A rough way of defining surplus jouissance would be to think of it, on analogy with Marx’s surplus value, as jouissance that is lost to the subject and recuperated by the Other.
- Justin Clemens and Russell Grigg, "Introduction to: Jacques Lacan and the Other Side of Psychoanalysis"
object a is constitutive of the parlêtre in two respects. It is constitutive of him as what he is missing (Lacan, 2001b , p. 573) – that is, as the object “that is no longer there.” But it is also the pathway or rail by which the “ plus-de-jouirs ” come to desire. (...) In other words, object a is what is missing and what all the objects that are not missing from reality seek to make us forget. In everyday discourse – in which the master signifier, S1 , organizes both psychical and everyday reality – the subject is a complete subject who does not conceptualize his lack, for the plus-de-jouirs that are proposed – combined with the more intimate plus-de-jouirs found in fantasy – act so as to fill in the gap. Without this filling-in activity, we would be hard-pressed to understand why the universal nature of castration could have been so thoroughly misrecognized prior to Freud’s time; nor would we be able to understand how certain contemporary authors, who are no dumber than others, can ridicule Lacan’s reference to lack and believe that they are truly in sync with our times when they claim, on the contrary, that we are now in what a certain film has called “the land of plenty.”
Colette Soler," Lacanian Affects"
the very ambiguity of Lacan’s concept plus-de-jouir: it can be read as surplus enjoyment, but at the same time it can also mean no more enjoyment; it has the contours of an imperative, something like “Stop enjoying!” or “Cut it off!” So the very same gesture that prohibits, inhibits, and stops enjoyment produces a surplus, something one gets in place of the cut-off enjoyment. All ascetic practices testify to this, most notably those described by Hegel in The Phenomenology of Spirit under the heading of the unhappy consciousness, which is consciousness that is ultimately prepared to give up all its worldly possessions and corporeal enjoyment, all its autonomy, and treat itself like a thing. However, the more the subject does this, the more there emerges a residue, a bit of the substance that cannot be quite turned into the subject, and which is precisely the bit of enjoyment, the surplus enjoyment that has unexpectedly emerged in the operation—and the subject, the subject of self-consciousness, emerges precisely as correlative to that bit.
Mladen Dolar, "Hegel as the Other Side of Psychoanalysis"
the loss of the object, the loss of satisfaction, and the emergence of a surplus satisfaction or surplus enjoyment are situated, topologically speaking, in one and the same point: in the intervention of the signifier (...)According to Freud, in the event of the loss of the object the investment is transferred to the unary trait that marks this loss; the identification with a unary trait thus occupies the (structural) place of the lost object. Yet, at the same time, this identification (and with it the repeating and reenacting of that trait) becomes itself the source of a supplementary satisfaction(...) He links the Freudian unary trait to what he writes as S1. Furthermore, he delinearizes and condenses the moments of loss and supplementary satisfaction or enjoyment into one single moment, moving away from the notion of an original loss (of an object), to a notion of loss which is closer to the notion of waste, of a useless surplus or remainder, which is inherent in and essential to jouissance as such... So, jouissance is waste (or loss); it incarnates the very entropy produced by the working of the apparatus of the signifiers. However, precisely as waste, this loss is not simply a lack, an absence, something missing. It is very much there (as waste always is), something to be added to the signifying operations and equations, and to be reckoned with as such.
Alenka Zupančič, "When Surplus Enjoyment Meets Surplus Value"
In this Seminar, the emphasis is placed both on the signifier as a mark of jouissance - he can say that the master-signifier commemorates an irruption of jouissance - and, at the same time, it introduces a loss of jouissance and produces a supplement of jouissance. By an analogy that makes him borrow the term entropy from thermodynamics, he says: Entropy makes the plus-de-jouir to be recovered take shape. And, elsewhere in the Seminar:The plus-de-jouir takes shape from a loss. From then on, access to jouissance is not essentially through transgression, but through entropy, through the loss produced by the signifier This is how Lacan can say that knowledge is a means to jouissance (...) The autonomy of the symbolic order could not be better renounced. It is a means of jouissance in a double sense, insofar as it has the effect of lack and produces the supplement, the plus-de-jouir.
Jacques-Alain Miller," Six Paradigmes de Jouissance" (Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator)
Start @ 4:18 for a great surplus Jouissance example (a baby with a pacifier)
“The trouble with jouissance is not that it is unattainable, that it always eludes our grasp, but, rather, that one can never get rid of it, that its stain drags along for ever.Therein resides the point of Lacan’s concept of surplus-enjoyment: the very renunciation of jouissance brings about a remainder, a surplus of jouissance.”
- Slavoj Žižek," The Indivisible Remainder"
\\ A rough way of defining surplus jouissance would be to think of it, on analogy with Marx’s surplus value, as jouissance that is lost to the subject and recuperated by the Other.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Now I know... that it unworthy of any attention.
And... as a bonus.
ReplyDeleteIt seems I have an answer to your "hyper-reality".
And it... in objectivation bias.
In a form of treating WORDS as first order objects... while ignoring agents/subjects who utter thy words.
Not your fault.
Just what "those, who know better" do with your society -- because that way it's easier to control it. ;-P
And... back to my coda. ;-P
ReplyDeleteDo you remember my Three Tier Coda????
From tier One being Probes to other Stars... for which we need to solve problem with achieving speed in percents of light speed?
Second tier -- achieving mass transition/accusition... to build facilities in Space.
And Third one -- utilizing resources of Earth Ocean... to achieve goal of that other tiers. ;-)
/Now I know... that it unworthy of any attention.
ReplyDeleteSure, pick the Marxist definition.
/It seems I have an answer to your "hyper-reality"
And it... in objectivation bias.
In a form of treating WORDS as first order objects... while ignoring agents/subjects who utter thy words.
Not your fault.
Just what "those, who know better" do with your society -- because that way it's easier to control it. ;-P
Same critique. Marx was a "materialist". And Derrida "decontextualizes" everything whilst Deleuze "recontextualizes" it schizophrenically.
As for your "coda", NASA has been working on propulsion systems... but they haven't gotten very far.
...and as for #3, the UN is screwing THAT particular pooch with its' "Law of the Sea" treaty.
ReplyDeletebtw - When you see your reflection in a glass or mirror, what do you feel when you look at it? Comforted? Anxious? A little of both?
ReplyDelete\\ Marx was a "materialist".
ReplyDeleteWhatever. Materialism it's idealism too. ;-P
Homo sapiens... just UNABLE to produce anything other then idealism. ;-)
Only... of different flavours.
Oh... recalled. Watched movie "Captain Fantastik"... looks like in sync with your stance. ;-)
\\As for your "coda", NASA has been working on propulsion systems... but they haven't gotten very far.
Of course.
Because they need new materials and new principles.
and that is impossible without NEW techs. ;-)
btw - When you see your own posts online, do they comfort you? Assure you? Let you know, "I exist"? "I have meaning?"
ReplyDeletePerhaps we should delve into existentialism. In both reality world, and hyper-reality worlds.
\\...and as for #3, the UN is screwing THAT particular pooch with its' "Law of the Sea" treaty.
Do they have million eyes to control it? ;-P
And what it will be "Clean all sea mission" -- they'll oppose it? Really???!!!
\\btw - When you see your reflection in a glass or mirror, what do you feel when you look at it? Comforted? Anxious? A little of both?
But, I know that Shvartz said that when he looking into mirror today... he feels like puking. Is that what you mean with this question???
\\btw - When you see your own posts online, do they comfort you? Assure you? Let you know, "I exist"? "I have meaning?"
Isn't me going as anon if an answwer? ;-)
"Captain Fantastik"... looks like in sync with your stance.
ReplyDeleteNope. I sent all my kids to public schools. My youngest daughter went to the Baltimore School for the Arts (BSA), NYU and Georgetown Law. My middle son went to BSA and Syracuse Uni, and eldest to UMD, HCC, then UMBC (the smartest, he struggled a bit)
I merely provide a "contrasting viewpoint". They assesses its' validity. I don't "presume" to always be right.
Hah... there was episode of that "captain" son... with a pack of recruting letters (or how it called there) from top unis. ;-P
ReplyDeleteIsn't me going as anon if an answwer? ;-)
ReplyDeletelol! And I as many different avatars? I still see myself. Only my "profilicity" varies.
Do I look like a "celebrity" yet?
Materialism it's idealism too
ReplyDeleteThat's why they all love Hegel (Absolute Idealist)
Hegel also claims to sublate the traditional concept of God with his concept of absolute spirit. Baruch Spinoza, who changed the anthropomorphic concept of God into that of an underlying substance, was praised by Hegel whose concept of absolute knowing fulfilled a similar function. Hegel claimed that "You are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all"
he feels like puking. Is that what you mean with this question???
ReplyDeleteAnxious. I get it. He worries how others will perceive him. That he doesn't fit in their mold.
\\Do I look like a "celebrity" yet?
ReplyDeleteYou know perfectly well... that that is not something I could start answering even.
Even if I'd have some experience/knowledge of celebs...
I am totally lacking internal knowledge of your culture -- so, I am totally non-expert.
But... from general point of view -- if you'd be a front-man of a NEW tech... you'd gain such status for sure. Akin to Elon's. ;-P
\\Hegel claimed that "You are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all"
They ALL say that.
Only Lem are one who was able to simultaneously revealed such desires... and made his utterly ironic response to it. ;-)
\\Anxious. I get it. He worries how others will perceive him. That he doesn't fit in their mold.
I think...
that how much that picture in a mirror have changed -- is the reason.
They say women have such feelings...
\\Do I look like a "celebrity" yet?
ReplyDelete/You know perfectly well... that that is not something I could start answering even.
Even if I'd have some experience/knowledge of celebs...
I am totally lacking internal knowledge of your culture -- so, I am totally non-expert.
But... from general point of view -- if you'd be a front-man of a NEW tech... you'd gain such status for sure. Akin to Elon's. ;-P
The point was NOT to gain/have "celebrity", but demonstrate "charisma" instead. Elon has both. And besides, I don't seek to "front" anything. I'll only ever be one thing from now on... myself.
\\Hegel claimed that "You are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all"
They ALL say that.
Only Lem are one who was able to simultaneously revealed such desires... and made his utterly ironic response to it. ;-)
Which was...?
\\Anxious. I get it. He worries how others will perceive him. That he doesn't fit in their mold.
/I think...
that how much that picture in a mirror have changed -- is the reason.
They say women have such feelings...
John Merrick. It's one thing to have an "atypical" mind, and quite another to have an atypical "appearance". But both might drive one into madness.
I've been reading Emmanuel Levinas of late, his views on "The Face" which trancends and transforms Greek thought into Jewish Law. An atypical appearance would throw the bearer into Athens, where worship of the kouros was widespread. But then again, even Hephesteus there was a god. An atypical mind would obviously be of some benefit, there.
But here? Likely only pity and disgust. We proclaim caritas, but it is mostly a 'virtue signal'. :(
\\The point was NOT to gain/have "celebrity", but demonstrate "charisma" instead. Elon has both.
ReplyDeleteYou have (surprisingly) too high though about laymen -- they will venerate and follow those they would be told to.
And "charisma" of Elon... is a many zeros number on his bank account. ;-P
Plus "those who know better" placed some bets on him. ;-)
Plus... media critter -- who are dumb, but have a good sniff... on first and second.
And... Viola!
\\And besides, I don't seek to "front" anything. I'll only ever be one thing from now on... myself.
Oh, shuddup.
Being "enigmatic genius". Is even better regarding to topic in question. ;-)
\\Which was...?
In one of his satirical feiry-tale stories.
About some genius that prophesied "Toply Developed Civs"(quite apparent and bold self-ref to his Magnum Opus, isn't it?) with godly-like powers.
But... that bright revelations... was not seen as such by laymen.
So... he devised a plan of how to payback for that... :-)))
\\John Merrick. It's one thing to have an "atypical" mind, and quite another to have an atypical "appearance".
Well... Shuwa-tan... in his time of being Mister Universe... hardly are typical.
\\ An atypical mind would obviously be of some benefit, there.
Dilithium Crystals
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
https://www.mit.edu › ~locutus › SFB › rules › node12
Dilithium is a precious crystal used in tactical warp drives. It is semi-permeable to both deuterium and anti-deuterium, and provides a natural chamber for a ...
That's... your "scientists". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
ReplyDeletePopular Pages
Invincible class Invincible class
William V of the United Kingdom William V of the United Kingdom
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J) USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J)
George VII of the United Kingdom George VII of the United Kingdom
USS Invincible (NCC-88777) USS Invincible (NCC-88777)
PS Go figure!
Maybe I found tracks of a plot to re-install USA as monarchy.
\\The point was NOT to gain/have "celebrity", but demonstrate "charisma" instead. Elon has both.
ReplyDelete/You have (surprisingly) too high though about laymen -- they will venerate and follow those they would be told to.
And "charisma" of Elon... is a many zeros number on his bank account. ;-P
Plus "those who know better" placed some bets on him. ;-)
Plus... media critter -- who are dumb, but have a good sniff... on first and second.
And... Viola!
Maybe. But anyone who smokes a Jay on camera is alright in my book.
\\And besides, I don't seek to "front" anything. I'll only ever be one thing from now on... myself.
/Oh, shuddup.
Being "enigmatic genius". Is even better regarding to topic in question. ;-)
"Ridiculous old fool" is closer to the mark. Elvis has left the building.
\\Which was...?
/In one of his satirical feiry-tale stories.
About some genius that prophesied "Toply Developed Civs"(quite apparent and bold self-ref to his Magnum Opus, isn't it?) with godly-like powers.
But... that bright revelations... was not seen as such by laymen.
So... he devised a plan of how to payback for that... :-)))
The Bag o' Laughs?
\\John Merrick. It's one thing to have an "atypical" mind, and quite another to have an atypical "appearance".
/Well... Shuwa-tan... in his time of being Mister Universe... hardly are typical.
Dilithium Crystals
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
https://www.mit.edu › ~locutus › SFB › rules › node12
Dilithium is a precious crystal used in tactical warp drives. It is semi-permeable to both deuterium and anti-deuterium, and provides a natural chamber for a ...
That's... your "scientists". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
Did "Locutus" tell you that we live in the Star Trek Universe? In the Star Trek fictional universe, dilithium is an invented material that serves as a controlling agent in the matter-antimatter reactors. In the original series, dilithium crystals were rare and could not be replicated, making the search for them a recurring plot element. According to a periodic table shown during a Next Generation episode, it has the atomic number 87 (which in reality belongs to francium), and the chemical symbol Dt.[1]
In reality, dilithium (Li2) is a molecule composed of two covalently bonded lithium atoms which exists naturally in gaseous lithium.
Dilithium is depicted as a valuable, extremely hard crystalline mineral that occurs naturally on some planets.
Popular Pages
Invincible class Invincible class
William V of the United Kingdom William V of the United Kingdom
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J) USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J)
George VII of the United Kingdom George VII of the United Kingdom
USS Invincible (NCC-88777) USS Invincible (NCC-88777)
PS Go figure!
Maybe I found tracks of a plot to re-install USA as monarchy.
You should stick to the original TV series from the late 60's. And if the monarchy ever returns to power, so will the John Birch Society.
Good stuff.
With Travolta. ;-P
Male version Lucy. ;-)
You can try and "analyze" it.
Or... just watch it. End enjoy every moment.
Like that said to a neurosurgeon. ;-)
\\Maybe. But anyone who smokes a Jay on camera is alright in my book.
\\"Ridiculous old fool" is closer to the mark. Elvis has left the building.
"Idiocracy", remember? ;-P
Among idiots... even average fool would counts as a genius. :-))))))
\\The Bag o' Laughs?
Something like that.
Text itself.
Full of self-irony.
シュワちゃん - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki
Proper noun edit. シュワちゃん • (Shuwa-chan). Arnie (Arnold Schwarzenegger).
Isn't it much easier to write? ;-)
\\Did "Locutus" tell you that we live in the Star Trek Universe?
I like sci froliking.
And sci-fi too...
But... your trekkies... that's something. ;-P
\\You should stick to the original TV series from the late 60's.
Too little.
I like LONG shows.
Show... must go on! ;-P
\\And if the monarchy ever returns to power,
With God-Emperor from machine.
Smoke a Jay.. the J in MariJuana
ReplyDeleteAnd Schwarznegger's face? Those are the steroids talking.
And what is staroids? ;-) (good mistyping, decided to leave it as is)
ReplyDeleteThere could be YOUR foto, USA. ;-P
ReplyDeleteI'll pass.
Yet one good one.
ReplyDelete"My Name Is Nobody". ;-)
Excellent scenery, music... good *moral* of a story.
PS And say... that you don't like my taste in movies. ;-P
I remember that film. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd your taste in film is eclectic, I'll grant you that.
I'm pleased. :-)
ReplyDeleteWell... that I learned from sci-fi world -- diversity is more important... than style.
ReplyDeleteOr whatever.
And well... like I have had a choice. ;-P
Most choices today are forced (veritas via vitae).
ReplyDeleteAs always... I for example, would like to be born on fourth rock from Sun... ;-P but that choice was forced on me. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
ReplyDeleteIt's a matter of "accepting" the choices forced upon us. We have greater difficulty doing that when it involves other humans (like russians or whites).
ReplyDeleteKoan "Horse".
ReplyDeleteUkraine "Dead horse". :(
ReplyDeleteAnd by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? - Archilochus
ReplyDelete"Use your mind ..."
ReplyDeleteI already traded away too many parts to serve useless functions.
ReplyDeleteBesides, I'd rather just suck on the pacifier. ;)
ReplyDeleteSuit yourself...