Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Problem with Corporatism that it prevents REAL OWNership.  The WEF speaks of  "stakeholder capitalism" out of one side of its' mouth, but then proclaims, "You will OWN nothing, and LIKE it".  It offers you cloud-serfdom in the community you settle it, but then the immigration "gypsies" arrive to drive down your wages and expel you by make your "rents" unaffordable.  The corporations then "buy out" your stake-hold.  The WEF isn't making you a "stake-holder", it's making your a "temporary stock-holder" on a cloud-vassal's (corporate CEO's) Technofeudal plantation.  Stakeholder Capitalism is the Road BACK to Serfdom, not to the American Dream of OWNING your OWN Castle!  ...and people are catching on!  So, how do you pay your rent on all the things you no longer OWN when the time comes to retire?  If you had OWNed it, there would be no rent.  The LONG-term benefits of OWNership outweight the SHORT-term benefits of renting or leasing.  It's why homeowners don't rent their furniture.  People who rent are ALWAYS over-PAYing, because the payments go on long past the rented items use-value!

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