Monday, April 22, 2024

Von Neumann and the Universal Constructor


  1. "In theory... theory and practice is one and the same"(tm)


  2. Pyrrhus would be proud.

    Everyone else shake their heads.

  3. That is... R-AH-Z-Z-I-A!!!!!!!! ;-P

  4. How do you think... would they add Co. (grim humor)

  5. \\Rings a bell? Duck & cover?


    Though... I didn't saw it... from long-long ago. :-(((

  6. It's MAD. There is no "duck & cover". Best just embrace the fireball.

  7. Well...

    if not use head first. The right way. To be prapared.

    Or even better -- prevent...


  8. Well... isn't that is whole point having that thing... I mean -- brains. ;-P

  9. Exactly. Evolution knows best. Maybe the "smartest" isn't the "fittest".

  10. There is such anekdote. I'll try to translate.

    Layman: "Sex... it's a disease, as it makes you lay in bed".

    Medic: "It's not. You do such a workout. And sweating so much. That is -- work."

    Engineer: "How that is work??? If everybody laying down. And only tool... erect. That is a process/trial"

    Lawyer: "How that is a process/trial, if one just giving to another? That is bribe".

    Attorney: "How that is a bribe? If everybody happy. That is -- art".

    Actor: "How that is art, if there is no audience and praise? That is -- science."

    Seasoned PHD exclaimed: "How it is science, if I CANNoT do that... while any miserly student can? That's deal."

    Businessman(originally jew): "What a BS. How it can be a deal... if you "investing" more, and taking out... it's less??? It's... a robbery!".

    PS ;-P

  11. So Nietzsche was right...

    5 The psychological explanation of this. To derive something unknown from something familiar relieves, comforts, and satisfies, besides giving a feeling of power. With the unknown, one is confronted with danger, discomfort, and care; the first instinct is to abolish these painful states. First principle: any explanation is better than none. Since at bottom it is merely a matter of wishing to be rid of oppressive representations, one is not too particular about the means of getting rid of them: the first representation that explains the unknown as familiar feels so good that one "considers it true." The proof of pleasure ("of strength") as a criterion of truth.

    The causal instinct is thus conditional upon, and excited by, the feeling of fear. The "why?" shall, if at all possible, not give the cause for its own sake so much as for a particular kind of cause--a cause that is comforting, liberating, and relieving. That it is something already familiar, experienced, and inscribed in the memory, which is posited as a cause, that is the first consequence of this need. That which is new and strange and has not been experienced before, is excluded as a cause. Thus one searches not only for some kind of explanation to serve as a cause, but for a particularly selected and preferred kind of explanation--that which has most quickly and most frequently abolished the feeling of the strange, new, and hitherto unexperienced: the most habitual explanations. Consequence: one kind of positing of causes predominates more and more, is concentrated into a system and finally emerges as dominant, that is, as simply precluding other causes and explanations. The banker immediately thinks of "business," the Christian of "sin," and the girl of her love.

    --Nietzsche, "Twilight of the Idols"

  12. \\With the unknown, one is confronted with danger, discomfort, and care; the first instinct is to abolish these painful states.

    Even if through SAFEST way... talking against some miserly anonymous, in fully controllable environment... with nearly close to zero of anything treating?

    As for me... what you are talking about are not "unknown", but rather transparently boring... no offense.

    Not everything of what humanity produced in ages... are worthy knowing.

    Well, yeah, not exactly... problem is NOT in not knowing, but... in limited amount of life and attentions spans, and limited amount of what could be known -- and that is -- hard limit.

    Another word.

    Sewing mud in search of specks of gold and even raw diamond -- have no disrespect from my side, that is viable and even needed modus operandi.

    But... one who doing that -- must be able to SHOW results of one's work.

    And not just demand "dig this pile of dirt with me". ;-)

    \\First principle: any explanation is better than none.


    Ability to say "No, I dunno" is First Principle. ;-)

    \\The causal instinct is thus conditional upon, and excited by, the feeling of fear.

    Fear of what? Fear itself?

    That is most stupid type of fear -- that makes people curling and struggling in fear... even though they are in UTMOSTLY safe place.

    \\...a cause that is comforting, liberating, and relieving.


    KNOWING... that there is NO buggy-man under your bed -- is trully freeing and liberating. ;-P

    \\Exactly. Evolution knows best. Maybe the "smartest" isn't the "fittest".

    And that's why Evolution have created creatures with bigger and bigger brains? ;-P

    While that is obvious... from cybernetical perspective -- big animals NEED brains.

    Because environment they arise in -- are just impossible to proclude brainlessly. ;-P

  13. \\Lame, I know. :(


    That is nearly first meaningful and to the point excerpt... from my POV of course.

    Sorry for me not being able to comprehend most of previous ones...

  14. \\With the unknown, one is confronted with danger, discomfort, and care; the first instinct is to abolish these painful states.
    /Even if through SAFEST way... talking against some miserly anonymous, in fully controllable environment... with nearly close to zero of anything treating?
    As for me... what you are talking about are not "unknown", but rather transparently boring... no offense.
    Not everything of what humanity produced in ages... are worthy knowing.
    Well, yeah, not exactly... problem is NOT in not knowing, but... in limited amount of life and attentions spans, and limited amount of what could be known -- and that is -- hard limit.
    Another word.
    Sewing mud in search of specks of gold and even raw diamond -- have no disrespect from my side, that is viable and even needed modus operandi.
    But... one who doing that -- must be able to SHOW results of one's work.
    And not just demand "dig this pile of dirt with me". ;-)

    What is a blog, but a diary of the journey? Is it a workshop? Or a "museum of finished works"? Mine is a workshop. All are welcome to either work in it, or exhibit their own works. What I post are merely the works that interested me, at any one particular moment in time or another. As such, the selections were curated by my own interest. The results (any gold/ diamonds), however, I carry about within my mind for my own private use. They serve no purpose but my own, for others likely believe them to be fools gold. I have no interest in displaying gold for the marketplace. As Plato said in Phaedrus, "SOCRATES: But he who thinks that in the written word there is necessarily much which is not serious, and that neither poetry nor prose, spoken or written, is of any great value, if, like the compositions of the rhapsodes, they are only recited in order to be believed, and not with any view to criticism or instruction; and who thinks that even the best of writings are but a reminiscence of what we know, and that only in principles of justice and goodness and nobility taught and communicated orally for the sake of instruction and graven in the soul, which is the true way of writing, is there clearness and perfection and seriousness, and that such principles are a man's own and his legitimate offspring;—being, in the first place, the word which he finds in his own bosom; secondly, the brethren and descendants and relations of his idea which have been duly implanted by him in the souls of others;—and who cares for them and no others—this is the right sort of man; and you and I, Phaedrus, would pray that we may become like him.

    PHAEDRUS: That is most assuredly my desire and prayer.

    \\First principle: any explanation is better than none.
    Ability to say "No, I dunno" is First Principle. ;-)

    Is it? Even Socrates' who stated at his trial that he was one who "knew that he didn't know" applied his 1st principle ("It is better to suffer injustice than to perform it"), and then drank the hemlock. It's the limit which defines the form, and in this case, a wise man's "character". Else you become a, old man of the sea, a Proteus (like me ;), that must be tied to a Procustean bed and have its' limbs sawed off

  15. \\The causal instinct is thus conditional upon, and excited by, the feeling of fear.
    /Fear of what? Fear itself?
    That is most stupid type of fear -- that makes people curling and struggling in fear... even though they are in UTMOSTLY safe place.

    lol! Ever commit yourself to a mental institution? Suffer paranoia (the Russians are after me)? What one "fears" doesn't HAVE to be "real". For its' the "imaginary" which helps make it so (in one's mind).

    \\...a cause that is comforting, liberating, and relieving.
    KNOWING... that there is NO buggy-man under your bed -- is trully freeing and liberating. ;-P

    So much for your 1st principle (I dunno!) Sounds like you require an "imaginary" supplement (KNOWING). btw - There are no "Russians" under my bed. :)

    \\Exactly. Evolution knows best. Maybe the "smartest" isn't the "fittest".
    /And that's why Evolution have created creatures with bigger and bigger brains? ;-P
    While that is obvious... from cybernetical perspective -- big animals NEED brains.
    Because environment they arise in -- are just impossible to proclude brainlessly. ;-P

    Talk to me after the ICBM's get launched. Oh wait... I might not be able to answer your post...

    \\Lame, I know. :(
    That is nearly first meaningful and to the point excerpt... from my POV of course.
    Sorry for me not being able to comprehend most of previous ones...

    Different Perspectives (from others) sometimes help alter (one's own) perceptions.

  16. Can we all recite the Serenity Prayer now...

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I. cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

  17. \\What I post are merely the works that interested me, at any one particular moment in time or another.

    I understand it perfectly.

    I was doing it myself... until grown bored.

    Of course... my boredom, is not your boredom.

    So... take your time. ;-)

    \\The results (any gold/ diamonds), however, I carry about within my mind for my own private use.


    Do you think I want to rob you? ;-P

    It's just... you know, that excerpt from Nitsche? ;-)

    About going ON the mountain... and FROM the mountain...

    \\ I have no interest in displaying gold for the marketplace.

    That means... that IS fools gold. ;-P

    In your own eyes.

    Was this remark too harsh? Ehm, sorry.

    \\Is it? Even Socrates' who stated at his trial that he was one who "knew that he didn't know" applied his 1st principle ("It is better to suffer injustice than to perform it"), and then drank the hemlock.


    Darwin's Prize would have been his... if such notion would exist in that times.

    But well... we know why he did it, isn't it?

    \\ Else you become a, old man of the sea, a Proteus (like me ;), that must be tied to a Procustean bed and have its' limbs sawed off


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    \\lol! Ever commit yourself to a mental institution? Suffer paranoia (the Russians are after me)? What one "fears" doesn't HAVE to be "real". For its' the "imaginary" which helps make it so (in one's mind).

    THAT'S IT!

    *Nothing* have to be real.

    As our internals -- they are OUR internals.

    Not connected with outer world in any other way... apart from experiences of it we collect through lifetime.

    Remember... we discussed that Lem's text. Preceding "Matrix".

    \\So much for your 1st principle (I dunno!) Sounds like you require an "imaginary" supplement (KNOWING). btw - There are no "Russians" under my bed. :)

    Too bad... as they is. ;-P

    Biggest problem with severe fear -- denial of that fears. ;-)

    \\Talk to me after the ICBM's get launched. Oh wait... I might not be able to answer your post...

    Still think that that is THAT point I trying to make.


    Still think that I have, MUST have, surrely coming here just because of some naughty ulterior motives... to saw fears???

    \\Different Perspectives (from others) sometimes help alter (one's own) perceptions.


    Like wearing different hat. ;-)

    Was they NOT teaching that... during Systems Engineering course?

    \\Can we all recite the Serenity Prayer now...

    \\God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I. cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

    Too bad.

    doG(have you spotted it? such anagramm) is dead.

    And cannot fulfill any such wish.

  18. \\What I post are merely the works that interested me, at any one particular moment in time or another.
    /I understand it perfectly.
    I was doing it myself... until grown bored.
    Of course... my boredom, is not your boredom.
    So... take your time. ;-)

    No, you still have visions and dreams of a near limitless future. Your cone of light (Michael Levin) still burns bright. Mine now fades, narrows, and its' horizon moves ever closer. Like the intelligence within cells and/ or organs.

    \\The results (any gold/ diamonds), however, I carry about within my mind for my own private use.
    Do you think I want to rob you? ;-P
    It's just... you know, that excerpt from Nitsche? ;-)
    About going ON the mountain... and FROM the mountain...

    My gold is like Zarathustra's tears in rain. Indistinguishable to those who do not taste (w/ the same aesthetic). But falls, nonetheless. In other words, more esoteric (not exoteric).

    There is an ancient Sufi parable about coffee: "He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."

    \\ I have no interest in displaying gold for the marketplace.
    /That means... that IS fools gold. ;-P
    In your own eyes.
    Was this remark too harsh? Ehm, sorry.

    Nope. It's just that mine would just add to the "noise". A shouting of wares in the village of the Motley Cow (Nietzsche, "Zarathustra")

    \\Is it? Even Socrates' who stated at his trial that he was one who "knew that he didn't know" applied his 1st principle ("It is better to suffer injustice than to perform it"), and then drank the hemlock.
    Darwin's Prize would have been his... if such notion would exist in that times.
    But well... we know why he did it, isn't it?

    He "lived" his principles, an "identity tech" much more prevalent then than it is today in our age of 2nd order observation and profilicity.

    \\ Else you become a, old man of the sea, a Proteus (like me ;), that must be tied to a Procustean bed and have its' limbs sawed off
    PCB Design and Circuit Simulator Software - Proteus

    Can I sell you some seawater to wash it down with?

  19. \\lol! Ever commit yourself to a mental institution? Suffer paranoia (the Russians are after me)? What one "fears" doesn't HAVE to be "real". For its' the "imaginary" which helps make it so (in one's mind).
    /THAT'S IT!
    *Nothing* have to be real.
    As our internals -- they are OUR internals.
    Not connected with outer world in any other way... apart from experiences of it we collect through lifetime.
    Remember... we discussed that Lem's text. Preceding "Matrix".

    Welcome to the world of psychology. Imaginary solutions to imagined problems.

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. - Albert Einstein

    \\So much for your 1st principle (I dunno!) Sounds like you require an "imaginary" supplement (KNOWING). btw - There are no "Russians" under my bed. :)
    /Too bad... as they is. ;-P
    Biggest problem with severe fear -- denial of that fears. ;-)

    No. The real problem is over-coming them. Surpassing them. Drinking the Water of Life (That no man has ever survived) thereby facing death, and conquering it (earworms of self-doubt), becoming a Kwisacht Haderach.... thereby achieving operational success.

    "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success." - George Soros, "The Alchemy of Finance".

    "Fear is the mind killer!"

    \\Talk to me after the ICBM's get launched. Oh wait... I might not be able to answer your post...
    /Still think that that is THAT point I trying to make.
    Still think that I have, MUST have, surrely coming here just because of some naughty ulterior motives... to saw fears???

    I fear the idiocy and hubris of our leaders much more than I fear the perfidy of any Russians. The very leaders whispering "paradise" to beleagured Ukrainians in WAY over their heads and who no longer heed the voices of the very People whom they were sworn to represent.

    And how can I discern your motives (RICE)? It isn't 'R'. It isn't 'I'. That leaves C and E. And given your unwillingness to disclose much about your personal self, it doesn't sound much like "E" either.

    \\Different Perspectives (from others) sometimes help alter (one's own) perceptions.
    Like wearing different hat. ;-)
    Was they NOT teaching that... during Systems Engineering course?

    Nope. I was more focused on Systems Management ie-modelling Input/Outputs xformations/feed-back loops under differing environments (scenarios). Those "perspectives" were to be handled by (utils/$) gained under the varied scenarios (trade studies). Now I have different perspectives to consider (Master/University/Analyst/Hysteric) and not just one (University - teaching SE Course).

    \\Can we all recite the Serenity Prayer now...
    \\God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I. cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
    Too bad.
    doG(have you spotted it? such anagramm) is dead.
    And cannot fulfill any such wish.

    Didn't they tell you? I am doG (philosopher). And news of my death was grossly exaggerated.

    ...and Nietzsche, who declared doG dead, the first anti-philosopher.

  20. btw - Contrary to the rumours, metaphysics isn't dead.

  21. \\btw - Contrary to the rumours, metaphysics isn't dead.


    Like I have said anything like that.

    \\No, you still have visions and dreams of a near limitless future. Your cone of light (Michael Levin) still burns bright. Mine now fades, narrows, and its' horizon moves ever closer. Like the intelligence within cells and/ or organs.

    Want to be happy -- be one. ;-P

    The man who makes everything that leads to happiness depends upon himself, and not upon other men, has adopted the very best plan for living happily
    — Plato, The Republic

    Want to have dreams -- have em. ;-)

    Means... you still fear to be free. That's all.

    \\There is an ancient Sufi parable about coffee: "He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."

    Been there. Doing that. Grown bored.

    But... my boredom, is not your boredom, naturally.

    Take your time.

    \\\\ Else you become a, old man of the sea, a Proteus (like me ;), that must be tied to a Procustean bed and have its' limbs sawed off
    PCB Design and Circuit Simulator Software - Proteus

    \\Can I sell you some seawater to wash it down with?

    Again talking past each other. :-(((

    \\Welcome to the world of psychology. Imaginary solutions to imagined problems.


    What is psychology? What is predmet of it?

    It... still NOT defined. And it still not a science.

    \\No. The real problem is over-coming them. Surpassing them. Drinking the Water of Life (That no man has ever survived) thereby facing death, and conquering it (earworms of self-doubt), becoming a Kwisacht Haderach.... thereby achieving operational success.

    The harder... the more interesting. ;-)

    \\"Fear is the mind killer!"


    \\I fear the idiocy and hubris of our leaders...

    That's wise...

    But still, having fears -- NOT.

    \\And how can I discern your motives (RICE)? It isn't 'R'. It isn't 'I'. That leaves C and E. And given your unwillingness to disclose much about your personal self, it doesn't sound much like "E" either.

    Oh, shuddup. :-)

    I already revealed before you MORE then I revealed before anybody else in my whole life.

    But you still NOT happy.

    For what you need all boring and insignificant details about my sore loser body???

    To make some prejudged "opinion" about me???

    But... do you have some BASE for that??? Without knowing much about culture of my origin???

    No... you'd just make it "oh, those Russians".

    And that... not interesting, not likable and purely bo-o-o-oring. ;-P

    \\Those "perspectives" were to be handled by (utils/$) gained under the varied scenarios (trade studies).


    And there was NO discussions of different POV: of investor -- is not the same as engineer of safety, which are clearly antagonistic. And etc stuff.

    \\ Now I have different perspectives to consider (Master/University/Analyst/Hysteric) and not just one (University - teaching SE Course).


    But you not mastered higher order of it... ;-)

    \\Didn't they tell you? I am doG (philosopher).

    Bark-bark... gnaw-gnaw... ;-P

    \\...and Nietzsche, who declared doG dead, the first anti-philosopher.

    Oh... please. :-)))))

    Every sufficient grown in fame phylosopher... calling itself One and Only. ;-P

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    Curiosity Did Not Have To Kill The Cat
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    Marcus Aurelius
    “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts” — Marcus Aurelius
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  23. \\btw - Contrary to the rumours, metaphysics isn't dead.
    Like I have said anything like that.

    G_d is dead certainly implies it.

    \\No, you still have visions and dreams of a near limitless future. Your cone of light (Michael Levin) still burns bright. Mine now fades, narrows, and its' horizon moves ever closer. Like the intelligence within cells and/ or organs.
    /Want to be happy -- be one. ;-P
    The man who makes everything that leads to happiness depends upon himself, and not upon other men, has adopted the very best plan for living happily
    — Plato, The Republic
    Want to have dreams -- have em. ;-)
    Means... you still fear to be free. That's all.

    The man with duties is the MOST free. For to be truly free, you need to CHANGE your dreams and commit to freedom. It's painful. It hurts. Most refuse to "put on the glasses" and see that their dreams have been "manufactured" by others. By Hollywood, et al. Even a forced choice is better for freedom than a coerced one (totalitarian psyop of today). The 'C' in RICE. A "stated/ exposed" manipulation is better than a "concealed" one. Why? Because then it can be interpretted as a "motivation" and not a "manipulation".

    As a philosopher, I always "exhort" others to virtue. It's what Plato taught me. And his dialogues are ALL "exhortations" to same. Because virtue cannot be taught. It can only be learned.

    \\There is an ancient Sufi parable about coffee: "He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."
    /Been there. Doing that. Grown bored.
    But... my boredom, is not your boredom, naturally.
    Take your time.

    Ah, the ennui. Perhaps it will induce you to become creative, or even find another, more entertaining, source of amusement.

    \\\\ Else you become a, old man of the sea, a Proteus (like me ;), that must be tied to a Procustean bed and have its' limbs sawed off
    PCB Design and Circuit Simulator Software - Proteus
    \\Can I sell you some seawater to wash it down with?
    Again talking past each other. :-(((

    Are we?

    \\Welcome to the world of psychology. Imaginary solutions to imagined problems.
    What is psychology? What is predmet of it?
    It... still NOT defined. And it still not a science.

    It's Language. Semiotics. And absence/lack. aka- The "humanities". Answers to the questions that "sciences" are unable to reveal. Certain answers? No. Just "highly probable" ones. Under 6 Sigma.

    \\No. The real problem is over-coming them. Surpassing them. Drinking the Water of Life (That no man has ever survived) thereby facing death, and conquering it (earworms of self-doubt), becoming a Kwisacht Haderach.... thereby achieving operational success.
    /The harder... the more interesting. ;-)

    Indeed. And through overcoming "the problem", "affirming" one's new life. Even if loss/ betrayal was the outcome. Ariadne @ Naxos. Lose Theseus, embrace Dionysius.

    \\"Fear is the mind killer!"
    \\I fear the idiocy and hubris of our leaders...
    /That's wise...
    But still, having fears -- NOT.

    (insert Serenity Prayer)

  24. \\And how can I discern your motives (RICE)? It isn't 'R'. It isn't 'I'. That leaves C and E. And given your unwillingness to disclose much about your personal self, it doesn't sound much like "E" either.
    /Oh, shuddup. :-)
    I already revealed before you MORE then I revealed before anybody else in my whole life.
    But you still NOT happy.
    For what you need all boring and insignificant details about my sore loser body???
    To make some prejudged "opinion" about me???
    But... do you have some BASE for that??? Without knowing much about culture of my origin???
    No... you'd just make it "oh, those Russians".
    And that... not interesting, not likable and purely bo-o-o-oring. ;-P

    Ever read Plato's "Lysis" (On Friendship)? Are we to be real friends who share their problems/frustrations and support each others, or "Facebook friends" who virtue signal our vacations to our 300 other Facebook friends (aka - general peers)? How far will we travel down the Know-Like-Trust path? You're bored? Then take a risk. Or don't. We'll never likely reach "complete trust". But hey, I have had some great pen pals.

    \\Those "perspectives" were to be handled by (utils/$) gained under the varied scenarios (trade studies).
    And there was NO discussions of different POV: of investor -- is not the same as engineer of safety, which are clearly antagonistic. And etc stuff.

    Indeed. Which is why at NASA the "Engineers" didn't "decide". The NASA Managers did not decide. The Scientists (SRB - Science Review Board members/ customers-investors) do. And the Congress/taxpayers... limit/ cap them. Or at least "we" used to (Out of control Deep State bureaucracy).

    \\ Now I have different perspectives to consider (Master/University/Analyst/Hysteric) and not just one (University - teaching SE Course).
    But you not mastered higher order of it... ;-)

    The Master of a Democracy is much like the Gorgon/ Hydra. Where is Jason/ Hercules/ Perseus when you need him? Such nasty teeth!
    Can give rise to Spartoi or ant-like Mermidons (that served Achilles @ Troy). Patriots "sprung from the earth". The "many". I am not its' Master. Merely one lowly ant/ tooth. Or more, a hecatoncheire.

    \\Didn't they tell you? I am doG (philosopher).
    /Bark-bark... gnaw-gnaw... ;-P

    Beware the pack!

    \\...and Nietzsche, who declared doG dead, the first anti-philosopher.
    /Oh... please. :-)))))
    Every sufficient grown in fame phylosopher... calling itself One and Only. ;-P


    LGBTQ+++++ or just plain old Cisgen A.

    Curiosity Did Not Have To Kill The Cat
    /Sophia Tell- Stories ������
    Sophia Tell- Stories ������
    Curiosity Did Not Have To Kill The Cat
    Lifelong learning should be a Joy, full of curious finds!
    ·8 min read·Nov 6, 2023
    Marcus Aurelius
    Sergey Piterman
    Sergey Piterman
    Tomorrow People
    Marcus Aurelius
    “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts” — Marcus Aurelius

    I can only imagine...

  25. \\G_d is dead certainly implies it.

    That's your line... not mine.

    \\The man with duties is the MOST free. For to be truly free, you need to CHANGE your dreams and commit to freedom. It's painful. It hurts.

    Heh... only first couple time. ;-P

    And then... it becomes sheer pleasure. ;-)

    \\ Even a forced choice is better for freedom than a coerced one (totalitarian psyop of today).

    You still not get it.

    There is no "totalitarian". Only traditional society nasty habits.

    That... that killed Socrates.

    For he... dared to throw a gauntlet to "Gods". ;-P

    \\\\\\ Else you become a, old man of the sea, a Proteus (like me ;), that must be tied to a Procustean bed and have its' limbs sawed off
    PCB Design and Circuit Simulator Software - Proteus
    \\Can I sell you some seawater to wash it down with?
    Again talking past each other. :-(((

    \\Are we?


    I inserted that Google Search blurt... to show how in coherent it became.

    So, yeah, we are.

    \\It's Language. Semiotics. And absence/lack. aka- The "humanities". Answers to the questions that "sciences" are unable to reveal.

    Of course.

    As, if one not stated question properly -- there'd be not good answer.

    \\(insert Serenity Prayer)

    But... what is a prayer... if there is NO that one, who could respond to it?

    Auto-training? Self-delusion? Something other?

  26. \\Ever read Plato's "Lysis" (On Friendship)? Are we to be real friends who share their problems/frustrations and support each others, or "Facebook friends" who virtue signal our vacations to our 300 other Facebook friends (aka - general peers)?


    What do Facebook friends???

    If not gaining false and faked substitute for mutual understanding... with sharing all that unimportant tidbits of their everyday life?

    What would happen... if we'd be on Face-pooh... you, even would not look at, or not remember such a miserly foreigner... from far-far-away, from average proletarii-peasants ancestry, from average third rate university, having some average third rate job...

    I... tried that way. Nothing interesting there.

    All exactly as you said "signal our vacations to our 300 other Facebook friends (aka - general peers)?"

    \\We'll never likely reach "complete trust". But hey, I have had some great pen pals.

    It's all as you'd wish...

    \\ The Scientists (SRB - Science Review Board members/ customers-investors) do.

    That's... very specific experience...

    \\Beware the pack!

    Philosophers? Going in packs??? :-)))

    \\\\...and Nietzsche, who declared doG dead, the first anti-philosopher.
    /Oh... please. :-)))))
    Every sufficient grown in fame phylosopher... calling itself One and Only. ;-P


    \\LGBTQ+++++ or just plain old Cisgen A.


    That is just NATURAL structure of Phylosopy.

    You know. "There's always TWO of em... master, and pupil". ;-)

    How it relates with your response... beat me, I dunno.

  27. And well... I am not Zukerberg... who staked his life on "making people's life better through providing socnet communication subs of real life"... ;-P

  28. \\G_d is dead certainly implies it.
    /That's your line... not mine.

    Fair enough.

    \\The man with duties is the MOST free. For to be truly free, you need to CHANGE your dreams and commit to freedom. It's painful. It hurts.
    /Heh... only first couple time. ;-P
    And then... it becomes sheer pleasure. ;-)

    New surplus values strengthen as the axons myelinate. Ahhhh, dopamine, seratonin is your friend.

    \\ Even a forced choice is better for freedom than a coerced one (totalitarian psyop of today).
    /You still not get it.
    There is no "totalitarian". Only traditional society nasty habits.
    That... that killed Socrates.
    For he... dared to throw a gauntlet to "Gods". ;-P

    Really? Societies don't evolve. They're trapped in circularity? Then what happened to our former Foucaldian "Disciplinary Society"? And Byung-Chul Han must be all confused to posit his post-modern Control/ Achievement Society. I should abandon Psychohistory then. Tech changes nothing. Scapegoating represents the ultimate limit of human civilizational progress.

    \\\\\\ Else you become a, old man of the sea, a Proteus (like me ;), that must be tied to a Procustean bed and have its' limbs sawed off
    PCB Design and Circuit Simulator Software - Proteus
    \\Can I sell you some seawater to wash it down with?
    Again talking past each other. :-(((
    \\Are we?
    I inserted that Google Search blurt... to show how in coherent it became.
    So, yeah, we are.

    Well I'm pretty incoherent myself most times.

    \\It's Language. Semiotics. And absence/lack. aka- The "humanities". Answers to the questions that "sciences" are unable to reveal.
    /Of course.
    As, if one not stated question properly -- there'd be not good answer. to the visitor to the Pythia on her tripod. Maybe a priest should interpret her "hysterics" for you (University Discourse)?

    \\(insert Serenity Prayer)
    /But... what is a prayer... if there is NO that one, who could respond to it?
    Auto-training? Self-delusion? Something other?

    Self-hypnosis? Leading to Automatic writing? Ever hear the Lacanian tale of the Purloined Letter? It's similar to the letter Kafka wrote to his Father. It always arrives at its' destination (your "Big Other" Ego-Ideal/SuperEgo). It can often lead to a Passage a l'acte... an impulsive exit from the Symbolic Order. But mostly it just leads to compulsive "repetition" (as in Kafka's many varied short stories on "The Law"), or an old woman repeating her Rosary. Are prayer's ever answered?

    Byung-chul han would label them "rituals"... mini-escapes from the mundane to the sacred spaces to experience "'Dasein' or enter 'Flow'".

  29. \\Ever read Plato's "Lysis" (On Friendship)? Are we to be real friends who share their problems/frustrations and support each others, or "Facebook friends" who virtue signal our vacations to our 300 other Facebook friends (aka - general peers)?
    What do Facebook friends???
    If not gaining false and faked substitute for mutual understanding... with sharing all that unimportant tidbits of their everyday life?
    What would happen... if we'd be on Face-pooh... you, even would not look at, or not remember such a miserly foreigner... from far-far-away, from average proletarii-peasants ancestry, from average third rate university, having some average third rate job...
    I... tried that way. Nothing interesting there.
    All exactly as you said "signal our vacations to our 300 other Facebook friends (aka - general peers)?"

    Facebook is all about profilicty, how you see yourself being perceived by others (2nd order observation). As such, it avoids all "otherness" and focuses on "sameness". "Positivity" avoiding "negativity". It treats a narrative to a "general peer" (not a specific one/ different and potentially dangerous... 'other') to admire. It denies them a "1st order (direct) observation" of you spying at the keyhole.

    Intimacy/ friendship often involves shared obscenities. Things seen ob-skene (off stage and behind the scenes). Not a Facebook "advert" for Q, the product.

    Sharing news of our proleterii peasant parents. My non-commisioned father and clerk/secretary mother. People of ordinary life stations, who perhaps ocassionally experienced some things less ordinary. As observers in the rooms of their masters, and ocassionally invited into them to "take notes".

    \\We'll never likely reach "complete trust". But hey, I have had some great pen pals.
    /It's all as you'd wish...

    \\ The Scientists (SRB - Science Review Board members/ customers-investors) do.
    /That's... very specific experience...

    ...and yet not entirely altogether unlike a Project's System Review Board, with people representing all the mgt/eng/science disciplines that recommends passage through "design gates" (SRR/PDR/CDR/MOR/PLA) that you are likely more familar with (S/W peer reviews).

    \\Beware the pack!
    /Philosophers? Going in packs??? :-)))

    Very few people study but one philosopher. That would lead to DOGmatism. ;) I prefer a 'mixed' pack of dogs/wolves/lions/ and hyenas. Cuz sometimes, you've just gotta LAUGH!

    \\\\...and Nietzsche, who declared doG dead, the first anti-philosopher.
    /Oh... please. :-)))))
    Every sufficient grown in fame phylosopher... calling itself One and Only. ;-P
    \\LGBTQ+++++ or just plain old Cisgen A.
    That is just NATURAL structure of Phylosopy.
    You know. "There's always TWO of em... master, and pupil". ;-)
    How it relates with your response... beat me, I dunno.

    And no two philosophy's ever the same, always changing. First Socrates, then Plato (Socrates+), then Aristotle (Plato+/ Socrates++) etc, until Nietzsche (Plato-) and Deleuze (Nietzsche+/Plato--).

    /And well... I am not Zukerberg... who staked his life on "making people's life better through providing socnet communication subs of real life"... ;-P

    Transforming Reality into HyperReality, thereby. Welcome to the matric, Neo. Drinks/crackers available at the table.

  30. \\Really? Societies don't evolve. They're trapped in circularity?

    People born, live, die... people born, live, die... people born...

    Yeah, that's looks like dull infinity.

    Especially with ideas like your "Lindy"(or that Russoe ;-P)... that prescribe to change NOthinG.

    \\And Byung-Chul Han must be all confused to posit his post-modern Control/ Achievement Society. I should abandon Psychohistory then. Tech changes nothing.

    Tech... allowed MUCH MuCH more people... to be well fed and stay alive for much longer.

    From some millions in primordial times... to wopping 8 billions today.

    Which makes possible BIGGER variety.

    And that... that is that reason people like me... have chance to exist.

    Alleluyah... to techs. ;-P

    \\Scapegoating represents the ultimate limit of human civilizational progress.

    Well... feedback loops are needed. For homeostasis. Which is the second name... for Life itself.


    \\Well I'm pretty incoherent myself most times.

    Suit yourself.

    I just mentioned it for that that false positives would not pile up.

    Like you to have false impression that I understood you, and demonstrated some rebuff of it... revealing my true self. (like Derpy finding me being dRumper ;-P)

    \\ to the visitor to the Pythia on her tripod. Maybe a priest should interpret her "hysterics" for you (University Discourse)?

    Do you know formal math? ;-P

    \\ Are prayer's ever answered?


    Oppenheimer's one. ;-P

    "Please blow up, please blow up, please blow up".


    After it really blowed up... that prayer changed into "please... not blow up". :-))))

    And that prayer... was NOBODY to listen and to fulfill.


  31. \\Facebook is all about profilicty, how you see yourself being perceived by others (2nd order observation). As such, it avoids all "otherness" and focuses on "sameness".


    Face-pooh... is just a tool.

    People... do it themself.

    Like as it was with one renowned SW engineer and logic teacher. We have pretty decent conversations. And I even thought that there could be more.

    Until his post-soviet "mysticism" showed its ugly face (you know, Soviets... was "materialist", isn't it? ;-P).

    When he broke on a question "what is materialism? isn't that that there's only Matter... that matter?". With trying to babble that "and where is SOUL, then???"

    After which spectacularly self-revealed itself... as of course, teacher of logic SHOULD know -- difference between "mono" and "duo".. isn't it?

    But... despite being tout that "there is only matter"... and that is "only true way to look at things"... never the less, in secret from itself... have holding on TOTALLY OPPOSITE beliefs.

    To the level... he even was not able to admit it.

    \\"Positivity" avoiding "negativity".


    Women logic. ;-P

    "If something is pleasant -- it is true". And vice versa.

    You can know it from your own observations... of pShaw. ;-P

    \\...and yet not entirely altogether unlike a Project's System Review Board, with people representing all the mgt/eng/science disciplines that recommends passage through "design gates" (SRR/PDR/CDR/MOR/PLA) that you are likely more familar with (S/W peer reviews).


    My experience if totally different.

    Just a hectic and on the go ideation. "Oh... we though that you'd make it... as that it 'known to all' way of doing things! ME: Eeeeeeeeh?????? And HOW I could know what YOU (usually customer accessible through means of Internet) -- foreigner from far-away... treats as 'known to all' common sense?????!!!!" :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... like I was mentioning before -- idea of "please, make to us Face-pooh!"... product of many thousands and much more payed and trained and bigger incentive and much more time on their hands... to be replicated by few offshore critters. :-)))))

    \\Very few people study but one philosopher. That would lead to DOGmatism. ;)

    That's... just an obvious behavior... of a herd of homo... is it really sapience??? ;-P

    \\And no two philosophy's ever the same, always changing. First Socrates, then Plato (Socrates+), then Aristotle (Plato+/ Socrates++) etc, until Nietzsche (Plato-) and Deleuze (Nietzsche+/Plato--).


    That's why they split into Materialist/Idealists... and etc flavours. ;-P

    "Knowing few principles, spares from knowing lots of facts". ;-)

    \\Transforming Reality into HyperReality, thereby. Welcome to the matric, Neo. Drinks/crackers available at the table.


    That is just overflow of that same "traditional society"... into that sphere which previously was FREE from it. ;-P

  32. Programmers (like Zukerberg) just thought that while being clever as SW engineers...

    they could play as Social Engineers too.

    But... INSTEAD of remodelling humanity... that old and boring traditional society just engulfed it, and subverted it....


  33. \\Really? Societies don't evolve. They're trapped in circularity?
    /People born, live, die... people born, live, die... people born...
    Yeah, that's looks like dull infinity.
    Especially with ideas like your "Lindy"(or that Russoe ;-P)... that prescribe to change NOthinG.

    Absolute Difference and Repetition (for itself), Caesar, Kaiser, Tsar... they are not different? NOthinG changed?

    \\And Byung-Chul Han must be all confused to posit his post-modern Control/ Achievement Society. I should abandon Psychohistory then. Tech changes nothing.
    /Tech... allowed MUCH MuCH more people... to be well fed and stay alive for much longer.
    From some millions in primordial times... to wopping 8 billions today.
    Which makes possible BIGGER variety.
    And that... that is that reason people like me... have chance to exist.
    Alleluyah... to techs. ;-P

    A difference which deserves a repetition, for it "limited" the Malthusean paradigm through pure "psychology". Vice is not the "limit" (as Malthus postulated). The "economic circumstances generally" are. Children as "contributors" which alleviate the requirements for labour and ease it vs. "expensive luxuries" which are a drain upon a labourers resources and therefore extend labours overall duration.

    \\Scapegoating represents the ultimate limit of human civilizational progress.
    /Well... feedback loops are needed. For homeostasis. Which is the second name... for Life itself.

    Finding a conveniently easy "reason" for social disharmony/ unrest which the "leaders" can easily point to and call the problem (by bannishing or killing the scapegoat) solved. Any goat or a shark will do... for they are the 'Just' beCause.

    \\Well I'm pretty incoherent myself most times.
    /Suit yourself.
    I just mentioned it for that that false positives would not pile up.
    Like you to have false impression that I understood you, and demonstrated some rebuff of it... revealing my true self. (like Derpy finding me being dRumper ;-P)

    You think me not confused? Of "two minds" myself? Perhaps because I cloak my words in false "authorities" (philosophers) I sound much "wiser" than I actually am.

    \\ to the visitor to the Pythia on her tripod. Maybe a priest should interpret her "hysterics" for you (University Discourse)?
    /Do you know formal math? ;-P

    Like I said before... they eventually lost me at Calculus and Differential Equations. Too much enthusiasm fell into the "crack" (boredom) between private school math (Venezuela) and public school math (California)... Two years of "Pre-Algebra" (7th/8th grade) not because of any incapacity on my part, but of an unavailability of higher alternatives (Algebra I) in the publically available "education system".

  34. \\ Are prayer's ever answered?
    Oppenheimer's one. ;-P
    "Please blow up, please blow up, please blow up".
    After it really blowed up... that prayer changed into "please... not blow up". :-))))
    And that prayer... was NOBODY to listen and to fulfill.

    And yet the second prayer was purloined by a few madmen to bully the world with.

    \\Facebook is all about profilicty, how you see yourself being perceived by others (2nd order observation). As such, it avoids all "otherness" and focuses on "sameness".
    Face-pooh... is just a tool.
    People... do it themself.
    Like as it was with one renowned SW engineer and logic teacher. We have pretty decent conversations. And I even thought that there could be more.
    Until his post-soviet "mysticism" showed its ugly face (you know, Soviets... was "materialist", isn't it? ;-P).
    When he broke on a question "what is materialism? isn't that that there's only Matter... that matter?". With trying to babble that "and where is SOUL, then???"
    After which spectacularly self-revealed itself... as of course, teacher of logic SHOULD know -- difference between "mono" and "duo".. isn't it?
    But... despite being tout that "there is only matter"... and that is "only true way to look at things"... never the less, in secret from itself... have holding on TOTALLY OPPOSITE beliefs.
    To the level... he even was not able to admit it.

    Fetishistic disavowals. We all have them. The planet is warming, but....

    "We Shape our Tools and thereafter they shape us. These extensions of our senses begin to interact with our senses. These media become a message."
    - Marshall McLuhan ('fake' quote)

    \\"Positivity" avoiding "negativity".
    Women logic. ;-P
    "If something is pleasant -- it is true". And vice versa.
    You can know it from your own observations... of pShaw. ;-P

    Generation from opposites. Meden agan! ;)

    \\...and yet not entirely altogether unlike a Project's System Review Board, with people representing all the mgt/eng/science disciplines that recommends passage through "design gates" (SRR/PDR/CDR/MOR/PLA) that you are likely more familar with (S/W peer reviews).
    My experience if totally different.
    Just a hectic and on the go ideation. "Oh... we though that you'd make it... as that it 'known to all' way of doing things! ME: Eeeeeeeeh?????? And HOW I could know what YOU (usually customer accessible through means of Internet) -- foreigner from far-away... treats as 'known to all' common sense?????!!!!" :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    Well... like I was mentioning before -- idea of "please, make to us Face-pooh!"... product of many thousands and much more payed and trained and bigger incentive and much more time on their hands... to be replicated by few offshore critters. :-)))))

    That's probably why tools like GitLab were created. A "programmers gone wild" environment for programmers to flash their t*ts to customers in. ;)

  35. \\Very few people study but one philosopher. That would lead to DOGmatism. ;)
    /That's... just an obvious behavior... of a herd of homo... is it really sapience??? ;-P

    homo-sophia? Homo-sophistry? Homo-Hypocrisia?

    \\And no two philosophy's ever the same, always changing. First Socrates, then Plato (Socrates+), then Aristotle (Plato+/ Socrates++) etc, until Nietzsche (Plato-) and Deleuze (Nietzsche+/Plato--).
    That's why they split into Materialist/Idealists... and etc flavours. ;-P
    "Knowing few principles, spares from knowing lots of facts". ;-)

    Sounds familiar. Only, "Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler" - Albert Einstein


    \\Transforming Reality into HyperReality, thereby. Welcome to the matric, Neo. Drinks/crackers available at the table.
    That is just overflow of that same "traditional society"... into that sphere which previously was FREE from it. ;-P

    Kinda like a salt-lick in the middle of a stockade awaiting the right moment for the first "herder" wannabe to close the gate. Ah, to be one of the Cyclopeans... like No Man (on Crete or Mycenae). Are the walls meant to keep enemies and predators 'out'? ...or stock 'in'? Then came the first philosopher make noises/ words to "stampede them" before the gates could be closed. :)

    /Programmers (like Zukerberg) just thought that while being clever as SW engineers...
    they could play as Social Engineers too.
    But... INSTEAD of remodelling humanity... that old and boring traditional society just engulfed it, and subverted it....

    Oh look, a new market!!!!! What can we sell them???? Let's see if we can get them to observe 2nd order observations of themselves!!!!!

    "We Shape our Tools and thereafter they shape us. These extensions of our senses begin to interact with our senses. These media become a message."
    - Marshall McLuhan ('fake' quote)

    ...but now I repeat myself. Again.


  36. \\Absolute Difference and Repetition (for itself), Caesar, Kaiser, Tsar... they are not different? NOthinG changed?

    Now you asking me? :-)

    \\The "economic circumstances generally" are. Children as "contributors" which alleviate the requirements for labour and ease it vs. "expensive luxuries" which are a drain upon a labourers resources and therefore extend labours overall duration.



    Even liliPut proclaiming that they need more robots to work instead o people...

    \\Finding a conveniently easy "reason" for social disharmony/ unrest which the "leaders" can easily point to and call the problem (by bannishing or killing the scapegoat) solved. Any goat or a shark will do... for they are the 'Just' beCause.


    They control nothing. ;-P

    \\You think me not confused? Of "two minds" myself? Perhaps because I cloak my words in false "authorities" (philosophers) I sound much "wiser" than I actually am.

    "Confusion of mind... can be cured only with knowledge"... zat said Lem. ;-)

    \\ to the visitor to the Pythia on her tripod. Maybe a priest should interpret her "hysterics" for you (University Discourse)?
    /Do you know formal math? ;-P

    \\Like I said before... they eventually lost me at Calculus and Differential Equations.

    Then... formal math could make you totally bewildered.

    Though... for me as programmer that's just yet one symbolic system.

    \\And yet the second prayer was purloined by a few madmen to bully the world with.

    Oh... please.

    Like bloody wars that is not what people enjoyed through ages.

    And like we not enjoy it today. All that movies. Computer games.

    I even do not want to point my fingers at Ams and your enamouration with handguns...

    oups, I did it.

    \\Fetishistic disavowals. We all have them. The planet is warming, but....


    Dishonesty with ourself.

    Flourishing on fear of death.


    Why else he reacted that way??? To such an "innocent" question. As difference between One/Mono and Two/Duo???

    Your version?

    \\That's probably why tools like GitLab were created.

    Just jumping into bendwagon. Usual thing.


    \\homo-sophia? Homo-sophistry? Homo-Hypocrisia?

    Homo Idioticus Vulgaris. ;-P

    \\Sounds familiar. Only, "Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler" - Albert Einstein

    And how charge 1/3 to you? ;-P

    Simple enough??? :-))))))

    While same time "electron's charge is not true charge... it in the cloud of virtual particles" ;-P

    \\...but now I repeat myself. Again.

    through loop? or through recursion? ;-)

  37. Well... do repeat yourself... until lambs became lions

    well, ehhm, until you'd make your point.;-)

  38. \\Absolute Difference and Repetition (for itself), Caesar, Kaiser, Tsar... they are not different? NOthinG changed?
    Now you asking me? :-)

    Just getting you to acknowledge the differences in the repetitions.

    \\The "economic circumstances generally" are. Children as "contributors" which alleviate the requirements for labour and ease it vs. "expensive luxuries" which are a drain upon a labourers resources and therefore extend labours overall duration.
    Even liliPut proclaiming that they need more robots to work instead o people...

    What to do with the ones we have begs the greater question. About 70% of many populations are already useless for today's work.

    \\Finding a conveniently easy "reason" for social disharmony/ unrest which the "leaders" can easily point to and call the problem (by bannishing or killing the scapegoat) solved. Any goat or a shark will do... for they are the 'Just' beCause.
    They control nothing. ;-P

    Not even what 'algorithms' get run?

    \\You think me not confused? Of "two minds" myself? Perhaps because I cloak my words in false "authorities" (philosophers) I sound much "wiser" than I actually am.
    /"Confusion of mind... can be cured only with knowledge"... zat said Lem. ;-)

    Funny, the ones in Ukraine seem to involve the use of a lot of lead.

    \\ to the visitor to the Pythia on her tripod. Maybe a priest should interpret her "hysterics" for you (University Discourse)?
    /Do you know formal math? ;-P
    \\Like I said before... they eventually lost me at Calculus and Differential Equations.
    /Then... formal math could make you totally bewildered.
    Though... for me as programmer that's just yet one symbolic system.

    I suppose that's what AI's for.

    \\And yet the second prayer was purloined by a few madmen to bully the world with.
    /Oh... please.
    Like bloody wars that is not what people enjoyed through ages.
    And like we not enjoy it today. All that movies. Computer games.
    I even do not want to point my fingers at Ams and your enamouration with handguns...
    oups, I did it.

    ...but you'll notice how everyone gets queesy when they talk of Assault Rifles, let alone grenade launchers and AI-controlled killer-drones. Just look at the attacks on our 2nd Amendment.

    \\Fetishistic disavowals. We all have them. The planet is warming, but....
    Dishonesty with ourself.
    Flourishing on fear of death.
    Why else he reacted that way??? To such an "innocent" question. As difference between One/Mono and Two/Duo???
    Your version?

    He's a trinitarian. He makes it into 3 body problem. Father/Son/Holy Spirit, with all the "unknowables" that accompany it. He's not a Parmenides or a Zeno. From the Jowett summary of Plato's "Parmenides": 'You mean, Zeno,' said Socrates, 'to argue that being, if it is many, must be both like and unlike, which is a contradiction; and each division of your argument is intended to elicit a similar absurdity, which may be supposed to follow from the assumption that being is many.' 'Such is my meaning.' 'I see,' said Socrates, turning to Parmenides, 'that Zeno is your second self in his writings too; you prove admirably that the all is one: he gives proofs no less convincing that the many are nought. To deceive the world by saying the same thing in entirely different forms, is a strain of art beyond most of us.' 'Yes, Socrates,' said Zeno; 'but though you are as keen as a Spartan hound, you do not quite catch the motive of the piece, which was only intended to protect Parmenides against ridicule by showing that the hypothesis of the existence of the many involved greater absurdities than the hypothesis of the one.

    He escapes Manichean dualism in that way. For the Platonic/Parmenidean/Zenoic conclusion of Mono is simply, "If One is not, then nothing is".

  39. \\That's probably why tools like GitLab were created.
    /Just jumping into bendwagon. Usual thing.

    I miss the pre-computer days. When a slide-rule and a 10-key tabulator were all you needed. :(

    \\homo-sophia? Homo-sophistry? Homo-Hypocrisia?
    /Homo Idioticus Vulgaris. ;-P

    I KNOW that guy! Wait, a vision in my bathroom mirror appears...

    \\Sounds familiar. Only, "Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler" - Albert Einstein
    /And how charge 1/3 to you? ;-P
    Simple enough??? :-))))))
    While same time "electron's charge is not true charge... it in the cloud of virtual particles" ;-P

    ...or an effect in Space-Time.

    \\...but now I repeat myself. Again.
    /through loop? or through recursion? ;-)

    Neither. Difference and Repetition.

  40. /Well... do repeat yourself... until lambs became lions
    well, ehhm, until you'd make your point.;-)

    I run a neural network, not a digital program. Only the AI I'm training has been exposed to a corrupted data source that I'm trying to identify and weed out. Care to help? :P

    Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our Educational Institutions" (end of lecture 1)

    "For centuries it has been an understood thing that one alluded to scholars alone when one spoke of cultured men; but experience tells us that it would be difficult to find any necessary relation between the two classes to-day. For at present the exploitation of a man for the purpose of science is accepted everywhere without the slightest scruple. Who still ventures to ask, What may be the value of a science which consumes its minions in this vampire fashion? The division of labour in science is practically struggling towards the same goal which religions in certain parts of the world are consciously striving after,--that is to say, towards the decrease and even the destruction of learning. That, however, which, in the case of certain religions, is a perfectly justifiable aim, both in regard to their origin and their history, can only amount to self-immolation when transferred to the realm of science. In all matters of a general and serious nature, and above all, in regard to the highest philosophical problems, we have now already reached a point at which the scientific man, as such, is no longer allowed to speak. On the other hand, that adhesive and tenacious stratum which has now filled up the interstices between the sciences--Journalism--believes it has a mission to fulfil here, and this it does, according to its own particular lights--that is to say, as its name implies, after the fashion of a day-labourer.

    "It is precisely in journalism that the two tendencies combine and become one. The expansion and the diminution of education here join hands. The newspaper actually steps into the place of culture, and he who, even as a scholar, wishes to voice any claim for education, must avail himself of this viscous stratum of communication which cements the seams between all forms of life, all classes, all arts, and all sciences, and which is as firm and reliable as news paper is, as a rule. In the newspaper the peculiar educational aims of the present culminate, just as the journalist, the servant of the moment, has stepped into the place of the genius, of the leader for all time, of the deliverer from the tyranny of the moment. Now, tell me, distinguished master, what hopes could I still have in a struggle against the general topsy-turvification of all genuine aims for education; with what courage can I, a single teacher, step forward, when I know that the moment any seeds of real culture are sown, they will be mercilessly crushed by the roller of this pseudo-culture? Imagine how useless the most energetic work on the part of the individual teacher must be, who would fain lead a pupil back into the distant and evasive Hellenic world and to the real home of culture, when in less than an hour, that same pupil will have recourse to a newspaper, the latest novel, or one of those learned books, the very style of which already bears the revolting impress of modern barbaric culture--"

    "Now, silence a minute!" interjected the philosopher in a strong and sympathetic voice. "I understand you now, and ought never to have spoken so crossly to you. You are altogether right, save in your despair. I shall now proceed to say a few words of consolation."

    We'll keep running this until we get it right.

  41. \\Just getting you to acknowledge the differences in the repetitions.

    Ah... yeah... preaching to a choir.

    \\What to do with the ones we have begs the greater question. About 70% of many populations are already useless for today's work.

    Oh... than you can make use of liliPut's and Xi's(Mao's?) approach. ;-P

    \\Not even what 'algorithms' get run?

    What "algo" you can control... when you are riding raging bull? ;-)

    \\Funny, the ones in Ukraine seem to involve the use of a lot of lead.


    Still, allegorical phrases... beyond my reach. :-(((

    \\I suppose that's what AI's for.

    And who will teach that AI? ;-P

    \\...but you'll notice how everyone gets queesy when they talk of Assault Rifles, let alone grenade launchers and AI-controlled killer-drones. Just look at the attacks on our 2nd Amendment.

    Well. That must be a reason why Bi-den moving it all in direction of Pearl Harbor 2.0.

    \\He's a trinitarian. He makes it into 3 body problem. Father/Son/Holy Spirit, with all the "unknowables" that accompany it.


    He's Soviet Materialist.

    "Father/Son/Holy Spirit" is anathema to him... if that is not Marx/Engels/Lenin trio. ;-P

    Well, that loathed too.

    Which only made bigger confusion.

    \\you do not quite catch the motive of the piece, which was only intended to protect Parmenides against ridicule by showing that the hypothesis of the existence of the many involved greater absurdities than the hypothesis of the one.

    Sounds like one certain mr.bin. ;-P

    \\I miss the pre-computer days. When a slide-rule and a 10-key tabulator were all you needed. :(

    You can do that with smartphone... there's suitable application for such needs. ;-P

    \\ A "programmers gone wild" environment for programmers to flash their t*ts to customers in. ;)

    Funny misconception.

    Thing is... there is NO way to make code look fancy.

    I, for example, never saw anything like that.

    \\I KNOW that guy! Wait, a vision in my bathroom mirror appears...


    Same (grand-grand-grand-...)father. ;-P

    \\...or an effect in Space-Time.

    That one... I dunno. What you refer to?

    \\Neither. Difference and Repetition.

    Means... pure chaos??? :-)))

    \\Care to help? :P

    Yawn. Go hire some indians. Cheap. And in big numbers.

    I already busy enough... with Captcha.

    \\we have now already reached a point at which the scientific man, as such, is no longer allowed to speak.

    Niel deGrass Tyson?

    Michio Kaku?

    That same Hoking???

    \\very style of which already bears the revolting impress of modern barbaric culture--"

    Oh... shuddup. ;-P

    You talking with product of that "barbaric culture". PLUS ULTRA.


  42. \\What to do with the ones we have begs the greater question. About 70% of many populations are already useless for today's work.
    /Oh... than you can make use of liliPut's and Xi's(Mao's?) approach. ;-P

    Or simply decrease technological and production efficiencies until they are again. IMO "automation" represents an "excess" of capital application.

    \\Not even what 'algorithms' get run?
    /What "algo" you can control... when you are riding raging bull? ;-)

    Balance??? CG? Ask the lady riding the tiger.

    \\Funny, the ones in Ukraine seem to involve the use of a lot of lead.
    Still, allegorical phrases... beyond my reach. :-(((

    "confusion can only be cured with knowledge"? When you lack the knowledge, most resort to using pure "force" (violence) as a "solution". Didn't you ever learn that on the playground?

    \\I suppose that's what AI's for.
    /And who will teach that AI? ;-P

    A programmer is asking me? Maybe you should ask a mathematician, instead.

    \\...but you'll notice how everyone gets queesy when they talk of Assault Rifles, let alone grenade launchers and AI-controlled killer-drones. Just look at the attacks on our 2nd Amendment.
    /Well. That must be a reason why Bi-den moving it all in direction of Pearl Harbor 2.0.

    Naaah. That's dementia.

    \\He's a trinitarian. He makes it into 3 body problem. Father/Son/Holy Spirit, with all the "unknowables" that accompany it.
    He's Soviet Materialist.
    "Father/Son/Holy Spirit" is anathema to him... if that is not Marx/Engels/Lenin trio. ;-P
    Well, that loathed too.
    Which only made bigger confusion.

    Lysenkoism? Inherent contradictions in the Soviet system (ie - dreams of luxuries produced for propertyless proles?)

  43. \\you do not quite catch the motive of the piece, which was only intended to protect Parmenides against ridicule by showing that the hypothesis of the existence of the many involved greater absurdities than the hypothesis of the one.
    /Sounds like one certain mr.bin. ;-P

    Zeno loved a good paradox (ie Fermi paradox).

    \\I miss the pre-computer days. When a slide-rule and a 10-key tabulator were all you needed. :(
    /You can do that with smartphone... there's suitable application for such needs. ;-P

    I don't carry a smartphone. Or any phone. I enjoy uninterrupted periods of time to be unavailable and off-line.

    \\ A "programmers gone wild" environment for programmers to flash their t*ts to customers in. ;)
    /Funny misconception.
    Thing is... there is NO way to make code look fancy.
    I, for example, never saw anything like that.

    You never saw the Brill charts. RYG stoplight charts. Quad charts. Performance metric data. Risk matrices. The code itself may be 'ugly'. But presentation of development status doesn't have to be.

    \\I KNOW that guy! Wait, a vision in my bathroom mirror appears...
    Same (grand-grand-grand-...)father. ;-P

    He does appear to be 'generational'...

    \\...or an effect in Space-Time.
    /That one... I dunno. What you refer to?

    //While same time "electron's charge is not true charge... it in the cloud of virtual particles

    I'm no physicist, but have you ever seen a cloud of virtual particles? They're actually Field disturbances. But if two electrons pass near each other, as in Figure 1, they will, because of their electric charge, disturb the electromagnetic field, sometimes called the photon field because its ripples are photons. That disturbance, sketched whimsically in green in the figure, is not a photon. It isn’t a ripple moving at the speed of light; in general isn’t a ripple at all, and certainly it is under no obligation to move at any one speed. That said, it is not at all mysterious; it is something whose details, if we know the initial motions of the electrons, can be calculated easily. Exactly the same equations that tell us about photons also tell us about how these disturbances work; in fact, the equations of quantum fields guarantee that if nature can have photons, it can have these disturbances too. Perhaps unfortunately, this type of disturbance, whose details can vary widely, was given the name “virtual particle” for historical reasons, which makes it sound both more mysterious, and more particle-like, than is necessary. [Students of math and physics will recognize real photons as solutions of a wave equation, and virtual photons as related to the Green function associated with this equation.]

  44. \\Neither. Difference and Repetition.
    /Means... pure chaos??? :-)))

    Controlled chaos. Like a sleepover with 9 kids followed by a sleepover with 10 kids. ;)

    \\Care to help? :P
    /Yawn. Go hire some indians. Cheap. And in big numbers.
    I already busy enough... with Captcha.

    Then I suppose I'll cut down on my newspaper reading on my own. :)

    \\we have now already reached a point at which the scientific man, as such, is no longer allowed to speak.
    /Niel deGrass Tyson?
    Michio Kaku?
    That same Hoking???

    Did you read the scientific paper itself, or a newspaper article about it? I usually start at Real Clear Science and move on from there (sometimes to the actual paper). Hypertext wasn't a thing in Nietzsche's day.

    \\very style of which already bears the revolting impress of modern barbaric culture--"
    /Oh... shuddup. ;-P
    You talking with product of that "barbaric culture". PLUS ULTRA.

    Not a Hellene? Then you MUST be a barbarian! Don't you LOVE "categories" like "me" vs. "sh*theads"? ;P

    To begin with the ethnic distinction most common in his time, Plato follows common parlance in treating “Greek” and “barbarian” as an exhaustive classification, using “Greek and barbarian” to mean “everyone, all of humanity.”8 In Inventing the Barbar- ian

    The dialectical process at work. Divide. Divide again. But always divide "wisely" (making sure each division contains all the requisite 'parts' needed to make a whole)

  45. \\Or simply decrease technological and production efficiencies until they are again. IMO "automation" represents an "excess" of capital application.

    Problem is... they OVERqualifed, means, full of their own mind and not easily handled by managers. ;-P

    \\When you lack the knowledge, most resort to using pure "force" (violence) as a "solution".

    That... as mathematician say -- trivial and uninteresting solution.

    Try to apply force to a computer. ;-P

    \\A programmer is asking me? Maybe you should ask a mathematician, instead.

    How many mathematicians to screw in light bulb.

    \\Naaah. That's dementia.

    Such a young... and already with dementia.

    I mean all that Blinkens and Salivans. ;-P


    Dunno how it rings in your realm.

    In soviet and post-soviet, that is utterly of no importance fact.


    \\Inherent contradictions in the Soviet system (ie - dreams of luxuries produced for propertyless proles?)

    Oh, please.

    Like such a miserly thing as contradiction EVER made any problem for idiotic fool to not do something idioticly foolish (Mao's war against birds ;-P)

    \\Zeno loved a good paradox (ie Fermi paradox).



    As we know today -- we can imagine, invent and even put into use such a minuscule probes/detectors/cameras...

    so, WHY should E.T. come and manifest itself... if they allegedly on our or even MUCH greater level of development?

    Well... we as good can be living in A SIMULATION, made by that E.T.s... or our own ancestors. ;-P

    Like... we do Renaissance Fairs, isn't it? Historical Reconstructions and etc.

    Especially... as Physics of the World we know -- suggests that to make it -- need much smaller energy and technological advance. ;-P

    \\You never saw the Brill charts. RYG stoplight charts. Quad charts. Performance metric data. Risk matrices. The code itself may be 'ugly'. But presentation of development status doesn't have to be.

    You are right. I saw none of such.

    \\I'm no physicist, but have you ever seen a cloud of virtual particles?


    heisenberg's uncertainity.

    Same as in case of Black Hole... if imagine electron as singularity -- in closest proximity to it... (where nanometers would be like lightyears ;-P) there'd be SUCH a powerfull field dancity... that all kind of strange things SHOULD be happenning.

    Or that... what our CURRENT understanding of Physics suggest.

    Who knows... what'll be around corner. ;-)

    \\But if two electrons pass near each other, as in Figure 1, they will, because of their electric charge, disturb the electromagnetic field, sometimes called the photon field because its ripples are photons.


    I know a dude... that gone bonker... because of that "ripples of photons". ;-P

    \\in fact, the equations of quantum fields guarantee that if nature can have photons, it can have these disturbances too.

    Too bad.

    Most surely that is mathematical fata-morgana.

    Usual thing with symbolic systems -- they create "ghosts" of things. ;-P

    \\Then I suppose I'll cut down on my newspaper reading on my own. :)

    You still have actual newspaper there??? %-)

    \\Did you read the scientific paper itself, or a newspaper article about it? I usually start at Real Clear Science and move on from there (sometimes to the actual paper). Hypertext wasn't a thing in Nietzsche's day.

    Didn't do that for a long time... :-((((

    You know my current interest -- to grok some practical human understanding. :-/

    \\Not a Hellene? Then you MUST be a barbarian!

    Like that is not obvious... heh.

    \\Don't you LOVE "categories" like "me" vs. "sh*theads"? ;P

    How barbarian could know what mean such a refined things? ;-P

  46. \\Or simply decrease technological and production efficiencies until they are again. IMO "automation" represents an "excess" of capital application.
    /Problem is... they OVERqualifed, means, full of their own mind and not easily handled by managers. ;-P

    That's what assembly lines are for. Break their spirit for "higher pay".

    \\When you lack the knowledge, most resort to using pure "force" (violence) as a "solution".
    /That... as mathematician say -- trivial and uninteresting solution.
    Try to apply force to a computer. ;-P

    A computer is logical. People?

    \\A programmer is asking me? Maybe you should ask a mathematician, instead.
    /How many mathematicians to screw in light bulb.

    What type?

    Q: How many classical geometers does it take to replace a lightbulb?

    A: None. You can’t do it with a straight edge and a compass.


    Q: How many constructivist mathematicians does it take to replace a lightbulb?

    A: None. They do not believe in infinitesimal rotations.

    Thanks Google.

    \\Naaah. That's dementia.
    /Such a young... and already with dementia.
    I mean all that Blinkens and Salivans. ;-P

    His Master's voice.

    /Dunno how it rings in your realm.
    In soviet and post-soviet, that is utterly of no importance fact.

    Seems we've adopted the same proclivities. Alchemy. "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success."

    "To what extent can truth endure incorporation? That is the question; that is the experiment."
    - Nietzsche, "The Gay Science" (1882). Sec. 110

    \\Inherent contradictions in the Soviet system (ie - dreams of luxuries produced for propertyless proles?)
    /Oh, please.
    Like such a miserly thing as contradiction EVER made any problem for idiotic fool to not do something idioticly foolish (Mao's war against birds ;-P)

    Idiotic? Mao was operationally successful. ;)

  47. \\Zeno loved a good paradox (ie Fermi paradox).
    As we know today -- we can imagine, invent and even put into use such a minuscule probes/detectors/cameras...
    so, WHY should E.T. come and manifest itself... if they allegedly on our or even MUCH greater level of development?
    Well... we as good can be living in A SIMULATION, made by that E.T.s... or our own ancestors. ;-P
    Like... we do Renaissance Fairs, isn't it? Historical Reconstructions and etc.
    Especially... as Physics of the World we know -- suggests that to make it -- need much smaller energy and technological advance. ;-P

    Why does Columbus OH have a zoo? Because it can.

    And to "progress" we need increasingly dense energy sources. - Lazare Carnot (1753-1823) - (or Kardashev scale (1932–2019))

    \\You never saw the Brill charts. RYG stoplight charts. Quad charts. Performance metric data. Risk matrices. The code itself may be 'ugly'. But presentation of development status doesn't have to be.
    /You are right. I saw none of such.

    It's targeted towards "blink" management. Picture's worth 1,000 words. NASA loves data "visualization".

    \\I'm no physicist, but have you ever seen a cloud of virtual particles?
    heisenberg's uncertainity.
    Same as in case of Black Hole... if imagine electron as singularity -- in closest proximity to it... (where nanometers would be like lightyears ;-P) there'd be SUCH a powerfull field dancity... that all kind of strange things SHOULD be happenning.
    Or that... what our CURRENT understanding of Physics suggest.
    Who knows... what'll be around corner. ;-)

    Abstract visualizations can be difficult.

    \\But if two electrons pass near each other, as in Figure 1, they will, because of their electric charge, disturb the electromagnetic field, sometimes called the photon field because its ripples are photons.
    I know a dude... that gone bonker... because of that "ripples of photons". ;-P

    \\in fact, the equations of quantum fields guarantee that if nature can have photons, it can have these disturbances too.
    /Too bad.
    Most surely that is mathematical fata-morgana.
    Usual thing with symbolic systems -- they create "ghosts" of things. ;-P

    The neurons in the human brain form a "symbolic system". A ghost in the machine (soul)... or in our case, consciousness.

    \\Then I suppose I'll cut down on my newspaper reading on my own. :)
    /You still have actual newspaper there??? %-)

    Actual? Occassionally. Mostly on-line.

    \\Did you read the scientific paper itself, or a newspaper article about it? I usually start at Real Clear Science and move on from there (sometimes to the actual paper). Hypertext wasn't a thing in Nietzsche's day.
    /Didn't do that for a long time... :-((((
    You know my current interest -- to grok some practical human understanding. :-/

    Then I recommend you reference PRIMARY sources instead of philosophy hacks (philosophers N times removed in understanding) like me. And in orginal language, if you can.

    \\Not a Hellene? Then you MUST be a barbarian!
    /Like that is not obvious... heh.

    Inside or outside, what will it be?

    \\Don't you LOVE "categories" like "me" vs. "sh*theads"? ;P
    /How barbarian could know what mean such a refined things? ;-P

    Like the fact that I'm a sh*thead, too (outsider perspective).

    But perhaps I really am the exception which proves the universal rule. G_d help us.

    There is, according to Lacan, no direct relationship between men and women insofar as they are men and women. In other words, they do not "interact" with each other as man to woman and woman to man. Something gets in the way of their having any such relationship; something skews their interactions.

  48. \\That's what assembly lines are for. Break their spirit for "higher pay".


    or, chmobicks... at frontlines. (or better use "on"?)

    \\A computer is logical. People?

    Perfectly so!

    \\What type?


    \\His Master's voice.

    Hoh. Same as Lem's text...

    \\Seems we've adopted the same proclivities. Alchemy. "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success."


    Isn't that is engineer's bread and butter? ;-)

    \\Idiotic? Mao was operationally successful. ;)

    In showing mortal idiocy??? Yeah, he did. ;-P

    Perfectly in accordance with Eastern views.

    West have had em too... but lost in process of "civilizing".

    That every living being have some initial amount of "live force". Call it "luck", or whatever.

    And then using it during its lifetime... like car using benzine from it's tank.

    One could press throttle full down. Another can do less agressive riding pattern.

    But... either way it will come to an end, eventually.

    That's what Mao (and every politician) did -- strained his initial luck... until... it ended.

    \\And to "progress" we need increasingly dense energy sources. - Lazare Carnot (1753-1823) - (or Kardashev scale (1932–2019))

    And to wield it... one need to became MUCH smarter. ;-P


    \\It's targeted towards "blink" management. Picture's worth 1,000 words. NASA loves data "visualization".

    Like something bad...

    \\The neurons in the human brain form a "symbolic system". A ghost in the machine (soul)... or in our case, consciousness.


    We just... dunno.

    And packing that unknownness... with any trash.

    \\Then I recommend you reference PRIMARY sources instead of philosophy hacks (philosophers N times removed in understanding) like me. And in orginal language, if you can.

    You are... my source.

    \\Something gets in the way of their having any such relationship; something skews their interactions.


    Every consciousness... is an island. "Fortress of Solitude"... if you want. ;-P

  49. Isn't that is engineer's bread and butter? ;-)

    Not if you exceed your mass/power/cost/schedule budgets.

  50. \\A computer is logical. People?
    Perfectly so!

    then please explain my wife...

  51. You are... my source.

    Sounds like a flawed plan from the beginning.

  52. \\Sounds like a flawed plan from the beginning.

    Yeah, like life itself...

    \\Not if you exceed your mass/power/cost/schedule budgets.

    That's accountant's problem. ;-P

  53. Then you bread & butter must become more meager fare. You're fired!

  54. That... makes us even. Yawn. ;-P
