roshomon and reveals a greater explicitly stated context. :)

    Did you watched it? Till the very end... ;-)

  9. A theory of mind is one thing. The many possibilities of what can be DONE with a mind, is quite another. And THAT is psychology. How to get a computer to run Windows instead of OSx or Linux. And how to tell which OS is running.

    And yes, I watched the whole movie. This way to the great egress...

    Late term abortions are a b*tch! Was the Woodcutter an Oni (Ibaraki-dōji)? Enquiring minds wish to know...

  10. \\ The many possibilities of what can be DONE with a mind, is quite another. And THAT is psychology.

    Heh... yeah-yeah. Ls.D and can.abiss. ;-P

    And many-many other substances... to make something with this damn mind... to stop asking damn questions. :-)))))

    Like "what the meaning of life?" and etc.

    \\How to get a computer to run Windows instead of OSx or Linux. And how to tell which OS is running.

    Thank you for giving such illustrations.

    I... really appreciate that.

    But... it is not satisfying.

    Because... you know -- our brain is NOT brand new computer with freshly installed definitely identified soft.

    Quote OPPOSITE.

    And... for your information -- Linux, Windows and OSx can be installed, and even WORKING on the same computer simultaneously. ;-P

    And that is NOT lame back-bite, theoretic, just to say something.

    THAT... what I used during my work as programmer.

    Heh... that is what I using now too (using Linux OS to launch Win soft ;-P)

    \\And yes, I watched the whole movie. This way to the great egress...

    But still... over-watching HUMANISTIC message of it.

    We all, in our births, are result of some accidents... funny, stupid or even murderous.

    But... never the less... somehow... we have that safety nets, and able to survive through that time we are totally helpless...

  11. We can thank the Oni's for that! ;)

    Now, please excuse me, my OS is glitching and I need to run the debugger. Let's hope it boots correctly tomorrow morning. Maybe I should Re-Start it? :P

  12. Yeah... rebooting is correct simplest method to fix things...

    Only, I hope you have no heart implant, and it do not run Windows... to need to reboot... that oftenly. ;-P

  13. What? AGAIN! :-))))))

    Was 15 comments, became 14.

  14. Well...

    you fear it...

    which mean -- you'll have it.

  15. ""
    The media reports that #JacobSullivan believes that Russia will launch a first nuclear strike on the United States if Ukraine is given too much military aid.

    He is persistently demonstrating that he is a "useful idiot" of the Kremlin. Or maybe not an idiot, just a useful agent.

    Because propagating Russia's narratives is definitely not in the interests of the United States. Nothing helps Russia more than being frightened by its threats and trying to scare others with them.

    When the old demented communist regime of the Russian Empire occupied Afghanistan, Ronald Reagan responded not by scaring them that they might use nuclear weapons, but by openly supporting the Afghan resistance militarily and "raising the stakes" in the nuclear arms race. In fact, neither then, nor even now with the criminal fascist regime, the leaders of the Russian Empire are ready to die in a nuclear war. Therefore, all these threats of using nuclear weapons are intended only for those who, due to their stupidity or deliberate play along with these threats, want to demonstrate cowardice and are incapable of leadership.

    But these are different times - the complete degradation and impotence of the US political elites, where the mainstream ideas of the Democrats are Jacob Sullivan's, and the Republicans' are Trumpist ideas. They demonstrate the absence of their own holistic vision of what needs to be done and a complete inability to respond to the challenges facing humanity.

    But now is a different time - a time of complete degradation and impotence of the US political elites, where the mainstream ideas of the Democrats are Jacob Sullivan's ideas, and the Republicans are Trumpist ideas. They demonstrate the absence of their own holistic vision of what needs to be done and a complete inability to respond to the challenges facing humanity.

    The current worldview of the Democrats and Republicans is destroying the US leadership in a world where authoritarian, corrupt, populist right-wing and left-wing radical regimes are gaining more and more power. This situation will only accelerate the global military conflict between coalitions of democracies and autocracies. Because the weakness of democracies will only encourage autocracies to unite and impose their vision of the world, where the main right is the right of brute force, and crime, slightly colored by the ideas of anti-liberalism and rejection of democracy.

  16. An art for the masses! Gladiatorial combat! Can I get the cable subscription rights? I promise 10% of all profits for Ukraine matyr's families.

  17. Yeah... looks like idea for startup. ;-P

  18. ...That way I don't have to feel guilty watching innocent Ukrainians die.

  19. And you was feeling it? ;-P

  20. A little bit. Stupid encouragements given in our "collective" name.

  21. Well... you know, that I am prgmatist (self-proclaimed, but can you blame me for being not? ;-P)

    There are whopping 8 billions of us on the Earth now.

    Means, every minute, every second, numerous people do die. And many of em by grave and regrettable reasons -- can anyone grief EVERY SECOND???

    Obviously not.

    Our instincts and customs of mourning... came from times we was leaving in a tight all-knowing collectives. Where showing condolences to a neighbors... was a must.

  22. The fact that people die doesn't bother me. The fact that I might have even inadvertently contributed to that end, does. I'm very much a moral Kantian in that regard.

  23. The medical practice has a motto... Do no harm. Mine extends to... and be careful what "good" you do (ie - careful what you wish for).

  24. \\The fact that people die doesn't bother me. The fact that I might have even inadvertently contributed to that end, does. I'm very much a moral Kantian in that regard.

    And how'd you know it?

    Like... you throw some polyethylene cover in recycle bin... and some child dies from cancer in Africa.

    You know -- Law of Unpredictable Consequences.

    \\The medical practice has a motto... Do no harm. Mine extends to... and be careful what "good" you do (ie - careful what you wish for).


    Law of Unpredictable Consequences works equally good with your non-doing as it works with doing.

    Well... it works even BETTER.

    Look at bus driver and passenger -- driver are involved in making decision, and can make mistakes... but, it have a chance to do something, till the very last moment.

    Passenger -- don't.

    Remember? That passengers in 9/11 that took their destiny into their hands?

  25. \\The fact that people die doesn't bother me. The fact that I might have even inadvertently contributed to that end, does. I'm very much a moral Kantian in that regard.
    /And how'd you know it?
    Like... you throw some polyethylene cover in recycle bin... and some child dies from cancer in Africa.
    You know -- Law of Unpredictable Consequences.

    Maybe. But that's 7 degree's of separation. When it's only the 1st or 2nd, you notice. Like US policy towards Palestine or Ukraine. You notice.

    \\The medical practice has a motto... Do no harm. Mine extends to... and be careful what "good" you do (ie - careful what you wish for).
    Law of Unpredictable Consequences works equally good with your non-doing as it works with doing.
    Well... it works even BETTER.
    Look at bus driver and passenger -- driver are involved in making decision, and can make mistakes... but, it have a chance to do something, till the very last moment.
    Passenger -- don't.
    Remember? That passengers in 9/11 that took their destiny into their hands?

    Remember Kant's case of telling the murderer where his intended victim was? Do you lie, or tell the truth? Kant would tell the truth cutting off all responsibility at the 1st degree of separation. I go a little farther. Call it "second order observation" if you will. It's the latest "Identity" tech, after all.

  26. Today most the Flight 93 passengers would stay in their seats so as to not be considered "racists" in social media reports for attacking the suicide hijackers.

  27. \\Maybe. But that's 7 degree's of separation.

    That... doesn't matter. You know -- we are Starship Earth.

    We CANNOT base our moral and deeds on that assumptions.

    Earth is (semi)closed system. So... anything we throwing out of the window -- will return to bite our ass. No matter how much distant it will look like.

    All Earth... is out backyard today.


    Do you think it is wise to pile shit on your backyard?

    \\Like US policy towards Palestine or Ukraine. You notice.

    And whom you'd deal worse with it? Only yourself.


    \\Remember Kant's case of telling the murderer where his intended victim was? Do you lie, or tell the truth?

    That is... non-sense.

    True answer is -- it depends.

    Because it really depends of numerous small and even infinitesimal differences.

    Like... "do he point gun at you?", or "do you know that he is murderer?", "do you know that person he asks most probably ALREADY leaved that place?". Or... "blurted it out of a blue".

    And etc, and etc, and etc.

  28. Imagine sheriff of a small town.

    Which declared "I grown tired... of protection of your sore losers asses".

    What good it will make for him?

    Well, yeah... it will feel immediate cut on slack for himself -- lots of free time not bothering to catch culprits.


    just a little time.

    Well... you know that cartoons of yours -- how mice cough a cat. ;-P

  29. \\Maybe. But that's 7 degree's of separation.
    /That... doesn't matter. You know -- we are Starship Earth.
    We CANNOT base our moral and deeds on that assumptions.
    Earth is (semi)closed system. So... anything we throwing out of the window -- will return to bite our ass. No matter how much distant it will look like.
    All Earth... is out backyard today.
    Do you think it is wise to pile shit on your backyard?

    Like Voltaire, I try and only work in my own garden. If you want to try and bring all my manure into yours, that's your business.

    \\Like US policy towards Palestine or Ukraine. You notice.
    /And whom you'd deal worse with it? Only yourself.

    Like I said above, you want to drag my manure over into your garden, that's your business.

    \\Remember Kant's case of telling the murderer where his intended victim was? Do you lie, or tell the truth?
    /That is... non-sense.
    True answer is -- it depends.
    Because it really depends of numerous small and even infinitesimal differences.
    Like... "do he point gun at you?", or "do you know that he is murderer?", "do you know that person he asks most probably ALREADY leaved that place?". Or... "blurted it out of a blue".
    And etc, and etc, and etc.

    Maybe. But didn't your mother tell you to always tell the truth? Isn't it a "categorical imperative"? It is for Kant. To morally treat EVERYONE as an end unto themselves, and not a means to an end. Like using Ukraine to "weaken Russia". The only exception is with small children, not grown men/ women. And that's only because they are not yet capable of choosing an "end".

    /Imagine sheriff of a small town.
    Which declared "I grown tired... of protection of your sore losers asses".
    What good it will make for him?
    Well, yeah... it will feel immediate cut on slack for himself -- lots of free time not bothering to catch culprits.
    just a little time.
    Well... you know that cartoons of yours -- how mice cough a cat. ;-P

    ? Belling the cat?

  30. \\Like Voltaire, I try and only work in my own garden. If you want to try and bring all my manure into yours, that's your business.

    Are living as "people of nature", like bushmen???

    Naaah. You using Internet. Which uses electricity.

    And WHOPPING amounts of it.

    And to make that electricity... big amounts of coal burned. And even U atoms. ;-P

    \\Like I said above, you want to drag my manure over into your garden, that's your business.


    Again antipodes talks... antipodes see everything upside down.

    Like thing and people standing on their heads... instead of their feet.

    \\But didn't your mother tell you to always tell the truth?


    Cannot recall it.

    \\ Isn't it a "categorical imperative"?

    Pft! :-)))))

    Instinct of survival -- even not that imperatively.

    So much for some high-brow talks of some idiots which have no skin in any game.


    \\ Like using Ukraine to "weaken Russia".

    And it looking to you like USA really perform IN ACCORDANCE with such a plan??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))

    And not totally REVERSE one.

    \\? Belling the cat?

    I bet on you know it yourself.

    To spare me hassle to find link/title.

  31. \\Like Voltaire, I try and only work in my own garden. If you want to try and bring all my manure into yours, that's your business.
    /Are living as "people of nature", like bushmen???
    Naaah. You using Internet. Which uses electricity.
    And WHOPPING amounts of it.
    And to make that electricity... big amounts of coal burned. And even U atoms. ;-P

    No. But I'm okay with it. Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island are all within a 60 mile radius of my house. There are lots of U atoms to use. Come to think of it, Calvert Cliffs isn't that far away either. And if I want to get rid of any garbage, there's a whole Atlantic ocean to dump it into.

    I remember back in my California days, they damned up a valley (Hetch Hetchy) like Yosemite... and even proposed filling another with garbage (land-fill). I'm okay with it. you should see the "garbage mountains" on Staten Island. Some have been covered over and made into parks.

    \\Like I said above, you want to drag my manure over into your garden, that's your business.
    Again antipodes talks... antipodes see everything upside down.
    Like thing and people standing on their heads... instead of their feet.

    Hey China took all our old lead acid batteries...

    \\But didn't your mother tell you to always tell the truth?
    Cannot recall it.

    Mine used to say, "Don't you lie to ME young man!"... sometimes accompanied by a punishment of some sort.

    \\ Isn't it a "categorical imperative"?
    /Pft! :-)))))
    Instinct of survival -- even not that imperatively.
    So much for some high-brow talks of some idiots which have no skin in any game.

    That''s kinda the point... to get OUT of the game to talk.

    \\ Like using Ukraine to "weaken Russia".
    /And it looking to you like USA really perform IN ACCORDANCE with such a plan??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))
    And not totally REVERSE one.

    The road to hell...

    \\? Belling the cat?
    /I bet on you know it yourself.
    To spare me hassle to find link/title.

    Lazy b*stard! This isn't one of your lame-o Russian tales, is it? Nutcracker? Giant turnip? ;)

  32. \\No. But I'm okay with it.


    As far as... waste dumps are somewhere in Tanzania. Or Tasmania. Or some other Timbuktu. ;-P

    \\...there's a whole Atlantic ocean to dump it into.


    \\Hey China took all our old lead acid batteries...

    Because they are stupid? ;-P

    \\Mine used to say, "Don't you lie to ME young man!"... sometimes accompanied by a punishment of some sort.


    Cultural differences, it seems...

    \\to get OUT of the game to talk.


    Maybe "game of talk"?

    Because as it read it now, it "to leave a game... to have a talk".

    And it... do not explain to me, much...

    \\The road to hell...


    USA seems like inclined -- to empower sworn enemies. To make am bigger and more definite treat.

    Just for the victory over em to be more spectacular? ;-P

    \\Lazy b*stard! This isn't one of your lame-o Russian tales, is it? Nutcracker? Giant turnip? ;)

    Like I EVER tried to feed you with anything Russian. ;-P


    I can't recall title/find it.

    Something about kitty whose kitten son was abducted by mice. ;-P

    But I bet -- that is popular theme.

  33. \\No. But I'm okay with it.
    As far as... waste dumps are somewhere in Tanzania. Or Tasmania. Or some other Timbuktu. ;-P

    Naaaaah! Have you ever been to Nevada? They could use a six inch layer of compost.

    \\...there's a whole Atlantic ocean to dump it into.

    Maybe we could actually get a real increase in sea levels that way. :)

    \\Hey China took all our old lead acid batteries...
    /Because they are stupid? ;-P

    Recycling lead? Beats me what their motives were.

    \\Mine used to say, "Don't you lie to ME young man!"... sometimes accompanied by a punishment of some sort.
    Cultural differences, it seems...

    yeah, I prefer the Spartan agoge approach as well.

    \\to get OUT of the game to talk.
    Maybe "game of talk"?
    Because as it read it now, it "to leave a game... to have a talk".
    And it... do not explain to me, much...

    Like the San-Ti from 3 body problem. If you lie, you can't co-exist with them and are destroyed. You are "bugs" to them. Tricky Competitors.

    \\The road to hell...
    USA seems like inclined -- to empower sworn enemies. To make am bigger and more definite treat.
    Just for the victory over em to be more spectacular? ;-P

    Naaaah. Keep everyone else "dependent" on us as "Arsenal of Democracy" like WWI/II. Tech's R Us is the Neo-Con tagline.

    \\Lazy b*stard! This isn't one of your lame-o Russian tales, is it? Nutcracker? Giant turnip? ;)
    /Like I EVER tried to feed you with anything Russian. ;-P
    I can't recall title/find it.
    Something about kitty whose kitten son was abducted by mice. ;-P
    But I bet -- that is popular theme.

    Ahhh. Got ya!

  34. That's how the Roman (et al) kept their allies honest. Like when a Roman legion needed to cross an allies territory to get to an enemy, they would offer high-born hostages (to be released once territory crossed) or would capture an allies high-born and hold them in Rome to ensure their allies compliance.

  35. Julias Caesar talks about it in his Gaulic Wars memoir.

  36. \\Naaaaah! Have you ever been to Nevada? They could use a six inch layer of compost.

    And cost of delivery? Yawn.

    Sea transport is cheapest.

    \\Ahhh. Got ya!

    Yeah, but I think there is more...

  37. And cost of delivery? Yawn.

    Cost of barge to nowhere? btw - My County (Harford) ships all it's garbage next door, to Baltimore County (and we closed all our active landfills). Cost of transport? Yeah, we pay it in the disposal fees. And Baltimore County charges us a premium as well. But for them, it's a "revenue stream".

    Yeah, but I think there is more...

    I'm not a mind reader. So what...?

  38. /Because as it read it now, it "to leave a game... to have a talk".
    And it... do not explain to me, much...

    Maybe this will help. No "nasty" first strike...

  39. Prisoner's dilemma.


    \\I'm not a mind reader. So what...?

    Neglecting... leads to disaster(s)?

    And neglecting which became national policy... well, *I* saw it somwhere... ah, let me think... still cannot recall... ah, yes, just all around me.

  40. /Prisoner's dilemma.

    You're definitely going to earn the longer sentence...

    \\I'm not a mind reader. So what...?
    Neglecting... leads to disaster(s)?

    So does failure to cooperate. But MUCH faster.

    And neglecting which became national policy... well, *I* saw it somwhere... ah, let me think... still cannot recall... ah, yes, just all around me.

    Then the End is near...

  41. \\You're definitely going to earn the longer sentence...

    You first rised flag of Game Theory.

    Zat's... need to know at least that.

    The prisoner's dilemma is one of the most well-known concepts in modern game theory. The prisoner's dilemma presents a situation where two parties, separated and unable to communicate, must each choose between cooperating with the other or not.

    What Is the Prisoner's Dilemma and How Does It Work?
    Investopedia › terms › prisoners-dilemma
    Prisoner's Dilemma | Microeconomics
    What Is the Prisoner's Dilemma and How Does It Work?

    \\So does failure to cooperate. But MUCH faster.

    Being stooopid is fatal.


    \\Then the End is near...

    What is end for one... are new beginning for another.

  42. Naaah.

    Your genes will be lost.

  43. btw - I'm still trying to figure out what that means, from 3 Body Problem. I'll probably find out at the end of the final Season.

  44. I am psychologist.

    But even I have enough perception.

    And feel that you have a need/desire to have a talk with a understanding neighbor.

    But... saddly enough, I cannot be substitute for such one.

    I still are just a miserly foreigner -- have no understanding, no base to empathize... well enough.

    Only suggestion that can come from my side... closest to that need/desire -- if there'd be a startup, with lots of fellow Ams in it... and you'd be on a position of some HR/mentor in it... you'd have a lot of practice. ;-)

    But that... is just an idle though of mine. ;-P

    PS Kinishinaite kudasay.

  45. \\I am psychologist.

    err... NOT psychologist. Of course.

  46. You could just use one of those "psychologist in a box" apps for your startup. I'm done with "business". I'd rather f*ck gopher holes all day than go back to work. Jes' sayin'.

    Did I mention, "You kinda look like a gopher?" ;)

  47. And... why work? Having fun. ;-)

    Say you have no hobby?

  48. I myself... if I'd be able to play with tinkering with techs... and in a group of people, smart enough to tinker themself and feel fun of it...

    (add-on) and that all while being top dog to whom all listen and trying to accomplish. ;-P

    Why not?

    I only dunno how to accomplish that.

    Well, I know perfectly enough to understand -- that *I* would not be able to accomplish something like that.

    Even with money/resources given.

    I mean, alone.

    Because of my fully consciously open to me deficiency -- lack of experience in governing/managing/leading. :-(((((

    Especially in foreign country...

  49. /????

    Just talk.

    /And... why work? Having fun. ;-)
    Say you have no hobby?

    Blogging IS my hobby.

    /I myself... if I'd be able to play with tinkering with techs... and in a group of people, smart enough to tinker themself and feel fun of it...
    (add-on) and that all while being top dog to whom all listen and trying to accomplish. ;-P
    Why not?
    I only dunno how to accomplish that.
    Well, I know perfectly enough to understand -- that *I* would not be able to accomplish something like that.
    Even with money/resources given.
    I mean, alone.
    Because of my fully consciously open to me deficiency -- lack of experience in governing/managing/leading. :-(((((
    Especially in foreign country...

    You'd learn. It just takes "experience". And lots of "foreigners" do just fine. NASA was a very diverse place with many "foreign" contributors. My last mission was with JAXA.

  50. ...and I was working another mission w/ESA when I left.

  51. \\/????

    \\Just talk.

    I mean I dunno about form even. Not substance. When I use that "???".

    And I trying to not over-excuse myself with it. :-(

    \\Blogging IS my hobby.

    Meh. :-)

    \\You'd learn. It just takes "experience". And lots of "foreigners" do just fine. NASA was a very diverse place with many "foreign" contributors. My last mission was with JAXA.


    If you permit. That is not exactly criticism. More like just an observation.

    You worked in long as established organizations. Where goal and subordination, and all kinds of rules.

    While I worked in practically totally opposite "organizations"...

    just a bunch of people, gathered together, trying to accomplish at least something...

    Well... both of us lacking understanding of what are in between.

  52. \\/????
    \\Just talk.
    /I mean I dunno about form even. Not substance. When I use that "???".
    And I trying to not over-excuse myself with it. :-(

    Oh, I thought you were asking what I meant, not indictating your inability to form a response. I'm not always clear, especially if I may have used sarcasm.

    \\Blogging IS my hobby.
    /Meh. :-)

    I hear you. I'm not all that wild about it myself. That's what 45 years of marriage and compromise will do to you. ;(

    \\You'd learn. It just takes "experience". And lots of "foreigners" do just fine. NASA was a very diverse place with many "foreign" contributors. My last mission was with JAXA.
    If you permit. That is not exactly criticism. More like just an observation.
    You worked in long as established organizations. Where goal and subordination, and all kinds of rules.
    While I worked in practically totally opposite "organizations"...
    just a bunch of people, gathered together, trying to accomplish at least something...
    Well... both of us lacking understanding of what are in between.

    Then go with what you know. It did help to have a certain structural "leitmotif" common to all the players. But the implementation varied based upon organizations. Government operated differently from Contractors. I was fortunate enough to experience both.

  53. \\Oh, I thought you were asking what I meant, not indictating your inability to form a response. I'm not always clear, especially if I may have used sarcasm.


    Cultural differences.


    \\Did I mention, "You kinda look like a gopher?" ;)

    I totally unable to decipher.

    Are Gopher your totem animal? (tongue in cheek)

    \\\\Blogging IS my hobby.
    /Meh. :-)

    \\I hear you. I'm not all that wild about it myself. That's what 45 years of marriage and compromise will do to you. ;(

    Just... been there, done that. ;-P

    I was sharing my experience of blogging, isn't I?

    \\Then go with what you know.

    Well... I have tried to study what mentors and sharks have told about startupping...

    \\ It did help to have a certain structural "leitmotif" common to all the players.

    Peter Drucker? ;-)

    Still postponing getting knowing it. ;-P

  54. \\Oh, I thought you were asking what I meant, not indictating your inability to form a response. I'm not always clear, especially if I may have used sarcasm.
    Cultural differences.

    If you say so.

    \\Did I mention, "You kinda look like a gopher?" ;)
    I totally unable to decipher.
    Are Gopher your totem animal? (tongue in cheek)

    Nah, just referring to "f*cking holes" and "an animal that digs a hole (ie - gopher)" for me to F*ck for a while... :P

    \\\\Blogging IS my hobby.
    /Meh. :-)
    \\I hear you. I'm not all that wild about it myself. That's what 45 years of marriage and compromise will do to you. ;(
    /Just... been there, done that. ;-P
    I was sharing my experience of blogging, isn't I?

    Intonation. ;)

    \\Then go with what you know.
    /Well... I have tried to study what mentors and sharks have told about startupping...

    Well I'm clueless as to marketing to anyone BUT the government. And I no longer care to speak the professional language or be fluent in it's latest buzzwords/ and acronyms (ie - 6 Sigma)

    \\ It did help to have a certain structural "leitmotif" common to all the players.
    /Peter Drucker? ;-)
    Still postponing getting knowing it. ;-P

    Peter might be a bit old fashioned. He was the go-to-guy when I was taking my Masters in the early 80's. The PMI PMBOK will still get you a seat at a NASA table. Six Sigma is more "commercial" (not government)

  55. NASA 7120.5 is how NASA manages big projects, and 7120.7 Tech Development ones.

  56. \\Nah, just referring to "f*cking holes" and "an animal that digs a hole (ie - gopher)" for me to F*ck for a while... :P

    Yeah... and why it so important???

    See... I'm totally clueless.

    That is... how to explain it. My feelings. For you to be easier to empathize with.

    Let's assume that I/you talking with some Frenchman. You/I know about em eating frogs. And maybe even about something how sweet and tasty that meat is.

    But... if that Frenchman would suddenly use some idioma... regarding eating frogs... ehm???

    It... would need to be a part of French culture. Even living among em for a long time would not suffice (as that could be based on experience from childhood (like "kissing a frog"... from your Florida ;-P))

    \\Intonation. ;)

    I am glad that you able to enjoy it...

    and maybe a little jealous. ;-P

    This intonation? ;-)

    \\Well I'm clueless as to marketing to anyone BUT the government.

    Yeah... that, was what I referring to.

    \\Peter might be a bit old fashioned. He was the go-to-guy when I was taking my Masters in the early 80's. The PMI PMBOK will still get you a seat at a NASA table. Six Sigma is more "commercial" (not government)


    And I was working in environment, which without need to mention him... just absorbed all his and many many other novice ideas.

    As programmers work with something ethereal... it is basicly all about managing a crowd, then technical/technological stuff.

    Means... it's human-centric.

  57. \\NASA 7120.5 is how NASA manages big projects, and 7120.7 Tech Development ones.


    Bureaucratical rules... nobody remember/care why they was installed in the first place.


  58. \\Nah, just referring to "f*cking holes" and "an animal that digs a hole (ie - gopher)" for me to F*ck for a while... :P
    /Yeah... and why it so important???
    See... I'm totally clueless.
    That is... how to explain it. My feelings. For you to be easier to empathize with.
    Let's assume that I/you talking with some Frenchman. You/I know about em eating frogs. And maybe even about something how sweet and tasty that meat is.
    But... if that Frenchman would suddenly use some idioma... regarding eating frogs... ehm???
    It... would need to be a part of French culture. Even living among em for a long time would not suffice (as that could be based on experience from childhood (like "kissing a frog"... from your Florida ;-P))

    Sorry, It's a stolen idiom (from Zizek). It's part of a joke about his army days. See's if you can relate.

    \\Intonation. ;)
    /I am glad that you able to enjoy it...
    and maybe a little jealous. ;-P
    This intonation? ;-)

    Ha ha!

    \\Well I'm clueless as to marketing to anyone BUT the government.
    /Yeah... that, was what I referring to.

    The marketters to government are usually all jargon. They typically have no idea as to how to deliver the product that the jargon represents. It's why I normaly roll my eyes when I hear it. When I wrote my first winning proposal (one for TAGS-39) it was full of the procedures outlined in MIL-SPECs (since DOD was the customer), like Configuation Management" or "Integrated Logistic Support". I knew that the words were important to the listeners but our yard didn't typically build ships for DOD and so didn't usually perform the processes involved). I think that the clincher for me was when they came back and asked a question about our proposal and I spotted what they wanted. A "Mission Success" manager (it was for a Geological Survey vessel that mapped magnetic anomolies to terrain for submarine navigation). I could see that they were concerned that we'd f*ck up the design and compromise the sensor data... and so I added a Mission Success manager to track the magnetic and acoutic noise properties of the design. We won the proposal ~$500 million for 2 ships.

    \\Peter might be a bit old fashioned. He was the go-to-guy when I was taking my Masters in the early 80's. The PMI PMBOK will still get you a seat at a NASA table. Six Sigma is more "commercial" (not government)
    And I was working in environment, which without need to mention him... just absorbed all his and many many other novice ideas.
    As programmers work with something ethereal... it is basicly all about managing a crowd, then technical/technological stuff.
    Means... it's human-centric.

    That's what I hated about Gitlab. It didn't take into account that humans are lazy and don't want to have to be programmers to interact with other humans.

    \\NASA 7120.5 is how NASA manages big projects, and 7120.7 Tech Development ones.
    Bureaucratical rules... nobody remember/care why they was installed in the first place.

    So try getting through a Design Gate Review without the "reserves" ($ and schedule) stated in the documents. You'll either get cancelled, of have a manager from NASA HQ riding your ass until you do.

  59. \\ A "Mission Success" manager (it was for a Geological Survey vessel that mapped magnetic anomolies to terrain for submarine navigation).

    Ha ha!

    Strategic importance content I see. ;-P

    But, whatever.

    Hope only Black Hawks will not hover over place I reside. %-))))

    After this.

    \\That's what I hated about Gitlab. It didn't take into account that humans are lazy and don't want to have to be programmers to interact with other humans.

    Dunno what you refer to.

    Probably that is something I not encounter.

    All that Cloud things successfully gone past me... even though I worked as sysop in one like-cloud startup. ;-P

    \\So try getting through a Design Gate Review without the "reserves" ($ and schedule) stated in the documents. You'll either get cancelled, of have a manager from NASA HQ riding your ass until you do.

