“They saw their injured country's woe;
The flaming town, the wasted field;
Then rushed to meet the insulting foe;
They took the spear, - but left the shield.”
―Philip Freneau
Monday, June 10, 2024
Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
Full movie, but in reverse:
h/t - "Q"...
Order & Chaos
A static 2D+ solution to the 3-Body Problem Solution Set as seen from the point of string attachment.
\\Shaw, \\I have to delete most of their deflections and personal attacks too.
Like comment that contents REVEALiNG you DEMN hypocrisy. ;-P
What Davy baby, you think I FORGOT what I posted??? And DO NOT see what you NOT DISCLOSED???
And with that you NOT REVEAED -- that that not disclosed comment contained Absolute Truth about your scared hypocrisy???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
"" “To destroy a country’s people, start with destroying their history,” Gong Zizhen (1792-1841), a famous Chinese poet and intellectual from the Qing dynasty, wrote over a hundred years before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rose to power.
Today, Xi Jinping and the CCP exercise a tighter control than ever over China’s past. The CCP Propaganda Department and other government entities censor all information sources—textbooks, museums, news outlets, novels—to ensure they fit the CCP’s prescribed narrative. This history whitewashes periods of suffering and turmoil, such as the Great Famine, the Cultural Revolution, and the Tiananmen Square massacre, focusing instead on the contributions of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Xi Jinping to China’s rise.
Yet the CCP has not succeeded in effacing these tragic events. Underground historians, hermits, and rebels—known as the jianghu, or the “rivers and lakes” of China—have existed beneath China’s mainstream culture for generations, dedicating their lives to ensuring the CCP cannot make Gong’s fear a reality. "" https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/the-hidden-stories-of-china's-past
ps Stuid-stupid-stupid Xi... dunno that there is much more effective way -- instead of hiding it, just make people UNINTERESTED.
"" When officials questioned Lin about her criminal activity, she retorted that the “real question” should be what crimes had the party committed. Police sent her back to prison, where she died, writing poems in her own blood. ""
Compare it with your sighs "oh, I'm so shadow-banned and oppressed". ;-P
And how does Xi censor history? Same as here. The only difference is that the Chinese have not yet fully transitioned from a "disciplinary society" into a "society of control"... with "digital walls" instead of physical walls like we have in the USA. They don't send Americans to gulags. They put digital fences around them and place them under house arrest. They socially isolate you, and 'cancel' you. Cancellation prevents any digital presence.
You're living in an old style disciplinary society looking to join the society of control. Some would call it progress (no physical unpleasantness). But is all mental torture and psyops. Psychopolitics.
Did you have in USA something like Tiananmen Square massacre???
Or... that was successfully secreted??? %-)
\\The only difference is that the Chinese have not yet fully transitioned from a "disciplinary society" into a "society of control"...
They ARE society of control -- traditional society, from time of its inception.
\\They put digital fences around them and place them under house arrest.
People... chose it THEMSELF.
Or what... somebody imposed that cretinic pre-moderation over that DiDi, DiBi, that same pShaw????
They... themself, do not like it -- opinions that are challenging to their own.
And that is -- natural thing.
\\You're living in an old style disciplinary society looking to join the society of control. Some would call it progress (no physical unpleasantness). But is all mental torture and psyops. Psychopolitics.
Wokism is the policy of the American (soon to be world) re-education camp. You must be woker than everyone else, or you'll be 'cancelled'. Now virtue signal for me, ala 'Dervy'....
Most Americans don't "get it". They've been brainwashed with words like "separation of church and state." or as Jesus would have said, ""Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's".
I don't believe in Christianity. I don't believe in Earthly pagan gods. I "choose" to believe in a Creator. The one who implemented "evolution". A form of Platonic self-moving mover who remains outside of Earthly affairs. And It's a choice to believe so as not to become a complete "Absurdist" Atheist and submit to the powers of "stronger" or "better coordinated men".
Females... need to bear children, and bestow protection over em, till they'll grow.
That creates need in controlled closed safe environment. Even if it suffer from cognitive loses and infestation with all kinds of pest and viruses.
Males... need to operate in outside World, to keep their females and children in that "semi-protected" sanctuary. (Second movie about Cruds family spotlights it to the fullest, IMHO)
That generate plurality and need to have rational and conscious understanding of the Outer World.
But same time... it "imposes Order"... on the Inner World.
Unable to realize the truth... that as Isaiah Berlin stated, "our values are also often incompatible and at times incommensurable – that is, not jointly measurable on a common scale."
...and so we transition from the post-modern age, to the meta-modern age. To observe incommensurable results, and "choose" the values which define our "goods".
\\Unable to realize the truth... that as Isaiah Berlin stated, "our values are also often incompatible and at times incommensurable – that is, not jointly measurable on a common scale."
\\...and so we transition from the post-modern age, to the meta-modern age. To observe incommensurable results, and "choose" the values which define our "goods".
With beliefs in spirit and freely consumed drugs and alcohol. ;-P
Let's poison that brain... so it would stop asking reasonable questions. :-))))
\\You simply prefer Aristophanes "Symposium" speech to Socrates'. You must be anticipating the arrival of Alcibiades. ;)
The original Protestants believed in faith alone (no "papal indulgences" could be offered). Those Protestants who still believed in works, like the Calvinists" became the model for capitalism. And so the concept that riches "validate" one's "works" continues in a secular form to this day.
Do you not know Alcibiades? He was supposedly Socrates eromenos. But was it true? faith or works? decide.
Alcibiades later betrayed the Athenians to the Persians/Spartan coalition which resulted in Spartan victory in the Peloponnesian war and the imposition of a tyranny in Athens.
Xenophon's account of the trial is very similar to Plato's. But then I suppose Mark, Luke, Peter and John's "testaments" to the acts of Jesus (Gospels) were very similar as well.
"'One day, perhaps, this century will be known as Deleuzian. ' This is how Michel Foucault famously opened his admiring review of Gilles Deleuze's Difference and Repetition<"
Do you know why the American Revolution happened when it did? Are you familiar with the Bengal Famines and its' causes? Local farmers didn't plant the usual food crops. They grew "tea" instead. Tea for consumption in England and it's colonies.
US manufacturing since the "Reagan Revolution" has shifted to Asia and Mexico. This was an "effect" of increased globalism. America saw itself as a "financial services" provider at the time. Problem is, what were all the unemployed machinists and auto workers supposed to do for a living when their jobs went to Asia for 1/10th the cost of labour?
...and when Walmart brought all those Chines made goods BACK to America and sold them in a Super-box store, what do you think happened to all those small mom & pop retailers in regions all across America. They all went out of business. The same thing happened in Tunisia. They called it the "Arab Spring".
US "sanctions"... are a means of punishing country's economy by interrupting supply lines and preventing the sale and tranfer of goods globally. Its a way of intentionally causing "Bengal famines". Globalism makes countries vulnerable to the extortion of global elites. It exploits the "fragility" of a global trade system.
...and it's killing the goose that laid the golden egg. The American market. Unemployed workers can't buy as many goods, even at reduced prices from China. And so they go into debt, become wage slaves, and fight for $ in "the gig economy" driving Ubers (which will soon be replaced by self-driving taxis).
\\The boys at the WEF and WTO would beg to differ.
That's... global trade. Not global capitalism. How do you see it -- global?
\\Do you know why the American Revolution happened when it did? Are you familiar with the Bengal Famines and its' causes? Local farmers didn't plant the usual food crops. They grew "tea" instead. Tea for consumption in England and it's colonies.
Do I need to give obvious answer here?
\\Problem is, what were all the unemployed machinists and auto workers supposed to do for a living when their jobs went to Asia for 1/10th the cost of labour?
Was they born "machinists and auto workers"?
\\ Globalism makes countries vulnerable to the extortion of global elites. It exploits the "fragility" of a global trade system.
Neo-imperialism -- better???
\\Why else would they blow up the Nordstream pipelines?
Because liliPut thought that that was SMART move -- to make Europe fall on their knees, and start begging for mercy... and "cheaper than from USA gas".
\\The US is an "economic empire".
USA... and USAians -- do know zilch about what empire and being empire is.
\\And so they go into debt, become wage slaves, and fight for $ in "the gig economy" driving Ubers (which will soon be replaced by self-driving taxis).
You don't retain the data from many of my posts. No, they were "authentic" workers, not "sincere" workers (born into it). Today's displaced auto workers and machinists are "profilicit", having been forced to adapt to a "gig economy".
It's not a problem of you pointing it out, it's the not acknowledging the accelerationism and disruption to lives and cultures that it represents that bothers me. America used to have a much larger "middle class" than today, and for every bourgeois American that gets richer today, 2-3 fall lower into the "surplus worker" category, made obsolete by the changed economy. They're working longer hours (and more part-time jobs) for less pay. The economy is being optimized by government officials for high IQ/high educated workers, leaving the less adaptable worker behind. The economy should serve the needs of the hoi polloi as well as those of the hoi agathoi. The invisible hand of the economy has become ever more visible.
/Before auto workers there was cowboys and grooms... so what, we need to cry for em, and speed up to return of times of actual horse power???
The auto jobs improved the lives of many more auto workers then had been previously employed as harness and carriage makers and everyone worked less hours for more pay. Such is no longer the case with additional tech improvements and economic restructuring.
The government needs to get back to serving the needs of people, not global economic masters.
\\It's not a problem of you pointing it out, it's the not acknowledging the accelerationism and disruption to lives and cultures that it represents that bothers me.
Better be disrupted... than dead.
Especially if it comes in a bundle with being well-fed and having shelter... and even lots of cheap entertainments. ;-P
Another word -- you just do not want to all other World to have what USAians have. ;-P
And I will not be pointing fingers here, and calling names. Will just point to it.
\\ America used to have a much larger "middle class" than today,
Because... you was on a pinnacle of technological progress: Ford's autos, then airplanes, then computers...
But now it staggering. And YOU do not want to introduce NEW techs.
Again... just pointing out. ;-)
\\The economy should serve the needs of the hoi polloi as well as those of the hoi agathoi.
And for that -- only ONE way -- to make it NEW tech economy AGAIN. ;-)
\\The invisible hand of the economy has become ever more visible.
Traditional economy and traditional society.
\\ Such is no longer the case with additional tech improvements and economic restructuring.
Because... it not based on NEW techs. ;-)
\\The government needs to get back to serving the needs of people, not global economic masters.
That is NOT question of re-distribushion of wealth.
\\The funny thing is, Ukraine thinks it will be better off under America and the west than under Russian rule. I don't see it.
10.000.000 dead in Golodomor and yet 10.000.000 dead in WWII.
And on 24th of February it was planned for at least 10.000.000 killed or in-prisoned.
And process started -- in Bucha, Mariupol and all other places...
So, Israelites... WAS WRONG, when they CHOOSE USA as their guardian????
They should be STAYiNG with their Nazi guardians????
What a logic in this????
\\Yes, I'm sure that you, as I, will continue to do fine. But you and I are a small minority of workers.
No, you never say anything about it. You're obviously very intelligent. You're obviously well educated. You're obviously just the type who will do "fine" in the American and European (or any) economic system. And if not, you can join the welfare state with the rest of the economically obsolete "lumpen proletariate".
...and be "entertained" by the "culture industry". I was watching another episode of "A Gentleman in Moscow" last night when the gentleman's Russian keeper was watching "It's a wonderful life" with him and commented... "10 years of Depression and they never rioted or made protests. They could sit in movie houses and watch these fantasies for a nickel..."
New tech is fine, so long as it isn't in the hands of idiots like Fauci or the genetic research bureaucrats at NIH and affiliates. Musk's SpaceX has far surpassed NASA for tech and innovation. Government bureaucracies are NOT the place to do "tech". Bureaucracies don't take "risks" unless it's with other people's lives.
\\New tech is fine, so long as it isn't in the hands of idiots like Fauci or the genetic research bureaucrats at NIH and affiliates.
That's why one who want for something like that to NOT happen... must start mastering that NEW techs prematuraly.
That is the reason why Einstein have written that letter. ;-)
\\Musk's SpaceX has far surpassed NASA for tech and innovation.
\\So find some money, and make you c*ck-sucking "fish".
And sell to first seller?
Like RFia or China secret services?
So they would be able to sunk your U-boat or place mega-nukes whenever they like, spread diseases covertly, eliminate your marines while they on training on your turf, insert some mind-controlling devices and etc, etc, etc...
I'd go with Russia. The Chinese would Shanzai the cr*p out of it and not pay you any IP royalties. Chances are the Russians wouldn't either. Maybe try France or Germany.
America is a FAT, decadent, hubristic, BROKE and OVER-INDEBTED land that will NEVER go to the stars, short of a complete political revolution.
On a scale of probabilities, America is the past. You need to look to the future. France has very good prospects. Norway has money, SAVED, out the Wazoo, and they're a Sea People (Isn't that your test-bed?).
ReplyDelete\\The MAGApublicans have found no facts to bring an impeachment against Biden after 9 months of investigations.
Not surprising... when whole Deep State covers for you. ;-P
\\Russian interference was real. The Mueller Report explains the many areas where Russian interference influenced the 2016 election.
So what???
You want to say that in 2020 -- THERE WAS NO Russian interference???
Because??? Because all gone as planned? ;-P
Because... when TODAY Putin interfere in 2024 election -- with endorsing Biden as "more predictable", for his cause -- that's O.K. for DEMN-cretins???
Because they LiKE their candidate being endorsed by totalitarian rulers.
That is ONLY when they endorsing their opponent... that is "Russian Interference"???
And DiDi.
\\I have to delete most of their deflections and personal attacks too.
Like comment that contents REVEALiNG you DEMN hypocrisy. ;-P
What Davy baby, you think I FORGOT what I posted??? And DO NOT see what you NOT DISCLOSED???
And with that you NOT REVEAED -- that that not disclosed comment contained Absolute Truth about your scared hypocrisy???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
What a cretin you are.
But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
It just entertaining me. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
To observe that your DEMN cretinic hypocrisy. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Well... :-(((
ReplyDelete“To destroy a country’s people, start with destroying their history,” Gong Zizhen (1792-1841), a famous Chinese poet and intellectual from the Qing dynasty, wrote over a hundred years before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rose to power.
Today, Xi Jinping and the CCP exercise a tighter control than ever over China’s past. The CCP Propaganda Department and other government entities censor all information sources—textbooks, museums, news outlets, novels—to ensure they fit the CCP’s prescribed narrative. This history whitewashes periods of suffering and turmoil, such as the Great Famine, the Cultural Revolution, and the Tiananmen Square massacre, focusing instead on the contributions of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Xi Jinping to China’s rise.
Yet the CCP has not succeeded in effacing these tragic events. Underground historians, hermits, and rebels—known as the jianghu, or the “rivers and lakes” of China—have existed beneath China’s mainstream culture for generations, dedicating their lives to ensuring the CCP cannot make Gong’s fear a reality.
ps Stuid-stupid-stupid Xi... dunno that there is much more effective way -- instead of hiding it, just make people UNINTERESTED.
ReplyDeleteWhen officials questioned Lin about her criminal activity, she retorted that the “real question” should be what crimes had the party committed. Police sent her back to prison, where she died, writing poems in her own blood.
Compare it with your sighs "oh, I'm so shadow-banned and oppressed". ;-P
And how does Xi censor history? Same as here. The only difference is that the Chinese have not yet fully transitioned from a "disciplinary society" into a "society of control"... with "digital walls" instead of physical walls like we have in the USA. They don't send Americans to gulags. They put digital fences around them and place them under house arrest. They socially isolate you, and 'cancel' you. Cancellation prevents any digital presence.
ReplyDeleteAmerican "life" is digital. It's "hyper-real". Did you ever read Aristophanes "The Birds"? How did the birds take control of the world?
ReplyDeleteThat's America. A place "for the birds".
ReplyDeleteYou're living in an old style disciplinary society looking to join the society of control. Some would call it progress (no physical unpleasantness). But is all mental torture and psyops. Psychopolitics.
ReplyDelete\\And how does Xi censor history? Same as here.
ReplyDeleteDid you have in USA something like Tiananmen Square massacre???
Or... that was successfully secreted??? %-)
\\The only difference is that the Chinese have not yet fully transitioned from a "disciplinary society" into a "society of control"...
They ARE society of control -- traditional society, from time of its inception.
\\They put digital fences around them and place them under house arrest.
People... chose it THEMSELF.
Or what... somebody imposed that cretinic pre-moderation over that DiDi, DiBi, that same pShaw????
They... themself, do not like it -- opinions that are challenging to their own.
And that is -- natural thing.
\\You're living in an old style disciplinary society looking to join the society of control. Some would call it progress (no physical unpleasantness). But is all mental torture and psyops. Psychopolitics.
USSR punitive psychiatry? %-)
Did you have in USA something like Tiananmen Square massacre???
ReplyDeleteJan 6 '21. Thousands arrested and imprisoned. Fake cover story of Pelosi still the "official narrative"....
People... chose it THEMSELF.
ReplyDeleteByung-Chul Han calls it "The Achievement Society". The triumph of Psychopolitics. The gig economy. Burnout.
USSR punitive psychiatry? %-)
ReplyDeleteWith voluntary self-confinement, and digital walls replacing the physical walls.
Wokism is the policy of the American (soon to be world) re-education camp. You must be woker than everyone else, or you'll be 'cancelled'. Now virtue signal for me, ala 'Dervy'....
ReplyDeleteThe more you obey, the less guilty you feel.
ReplyDeleteNow be a good boy, and eat your 'cake'.
ReplyDelete\\Jan 6 '21.
And thwarted with tanks???!! %-)))))))
\\Byung-Chul Han calls it "The Achievement Society". The triumph of Psychopolitics. The gig economy. Burnout.
Because he stupid.
Or... just smartly feed to the public -- what that public ready to consume.
\\With voluntary self-confinement, and digital walls replacing the physical walls.
"Political information" in schools. "Partsodrania" for all others.
"Secret agents" among ordinary people eavesdropping. Telephone lines snooping.
Just a couple TV channels, half of programs on which was party informing.
And even that that was not directly about "party line", like movies and cartoons -- was censured in and out.
What are you trying to scare me here with, ahhhh??? %-))))
\\The more you obey, the less guilty you feel.
Obligatory attendance meeting. On 1st of May and other "holy days". %-))))))
Where you must to march in tight columns. Showing how you PLEASED to be there. How you LIKE that travesty.
You... just coming trough something... most people of the World already came through, ro coming through it.
Now... that is your time.
That's all. ;-P
Because he stupid.
ReplyDeleteNo. Because he's breaking the hypnotic spell. Especially in the Spanish speaking world.
...and Portuguese speaking.
ReplyDelete...ritualistic peoples, where rituals are still performed and the concept of "rights" has not totally replaced the concept of "rites".
ReplyDelete\\No. Because he's breaking the hypnotic spell. Especially in the Spanish speaking world.
ReplyDeleteAm I Spaniard to you, to care??? ;-)
I am open-minded and all... but still I am just a mere mortal -- and cannot know and care and pay attention to everything in the World?
Most Americans don't "get it". They've been brainwashed with words like "separation of church and state." or as Jesus would have said, ""Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's".
ReplyDeleteToday, everything now belongs to Caesar.
...Secular peoples HAVE no "push back".
ReplyDelete...just Caesar 24/7/365.
ReplyDelete...and a 'woke" attorney general substituting for archon basileus.
ReplyDeleteLimited government, the foundational principal, has been tossed out the window.
ReplyDeleteI am open-minded and all... but still I am just a mere mortal -- and cannot know and care and pay attention to everything in the World?
ReplyDeleteAre you? Open minded? You wear your atheism on your sleeve.
I don't believe in Christianity. I don't believe in Earthly pagan gods. I "choose" to believe in a Creator. The one who implemented "evolution". A form of Platonic self-moving mover who remains outside of Earthly affairs. And It's a choice to believe so as not to become a complete "Absurdist" Atheist and submit to the powers of "stronger" or "better coordinated men".
ReplyDeleteSo what???
ReplyDelete"O, tempora. O, mores"?
\\Today, everything now belongs to Caesar.
Homeostasis? Dynamic Equilibrium? Positive and Negative feedback loops?
We... as earthly being... living in a place where such things keep happening, for the past billions of years.
And will continue happening... for some next billions.
Without our might or ability to change that... apart, from gaining ability and might -- with NEW tech. ;-P
So... you can continue loathing such "unfair" happenstance of things. Utterly futile.
Or... for a change, entertain some thought, or two, about NEW techs... ;-)
A perspective where transcendence surpasses immanence.
ReplyDeleteWe live in a "mixed" universe, Q. Old techs + new techs. Why through out thousands of years of experience? Why throw out all that "history"?
ReplyDelete\\Are you? Open minded? You wear your atheism on your sleeve.
ReplyDeleteWho said? ;-P
What if my religion FORBIDS to share name of MY god with infidels? ;-P
\\I "choose" to believe in a Creator.
\\The one who implemented "evolution".
Well... isn't Evolution, is the "reason in itself"? ;-P
\\A form of Platonic self-moving mover who remains outside of Earthly affairs.
Someone who idly runed simulation on his super-duper-hyper computer? ;-P
\\A perspective where transcendence surpasses immanence.
\\We live in a "mixed" universe, Q. Old techs + new techs. Why through out thousands of years of experience? Why throw out all that "history"?
And who proposing something stupid like that???
...and periodically reboots it with "big bangs".
ReplyDeleteWhy does Xi revise and "curate" history?
ReplyDeleteWhy pShaw, DiDi and DiBi pre-moderate their blogs and fighting with dissent?
ReplyDeleteTo create "the Good". Order from Disorder.
ReplyDelete...beauty, symmetry and truth from a noble lie.
ReplyDeleteThat's just male and female attitude toward World, toward Reality.
Stemming from their modus operandi, yoked on em by Evolution.
ReplyDeleteDialectic "partitioning".
Females... need to bear children, and bestow protection over em, till they'll grow.
ReplyDeleteThat creates need in controlled closed safe environment. Even if it suffer from cognitive loses and infestation with all kinds of pest and viruses.
Males... need to operate in outside World, to keep their females and children in that "semi-protected" sanctuary. (Second movie about Cruds family spotlights it to the fullest, IMHO)
That generate plurality and need to have rational and conscious understanding of the Outer World.
But same time... it "imposes Order"... on the Inner World.
THAT is... our Scilla and Haribda. Indeed.
\\...beauty, symmetry and truth from a noble lie.
\\Dialectic "partitioning".
You simply prefer Aristophanes "Symposium" speech to Socrates'. You must be anticipating the arrival of Alcibiades. ;)
ReplyDelete...such is the "trivia" of history and culture. Multi-cultural... and multi-temporal. Mixed.
ReplyDeletelike the wine and water in the Symposium's "bowl" (and subject of Plato's "Phiebus" dialogue).
ReplyDeleteLike the women ridiculed in Aristophanes "Lysistrata", who drank their wine "unmixed".
ReplyDeleteWho fear "becoming" rather than revelling in it.
ReplyDelete...the woke must "purify" their watery visions.
ReplyDeleteUnable to realize the truth... that as Isaiah Berlin stated, "our values are also often incompatible and at times incommensurable – that is, not jointly measurable on a common scale."
ReplyDelete...and so we transition from the post-modern age, to the meta-modern age. To observe incommensurable results, and "choose" the values which define our "goods".
Another fact-value dialectic.
ReplyDeleteInfo-wars. Counter-Info wars. Techs. Counter-Techs. Dialectics to find beauty, symmetry, and truth for multiple incommensurable goods.
ReplyDeleteBesides, something tells me -- that to meet that Creator, one need to show one's proves in creation, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, what you'd be talking about???
That's something Christians do not get -- that that one that cries "believe in me, worship me" -- cannot be True Creator of Everything.
What that worshiping for true Demiurge? ;-P
But... some miserly trickster, which know that it not deserve it... but still recieving it -- that's pretty easy to understand.
That's why Christianity came to that idea of Devil... even though there is nothing like that in the origin of it. ;-P
Will there be separate Russian and Ukrainian goods? European and Ukrainian ones? The dialectic is underway.
ReplyDelete\\Unable to realize the truth... that as Isaiah Berlin stated, "our values are also often incompatible and at times incommensurable – that is, not jointly measurable on a common scale."
\\...and so we transition from the post-modern age, to the meta-modern age. To observe incommensurable results, and "choose" the values which define our "goods".
With beliefs in spirit and freely consumed drugs and alcohol. ;-P
Let's poison that brain... so it would stop asking reasonable questions. :-))))
\\You simply prefer Aristophanes "Symposium" speech to Socrates'. You must be anticipating the arrival of Alcibiades. ;)
The original Protestants believed in faith alone (no "papal indulgences" could be offered). Those Protestants who still believed in works, like the Calvinists" became the model for capitalism. And so the concept that riches "validate" one's "works" continues in a secular form to this day.
ReplyDeleteDo you not know Alcibiades? He was supposedly Socrates eromenos. But was it true? faith or works? decide.
ReplyDeleteAlcibiades later betrayed the Athenians to the Persians/Spartan coalition which resulted in Spartan victory in the Peloponnesian war and the imposition of a tyranny in Athens.
He also was recalled from the Syracusian expedition for defacing the hermes on Athenian gates before he left.
ReplyDeleteNaaah... that's just, it became self-sustained. ;-P
ReplyDeleteIt "Just WORKS!!!"
He was Pericles' nephew.
ReplyDeleteIt "Just WORKS!!!"
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a true global capitalist.
\\Do you not know Alcibiades? He was supposedly Socrates eromenos.
ReplyDeleteAs far as we know not was Socrates alive even...
Or, he was like that Jesus.
\\\Spoken like a true global capitalist.
ReplyDeleteOr... evolutionist. ;-P
The charges of "corrupting the youth of Athens" at the trial of Socrates were true. Alcibiades was one such youth.
ReplyDeleteXenophon's account of the trial is very similar to Plato's. But then I suppose Mark, Luke, Peter and John's "testaments" to the acts of Jesus (Gospels) were very similar as well.
ReplyDeleteErratum, Mathew not Peter. I always get the "apostles" confused.
ReplyDelete\\\Spoken like a true global capitalist.
ReplyDeleteOr... evolutionist. ;-P
Same secular religion. Yawn.
Evolution... it is fact.
ReplyDeleteHave ANY example of religion -- being fact? ;-P
High priest of secularism. Gordon Gecko...
ReplyDeleteNOT being based. Or "based" on facts. Or "facts". Like mere written words... about taking bushes? ;-P
ReplyDeleteValues... $$$
ReplyDeleteValues... "life"
ReplyDeleteValues... "liberty"
Values... "pursuit of happiness (or property)"
ReplyDeleteValues... "the 'good life'... a "well examined life".
ReplyDeletePhilosophy. An unexamined life is not WORTH living.
ReplyDeleteValues... good & evil
ReplyDeleteNietzsche "Beyond good and evil". Anti-philosophy.
I'm not philosoph, I'm technologist. ;-)
ReplyDeleteDeleuze "Difference and Repetition".
An anti-philosophy for anti-hero technologists.
ReplyDelete...not "heroic" philosophical ones.
ReplyDelete\\Nietzsche "Beyond good and evil". Anti-philosophy.
ReplyDeleteSci-fi? ;-P
ReplyDelete"'One day, perhaps, this century will be known as Deleuzian. ' This is how Michel Foucault famously opened his admiring review of Gilles Deleuze's Difference and Repetition<"
ReplyDeleteToo big of a queue. ;-P
No offense.
ReplyDeleteBut, it seems you still have problems with formulating your ideas.
Well, talking about em, is good way to refine em...
Difference and repetition. ;)
ReplyDeleteBe my guest. ;-P
ReplyDeleteEnough for 1 day, though. ;P
ReplyDeleteYou can turn on pre-moderation any time. %-P
ReplyDelete\\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
ReplyDelete\\\Spoken like a true global capitalist.
Capitalism is LOCAL, by definition. Yawn.
Or you talking about Global Trade??? But.
Trade are Global... since primordial times. Romans already have had trading with all around the World (like trading African lions for their Coliseum)
And even BEFORE that, in times of Stonehenge... there was traveling traders that spreading little but valuable things.
\\ Or... evolutionist. ;-P
\\ Same secular religion. Yawn.
\\ Evolution... it is fact.
Evolution -- that is just visible FACT -- that there is children, and they have parents.
And that parents, in their time, was children too.
Are you ready to OPPOSE to Reality of such fact? ;-P
And our evolution theory -- is just a try to EXPLAIN that fact.
You can try to devalue that explanation, but if you'll try to devalue FACT itself...
Capitalism is LOCAL, by definition. Yawn.
ReplyDeleteThe boys at the WEF and WTO would beg to differ.
Do you know why the American Revolution happened when it did? Are you familiar with the Bengal Famines and its' causes? Local farmers didn't plant the usual food crops. They grew "tea" instead. Tea for consumption in England and it's colonies.
ReplyDeleteUS manufacturing since the "Reagan Revolution" has shifted to Asia and Mexico. This was an "effect" of increased globalism. America saw itself as a "financial services" provider at the time. Problem is, what were all the unemployed machinists and auto workers supposed to do for a living when their jobs went to Asia for 1/10th the cost of labour?
ReplyDelete...and when Walmart brought all those Chines made goods BACK to America and sold them in a Super-box store, what do you think happened to all those small mom & pop retailers in regions all across America. They all went out of business. The same thing happened in Tunisia. They called it the "Arab Spring".
ReplyDeleteUS "sanctions"... are a means of punishing country's economy by interrupting supply lines and preventing the sale and tranfer of goods globally. Its a way of intentionally causing "Bengal famines". Globalism makes countries vulnerable to the extortion of global elites. It exploits the "fragility" of a global trade system.
ReplyDeleteWhy else would they blow up the Nordstream pipelines?
ReplyDeleteThe US is an "economic empire".
ReplyDelete...and it's killing the goose that laid the golden egg. The American market. Unemployed workers can't buy as many goods, even at reduced prices from China. And so they go into debt, become wage slaves, and fight for $ in "the gig economy" driving Ubers (which will soon be replaced by self-driving taxis).
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the "Blade Runner" Los Angeles...
ReplyDelete\\The boys at the WEF and WTO would beg to differ.
ReplyDeleteThat's... global trade. Not global capitalism. How do you see it -- global?
\\Do you know why the American Revolution happened when it did? Are you familiar with the Bengal Famines and its' causes? Local farmers didn't plant the usual food crops. They grew "tea" instead. Tea for consumption in England and it's colonies.
Do I need to give obvious answer here?
\\Problem is, what were all the unemployed machinists and auto workers supposed to do for a living when their jobs went to Asia for 1/10th the cost of labour?
Was they born "machinists and auto workers"?
\\ Globalism makes countries vulnerable to the extortion of global elites. It exploits the "fragility" of a global trade system.
Neo-imperialism -- better???
\\Why else would they blow up the Nordstream pipelines?
Because liliPut thought that that was SMART move -- to make Europe fall on their knees, and start begging for mercy... and "cheaper than from USA gas".
\\The US is an "economic empire".
USA... and USAians -- do know zilch about what empire and being empire is.
\\And so they go into debt, become wage slaves, and fight for $ in "the gig economy" driving Ubers (which will soon be replaced by self-driving taxis).
Poor-poor USAians... ;-P
Was they born "machinists and auto workers"?
ReplyDeleteYou don't retain the data from many of my posts. No, they were "authentic" workers, not "sincere" workers (born into it). Today's displaced auto workers and machinists are "profilicit", having been forced to adapt to a "gig economy".
Pay attention.
...to rapidly changing "identity" technologies.
ReplyDeleteEvolutionary adaptations to changing economic circumstances.
ReplyDeleteWhere the "state" and now "globe" gradually replaces the local "family" as the basic economic structural organization for 'self-identity" unit.
ReplyDelete...and "culture" moves to higher levels and homogenizes around global "woke" economic factors.
ReplyDelete\\Was they born "machinists and auto workers"?
ReplyDelete\\You don't retain the data from many of my posts.
I was just pointing to -- why that is a problem???
Before auto workers there was cowboys and grooms... so what, we need to cry for em, and speed up to return of times of actual horse power???
It's not a problem of you pointing it out, it's the not acknowledging the accelerationism and disruption to lives and cultures that it represents that bothers me. America used to have a much larger "middle class" than today, and for every bourgeois American that gets richer today, 2-3 fall lower into the "surplus worker" category, made obsolete by the changed economy. They're working longer hours (and more part-time jobs) for less pay. The economy is being optimized by government officials for high IQ/high educated workers, leaving the less adaptable worker behind. The economy should serve the needs of the hoi polloi as well as those of the hoi agathoi. The invisible hand of the economy has become ever more visible.
ReplyDelete/Before auto workers there was cowboys and grooms... so what, we need to cry for em, and speed up to return of times of actual horse power???
The auto jobs improved the lives of many more auto workers then had been previously employed as harness and carriage makers and everyone worked less hours for more pay. Such is no longer the case with additional tech improvements and economic restructuring.
The government needs to get back to serving the needs of people, not global economic masters.
The funny thing is, Ukraine thinks it will be better off under America and the west than under Russian rule. I don't see it.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm sure that you, as I, will continue to do fine. But you and I are a small minority of workers.
ReplyDelete\\It's not a problem of you pointing it out, it's the not acknowledging the accelerationism and disruption to lives and cultures that it represents that bothers me.
ReplyDeleteBetter be disrupted... than dead.
Especially if it comes in a bundle with being well-fed and having shelter... and even lots of cheap entertainments. ;-P
Another word -- you just do not want to all other World to have what USAians have. ;-P
And I will not be pointing fingers here, and calling names. Will just point to it.
\\ America used to have a much larger "middle class" than today,
Because... you was on a pinnacle of technological progress: Ford's autos, then airplanes, then computers...
But now it staggering. And YOU do not want to introduce NEW techs.
Again... just pointing out. ;-)
\\The economy should serve the needs of the hoi polloi as well as those of the hoi agathoi.
And for that -- only ONE way -- to make it NEW tech economy AGAIN. ;-)
\\The invisible hand of the economy has become ever more visible.
Traditional economy and traditional society.
\\ Such is no longer the case with additional tech improvements and economic restructuring.
Because... it not based on NEW techs. ;-)
\\The government needs to get back to serving the needs of people, not global economic masters.
That is NOT question of re-distribushion of wealth.
\\The funny thing is, Ukraine thinks it will be better off under America and the west than under Russian rule. I don't see it.
10.000.000 dead in Golodomor and yet 10.000.000 dead in WWII.
And on 24th of February it was planned for at least 10.000.000 killed or in-prisoned.
And process started -- in Bucha, Mariupol and all other places...
So, Israelites... WAS WRONG, when they CHOOSE USA as their guardian????
They should be STAYiNG with their Nazi guardians????
What a logic in this????
\\Yes, I'm sure that you, as I, will continue to do fine. But you and I are a small minority of workers.
Who said that I'm fine???
Who said that I'm fine???
ReplyDeleteNo, you never say anything about it. You're obviously very intelligent. You're obviously well educated. You're obviously just the type who will do "fine" in the American and European (or any) economic system. And if not, you can join the welfare state with the rest of the economically obsolete "lumpen proletariate".
...and be "entertained" by the "culture industry". I was watching another episode of "A Gentleman in Moscow" last night when the gentleman's Russian keeper was watching "It's a wonderful life" with him and commented... "10 years of Depression and they never rioted or made protests. They could sit in movie houses and watch these fantasies for a nickel..."
ReplyDeleteEducated by the culture industry to learn the "American Dream". Dream is a good word for it. But the economy can no longer sustain it.
ReplyDeleteThe American dream that YOU see in movies no longer exists.
ReplyDelete\\ You're obviously very intelligent.
ReplyDeleteNot quite.
It not show itself on my bank account. ;-P
\\ You're obviously well educated.
Not quite.
I was telling you about my department professor being crazy -- how much education can be gained from a crazy one??? %-)))
\\You're obviously just the type who will do "fine" in the American and European (or any) economic system.
Who know...
\\And if not, you can join the welfare state with the rest of the economically obsolete "lumpen proletariate".
Who knows...
\\Dream is a good word for it. But the economy can no longer sustain it.
Without NEW techs??? Yeah.
That's a place where we can agree... or not? ;-)
\\The American dream that YOU see in movies no longer exists.
Like I care.
New tech is fine, so long as it isn't in the hands of idiots like Fauci or the genetic research bureaucrats at NIH and affiliates. Musk's SpaceX has far surpassed NASA for tech and innovation. Government bureaucracies are NOT the place to do "tech". Bureaucracies don't take "risks" unless it's with other people's lives.
ReplyDelete...and tech entrepeneurs don't take risks unless its' with other people's money.
ReplyDeleteSo find some money, and make you c*ck-sucking "fish".
ReplyDelete\\New tech is fine, so long as it isn't in the hands of idiots like Fauci or the genetic research bureaucrats at NIH and affiliates.
ReplyDeleteThat's why one who want for something like that to NOT happen... must start mastering that NEW techs prematuraly.
That is the reason why Einstein have written that letter. ;-)
\\Musk's SpaceX has far surpassed NASA for tech and innovation.
\\So find some money, and make you c*ck-sucking "fish".
And sell to first seller?
Like RFia or China secret services?
So they would be able to sunk your U-boat or place mega-nukes whenever they like, spread diseases covertly, eliminate your marines while they on training on your turf, insert some mind-controlling devices and etc, etc, etc...
err... first buyer.
ReplyDeleteI'd go with Russia. The Chinese would Shanzai the cr*p out of it and not pay you any IP royalties. Chances are the Russians wouldn't either. Maybe try France or Germany.
ReplyDeleteThe Nordes do love fish though. Jes sayin'.
ReplyDeleteAnd who'd be able to make use of Send Probe To Other Star idea? Yawn.
ReplyDeleteOnly country that already have SpaceX.
ReplyDeleteAll other... will not move a finger, while USA not produced a thing.
Only "most advanced in all senses country"... can accomplish something like that. ;-P
ReplyDeleteCountry that created Henry Ford and venerated him in images of Ayn Rand. ;-P
Country of Edison and Brothers Wright. ;-P
Glory of that time -- you DO NOT want to return to. ;-P
Despite proclaiming "Building Back Better". ;-P
America is a FAT, decadent, hubristic, BROKE and OVER-INDEBTED land that will NEVER go to the stars, short of a complete political revolution.
ReplyDeleteOn a scale of probabilities, America is the past. You need to look to the future. France has very good prospects. Norway has money, SAVED, out the Wazoo, and they're a Sea People (Isn't that your test-bed?).
Well... then Humanity will die without reaching stars. Yawn. ;-P
ReplyDeleteDid you ever see "Interstellar"? Plan B.
ReplyDeleteCross your fingers.
Call it "payback" for over 50 million aborted Americans.
ReplyDeleteWhat you just have opened as big news for yourself... is a peanuts, for Lem.
ReplyDeleteWho did it... in 60th.
Big news? Or who care news?
ReplyDeleteIgnorance... it's bliss. Yawn.
ReplyDeleteMeden agan.
ReplyDeleteDynamic equilibrium? Homeostasis?
ReplyDeleteOr... just an excuse, for ignorance...
not impressive.
You still not grown bored of Dervy? Yawn.
ReplyDeleteIt's meaningless wordiness -- Derpy's Escape -- to flood everything with feces.
Or... you able to find some golden nuggets... in that garbage flow? ;-P
Dervy is a calibration tone.
ReplyDeleteYou have need to calibrate cretins? %-))))))
A feedback loop then, for future control purposes?
ReplyDeleteIt allows me to 'calibrate' my messaging.
ReplyDelete"Find the soft spots" in progressive argumentation.
ReplyDeleteAnd? How's your success rate? ;-P
ReplyDeleteMy progress you know -- with what that pShaw and DiDi NOT disclosed.
Well... I deem it as ABSOLUTE best, of what can be done -- lead em to a river of accountability... but they -- will not drink. ;-P