Monday, April 29, 2024

On Math for Non-Maths (like me)

...but now we repeat ourselves.  Hi Lindy!!!


Self Reference:  The exclusion which proves the rule (1... the "unit" ie- Sun:Star)  Words=Sets One:Many  1:Difference:Repeated.

Parmindean conclusion: "If One is not, then nothing is"
Heraclitian conclusion: "You cannot step into the same river twice"

...and Generation from Opposites


  1. To read a source -- proof itself, is better fun. ;-)

    (even if one would not be able to grasp it)

  2. When mere mistyping will come after you and bite out your ass... you can (try to) repeat this words. ;-P

  3. Means... one need not only believe to your lying eyes... blindly, but constantly keeping it into account -- and what exactly do I see, and what do it mean. ;-)

  4. The phrase qui pro quo, or quiproquo (from medieval Latin: literally qui instead of quo), is common in languages such as Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French, where it means a misunderstanding.

  5. Well... like I need to be nagged about such things... :-/

    I... who forced to use definitions from vocabularies...

  6. And WHO can brag *KNOWING* Latin... today? ;-P

  7. Yeah... "I know only that... that I know nothing".

    But for at least... I have a plan -- how to know more. ;-)


  9. Still... self-defence.

    While China have plans for FOUR NEW carriers -- newer and bigger than anything USA have.

    Now you have TWO enemies: those who'd try to beat you in your games and those sneaky bastards...

    And if only they'd be able to organize some sympatants -- you'd be circled.

    That's... gonna be spectacular...

  10. You are like England... pre ww2.

    But... you have no Big Brother, across an ocean. For backup.

  11. Yeah... can of worms.

    Or... Pandora's box.

  12. Rocket forge burning in Berlin...

    Iris-T air defense system manufacturer's plant is on fire in Berlin
    The plant of the manufacturer of air defense systems Iris-T is on fire in Berlin. The BILD reports on the fire at the metallurgical plant of the...

    But... that's just an accident.

    Nothing biggy.

    And nothing like that will happen in USA.


  13. Well... they say that there is information that RFia successful with training reserves.

    So... be ready... Baltic countries will be attacked... soon.

    And... you USA battalion stationed THERE.

    So... either USA will need to respond... or, show newly grown scared rabbit tail. ;-P

  14. /Yeah... can of worms.
    Or... Pandora's box.

    Think they'll release "the hope" like in Ukraine and let all the 'martial' evils out?

    /Rocket forge burning in Berlin...
    Iris-T air defense system manufacturer's plant is on fire in Berlin
    The plant of the manufacturer of air defense systems Iris-T is on fire in Berlin. The BILD reports on the fire at the metallurgical plant of the...
    But... that's just an accident.
    Nothing biggy.
    And nothing like that will happen in USA.

    That's what the USIC's job is, when they're not starting wars of choice in Georgia and Ukraine.

    /Well... they say that there is information that RFia successful with training reserves.
    So... be ready... Baltic countries will be attacked... soon.
    And... you USA battalion stationed THERE.
    So... either USA will need to respond... or, show newly grown scared rabbit tail. ;-P

    Naaah. It's more like the tail of a white tailed deer.

    "buck's tails." For St. Tammany's Day may be provided at the luft and Tackle Warehouse in Market Street.

    " Ye lovers of frolic, who blithsome and gay,
    Eesolve to be merry on Tammany's Day (May 1) ;
    I Neddy the Sachem, by some surnamed P-e,
    For a moment would like your attention to call.
    In barbarous days, ere America rose
    The pride of her Friends, and the scourge of her foes,
    Old Tammany bounding o'er valley and hill,
    Every deer that he met would constantly kill :
    So each of his sons in remembrance of that,
    On his birthday displays a Buck's Tail in his hat.
    Now those who this tuft emblematic must buy,
    To me let them come, and their wants I'll supply.
    Since S-dd?S's deer skins I plundered of late,
    I their tails can retail at a moderate rate :
    'Tis the joy of my heart all my neighbors to fleece ;
    Come buy my fine Buck Tails at six-pence apiece.
    "Neddy the Sachem

    /Hah. That looks... obscene? ;-P


  15. \\Think they'll release "the hope" like in Ukraine and let all the 'martial' evils out?

    Who "they"???

    \\That's what the USIC's job is

    To burn allies forges? That "they"? ;-P

    \\Naaah. It's more like the tail of a white tailed deer.

    Which uses it to show "everybody! scram!!!"???

    Oh, that's... even better. :-/

  16. \\Think they'll release "the hope" like in Ukraine and let all the 'martial' evils out?
    /Who "they"???

    They? The buraeaucrats and intelligence services of US and NATO. Promises of a bright "Pan-European" future? All you need to do is kill Russians... weaken them.

    \\That's what the USIC's job is
    /To burn allies forges? That "they"? ;-P

    Tit-4-Tat. I was adressing the "nothing like that will happen in USA" part of you statement. Russia most certainly has her own "intelligence and special ops" services. They're not stupid.

    \\Naaah. It's more like the tail of a white tailed deer.
    /Which uses it to show "everybody! scram!!!"???
    Oh, that's... even better. :-/

    Somebody needs to know when to start crawling into the wheel wells of the C-130s and C-17s.

  17. \\They? The buraeaucrats and intelligence services of US and NATO. Promises of a bright "Pan-European" future? All you need to do is kill Russians... weaken them.

    If you say so... :-)))

    \\Tit-4-Tat. I was adressing the "nothing like that will happen in USA" part of you statement. Russia most certainly has her own "intelligence and special ops" services. They're not stupid.

    Dunno... how starting a war which should end in THREE days... but continues for three YEARS.

    Can be counted as proof of anybody's smartness. :-)))

    \\Somebody needs to know when to start crawling into the wheel wells of the C-130s and C-17s.


    American J.I.s.


  18. So which are you, fool? Or knave?

    Methinkes knave. Not "naive". Just knave.

    The Queen of Hearts
    She made some tarts,
    All on a summer's day;
    The Knave of Hearts
    He stole those tarts,
    And took them clean away.
    The King of Hearts
    Called for the tarts,
    And beat the knave full sore;
    The Knave of Hearts
    Brought back the tarts,
    And vowed he'd steal no more.

    The king wants his tarts back, Q.

  19. Dunno... how starting a war which should end in THREE days... but continues for three YEARS.

    Can be counted as proof of anybody's smartness. :-)))

    Have they persisted in Ukraine? Then it may not be heralded as "amertness", but it can certainly be heralded as an "operational success" to date.

  20. \\So which are you, fool? Or knave?

    Naaah. I'm Joker. A Wild Card. ;-P

    One... that could make USA foul hand... into WINNING one. ;-P

    \\Have they persisted in Ukraine?

    Because of commie puppet Bi-den??? Which dossier with compromat from its early student days liliPut waving from afar???

    \\but it can certainly be heralded as an "operational success" to date.

    Like a ship with a hole in a hull and stopped pumps... can be called "still floating"??? :-))))))))))))))))))


    Of course.

    Especially if USA will start sending Lend-Lease. ASAP.

    To help its "ally". %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  21. \\So which are you, fool? Or knave?
    /Naaah. I'm Joker. A Wild Card. ;-P
    One... that could make USA foul hand... into WINNING one. ;-P

    Perhaps you should do so for Ukraine, lest you prefer foolish masters to mindful ones.

    \\Have they persisted in Ukraine?
    /Because of commie puppet Bi-den??? Which dossier with compromat from its early student days liliPut waving from afar???

    Biden. Say no more.

    \\but it can certainly be heralded as an "operational success" to date.
    /Like a ship with a hole in a hull and stopped pumps... can be called "still floating"??? :-))))))))))))))))))
    Of course.
    Especially if USA will start sending Lend-Lease. ASAP.
    To help its "ally". %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    The USS America.

  22. \\Perhaps you should do so for Ukraine, lest you prefer foolish masters to mindful ones.


    "No prophet in own country". (c)

    \\Biden. Say no more.


    \\The USS America.


  23. \\Perhaps you should do so for Ukraine, lest you prefer foolish masters to mindful ones.
    "No prophet in own country". (c)

    Mark 6:4-6 Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their lack of faith. Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village.

    \\Biden. Say no more.
    \\The USS America.

    Most rats would seek to flee a sinking ship, yet here you are, trying to climb aboard. Any port in a storm, I suppose. :(

  24. Naaah... just a wider overview. Of whole historical process.


  25. "It is impossible to make fried eggs... without breaking shells"(tm)

  26. "It is impossible to make fried eggs... without breaking shells"(tm)

    Lend me a blow torch and maybe we can find out. We can use Schrodinger's egg.

  27. See... you HABITUALLY reaching for NEW technological solution. ;-P

  28. But... still think that OTHER problem do not have one...

    because... "those who know better" made you think -- that that's not possible.

    That's all!

  29. "those who know better"... the Big 'Other'. It's my job (as Analyst) to speak for him. The University Discourse doesn't know "better". They're merely the "Master Discourse's" interpreter for the mystified "hysterics".

  30. Your local ones...

    but, you not ready to meet their Big Mama. ;-P

  31. Don't like that flick?

    That is your current USA. ;-P

  32. ...of THAT I have no doubt. For THAT is what happens when your "elites" lose site of the ball and foreign and domestic policies written by former SDS members who never grew up.
