Friday, May 24, 2024

Slavoj Zizek, "Do we Need a Global Restructuring?"

Slavoj Žižek, "Do not isolate yourself from us" (Google translated from Turkish)
'In Praise of the Party', which is considered by some to be the most problematic song in Bertolt Brecht's play The Measure Taken, is a much more accurate and unique proposition than it seems. In this song, Brecht seems to make the Party the epitome of the 'subject that is supposed to know', as if he elevates it to the level of the embodiment of Absolute Knowledge, which has complete and perfect insight into the historical situation: "If you have two eyes, the Party has thousands of eyes!" [*] But a close reading of this poem reveals a very different operation; The Chorus reproaches the young Communist that the Party does not know everything, and perhaps the young Communist is right in his objection to the dominant line of thought of the Party [*] :
Show us the path we need to follow, so that we
can follow that path just like you, but
do not cross the right path without us.
When we are not on that path,
it becomes the wrongest of all paths.
Don't separate yourself from us.
This means that Party authority does not consist of certain positive knowledge, but has taken the form of a new type of knowledge connected to the collective political subject. The only important issue that Koro insistently emphasizes is that if the young comrade believes that he is right, he must fight by taking his own place in the collective Party structure, and not go beyond it; In other words, to put it rather sadly, if he is truly right, then the young comrade is much more needed by the Party than other members. The Party's demand is that we ground our 'I' in the Party's collective identity 'We': fight with us, fight for us, fight for your truth that challenges the Party's dominant line of thought, as long as you do this struggle by going outside the Party. don't give it yourself. Just like in Lacan's formula of analytical discourse, what is important about the Party's knowledge is not its content, but its substitution for Truth.
From Revolution is at the Door

Turkish: Işık Barış Fidaner

See “In Praise of the Internet” ~ Bertolt Brecht, “We Are the Party” Bertolt Brecht


  1. "They... who know better". Big Other. Figure of Father. And etc.

    And name t em -- Legion.



    Socialism, economic calculation and entrepreneurship › books-in-english
    Jesús Huerta de Soto. Catedrático de Economía Política (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid – España). Revista Procesos de Mercado · Master Economía Austriaca ...

  2. "They... who know better"

    "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success."
    George Soros, "The Alchemy of Finance"

    Truth? Naaaah! "Operational Success".

  3. \\Truth? Naaaah! "Operational Success".

    Yawn. That is ONLY truth available to mere mortals. ;-P


    My -- better. ;-P

  4. The One Party State (or worse, World) is never a Truth for mortals. For mortals are not one, they are Many.

  5. Ukraine wants to join the One-Party World. I want to go back to a bi-polar or multi-polar one.

  6. Zizek, as you can tell from this interview, wants the Uni-Party one, starting with Europe and DiEM25.

  7. THAT would be the aim of his "global restructuring".

  8. \\The One Party State (or worse, World) is never a Truth for mortals. For mortals are not one, they are Many.

    Go read about trilobites. ;-P

    They ruled over Earth... once. ;-)

  9. \\Ukraine wants to join the One-Party World. I want to go back to a bi-polar or multi-polar one.


    In ww3.

    \\Zizek, as you can tell from this interview, wants the Uni-Party one, starting with Europe and DiEM25.


    It... of no authority for me.

    \\...a global Switzerland.

    Those who never was there? ;-P

    \\THAT would be the aim of his "global restructuring".

    "Let you live in a time of changes"(TM) ;-P

  10. The anthropocenic won't be but a blink on the trilobite scale of longevity.

  11. If a meteorite didn't kill them all off, the next nuclear war most certainly will.

  12. \\ the next nuclear war most certainly will.

    nuckear war... overrated. Yawn.

    I think... nuked out North America... will not be seen as anything important. ;-P

  13. Attacker ALWAYS have first move.

    Like it was in 9/11.

  14. I dunno, that kinda sounded like whiney cockroaches post-nuke.

  15. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  16. Well... Future IS Foreign Country. ;-P

  17. Yeah. Very first from ST I saw...

  18. from Shakespeare's "Hamlet" (but with a slightly different twist).

    To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
    But that the dread of something after death,
    The undiscovered country from whose bourn
    No traveler returns, puzzles the will,
    And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
    Than fly to others that we know not of?

  19. Have a plans for afterlife?

    Well, whatever.

  20. Have nothing to re-distribute. ;-P

    Being poor -- is a blessing. In a sense.

  21. \\So why fight Russia then?

    For USA?

    Yeah, you need em to grow so big and mighty, and so pissed off on you... so they'll do their version of Pearl Harbor. ;-P

    And ONLY THEN... you'd start paying attention... to their ICBMs.


    If there'd still be enough Ams to do that. ;-P

  22. Yawn.

    What that word your greeks used?

    Ah, yes -- hubris. ;-P

  23. That's why I dislike history... it looks like railroad... into damn hell. :-(((((

  24. History is hubris. Life in the present, based on a more distant Greek past, is Sophrosyne. And you know me. I'm a Philo-Soph. ;P

  25. Yeah.

    I know.

    In it's more modern form -- mindfullness.

    Every first of self-esteemed Ams today -- claim practicing it.


    But I think there is more proper word -- Decadance. ;-P

  26. Yes, we're so mind-full that its' spilling out everywhere...

  27. :-))))

    "most advanced in all senses country" ;-)

    Or... you already forgot this ref.

  28. " all senses" ;-P

  29. Great metaphor... Ukraine is a torneqeut on NATOs leg...

  30. Yep... extreme measure to keep it from instant death.

    That's what Ukraine do... for the last two years.

    You are right!

  31. Hopefully, the patient will bleed out soon so that we can move on with our withdrawal and MAGA instead of simping for European oligarchs. ;P

  32. Kneejerking before Big Yellow Master... Be Prepared! ;-P

  33. I feel that Great Russia and Mighty China... will not overlook, that how MAGA USA DID NOT helped em... with thwarting "nazi" Ukraine and Taiwan. ;-P

    Because, "Those who not WITH us... is AGAINST us" -- that is that rule they are living on. ;-P

  34. btw - Europee (san Ukraine) will still be our b*tch.

  35. All as planned. ;-P

  36. Girls/women never tried to use you? ;-)

    I earlier was puzzled about your non-understanding bulling/street fight logic/emotion.

    But... maybe you are (despite your age) unaware of such trivia too... %-)))

  37. Maybe it remains trivia for a reason, like the epiphanies of Joyce's "Dubliners".

  38. Yeah... sci-fi texts...

  39. Totally off-topic. But made me a little puzzled
    How long ago such a way of holding anchors was introduced?
    What for???

  40. Emergency brakes, plus it's keeps them out of the way so that the crew isn't always tripping over them. On wooden sailing ships they were stowed outboard and tied by rope to the gunwales.

  41. Well... earlier it was more integrated.

    You(West?) was looking with a glee -- and when RFia will throw nukes at Ukraine.

    But... they happens to not be idiot -- and understand that throwing nukes at Ukraine -- pointless.

    So, now Russian propaganda talking about -- what Western country to use as test bed.


    Some European... or North American from get go. ;-P

    PS Do you know how many of their subs on-duty? And where they in the ocean?

  42. The question you should be asking is, do they know where ours are? ;)

  43. What for???

    Your limp dick generals will not launch retaliation strike, anyway. ;-P

  44. See what Derpy call it -- lunacy.

    Obviously -- that is not product of his own thought process.

    So... how many of your top brass and top "deep state" -- able to look at it rational??

    While you yourself playing that silly mind-game here. With pretending that that is "NMP"????

    Why you think OTHER your USA peers... should think anyhow better than that???

    While you know yourself all that pShaws and Dubyas... DEMN cretins.

    And your government -- is ALL DEMN cretins.

    And even your favorite dRump -- chanting same DEMN propaganda....

  45. You're a marker in our game of Risk with Russia and China. We tell you (Europe) how to play, because our markers (US bases) are all over your countries. We've got the "jelly beans", not you.

  46. ps - So either do as we say, or get us remove our markers from your region of the board.

  47. It's a shame... that you have no decent computer strategy games experience. :-)

  48. Still better than tabletop Risk. ;-P

    More nuances. More differ approaches. ;-)

  49. Now RFia have North Korean rockets... so, what can stop em... from adding some nuke to it. And launching... on New-York????

    Ahh??? You'd investigate em. And will find for sure -- that was Russians? ;-P

    And will launch some retaliation strike.

    Or... that will be some dirty bomb. And it'll be launched by some Husiti... on Israel.

    So... instead of retaliation. Your DEMNs will be spreading "that was God's punishment... of that puny genocidal Jews"???

  50. You really think we'll wait for the nukes to land and we verify the builder before launching the counterstrike?

  51. Yeah-yeah... 9/11 was just a video game. Famous in 00th...

  52. "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place", Jean Baudrillard.

  53. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... maybe nuke over NewArk will not happen too... if we... well, you, will be ignoring it with all your magical might. ;-P

  54. I have a feeling that if that nuke ever comes, it will have been Ukraine's fault.

  55. Passing blame... that is favorite game in USA.

    I know it by this time.


  56. Am I too uncivilized... with such my brutally burrish frankness????

    Well... count me being aspergy. ;-P

  57. Prodding the bear seems to be a favorite Ukrainian game as well. Call me "on the spectrum", too.

  58. BS.

    And you are fully on a liliPut narrative.

    Though... it self-name itself as rat. "Cornered rat". ;-P

    And you...

    You, to the sickening feeling in the stomach -- normal.

    Avoiding problems, ignoring em, turning blind eyes -- that is overly and utterly NORMAL behavior. ;-P

  59. It's called "caritas" and human civilization is impossible without it.

  60. ???

    "Normal" -- that is human definition.

    Mother Nature... do not care about such things (do I need to give that link again?)


  62. My bad x2

    In your research about XXYY, you may have seen references from The Intersex Society and others who have classified XXYY as an Intersex Condition (formerly referred to as hermaphrodite – or a person who has both male and female sex organs). Intersex is defined as a group of conditions where there is a discrepancy between the external genitals and the internal genitals (the testes and ovaries).

    The XXYY Project wishes to correct a misunderstanding that has been derived from the definition of Intersex, as it relates to the sex of the child. Children born with the XXYY chromosomal makeup are:

    Always male – unless there is some other factor involved
    There is no discrepancy between the external genitals and internal genitals. Males with XXYY have male sexual reproductive organs
    Males with XXYY do not have female organs or genitalia

  63. I prefer occurrences when XYs become perfectly female... because of broken reaction to testosterone. ;-P

    That's how slim our "manliness" is. ;-P

    Well... scientists profess that Y chromosome will cease to exist at all. ;-P

  64. More likely it's the unnatural abundance of estrogen circulating in the environment (especially FAT). Americans are becoming "obese".

    As many men age their testosterone levels tend to decrease and they tend to gain more belly fat. Body fat has an enzyme called aromatase that converts testosterone into estrogens. When someone has higher estrogen levels in their body, their hormonal system tells the body to slow down its production of testosterone.

  65. \\I prefer occurrences when XYs become perfectly female... because of broken reaction to testosterone. ;-P

    Well... that's something that impossible to happen in Ancient Greeks times.

    Well, even of lately.

    Before genes testing that would be just another girl, just happen to be infertile.

    Not a "girl" to which confidently revealed by doctors... that he is really a male, geneticly. ;-P

  66. He... did not know that he is male... there? ;-P

  67. Perhaps in his mind... but his body could not deceive Odesseus (much as Huck Finn couldn't deceive the old lady throwing the ball of yarn into his lap").

  68. There are neural male and female brain expressions (Rhawn Joseph).

  69. Do you deliberately trying to argue... or just naturally do not get it?

    That was some documentary... Through wormhole with Morgan Freeman if I recall it right.

    Where was shown such "male"... perfectly female in body and mind. NOT tranny. NOT crazy. NOT man in drag.

    Just a she... that asked doctor "I seems like perfectly healthy and even fully developed and grown up woman -- WHY I can't have kids???? What's wrong with me????!".

    And that nasty doctor, after all other usual tests was inconclusive. Suggested to make DNA test.

    And. Surprise-surprise! It revealed. That perfectly 100% in body and mind woman... is XY male, geneticly. ;-P

  70. Just because of broken (genetical mutation) receptors of that testosterone.

  71. In other words, she was "both", but "neither".

    Did you know that testosterone could penetrate the blood-brain barrier?

  72. The movement of testosterone (T) from blood across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is thought to reflect the combined effects of T's lipid solubility and the presence of circulating binding proteins for T such as albumin or sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)." :P

  73. \\In other words, she was "both", but "neither".


    She was perfectly. 100% -- female.

    Even BIGGER amount female than any other ordinary one -- ordinary females still have some testosterone in their veins.

    That is just tinsy little discrepancy... it seems XY chromosomes cannot give a healthy egg... well, I was not researching it that much, to know exact reason.

    Well... there many-many reasons of infertility. Yawn. So what??? Every non-fertile female is "both" or "neither"???

    \\Did you know that testosterone could penetrate the blood-brain barrier?


    like any other hormone?

  74. DNA indicates that it wasn't 100%. No healthy eggs lowers the 100% as well.

  75. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is selectively permeable to steroid hormones: some of them (such as the gonadal steroids) can readily pass the BBB, while others (such as corticosteroids) pass only in small concentrations. This may however be modulated by hormone carrier proteins in the plasma.

  76. Testosterone is a type of hormone called androgen. There are specific androgen receptors within the brain. Think of these receptors as light switches that only androgen hormones can activate. The hormone can also cross the blood-brain barrier.

  77. \\DNA indicates that it wasn't 100%. No healthy eggs lowers the 100% as well.


    AS they say, Y chromosome is mostly useless. There only some things that related to testosterone production reside.

    And well... there is X chromosome. So basic functioning covered by it.

    I dunno what precisely not working... you can research it for yourself?

    But... there also people of XXYY and etc kinds. So what... they 150% or 200%??? ;-P

    \\Testosterone is a type of hormone called androgen. There are specific androgen receptors within the brain. Think of these receptors as light switches that only androgen hormones can activate. The hormone can also cross the blood-brain barrier.


    And that receptors gone disfunctional... it seems. ;-P
