Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Nevzorov. The origin of genius and fascism. Chapters 17,18,19



  1. So??? How is it to you??

    In translation... and without *intonations*.

    I presume... it similar to what that lengthy excerpts you used against me. ;-)

    May I need to summarize it?

    Well... that is ending of a book... so, it might be (must be?) tedious.

    But, for at least that simple idea in the beginning -- reasons we Homo Sapiens able to LIE. ;-)

    That's because our "consciousness"... SEPARATED from more older brain structures -- that was based on direct reflexes, and that way was based only on TRUTH.

    Hungry? Go chow something.

    Scared? Run away.

    Horny? Well... you know what to do.


  2. I found the translation incomprehensible, as it was likely meant to be, as I must sound to you.

  3. Just badly structured. :-((

    Chapter seventeen animal controlled lies

    Okay, to hell with genius but The sun is so simple, why hasn’t thinking become a common property of all people?

    There are several reasons and they are all the main ones, nothing can be fixed, let’s start from the simplest in the very design of the brain lycopene contained a property that became fatal for Howo came out at the end of the Pleistocene when reason just began to cling to the bark
    brain and add behavior The thing is that the fundamental ancient structures of the brain
    turned out to be infinitely naive, they can be understood and forgiven by everyone
    these limbic systems were formed in that era when
    lies in response to received



    Yeah, artful translation needed. :-((((

  4. Well... AI translation is quite good, actually. Catch up with intonation even.

    Maybe there is some online translator too

    "AI translate video free online"

    Yeah... there is dozens...

  5. See, there you go techie. Looking for the latest "tech" solution. In the past, we applied the "old school" solution. Learn languages, especially the 'tech-savvy" ones. Greek, Latin, Hebrew (religions IS a tech), and English, Rissian, Chinese (today's tech powerhouses).

    I'm embarrassed by the fact that when my wife and I go the opera, we have to read the "Supertitles" or when we go to the Museum, have to read the little cards next to the paintings/ exhibits. everything is expected to be "dumbed down" for us. As Ortega y Gasset would say, "The mass crushes beneath it everything that is different, that is excellent, individual, qualified, and select.", "Revolt of the Masses".

    That's what happens when you declare war on "classes". Everyone wallows in their own crapulence.

  6. In the Goethe-Beethoven debate, you are Beethoven and I am Goethe. How can we ever possibly be friends/

  7. If there were truly a true meritocracy, it would still need an "aristocracy" of merit" (cultural leitmotif) to sustain it, and not crumble under the mass-mans demands for "social justice and its' affirmative reverse Harrison Bergeron tech solutions.

  8. Because just as with Theuth and Thamus... It has(d) no power of adaptation, but uses the same words for all. It is not a legitimate son of knowledge, but a bastard, and when an attack is made upon this bastard neither parent nor anyone else is there to defend it. The husbandman will not seriously incline to sow his seed in such a hot-bed or garden of Adonis; he will rather sow in the natural soil of the human soul which has depth of earth; and he will anticipate the inner growth of the mind, by writing only, if at all, as a remedy against old age. The natural process will be far nobler, and will bring forth fruit in the minds of others as well as in his own.

  9. Can you ask the AI questions that would respond in the words/ thoughts of the specific author. And would the author be the one to have "trained" and "corrected the AI" (and not some 3rd party)? I doubt it.

  10. In other words, the response requires "more" than mere "intonation".

  11. The objective of AI shouldn't be to make machines smarter. It should be to make more Intelligent human beings.

  12. \\See, there you go techie. Looking for the latest "tech" solution. In the past, we applied the "old school" solution. Learn languages, especially the 'tech-savvy" ones. Greek, Latin, Hebrew (religions IS a tech), and English, Rissian, Chinese (today's tech powerhouses).

    Do you think I talking with you through translator? ;-P

    \\In the Goethe-Beethoven debate, you are Beethoven and I am Goethe. How can we ever possibly be friends/


    Well... I cannot, and dare not... to decide it for you.

    That's for sure.

    \\If there were truly a true meritocracy, it would still need an "aristocracy" of merit" (cultural leitmotif) to sustain it, and not crumble under the mass-mans demands for "social justice and its' affirmative reverse Harrison Bergeron tech solutions.

    Ehhhm??? "Hornblower"? ;-)

    But well... in need special STRUCTURE of society.

    \\and when an attack is made upon this bastard neither parent nor anyone else is there to defend it.

    If... there is not a whole crowd of bastards... ;-)

    then, THEY will attack -- whoever they want.

    (that's why you need friends... I mean, USA ;-))

    ...sow in the natural soil of the human soul which has depth of earth; and he will anticipate the inner growth of the mind, by writing only, if at all, as a remedy against old age. The natural process will be far nobler, and will bring forth fruit in the minds of others as well as in his own.

    Written by one who knew ZILCH about agriculture. ;-P

    The best place to grow... pretty much anything -- is a pile of crap.


  13. ;p...

    Everyone gets a neuralink and an iron man suit! Pffffft!.

  14. \\The objective of AI shouldn't be to make machines smarter. It should be to make more Intelligent human beings.

    MY line... exactly.


    \\In other words, the response requires "more" than mere "intonation".


    Culture Understanding.

    Like that -- who da fk that "nevzorov" and why he started writing something like that...

    \\Can you ask the AI questions that would respond in the words/ thoughts of the specific author. And would the author be the one to have "trained" and "corrected the AI" (and not some 3rd party)? I doubt it.

    Oh, please.

    Coiuntless authors... admitted it million times... that EVEN THEY -- do not know what they'll write and why. ;-P

    You are storming through open doors. Wide open. As ever.

  15. Ours is the approach of a people with "surplus capital" for robots and AI. Artificial substitutes for a functional society.

  16. \\Everyone gets a neuralink and an iron man suit! Pffffft!.


    YOUR culture innuendo. ;-P

  17. ...those pesky "culture things:

    from Philosophize this video:

    ...the quality of life going to go down. What you'd also see if that were the case Mark Fischer thinks, is the expansion of what he calls "the audit culture" that's a plague that's been spreading across the globe recently. An everyday example of what he means by "the audit culture" is: just think of the person that's working at a company who's part of a team of some sort and and they have these meetings that they go to three times a week. And at these meetings, they got to have something to show for themselves and what they've been working on all that week to the rest of the team. Now, for the sake of this example, let's also say that this is not someone who works with 100% of their time every week when they're at work. Let's say they're coming up on 10 years at the company, and and they're kind of proud of this actually, but when it comes down to it they really spend 60 to 70% of their time scrolling through Facebook or YouTube or whatever it is. And let's say this person has not lost their job at this company as a member of this team because the skill they've gotten really good at over the years is being able to show up to these meetings and demonstrate to the group all that they've been working on this week, you know, the spreadsheet that I've created, all the obstacles I've run into... God, they were really bad this week, and don't worry don't worry, I got a great plan for how I'm going to be moving forward the second this meeting ends, I swear! I'm a good member of the team.

    Again, the service they're providing isn't even that good, and they know this. But in a sense, it doesn't even really matter in this Society because we're in a neoliberal situation within capitalist realism where the goal is not to provide "good services to people" but is instead the expansion of capital for the sake of capital. It doesn't matter if you're actually providing a good service. What matters is that there's a quantifiable metric that can demonstrate to the Auditors that work is being done, even when it's not actually really being done that much. So, in a sense, the person who's doing this isn't even really a "bad employee," they're just smart. They've just locked in on what's actually important to their employer's performance metrics, not actually getting real work done. And, to Mark Fischer, this audit culture is something you'll see pop up in a lot of unexpected ways all across people's lives, not just in the workplace. But nonetheless, it originates in this overall ethos we have in the Western World Of neoliberalism.

  18. I am a product of "audit culture" who wasted most of his tome surfing the internet, but wasn't very good at providing "metrics" for the audit culture. I was an uncaring "adminsitrator" of audit culture artifacts.

  19. "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help..." @@

  20. continued from video:

    The Smoking Gun for a lot of critics of neoliberalism is the 2008 financial collapse around subprime mortgages. See, what they say is, that if the role of government under neoliberalism was really just to ensure competition and free markets, then the best goods or services would have to rise to the Top. If a company provided a bad service and got themselves into a place where they were failing because of bad business practices, then they'd have to be left to fail in a truly free market. But what happened in 2008 is that companies that sold bad loans were bailed out by taxpayer dollars and the government. In other words, to the critics of neoliberalism, this was a very public visible example of what had been going on since the beginning of neoliberalism. This is not the government ensuring competition and free markets, this is the government meddling in certain markets and rigging them for certain companies that have the resources to manipulate the government in their favor. This is essentially social welfare for the rich in a system that generally doesn't even believe in social welfare for the poor. Or, as a Critic, Noam Chomsky, said all the way back in the 90s over a decade before any of this happened, that what we can expect under neoliberalism is "socialized losses and privatized gains".

  21. Means... you are NOT cretin. ;-P

    And maybe... somewhat eligible to be called "genius"... by that pesky "nevzorov". ;-)

  22. Oh... dunno the name of that movie... you know -- there they smashed into pieces their old dysfunctional printer? ;-)

  23. Why Ukraine wants to sing "Kumbaya" with American and European neoliberal idiots is beyond me. I know, I know, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". U sure/

  24. 10.000.000 millions reasons... in 32-33 years.

    Yet 10.000.000 reasons... from 39-47 years.

    Who know how many in-between.

    And now... 100.000? 1.000.000??? reasons. ALREADY.

    And YOU... antipode from a country far-far-away saying "why that stoooopid Ukrainians... think that they have a REASON to fight"???????? %-((((

    Obviously... that is Antipode's Effect at work -- for antipodes everything looks upside down.

    So you might be reading it as WAS 10th millions PLUS Ukrainians... in lavish prosperity.

    And now many thousand more... have only GOODIES and SWEETS, from somthing, that called War... but from your antipode's POV looks like Peace.

    Am I right?


    PS Well... you might be seeing me as such antipode too -- when I ask you -- why you, USAians, see as your potential ally -- country that swore to KILL YOU ALL?????!!!

  25. You might be read it as "We Want to Give To Every American an Atomic Greeting and Best Wishes"? %-))))))))

    That will be delivered in a jiffy... with thousand split-war... errm, peace-heads... ;-P

  26. See???

    And you want some RESPECT... from such a scumbags???

    \\Yeah. You dRump-derenged lying scum. ;-P

    You SHAMELESSLY disclosed this... but NOT that post where you SHAMELESS per-moderation tactic revealed.

    What a cretin U R. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  27. \\Among the numerous accounts of Kelly's report on Trump.

    That's just one man words AGAINST another man words. Yawn.

    \\“You f---ing generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?” Trump asked then-White House chief of staff John Kelly,


    German-Prussian military education PROVED itself in countless battles.

    And what battles won USA generals... lately, especially???

    They only showed how they can play chickens.


    \\According to the excerpt, Trump dismissed Kelly's historically accurate description, insisting, "No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him."

    General der Gebirgstruppe Hubert Lanz and Generals Hans Speidel, Hyacinth Graf Strachwitz, and Paul Loehning planned to arrest or kill Hitler during his visit to Army Detachment Kempf in Ukraine. Strachwitz was to surround Hitler and his escorts with his tanks. Lanz stated that he would have then arrested Hitler, and in the event of resistance, Strachwitz's tanks would have killed the entire group. Hitler cancelled the visit and the plan was dropped.[16] Lanz told of this plot after the war.

    After becoming close friends with leading Army Group Center conspirator Colonel (later Major-General)

    Well... that's all generals mentioned there. ;-P

    Got better sources? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    PS But of course... you will not disclose this post -- that revealing your crazy-cretinic COUNTER=FACTUAL lies. ;-P

  28. I don't want respect. I just want to be left alone by them.

  29. ....and their fear of my warheads is enough for me.

  30. DiDi's... total meltDAUN.


    Now you decided to shot out your dumb head. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    YOUR WORDS: "He adds to our long list of examples of the cult infected by Trump Derangement Syndrome."?

    ..."PERCEIVED" (by the deluded fanatics who BELEIVE Trump never lies)...

    So, you perceive ITself, having TDS??? %-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    FYI, I am foreigner... who do not give a shit about your so-called POTUSes. ;-P

    And you -- just revealed that all DEMN-aligned people in USA are cretins.

    Congratulations! For demoting international standing of your country, cretin.

    But, you surely do not care, because you think that Earth is flat and there is NOTHING else on ot, except 'Merica, yes, cretin? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  31. It... got invisible -- as it scared to show own cretinity schmuk -- did not disclosed that my comment -- where I in a jiffy revealed his lies about "generals of Hilter that tried to kill him". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

  32. \\I don't want respect. I just want to be left alone by them.

    Nat happening.


    \\....and their fear of my warheads is enough for me.


    liliPut's propaganda brainwashing em into believing that that is YOU are ones who are in fear of THIER warheads.


    (shaking head in dismy)

  33. Well.


    About modality.

    That, how I respond to you here... about difficult matters of war and peace, international diplomacy and inner politics.

    That all is just "responding to a tone". Your tone.

    Means -- I respond with having in mind emotions I see in your text... and trying to answer to em, appropriately, I hope.

    Means -- that is not my genuine emotions. And not (counter)attack to your.

    Your personal attitude you showed to me early one, and I found it appropriately decent and acknowledged it. (unlike as with DiBi, for example... or some other USAians)

    But... about such hairy stuff, I prefer to talk in non-personal way. As historian. Or pathologoanatomist.

    See no reason to do it any other way...

    sorry if disappointed you with this screed, somehow.

  34. You're just a tit-4-tat man, like me. ;)

    3rd Law: Newtonian Action -> Reaction.

  35. ps - You'll never convince Dave Dubya of anything, believe me, I've tried.

  36. Heh... but, previously, I was able to talk with him pretty decently.

    That's... something in the air -- there, on your grounds...

    that makes people crazy... pre-elections.

    Yawn. :-(((((((

  37. Well. People here too -- unable to explain their political choices rationally. Meh.

  38. For at least... he can be funny, can be played with. Not like pShaw, that not dislose posts about which it smells tiniest suspicion. :-/

  39. Dunno what you mean...

  40. Well... if I wagging a toy before a kitten -- it do not make that kitten my friend, automatically.


    Or... can you say that finding talks with likes of Derpy or DiDi -- challenging??? Inspiring? Fulfilling? :-((
