Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Mind Your Own Beeswax! and other Camel Droppings


Betty Bassett, "Why Questioning Reality is the Most Grounded Thing You Can Do"
Understanding your beliefs about the nature of reality is more than academic. It's helpful to consider different perspectives on how this question can be answered. Each lens offers a different image from which you can determine your beliefs:

Are you an idealist?
Plato proposed that reality is fundamentally mental and that the physical world is a shadow of the true, unchanging reality.

Approach: Reflect on if you believe the world you see is a true representation of reality.

Do you think there are deeper truths?
Are you an empiricist?
John Locke asserted that our knowledge of the world is derived from sensory experiences.

Approach: Consider the role of your senses in shaping what you think is reality.

How much do you trust what you perceive? Do you believe that knowledge comes only from what you can see, hear, taste and touch?
Are you a rationalist?
René Descartes emphasized the role of reason and intellect in understanding reality, famously stating, "I think, therefore I am."

Approach: Ponder the importance of logical reasoning in your worldview.

Do you prioritize logical deduction over what you experience in deciding what is real?
Are you a phenomenologist?
Edmund Husserl focused on consciousness as the way in which we experience the world.

Approach: Examine your subjective experiences and how they shape your perception of reality.

How do your thoughts, feelings, and awareness shape your understanding of what is real?
Are you an existentialist?
Jean-Paul Sartre argued that we define our own reality through our actions and choices

Approach: Reflect on the ways that you create meaning in your life.

How do your decisions define your circumstances and your reality?
Answers to Inspire Deep Thinking

To help you understand what you believe about reality, here are a few examples of how people could answer this question:
A Scientist: "I believe reality is made of matter and energy."

A Spiritual Seeker: "I believe that reality is a manifestation of a divine presence.”

A Pragmatist: "I believe that reality is what we can observe and measure. Our understanding is based on practical outcomes."

An Artist: "I believe reality is perceptions and emotions. It's subjective and influenced by our inner worlds and creative expressions."

 Real-World Applications

Defining your beliefs about the nature of reality has implications on how you conduct your life:
Self-Awareness: By deciding on what your beliefs are, you gain insight into what drives your thoughts and actions.

Decision-Making: Clearly articulating your beliefs about the nature of reality can narrow your choices. It helps you decide through which lens you will cope with the challenges of life.

Relationships: Deciding on what you believe helps you appreciate the perspectives of others that may differ.

Resilience: If you can define your sense of reality then it provides resilience in the face of uncertainty. Your definition serves as an anchor, grounding you when external circumstances are tumultuous.

Purpose and Meaning: Knowing yourself well enough to define the nature of reality leads to an understanding of your purpose and what brings meaning to your life. This can be profoundly enriching in the way that you live each day.
The question "What are my core beliefs about the nature of reality?" is not just an abstract query; it's a tool for self-discovery. By reflecting on your own beliefs, you can gain greater self-knowledge and make decisions that are true to your values. This journey helps you know yourself. So, take a moment to ponder this question. The insights you gain might just transform your reality.

Here are some ways that people have answered the question to the nature of reality:
Immanuel Kant: "All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason."

Arthur Schopenhauer: "The world is my representation."

Søren Kierkegaard: "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."

William James: "The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude."

Henri Bergson: "The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.”

Alfred North Whitehead: "The misconception which has haunted philosophic literature throughout the centuries is the notion of 'independent existence.' There is no such mode of existence; every entity is only to be understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe."

Bertrand Russell: "The fundamental concept in social science is Power, in the same sense in which Energy is the fundamental concept in physics."

Martin Heidegger: "The most thought-provoking thing in our thought-provoking time is that we are still not thinking.”

Jean-Paul Sartre: "Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does."

Simone de Beauvoir: "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman."

Maurice Merleau-Ponty: "The body is our general medium for having a world."

Karl Jaspers: "Philosophy is not the possession of wisdom but the search for wisdom."

Gaston Bachelard: "The reality we can put into words is never reality itself.”

Gilles Deleuze: "A concept is a brick. It can be used to build a courthouse of reason. Or it can be thrown through the window."

Michel Foucault: "The real political task in a society such as ours is to criticize the workings of institutions that appear to be both neutral and independent; to criticize and attack them in such a manner that the political violence that has always exercised itself obscurely through them will be unmasked, so that one can fight against them."

Jacques Derrida: "There is nothing outside of the text."

Richard Rorty: "Truth is what your contemporaries let you get away with.”

Slavoj Žižek: "The virtual reality of ideology is for us real, precisely because of the fact that we take it as real."

Peter Sloterdijk: "We have been misled by the progress of physics to the erroneous view that we can touch the deepest level of reality by studying elementary particles."

Alain Badiou: "The only thing we can truly change is the meaning of things."

John Searle: "There is a sense in which human consciousness is a manifest fact of nature."

Thomas Nagel: "Whatever you think about what it is like to be a bat, you will have to think it under the constraint of your own viewpoint.”

David Chalmers: "Consciousness poses the most baffling problems in the science of the mind."

Graham Harman: "Reality has no one center."

Timothy Morton: "The ecological thought involves a vast, sprawling mesh of interconnection without a definite center or edge.”

Plato:  "Reality is created by the mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind."

Aristotle:  "The whole is more than the sum of its parts."

René Descartes:  "I think, therefore I am."

Immanuel Kant:  "We experience the world not as it is, but as we perceive it."

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel:  "Reality is the unfolding of the absolute idea."

Friedrich Nietzsche:  "There are no facts, only interpretations."

David Hume:  "The mind is a kind of theatre, where several perceptions successively make their appearance."

Arthur Schopenhauer:  "The world is my idea."

Jean-Paul Sartre:  "Existence precedes essence."

Martin Heidegger:  "The being of beings is their being."

Ludwig Wittgenstein:  "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."

Bertrand Russell:  "The universe may have a purpose, but nothing we know suggests that, if so, this purpose has any similarity to ours."

Alfred North Whitehead:  "The world is a process, not a thing."

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz:  "Reality consists of monads, which are simple substances that form the building blocks of the universe."

Baruch Spinoza:  "Reality is one substance, and everything else is a mode of that substance."

John Locke:  "The mind is furnished with ideas by experience alone."

George Berkeley:  "To be is to be perceived."

Henri Bergson:  "Reality is a continuous process of becoming."

Michel Foucault:  "Knowledge is not for knowing; knowledge is for cutting."

Slavoj Žižek:  "The real is impossible; the impossible is real."

Gilles Deleuze:  "The virtual is fully real in its own right."

Jürgen Habermas:  "Reality is not given but mediated by language and communication."

Hannah Arendt:  "The reality of the public realm relies on the presence of others."


Settlecase, Parker “7 Philosophical Questions to Help You Journal.” YouTube, July 1, 2024

Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994.

Descartes, René. Meditations on First Philosophy. Edited by John Cottingham, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. Translated by Norman Kemp Smith, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Sartre, Jean-Paul. Existentialism Is a Humanism. Translated by Carol Macomber, Yale University Press, 2007.

Heidegger, Martin. Being and Time. Translated by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson, Harper & Row, 1962.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Translated by C.K. Ogden, Routledge, 2001.

Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Edited by Peter H. Nidditch, Oxford University Press, 1975.

Berkeley, George. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Edited by Jonathan Dancy, Oxford University Press, 1998.

Husserl, Edmund. Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. Translated by W.R. Boyce Gibson, Routledge, 2012.

Whitehead, Alfred North. Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology. Edited by David Ray Griffin and Donald W. Sherburne, Free Press, 1978.


  1. I see... no place for holist. ;-P

  2. \\Putin takes this fact and distorts it, says there are FAR more Nazis then there actually are. So many that he needed to invade to "deNazify" Ukraine.


    He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2.

    And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fascists", "far right parties").

    So... that is propaganda that riding other propaganda, which by itself whipping whole cart of BS propaganda tugged by numerous propaganda horses.

    It's propaganda all way down... yawn.

    Propaganda and FAKE "facts".

    Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".

    As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolsheviks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutioners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned Bolshevik's Empire.

    With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogroms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing).

    THAT is when it all started.

    HUNDRED years ago!

    PS Attempt to "close" that question. For at least with you here.


  3. Hoh...

    Blogger David Brin said...

    Oh by the mantra: "Crooks tried to kill me!"

    But... do he understands THE irony? ;-P

  4. But... they'll be crying "faked assasination" anyway. Yawn. ;-P

    PS But still... that is good case for my studies of cretinism -- that it all -- personal choice! To be cretin.


  5. at pShaw's

    Magical thinkers... will turn everything into confirmation of their beliefs. Yawn.

  6. holist>

    "...and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called, "Love"" - Plato "Symposium" (Aristophanes' Speech)

  7. PS Attempt to "close" that question. For at least with you here.

    No, I get it. The recent Benz video tells how NATO told Zelinsky to enact the "no Russian language use" policy AND tURNED aZOV LOOSE ON rUSSIANS IN lUHANSK, cRIMEA AND dONBASS.

  8. That's what lindsey & McCain were for, to rile up Azov against Russians. THEY are the real Nazis.

  9. And your Marines can't... ;-P

    What ever happened to shoot and scoot? No counter-fire?

  10. \\"...and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called, "Love"" - Plato "Symposium" (Aristophanes' Speech)

    Yawn. BS.

    Because whole need to include love and NOT love. ;-P


    Miserly couple hundreds irregulars (by that time).

    And over territory of Crimea TOO... that is under control of RFia from 2014.

    And by the order from Zlensky... that became POTUS only in 2019.

    Or what... he DID IT while being CLOWN??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  11. \\And your Marines can't... ;-P

    \\What ever happened to shoot and scoot? No counter-fire?

    Oh... sorry... video do not transmit TEMPERATURE.


  12. ...and yes, I got Rick-Rolled on the Internet today about the Trump shooting. I fell for the pre-bunk trap. :(

  13. \\That's what lindsey & McCain were for, to rile up Azov against Russians. THEY are the real Nazis.

    It's not my duty/need/want/desire to disallude you.


    Well... I even don't care.

    You can call em and treat em as an apply pie... or, whatever.

  14. I knew that I should stick to the video's at the scene and not try and touch any "social media" accounts, but the bait was too juicy... I WANTED to see Antifa involvement.

  15. Heh... I was interested to ask you -- how do you feel about that NEW reality we gonna live from now on.

    But from your answers -- became even more erratic -- I think I have an answer, already.


  16. ...and so I fell for it... at least until Parker Schnabel showed up. I shoulda know. I watch Goldrush all the time.

  17. Well... is there some decently worth attention conspiracy ideas -- how it AT ALL became possible -- to appear with AR-15 at shooting distance.

    And that before eyes of whole TWO SS snipers?????!!!

  18. Or... it all just about insignificant matters and distractions... yawn?

  19. Well... Butler Syndrome I call that.

    Development of Uvalde syndrome.


    If higherups, "those who know better" will allow security services to slack off their sworn (isn't policeman make an oath???!!! "to serve and protect"???) duty.

    SOON, they will start slacking off and derelicting their duty in regard to that higerups TOO.

  20. AKA

    Loyalty -- it's something EARNED!!!$#%&@$!

  21. It's obvious... but, HOW????!!!

    Can such thing be hidden in such a plain sight???!!!

  22. The Cloak of Gyges, of course. We live in a digital National Security State where information is tightly controlled and access to platforms that can elude that control are easily and algorithmically throttled.

  23. The false media narratives are "persistent" and never admit their failures. Like Dervy.

  24. BS... if there IS interest to spread info -- it'll find a way.

    Guerilla Marketing (tm)

    How else you could know and be sure that "Azov are nazis"? ;-P

    If Russian Propaganda through GM would not inseminate your mind with it.

  25. \\The false media narratives are "persistent" and never admit their failures. Like Dervy.

    Traditional Culture (tm)

  26. "Traditional Culture (tm)" IS the "Capitalist Discourse". Advertise, Advertise, Advertise.

    The famous quote by P.T. Barnum, "There's no such thing as bad publicity," highlights the perspective that any form of attention or publicity, regardless of its negative nature, can ultimately be advantageous.

  27. PT Barnum:

    Advertising is like learning - a little is a dangerous thing. If a man has not the pluck to keep on advertising, all the money he has already spent is lost

    Advertising is to a genuine article what manure is to land, - it largely increases the product.

    Small does of advertising result in nothing, obviously. It's like giving a sick person half the medicine he needs. It just causes more suffering. Give the whole dose, and the cure will be certain and decisive.

  28. \\"Traditional Culture (tm)" IS the "Capitalist Discourse". Advertise, Advertise, Advertise.


    It's what wife whisper into ear of her husband... when she want some new juvelery. ;-P

    Or... their kid screams about... when it want new toy.

    \\Advertising = Propaganda

    Close... but not exactly.

    Ads... still try to not lie... so much obviously. ;-P

  29. Ads... still try to not lie

    ...only promise future happiness... like politicians.

  30. \\...only promise future happiness... like politicians.


    You missed that moment where YOU politicians instead of sleazing their electorate -- started DEMAND loyalty... to THEIR cause. Like re-election of Bi-den.


    \\Do politicians ever lie?

    Why everybody STILL believe such lies??? ;-P

  31. Brand Loyalty... yawn.

    Laying perfectly on Tribal Cry "Follow OUR Chiftain/Shaman!"

  32. Cross-branding.

    I develop my "profile" which represents my brand. I then attach my brand to a certain "system of objects" and other brands. We become a "community" of brands.

    Oh wait, YOU support Trump? I must "cancel" you to purify my community...

    Ahhhh, by brand is once again pure! The "scapegoat" has been turned out into the wilderness....

  33. Politicians to me... "Be loyal to MY brand"! Profilific voters to politicians, "...then be loyal to mine and use my preferred pronouns"!

    Me... f*ck THAT!

  34. 2nd order observation. You're not in my "system of objects". You're all "objects unto yourselves". I'll stick to 1st order observations.

  35. Yeah... Traditional Society.


    Pray with us before OUR totems.

    If not -- we'll burn you and eat you. ;-P

  36. ...or we'll meet at the Alehouse and share a pint. Does your tribe of cannibals have a soccer team?

  37. Maybe we could have a tournament... or better... an OLYMPIC Games....

    ...and settle this dispute, Big End or Little... once and for all... or at least the next 4 years! ;)

  38. \\...or we'll meet at the Alehouse and share a pint. Does your tribe of cannibals have a soccer team?

    That is... Civilization Society. Yawn.

    When Civilization breaking apart, it, as any other system falls back into PREVIOUS state.

    And previous state -- it's Traditional Society. Yawn.

    Simple, isn't it? ;-P

    \\Maybe we could have a tournament... or better... an OLYMPIC Games....

    That's among man.

    Among women that is -- your children die TODAY so MY children would survive till tomorrow.


  39. Gromkiy 335

    KA-27 Helix Helo for ASW.

    Carries a dipping sonar, torpedos, and depth charges for engaging submarines.

  40. I see.

    Thank you.

  41. I thought that was china's design...

  42. I see you got respect from pShaw... does that mean that we loosing you. ;-P

  43. \\Thiel and his billionaire partner are heavily invested in Vance, and now Trump. My fear is that the National Security State will grow stronger, and since many OTHER COUNTRIES using Palantir software, will be integrated with the globalists and make them even MORE powerful, censorious, and controlling than they are now. This all needs to get rolled back, not expanded. They are interfering in the daily lives of all Americans. This needs to STOP. The propaganda will only get WORSE.

    That... will not happen.

    Either they... or some rival country. Are you happy that data about you would be collected by China? Or RFia? Iran? ;-P

    \\I don’t want to live in an America where the people are mostly “proletariate” workers. I want to live in an America where we are mostly bourgeoisie “owners”, risk TAKERS, not risk MANAGERS.


    After NEW tech would be developed -- that will open multitude of new markets and opportunities.

    Same... as it happened with computers previously.

    \\What I love about Trump is that he OWNS Trump, Inc…

    And? How much time he spending on actual governing of it? Today.

    \\Besides, Ukraine has shown that we need a different "mix" of weapons... a better Hi-Lo mix including millions of drones... (not F-35s).

    Only if you'd decide to fight over seas... but you choose isolationism. ;-P

    So... how that drones will fly over seas????

    \\That is the trick, to prevent a system transition, and not a crash.

    There is NO way to fix old system (without crashes especially)...

    only to build NEW one. Alongside.

    And that MUST be based on NEW techs.


    \\I doubt anyone really is. It's a "risk". And much like Nassim Taleb say's, "we need to train people to become risk TAKERS and not risk MANAGERS".

    Only with NEW tech(s).


    \\And then I learned the true story of the blob's overthrow of Ukraine, and it makes me sick. We have become 'globally' what the USSR was and what we were fighting in the Cold War. A voracious trade empire seeking global domination.


    In all possible accounts.


    Antipode's Syndrome in and out.

  44. /I see you got respect from pShaw... does that mean that we loosing you. ;-P

    I'm sure its' only a temporary cease fire.

    /Either they... or some rival country. Are you happy that data about you would be collected by China? Or RFia? Iran? ;-P

    I could care less. It can't be any worse than it being collected by NSA. And I don't travel anymore. They'd have to send their hit teams here, and get past my dogs. :)

    \\What I love about Trump is that he OWNS Trump, Inc…
    /And? How much time he spending on actual governing of it? Today.

    His kids have got to learn sometime...

    /So... how that drones will fly over seas????

    I said a Hi-Lo mix. Maybe we drop them from F-35s or B-52s?

    /There is NO way to fix old system (without crashes especially)...
    only to build NEW one. Alongside.

    ...and then phase it in. Ever get a big design mod midway into a production run? You just build/test the mod and phase it in... and backfit the old models in the field with Modkits. That's what Mk/Mod numbers are for. Configuration Control.


    You skipped the 2+ hour video. Can't see as I blame you, it was long... but revealing.

  45. \\43:37:...But we interefered in a huge way. You know, it was the US State Department and our collage of CIA cutouts through something called the Ukraine Crisis Media Center, which was David Kramer and a lot of people who had emerged during Russia Gate, and John McCain played a big role in, and you know they issued to Zelinski, I think his first month in office, something called the Red Lines Memo, where they threatened the incoming Zelinsky Administration with quote "political instability" if the administration crossed any of the something like 50 or 60 red lines for the government not to cross, otherwise, almost a 100 signatories of State Department, and USAID grantees and CIA cutout organizations, and George Soros organizations, all signed in this open letter representing effectively tens of thousands of people between all their institutions, who could take to the streets, do these rental riots, and destabilize the country if the government took any of these actions.

    Big Fat Bull Shit. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    That even unable to spell names correctly.



  46. \\I mean the US government effectively forbade the newly installed Ukrainian government from allowing the Russian language to be spoken in Ukraine


    liliPut's missive, in the core of it.


  47. ...there was this, you know, there was a sort of shared Ukrainian national identity. But there were a lot of dialects. There were a lot of these, you know, sort of "the Russian East",


    Result of Ethnic Cleansing. Where "Russian-speaking people" where re-settled into still warm houses from which Ukrainians was banished.

    THAT IS how that "Russian East" was established.


  48. \\But an attempt to bring the entire country into an unalloyed sort of NATO vassal State,


    taken into NATO

    WHY??? HOW????

    If that is whole plan behind it all.

    But... magical thinkers -- able to find confirmation in anything. Even in totally opposing facts.


  49. \\we leaned on them to change their whole culture

    For Ukrainians to became Ukrainians again... and free themself from Russian-speaking slavery.

    What a horror... yawn.

    People NEED to be slaves??? Of respective empires that conquered em?

    While -- people forgetting their ethnic root, their history, their language -- that's EXACTLY what globalists/corporatists WANT, isn't it?

  50. \\You skipped the 2+ hour video. Can't see as I blame you, it was long... but revealing.

    You propose for me to start reading Gell-Mann's Newspapers? ;-P

    \\...and then phase it in. Ever get a big design mod midway into a production run? You just build/test the mod and phase it in... and backfit the old models in the field with Modkits. That's what Mk/Mod numbers are for. Configuration Control.


    But ONLY while the Production Pipeline is in place.

    While ship still in dock, so to say.

    And not in the middle of the ocean. And during storm. ;-P

    \\I said a Hi-Lo mix. Maybe we drop them from F-35s or B-52s?

    Well... that's need discussion of Third Millennium Battle Tactics... not a shallow topic. ;-P

    \\His kids have got to learn sometime...

    They not learned enough... while taking part in the works of Government??? %-))))))

    I bet such training overshadows ANY local business ones. ;-P

    \\/Either they... or some rival country. Are you happy that data about you would be collected by China? Or RFia? Iran? ;-P

    \\I could care less. It can't be any worse than it being collected by NSA. And I don't travel anymore. They'd have to send their hit teams here, and get past my dogs. :)

    They... after your bank account(s). Your pension funds. Your on-line identity.

    Hardly your dog can protect you from data lurking-in through Wi-Fi. ;-P

    \\I'm sure its' only a temporary cease fire.


    Just for lulz. And for the same of posterity "see how decent I am, I allow EVEN ZIZ".


    I cured DiBi from it. As you know. B-P

  51. Animal jokes are often fables, i.e. their punchline is (or eventually becomes) a kind of a maxim.

    The Hare runs like crazy through a forest and meets the Wolf. The Wolf asks: "What's the matter? Why such haste?" / "The camels there are caught and shod!" The Wolf says: "But you're not a camel!" / "Hey, after you are caught and shod, just you try to prove to them that you are not a camel!"

    This joke is suggested to be an origin of the popular Russian saying "try to prove you are not a camel" in the sense "try to prove something to someone who doesn't want to listen", used in relation to violations of the presumption of innocence[12] by Russian law enforcement agencies, or when someone has to fight the bureaucracy to get official papers proving that one has lost a leg or is even alive. The Hare and the joke itself were used to illustrate the hassles of a Soviet lishenets in a 1929 issue of a satirical magazine Chudak.[13] Mikhail Melnichenko, in an article about Soviet political jokes cites a 1926 private collection, which renders the joke in a more gruesome form, where the Hare is scared of the rumor that all camels are taken hostages by Cheka and shot (a reference to the Red Terror).[14] Later Melnichenko in his book Coветский анекдот. Указатель сюжетов reports an earlier version, a record of a censored sketch of the comic duo Bim Bom. A similar parable was told by a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi Jalal ad-Din Rumi, in which a person was scared to be taken for a donkey and skinned.[15] Ben Lewis in his "Hammer & Tickle" cites yet another version: a flock of sheep seek refuge in Finland because Beria ordered an arrest of all elephants (an allusion to the sweeping national operations of the NKVD) and they have no chance to explain the difference to Beria. Lewis traces it to "a Persian poet in 12th-century Arabia, where it involves a fox running away from a royal ordinance that in theory applies only to donkeys."[16]

    PS Hint: look at the dates mentioned. ;-P

  52. Hakim Jeffries or Robert Schumer's face? ;p

    ...and you should really read post-colonialism studies. The first thing the colonizers do is say things like, "You're culture is so exotic and interesting" and "the authentic Ukrainian culture should be taught and preserved..." so that you never wise up and start acting like us!

  53. \\...and you should really read post-colonialism studies.

    One who lived half of his life in shit should read more about manure? ;-P

    Are you mad at me, to propose something like that? :-/

    \\The first thing the colonizers do is say things like, "You're culture is so exotic and interesting" and "the authentic Ukrainian culture should be taught and preserved..." so that you never wise up and start acting like us!

    I can be a dean in that Colonial Studies department... if I'd care. Yawn.

  54. Have you studied it yet? ;-P


    Unlike your proposal -- it really something you really dunno about. And... pretty authentic.

    But well... you do not like authentic things. You like third time recycled garbage... yawn.

  55. Hm... now two posts in a row...

  56. Pedants?

    Sorry, but I think they ended their way... in a GULAG. Or... if survived, died out quitly.


    So now, in this hemisphere, it like this "Wut??? You think you are smart? Smack-smack-bam!". :-/

  57. No, "negativity" has been banished. It's all "positivity"... and "Yes, YOU CAN!". Negativity is for Eastern Europeans. Anything negative we Americans are allowed to possess are propagandized caricatures of our political opponents like Emmanuel Goldstein in 1984 or Donald Trump in the NY Times.

  58. \\ No, "negativity" has been banished. It's all "positivity"... and "Yes, YOU CAN!".

    In YOUR hemisphere???

    Well... probably. I have no other choice as to believe to your words...

  59. We call it "the achievement society". Yours is still "the disciplinary society"... but hey, you're still in transition 9and you're likely further along than most living in the West's "digital" hemisphere..

  60. Yeah... and I connect with you through tum tum drums mail and smoke signals. ;-P

  61. ps - "achievement" is a euphemism for "CONTROL".

    Some want to use you...

  62. "Moooo!" replied the half-dead Rope Walker from the town of the Motley Cow...

    The Motley Cow
    This town in Zarathustra is given almost no attention and yet I think it is the dominant concept around us

    We do not live around nihilists. We are surrounded by a clamouring mess of true believers chasing their individual values or clumping up into minature herds of political movement, celebrity worship, or somewhere in between.

    We are awash in the sound and color of modern mass media and painted over with their values. Who could be an individual in this world? Who could blend in with a herd?

    We are all motley cows. We are all herd animals who can no longer blend together. Our biology compels us to bind together but which values can be shared?

    This global village we now share is a buzzing, clanging confusion.

  63. ps- We're NOT herd animals. We're HORDE animals! (Freud)

  64. \\We are awash in the sound and color of modern mass media and painted over with their values. Who could be an individual in this world? Who could blend in with a herd?

    I like to "eat" grass... and you -- what that grass "tramsmutates" into, after neing chewed by cows...

    \\This global village we now share is a buzzing, clanging confusion.

    As always... yawn.

  65. Nietzsche, "On the Future..."

    "It is precisely in journalism that the two tendencies combine and become one. The expansion and the diminution of education here join hands. The newspaper actually steps into the place of culture, and he who, even as a scholar, wishes to voice any claim for education, must avail himself of this viscous stratum of communication which cements the seams between all forms of life, all classes, all arts, and all sciences, and which is as firm and reliable as news paper is, as a rule. In the newspaper the peculiar educational aims of the present culminate, just as the journalist, the servant of the moment, has stepped into the place of the genius, of the leader for all time, of the deliverer from the tyranny of the moment. Now, tell me, distinguished master, what hopes could I still have in a struggle against the general topsy-turvification of all genuine aims for education; with what courage can I, a single teacher, step forward, when I know that the moment any seeds of real culture are sown, they will be mercilessly crushed by the roller of this pseudo-culture? Imagine how useless the most energetic work on the part of the individual teacher must be, who would fain lead a pupil back into the distant and evasive Hellenic world and to the real home of culture, when in less than an hour, that same pupil will have recourse to a newspaper, the latest novel, or one of those learned books, the very style of which already bears the revolting impress of modern barbaric culture--"

  66. You're stuck in the present. Seek the future... through the past!

  67. \\You're stuck in the present. Seek the future... through the past!



    Yeah... "Gloob, gloob, gloob terari", yawn!

  68. ...I suppose jokes aren't funny when you're always singing the Volga Boat song.
