Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Japanese Identity Technology Supplement - Ikigai (Sincerity related?)

Ikigai (生き甲斐, lit. 'a reason for being') is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living. It has 4 principles:
Tenmei - Sky/Heaven life: The path that is given by the god (innate qualities you have, strengths/weaknesses) that cannot be changed.

Shukumei - Exist/ Dwell life: The path that your spirit has (fate inherrited qualities given and can't be changed like race and personal history) (hero's journey).

Unmei - Move/ Deliver/ Transport life: The path of love and creation (Destiny) and can be changed by "will" and constantly changing by choices made.

Shimei - Use/ Serve life: What we are for others. The (changeable) path that you have to challenge yourself to accomplish

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