Friday, August 2, 2024

Yanis Veroufakis - Technofeudalism

Excerpt from video above:
Wherever we turn, we witness the Triumph of Capital. Capital has prevailed everywhere, in warehouses, factories, offices, universities, even in public hospitals, in the media, in space, but also in the microcosm of genetic engineering. So how do I dare claim that Capitalism has been killed, by whom? The deliciously ironic answer is that Capitalism was killed by its' own hand, by Capital.

If I am right, the issue is not what AI will do to us in the future, but what has already happened. Capital became so dominant that it mutated into a variant so toxic that, like a stupid virus, it killed off its host, Capitalism and replacing it with something far, far worse. This new Mutant Capital that killed Capitalism lives in the proverbial Cloud, so let us call it "Cloud Capital".

What is Cloud Capital? What makes it so different? Cloud Capital of course does not really live up in the clouds, it lives down here on Earth, comprising Network machines, Server Farms, cell towers, software, Aid driven algorithms, and of course, it lives on our oceans floors where Untold miles of optic fiber cables rest. Unlike traditional Capital from fishing rods, to the steam engines of the Industrial Revolution, to today's modern industrial robots that are produced by the means of production, Cloud capital does not produce anything. It comprises Machines, manufactured so as to modify human behavior. That's what Amazon's Alexa, or Google's assistant, or Apple's Siri is, it is a produced means of Behavioral modification. It is a machine a piece of Capital which we train to train us, to train it to train us, and so on, and so forth. To determine that which we want, and once we want it, the same network machine sells it to us directly, bypassing markets.

As if that were not enough, the same Machinery succeeds in making us sustain the enormous behavioral modification machine Network to which it belongs with our free voluntary labor. We are sustaining it as we post reviews, rate products, upload videos rants, photos... we help reproduce Cloud Capital without getting a penny for our labor. In essence, it has turned us into its' Cloud Serfs.

Meanwhile in the factories and the warehouses where waged proletarians work under increasingly precarious conditions, the same algorithms that modify our behavior and sell products to us directly, those algorithms are deployed, usually by digital devices tied to the workers wrists, to make proletarians workers in the warehouses in the factories work faster, to direct and to monitor them in real time.

I started by saying that wherever we turn, we stumble on the Triumph of Capital, but it is Cloud Capital that is the real winner. It is amazing how it performs at once five roles that used to be beyond Capital's capacities:
-Cloud Capital grabs our attention
-It manufactures our desires
-It sells to us directly outside any traditional markets that which is going to satiate the desires it made us have
-Cloud Capital also drives proletarian labor inside the workplaces
-And finally, it elicits massive Free Labor from us, the cloud serfs
Is it surprising that the owners of this Cloud Capital, let's call them "Cloudalists", that these people have a hither to undreamed power to extract?
-Gargantuan Surplus Value from proletarians?
-Untold quantities of Free Labor from almost everyone
-And mind numbing Cloud Rents from Vassal Capitalists, from Sellers
Is it a wonder that they are vastly more powerful than Henry Ford, or even Rupert Murdoch could ever be? "Hang on," I hear you say. Is Jeff Bezos really different to Henry Ford? Aren't they all a species of Monopoly Capitalist monopolists?

No, is not a monopolistic Capitalist Enterprise. The moment you enter you have exited Capitalism altogether. Sure enough, the place is teaming with buyers and sellers, so yes, it is an enormous trading platform. But no, a "market" it certainly is not. One man called Jeff owns everything, but he's much, MUCH more than a mere monopolist. Jeff doesn't own the factories that produces stuff sold on his platform by traditional capitalists who have to use it to ply their trade.
What he does own is more important. Jeff owns the algorithm that decides which products you see, and which You Don't See. The very algorithm that you have trained to know you perfectly, so that it matches you with a seller, whom it also knows perfectly well, with a view to maximizing the probability that every such matched transaction will generate, for Jeff, the highest rent that Jeff can charge the Seller for what you buy. Up to 40% of what you pay is pocketed by Jeff, the Cloudalist.

The Mind Rebels at the enormity, but also the radical novelty of this kind of exploitation. The same algorithm that we help train in real time to know us inside out, that same algorithm both modifies our preferences and administers the selection and delivery of Commodities that will satisfy these preferences. If you and I were to type "electric bicycles" or "binoculars" while in, you and I would get totally different recommendations. In a traditional Market or shopping mall, it would be as if you and I were walking next to each other, our eyes trained in the same direction, in the same shop window, but we were to see different things, depending on what Jeff's algorithm wants each one of us to see. Everyone navigating around, except Jeff Bezos of course, everyone in is wandering around in an algorithmically constructed isolation, as if in a panopticon, where we're unable to see each other. We only see Jeff's all-seeing algorithm, or more accurately, only what his algorithm allows us to see, with a view to maximizing his Cloud Rent, which is of course today's version of the Ground Rent that the feudal Lor'ds used to extract from their vassels, and their peasants. This is not Capitalism. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to technofeudalism!

How did Cloud Capital kill Capitalism? How did it rise up? Who paid for it?

Capitalism, lest we forget, had two pillars: markets and profit. Of course, markets and profit remain ubiquitous. Nevertheless, Cloud Capital has evicted both markets and profit from the center of our socio economic system, pushing them out to its' margins and replacing them. Markets, the medium of Capitalism have been replaced by Cloud thieves. Digital trading platforms like or Alibaba, which as we saw look like, but are not, Markets and Profit the fuel of Capitalism. All that has been replaced by its feudal predecessor, Rent, but specifically, a new form of Rent. A Cloud Rent that must be paid for access to those Cloud thieves, or "digital platforms".

So how did Cloud Capital emerge? It began life in the late 1990s when the original internet, which was a Commons. It functioned as a Capitalism-free zone. That original internet, internet 1.0 if you want, was privatized by the emergent big Tech. And who paid for the trillions it cost to manufacture and to accumulate Cloud Capital so quickly in the hands of so very few Cloudalists? The startling answer is, the G7 countries central banks mostly.

How did that happen? Well, by accident. Or to be more precise, by crisis. After the financial sector collapse of 2008, our Central Bankers printed up to $35 trillion to bail out the bankers. At the time when the governments were subjecting our peoples to harsh austerity, Capitalists were clever enough to foresee that the many would be too impecunious to buy their stuff. So instead of investing, they took the central bank money to the stock exchange and the bond markets, where they bought shares and bonds, along with Yachts, art, Bitcoin, NFT's, any asset they could lay their hands on.

The only Capitalists who actually invested in Capital, were big Tech owners. For example, nine out ofevery $10 that went into creating Facebook came from these Central Bank monies. That's how Cloud Capital was financed, and how the cloudalists became our new ruling class. As a result, real power today resides not with the owners of Machinery, buildings, Railway and phone networks, industrial robots... These old-fashioned terrestrial Capitalists continue to extract Surplus Value from wage labour of course, but they are no longer in charge, as they used to be. They have become vassels in relation to the owners of Cloud Capital, of the cloudalists. As for the rest of us, we have returned to a former status, as serfs contributing to the wealth and power of the new ruling class, with our unpaid labor in addition to the wage labor we perform when we get a chance to do it.

"But surely," someone will say, "...this is still Capitalism, isn't it?" So, you're still unconvinced. I know, it is hard to part with the term, with the word "Capitalism". It is not just liberals who think of Capitalism like fish think of the water they swim in, as natural. Socialists, too, need to feel that our purpose in life, the reason why we came on to this Earth, is to overthrow Capitalism. The news that I bring, that Capital beat us to it and now we have something worse in cCapitalism's place. That news is hard to accept. Indeed, it is mostly my fellow traveling leftist friends who try to dissuade me, to convince me that "Yes, Cloud Capital may be important, but this is still Capitalism, mate! Let's call it "Rentiere Capitalism" or "Monopoly Capitalism"," they suggest. But that simply will not do.

Cloud rent is not like Ground rent, because it requires massive investment in new tech. And it is not Monopoly rent either, because Bezos and Zuckerberg, instead of monopolizing markets to sell their manufacture's, like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison did, Bezos and Zukerberg have replaced Markets, and have no interest in manufacturing anything, unlike Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.

"How about 'Surveillance Capitalism'?" Again no, it won't do. Cloudalists do not simply use algorithms to brainwash us on behalf of advertisers in an otherwise Capitalist setting. No, Cloud Capital reproduces itself through our Free Labor. It directly exploits waged labor and it squeezes Cloud rents from Vassel Capitalists in trading platforms that are not Markets. This is not Capitalism folks, any kind of Capitalism.

But what about the observation that technofeudalism is parasitic on the Capitalist sector within it? Yes, it is true, were the conventional Capitalists to die out, Cloudalists would perish, unable to skim off Cloud rents from the manufacturers.

So what after Capitalism, overthrew Feudalism? Capitalists were also parasitical land owners, in the sense that without private land producing food, Capitalism would wither similarly. Now, while the traditional Capitalist sector feeds technofeudalism, it is Cloud Capital and Cloud rent that dominate.

Does it matter whether we call it technofeudalism or some form of Capitalism at this point? It is important to recall Max's Maxim, that the point is not to "interpret" but to "change" the world. So does it matter if this is still Capitalism or whether we call it technofeudalism? I think it does. Recognizing that our world has become technofeudal helps us grasp the enormity of what it will take to organize the victims of exorbitant power, the exploited, who now include not only wage laborers, but also the hordes of cloud serfs, who are reproducing the very Cloud Capital that keeps them in a state of deepening precarity.

The concept of technofeudalism drives home the point that organizing Auto Workers and nurses, while still essential, is insufficient. It elucidates what it will take to organize the movements against the fossil fuel cartel, when our means of communication are run on Cloud Capital primed to poison public opinion. It explains how the shift to electric cars caused German de-industrialization, as profits due to precision mechanical engineering are being replaced by rents, extracted by owners of the Cloud Capital, keeping tabs on the driver's routes and in-cabinhabits.

Elon Musk's decision to buy Twitter suddenly makes a lot more sense. Twitter, for Musk, is an interface between his mechanical Capital stock at Tesla and SpaceX, and Cloud Capital. The new Cold War between the United States and China, especially after the War in Ukraine, is explained as the repercussion of an underlying clash between two technofeudalism. One whose Cloud rents are denominated in dollars, the other in Yuan.

Isn't it mindboggling? It took mind-bending scientific breakthroughs, fantastical neural-networks, and Imagination defying AI programs to accomplish what? To create a world where while privatization and private Equity assets strip all physical wealth around us, Cloud Capital goes about the business of asset stripping our brains.

To own our minds individually, we must own Cloud Capital collectively. Once we have reclaimed our minds, we can put them collectively to work out a way to create a new Cloud Capital Commons. It will be damned hard, but it's the only way we can turn our cloud-based artifacts from a produced means of Behavioral modification, to a produced means of human collaboration and emancipation.
"Cloud serfs, Cloud proles, and Cloud Vassels of the World Unite! We have nothing to lose but our mind chains!"
We obviously don't know Jack about Economics...
More from Yanis on Democracy


  1. Yawn.

    Lem explained it all in f*g 60th.

    But you prefer minutiae regurgitations to a Real Ultimative Knowledge.

  2. You mean having it explained exoterically?

    Your esoteric Lemisms can remain concealed that way.

    If it bores you, don't read it.

  3. Now, bend your knee to your American masters, cloudserf!

  4. What would Wotan, the knowledge/ lightbringer say? Read your own damn runes!

  5. To me, Lem is but “murmers with Mimir’s head.”

  6. When in the springtime of the year
    When the trees are crowned with leaves
    When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
    Are dressed in ribbons fair
    When owls call the breathless moon
    In the blue veil of the night
    The shadows of the trees appear
    Amidst the lantern light
    We've been rambling all the night
    And some time of this day
    Now returning back again
    We bring a garland gay
    Who will go down to the shady groves
    And summon the shadows there
    And tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms
    In the springtime of the year
    The songs of birds seem to fill the wood
    That when the fiddler plays
    All their voices can be heard
    Long past their woodland days
    We've been rambling all the night
    And some time of this day
    And now returning back again
    We bring a garland gay
    And so they linked their hands and danced
    'Round in circles and in rows
    And so the journey of the night descends
    When all the shades are gone
    A garland gay we bring you here
    And at your door we stand
    It is a sprout well budded out
    The work of our Lord's hand
    We've been rambling all the night
    And some time of this day
    And now returning back again
    We bring a garland gay
    We've been rambling all the night
    And some time of this day
    And now returning back again
    We bring a garland gay

  7. Growing defensive... good, good, that means that we making progress. ;-)

  8. \\When have you ever known me to self-censor?

    Oh? I misunderstand you, that you are a human?

    We humans self-censor ourself ALL of the time. And habitually LYING about it... to ourselfs.

  9. Huh. And now you runned away.

    Well... I have no interest in cornering you what so ever.

    But still, there is question that are interesting -- do you have introspection, to apply that experience observing other people (that same pShaw)... to your own.

  10. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ How would you know? Do you have a point of comparison to some other "wise men"?

    \\ July 30, 2024 at 6:07 PM

    Yep. Reality itself.

  11. at pShaws

    \\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

    \\ MAGA will continue to root around in the bowels of the internet to find something, ANYTHING, to smear VP Harris's parents, sibling, husband, step-children, etc.

    Well... why not????

    That is the rule of the game -- YOU started.

    Or what??? Only DEMNs allowed to smear Rep candidates??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Joe Biden was not the OFFICIAL nominee when Trump debated him in July. Biden was POTUS, but had NOT been nominated by the DNC at that time. Trump debated him, nevertheless.

    Because... Trump showed courtesy to his old friend? ;-P

    Why he should show SAME courtesy to just anybody???

    Really??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Vice President Kamala Harris was born in the US to an South Asian Indian mother and an Afro-Jamaican father. She is a woman of color and celebrates both her South Asian Indian and Afro-Jamaican heritages.

    \\End of discussion here, but, I'm afraid, not for folks like you who are obsessed with people's race.

    Race? No.

    But it's interesting how South Asian heritage + Afro-Jamaican heritage SUDDENLY became eligible to represent POTUS as epitome of United States of America heritage.


    It's like someone with experience as proctologist and dentist became eligible to be heart surgeon. ;-P

    I for example... would be VARY of such a sudden change of specialization.

    But well... I am not one living in such a feirytale land. :-)))))

    \\By birth, VP Kamala is an American citizen. That's all that is necessary for her to be POTUS, plus be 35+ years old and have lived for 14 continuous years in the US.

    SAME as Russia's spies??? Or their children?

    Like that that just was swapped. And who knows -- what amount of em stay. In USA. On who know how high of a posts???

  12. Have you seen this one? ;-)

    Let's look how's he treat my as ever trithful and factual post:

    AnonymousAugust 6, 2024 at 4:04 AM

    Is this YOUR words?

    \\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...
    \\ VP Harris was never given the title nor the job of Border Czar. FACT. You’re getting your info from disinformation sources.
    \\ August 1, 2024 at 8:34 PM

    THE PRESIDENT: In addition to that, there’s about five other major things she’s handling, but I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border.

    And source --

    So... are you ready to call this GOVERNMENT website "disinformation sources"?

    Or... admit that you are nothing else but miserly and stoooopid DEMN liar.

  13. I no longer live in Omelas, so I no longer care what goes on there. As you would say, "It's NMP!"

  14. Well... pShaw answered there.

    And as always -- it all lies.

    But unlike in her blog, she UNABLE to conceal it there (well, for this moment).

    So... do you not interested in it -- how it was nailed to its lies? ;-P

  15. Well... pre-dick-table. That Sam deleted all my messages.

    Just yet one DEMN-cretin.


  16. Why long face? ;-P

    And... RUSSIA NEEDS Lend-Lease!!!! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  17. Replies
    1. Do you know all faces of your decorated generals? ;-P

  18. Replies
    1. Heh... isn't it obvious from context? @@

  19. Replies
    1. That was question about USA. Yawn.

  20. Dunno what to say here...

  21. This too???

    Well... I was warning you -- that you choose wrong side to root for... yawn.

  22. So... bad feelings from disappointment -- is granted.

  23. Ah, is that "Little Black"? I think I watched some video of him before. And I'm not "rooting for" the Russians. I just know which team is going to win and I don't have any money bet on the game except for the money stolen from me that I'll never get back.

    1. "If problem can be solved with money -- it's not problem, it's expenses" -- and now that is motto of USA.

      Want it to be otherwise? Ol'Goo'Way... with boot on the ground and all???


    2. ???

  24. Actually, they'll just steal more to bet on a losing team. ;p

    1. Yep.

      On RFia...

      Your bet on PRCia WON... and SPECTACULARLY!!!

  25. Is that the colour they paint the money they steal from us?

  26. Hah... now I know why they added this NEW style.

    It have nifty "Failed to post. Try later" censure gimmick. ;-P

    :-))))))))))... heh, but you need explanation, what's so funny. :-))))

    That is all THIRD RATE equipment. Old. Soviet times. Made from scraps. Refurbished.

    STILL think that RFia wins??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    While it NEEEEEDS Lend-Lease. DIRELY NEED!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Looks like some of it has been upgraded with anti-drone mods. A cannon can still kill you, regardless of when it was cast.

    2. Yeah. That's why it all in holes from that drones hitting em? ;-p

      And I just thought that that is just Scrap Metal Style latest fashion. ;-p

    3. \\A cannon can still kill you, regardless of when it was cast.

      Yep... especially if it'll use shell from NK... oh, shit. ;-P

    4. Ideology... it's about Idealism. Idealism -- it's Perfectness. ;-P

  27. Lem tout me imPerfectness. ;-)

    Which is totally opposite to all that idealistic garbage you keep referring to. And unCompatible with it.

    But... technologies -- they NOT perfect. By definition.

    Same as this World. Reality itself.

    And even less so -- ourself.

    1. ???


      Are tree... any tree you saw/know are perfect tree? In what way?

      It always adapt to environment. Even to branches broken by wind. And etc.

      Technology -- it's like that tree...

      But... I know, I know... you prefer grass. A mere weeds. ;-P

      And Meden Agan to grow above it. ;-P

  28. Replies
    1. Another street conscription for the Ukrainian army?

    2. Naah. Activists caught "nazi/dissident" that called out against "special military operation". ;-P

  29. “I hadn't known there were so many idiots in the world until I started using the Internet.”
    ― Stanislaw Lem

  30. “Tell me something. Do you believe in God?'

    Snow darted an apprehensive glance in my direction. 'What? Who still believes nowadays?'

    'It isn't that simple. I don't mean the traditional God of Earth religion. I'm no expert in the history of religions, and perhaps this is nothing new--do you happen to know if there was ever a belief in an...imperfect God?'

    'What do you mean by imperfect?' Snow frowned. 'In a way all the gods of the old religions were imperfect, considered that their attributes were amplified human ones. The God of the Old Testament, for instance, required humble submission and sacrifices, and and was jealous of other gods. The Greek gods had fits of sulks and family quarrels, and they were just as imperfect as mortals...'

    'No,' I interrupted. 'I'm not thinking of a god whose imperfection arises out of the candor of his human creators, but one whose imperfection represents his essential characteristic: a god limited in his omniscience and power, fallible, incapable of foreseeing the consequences of his acts, and creating things that lead to horror. He is a...sick god, whose ambitions exceed his powers and who does not realize it at first. A god who has created clocks, but not the time they measure. He has created systems or mechanisms that serves specific ends but have now overstepped and betrayed them. And he has created eternity, which was to have measured his power, and which measures his unending defeat.'

    Snow hesitated, but his attitude no longer showed any of the wary reserve of recent weeks:

    'There was Manicheanism...'

    'Nothing at all to do with the principles of Good and Evil,' I broke in immediately. 'This god has no existence outside of matter. He would like to free himself from matter, but he cannot...'

    Snow pondered for a while:

    'I don't know of any religion that answers your description. That kind of religion has never been...necessary. If i understand you, and I'm afraid I do, what you have in mind is an evolving god, who develops in the course of time, grows, and keeps increasing in power while remaining aware of his powerlessness. For your god, the divine condition is a situation without a goal. And understanding that, he despairs. But isn't this despairing god of yours mankind, Kelvin? Is it man you are talking about, and that is a fallacy, not just philosophically but also mystically speaking.'

    I kept on:

    'No, it's nothing to do with man. man may correspond to my provisional definition from some point of view, but that is because the definition has a lot of gaps. Man does not create gods, in spite of appearances. The times, the age, impose them on him. Man can serve is age or rebel against it, but the target of his cooperation or rebellion comes to him from outside. If there was only a since human being in existence, he would apparently be able to attempt the experiment of creating his own goals in complete freedom--apparently, because a man not brought up among other human beings cannot become a man. And the being--the being I have in mind--cannot exist in the plural, you see? ...Perhaps he has already been born somewhere, in some corner of the galaxy, and soon he will have some childish enthusiasm that will set him putting out one star and lighting another. We will notice him after a while...'

    'We already have,' Snow said sarcastically. 'Novas and supernovas. According to you they are candles on his altar.'

    'If you're going to take what I say literally...'

    ...Snow asked abruptly:

    'What gave you this idea of an imperfect god?'

    'I don't know. It seems quite feasible to me. That is the only god I could imagine believing in, a god whose passion is not a redemption, who saves nothing, fulfills no purpose--a god who simply is.”
    ― Stanisław Lem, Solaris

    “When smashing monuments, save the pedestals. They always come in handy.”
    ― Stanislaw Lem

  31. <>“No one reads; if someone does read, he doesn't understand; if he understands, he immediately forgets.”
    ― Stanislaw Lem

    “We have no need of other worlds. We need mirrors. We don't know what to do with other worlds. A single world, our own, suffices us; but we can't accept it for what it is.”
    ― Stanisław Lem, Solaris

    “A writer should not run around with a mirror for his countrymen; he should tell his society and his times things no one ever thought before.”
    ― Stanisław Lem

    “Every stink that fights the ventilator thinks it is Don Quixote.”
    ― Stanislaw Lem

  32. Imperfect people...

    And what is 'perfect'? The epitome? The most-average? The strongest? The smartest? The best balance of intelligence and strength? He was 'perfect' for the job.... meden agan! ;p

    1. For technology... all depend on goal. ;-)

      If you want to fly -- you need to be as light as possible.

      If you want to swim -- just have an empty barrel. ;-P

  33. Ideology/ Ideals are the fantasy that completes the whole (ideal perfection). It's the 'surplus' of enjoyment you get in any situation. It "fills the gap" in our knowledge and experience.

    Did you listen to the Koln Concert? The broken piano is what made it so beautiful... just a 1/2 note off 'perfect'!

    1. That's... just one of MYRIADS of possible "explanations/definitions/whatabouts/whatnots"... yawn.

      PS Yep. Nearly EVERY try... I need to refresh page, again and again.

      Digital tyranny. It ALREADY here.


  34. "Philosophy is the translation of Eros into Logos" - Byung-Chul Han "...and the desire and >pursuit of the whole is called, "Love"" - Plato "Symposium" (Aristophanes' Speech)

    1. When you say "the true technologist loves his creations"... this imaginary ideal addition that "completes the whole" is "surplus enjoyment"... arising from the previous 'imperfection'.... now being eliminated.

    2. You said "real science/ technologist" very passionate"... you were completing the material whole with an ideal. Imagining perfection, and adapting your technology towards achieving it... and loving the process.

  35. \\When you say "the true technologist loves his creations"... this imaginary ideal addition that "completes the whole" is "surplus enjoyment"... arising from the previous 'imperfection'.... now being eliminated.


    It is apparent so... in practice of programming?

    Do that code you worked so hard -- perfect? Well, maybe... you have such a feeling.

    But... it will be thrown off, or will be updated, or will exist as a legacy code... for unknown time since.

    But hardly anyone will be come looking at it sighing -- oh, that is so perfect, so great. ;-P

    PS I... dislike this update of Google. VERY MUCH.
    It looks like SPECIALLY made to discourage anonymous posting... glitching every second try.

    1. /But hardly anyone will be come looking at it sighing -- oh, that is so perfect, so great. ;-P

      Exactly. But why? Apollo chasing Daphne. The moment he achieves its' goal, the goal transforms into achieving some other desire/ love.

      Eros has been transmuted into logos... captured.

      In the legend, Apollo had been struct by Eros (Cupid's) arrow.

      "Philosophy is the translation of Eros into Logos" - Byung-Chul Han "

    2. ...transformed (via eros) from the material world into an ideal (logos).. a "mental image".

  36. \\Exactly. But why? Apollo chasing Daphne. The moment he achieves its' goal, the goal transforms into achieving some other desire/ love.

    Positive feedback loop? ;-P

    Yeah. It is.

    \\"Philosophy is the translation of Eros into Logos" - Byung-Chul Han "

    But only programming can give you a way to code it in. ;-P

    PS YES. They revealed it -- that is CENSURE MECHANISM to prevent anon posting. Yawn.

    It says "You riched MAX num of comments today. Come tomorrow". F*g Commie -- that's EXACTLY as it was in USSR. Google are Digital Commies. Bleh!

    1. What better way to be shadow banned... :P

    2. Yeah... instead of torturing with Captcha

      \\Exactly. But why? Apollo chasing Daphne. The moment he achieves its' goal, the goal transforms into achieving some other desire/ love.

      Positive feedback loop? ;-P

      Yeah. It is.

      \\"Philosophy is the translation of Eros into Logos" - Byung-Chul Han "

      But only programming can give you a way to code it in. ;-P

      PS YES. They revealed it -- that is CENSURE MECHANISM to prevent anon posting. Yawn.

      It says "You riched MAX num of comments today. Come tomorrow". F*g Commie -- that's EXACTLY as it was in USSR. Google are Digital Commies. Bleh!

  37. /But only programming can give you a way to code it in

    Ooooh... Aaaaah... Marvel at the old code... the old Eros transformed into logos..... @@

  38. Blocking small comments... it seems

  39. \\Exactly. But why?

    Immortality thru Re-birth....

    From the Jowett summary of Plato's "Symposium"

    But Love desires the beautiful; and then arises the question, What does he desire of the beautiful? He desires, of course, the possession of the beautiful;—but what is given by that? For the beautiful let us substitute the good, and we have no difficulty in seeing the possession of the good to be happiness, and Love to be the desire of happiness, although the meaning of the word has been too often confined to one kind of love. And Love desires not only the good, but the everlasting possession of the good. Why then is there all this flutter and excitement about love? Because all men and women at a certain age are desirous of bringing to the birth. And love is not of beauty only, but of birth in beauty; this is the principle of immortality in a mortal creature. When beauty approaches, then the conceiving power is benign and diffuse; when foulness, she is averted and morose.

    But why again does this extend not only to men but also to animals? Because they too have an instinct of immortality. Even in the same individual there is a perpetual succession as well of the parts of the material body as of the thoughts and desires of the mind; nay, even knowledge comes and goes. There is no sameness of existence, but the new mortality is always taking the place of the old. This is the reason why parents love their children—for the sake of immortality; and this is why men love the immortality of fame. For the creative soul creates not children, but conceptions of wisdom and virtue, such as poets and other creators have invented. And the noblest creations of all are those of legislators, in honour of whom temples have been raised. Who would not sooner have these children of the mind than the ordinary human ones? (Compare Bacon's Essays, 8:—'Certainly the best works and of greatest merit for the public have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men; which both in affection and means have married and endowed the public.')

  40. \\\\Exactly. But why?

    \\Immortality thru Re-birth....

    Naaah. That "perfect" line of code is perfect only by that standards -- that nothing else fit. There can be MYRIADS more bulky, more cluttered, more tedious lines of code. That would be solving same task... probably.

    Like you know -- what is bootstrap code? Information on disk drives (or diskettes, you are one who should remember em) split into 512 bytes chunks. And that... pretty much small amount. So... to pack into it that little program -- bootstrapper. Or bootloader. Pretty "perfectionists" task. And some people do quite impressive things with it.

    Also... there whole kind of art, among programmers -- to make this or that program small and smaller...


    \\But Love desires the beautiful; and then arises the question, What does he desire of the beautiful? He desires, of course, the possession of the beautiful;

    Heh. And what is beautiful? ;-P

    Even Socrates was not able to come up with a clue.

    But well... our time added Technological definition -- like we deem firm lines of a new ship, elegant minimalism of a new airplane, smooth contours of a new car -- as beautiful?


    Because they are FUNCTIONAL, that beauty. Make that ship, airplane, car move faster, fit into environment better, do better job.

    Same what we know about same old beauty that caught eyes of Ancient Greeks -- curvy thighs, well-rounded bodies in other places. ;-P

    NOW... we can track that beauty back to its roots... back to that spirals of DNA... through ages. ;-P

    But... that is "beauty". Beauty of a science. That you IGNORE.

    Because... that is something Ancient Greeks did not know, and CAN NOT know. And you deem only THEIR knowledge as only important.


    Which means... that your understanding of beauty are flawed. As you understand only MINIMALISTIC part of it...

    But... not everything that are small, are beautiful.

    \\And Love desires not only the good, but the everlasting possession of the good.

    Yep. Positive feedback loop.

    Which can only BLOW UP things... if not be tamed by some Negative feedback loop. To keep it in check.

    It's like... isn't Fire Good and Warm, and gives us blessing of Light... even in the dark hour?

    But does it mean that Fire of an Atoomc Boobm is also GOOD???

    Naaah. We are homeostatic creatures. We can exist only in lukewarm environments. And cannot survive such excesses.

    \\But why again does this extend not only to men but also to animals? Because they too have an instinct of immortality.

    Bleh. In bacteria too???

    While they just chuncks of a program. That happen to repeat itself infinitely. Bound only by that Negative feedback loop -- that it needs some spare matter and energy to continue self-replication. Technology!


    \\This is the reason why parents love their children—for the sake of immortality;

    Dived into sci feed, yesterday.

    It seems neanderthals cared about their children ba-a-a-ad.

    That's why they gone extinct.

    But... naaah, they just merged with us their gene pool. So now some people -- care about their children. And some -- not.

    Meh. There's NO "sacred knowledge" in it.

    Everything just a happenstance.


    \\and this is why men love the immortality of fame.


    It's just that women more easily enamored with fame and power... well, quite wise from their POV. Only... that "wisdom" is not in their minds, but in their wombs.


    \\...and I have no capacity to give birth to beauty myself...

    "Beauty in they eyes of beholder"(c)

    So what... are you blind to a beauty? ;-P

  41. Yeah... it seems like it discriminate against short posts.

    I could try to look into the code -- is it on client side, or server side.

    But I'm... lazy.


  42. Beauty is but three things. Measure, symmetry, and truth. (Plato, "Philebus") and Kant would add, the "feeling" of love (fear feelings produces the 'sublime')

    1. Cindy Crawford or Claudia Schiffer? Cindy of course. She has a mole that disturbs the symmetry... something to love (a flaw).

  43. Truth is the match to function... or other match you may seek.

  44. ...and what is "truth"? Nietzsche says that the criterion for truth is something giving one an increase in the feeling of power. ;p

    1. ...and having either Cindy Crawford or Claudia Schiffer on your arm would certainly signal your "power" to others.

    2. Today???

      It will make you a necrophile... I wonder. ;-P

    3. err... I guess.

  45. Do rhinoceros female looks beautiful to you? Or... some slimy from?

  46. My bet is that the BeloRus will be dancing in Kyiv before the Ukrainians reach Kursk. How much air support is your Kursk force getting from their new F-16s?

    Yep, that's how "serious" I should take it.

    1. \\My bet is that the BeloRus will be dancing in Kyiv before the Ukrainians reach Kursk.

      Yep. Because you are Know Nothing under influence of Antipode's Syndrome to boot. ;-P

      \\How much air support is your Kursk force getting from their new F-16s?

      With code patches installed by DEMNs that prevent that F-16 to fly out of designated zones? ;-p

      \\Yep, that's how "serious" I should take it.

      Well... you are civilian. Yawn.

      Not even amateur in military strategy and history. Yawn.

      But well... that's why you opinion is so interesting. Well, marginally...

  47. The patches are to keep the AI that actually flies the planes in the right box.

    1. You believe in a colloquial representation of AI by your media/hollywood. @@

    2. Yawn. Old news.

    3. Then why b*tch about the patches? You're a programmer. Someone needs to fix all your mistakes.

    4. That was a joke. ;-P

    5. You yourself set such standard here -- not talking too seriously about various stuff.

      And... I double-checked myself -- yep, I correctly signed it being tongue-in-chickque... with " ;-p ".

      So... dunno why it made so much confusion.

      Well... there is lots of talks about how "smart" weapon USA and West in general gives to Ukraine have this or that "patches" to prevent "misuse".

      Like lots of talks about Germany's stealth cruise missiles... that "need to be programmed by Germany military".

      And though I do not have such information -- about proper procedure. From basic common sense and especially my professional experience -- there can be all kinds of "dirty hacks"... yawn.

      As from side of that USA/West... as from Ukrainian side. But, Ukrainian side -- have little incentive to do "jailbreaks" of it... by obvious reasons.

  48. \\But... I know, I know... you prefer grass. A mere weeds. ;-P

    \\And Meden Agan to grow above it. ;-P

    This my rethorical-metaphorical escapade was unseen? unresolutive?

    There was such a story... about Byzantine king/ruler giving silent advice to his fellow satrap -- about how to govern over people (non-Machiavellic way ;-P Asian one) -- he just gone to walk in a wheat field, and while walking was removing streaks that grown above others. ;-P

    PS Do I need to explain? I wonder.

    \\Beauty is but three things. Measure, symmetry, and truth.

    Truth? Isn't that things that JUST IS???

    Symmetry... as we know today -- this all Universe would have a problem to merely exist, without symmetries... of different kinds (look Emmy Noether). So, again -- things that JUST IS.

    And "measure" -- isn't it, it's possible to measure only what really and JUST IS?

    And about Nietzsche

    \\...and what is "truth"? Nietzsche says that the criterion for truth is something giving one an increase in the feeling of power. ;p

    Well... naturally. As it would be incredible to feel power NOT from holding firm sword and tough shield...

    but it seems, you and whole USA and modern West... thinks it CAN still feel power... from brandishing its outdated and deluded self-representation image, and hide behind fleeting old glory... without need to reform and outdo itself.

    Well... "Rise and Fall of Ancient Roman Empire"... Yawn.

  49. You don't like the West's new 'woke' approach to warfare? Neither do I, but it is what it is. Soft power. "Ukraine? You GO, girl! Get you some Rusha!"

    Think anyone's falling for it?

    1. New???

      Only for those who dunno/do not want to know history...

      \\Think anyone's falling for it?

      Till the moment of Pearl Harbor? When utter civilians... suddenly start wearing uniform.

  50. Replies
    1. \\Douglas MacGregor reveals that Russia is on the brink of annihilating Ukraine's forces in the strategic Kursk region

      You STILL buying it? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      On THIRD YEAR of "Kyiv in THREE days!!"???? %^))))))))))))))))))))0

      "on the brink of annihilating"???

      Here how it looks like in NUMBERS.

      No-no-no... NOT reported by CIA, or Mossad, or Ukraine forces.

      BY TOP BRASS of RFia... BEFORE face of hlo itself... by that russian decorated general -- their version of chief of staff.

      In first day: "attackers miserly 1000... and we already destroyed 300... and whole 50-something of their armored vehicles" -- 30% casualties among assault forces, render em UNABLE to continue offense.

      NOW, more then a WEEK after that: "attackers are miserly 5 brigades/around 2800 casualities... 42 tanks ALONE" -- AGAIN 30%... and that means that UAF need to be STALLED... but then, SAME face saying that offense continues.

      And now.


      AFTER having such FIRST HAND information. And with having some (not big, but firm for sure -- like that about 30%) knowledge of military tactics and history.


      Believe to some talking head... with RFia's FSB hand up its rectum????!!!

      Whom do you think I am???? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

      Some Derpy-kun? ;-P

    2. \\Vladimir Putin, have positioned themselves to deliver a crushing blow that could change the course of the conflict.

      And how??? ;-P

      He SUDDENLY have found couple HUNDRED THOUSANDS of trained, equipped and highly motivated soldiers???

      AFTER... he ALREADY lost 600.000 as dead meat. And who knows how many as severly wounded and amputees.


      8 and a half THOUSANDS of main battle tanks. (of 20-22.000 made FOR ALL USSR times... after ww2)

      17.000 howitzers

      And many-many other NOT-REPLENISHABLE weaponry (like that Tu-22 that fell just yesterday)

      THAT IS ALL just a Psychological Warfare. Like in that Len's "Futurological Congress" you didn't read -- instead of investing into real metal weapon -- better invest into ways of making FOE to start thinking that he already LOST.


    3. \\underestimating Russian military capabilities.


      Like whole THREE YEARS of operation "Grab Kyiv in THREE days!!!"... leave ANY space for "undrestimating".


      \\MacGregor provides a detailed analysis of the ongoing battle in Kursk, highlighting the tactics and strategies that have allowed Russia to dominate the battlefield.



      I see.

      Antipode's Syndrome.

      Which means -- when one's LOSING ground... of his HIGHLY PROTECTED heartland... that is called "dominate the battlefield".

      I see... I see... NO, I unable to see it THAT HILARIOUSLY STOOOPID and BRAZENLY UNTRUE way...

      sorry. :-/

    4. \\He examines the vulnerabilities of Ukrainian forces and how Russia's overwhelming firepower and strategic planning

      "Three days! And Kyiv will be OURS!!!"... that now came to "and how we can 'push out' that nasty Ukrainian nazis from OUR HOLY GROUNDS".

      THAT "strategic planning"???? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


      So... it was IN PLANS from very beggining??? To allure "Ukrainian nazis" into RFia's territory???? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    5. \\The video also explores the broader geopolitical consequences of Russia's successes in Kursk,

      Poor Goebbels... he did not KNEW.

      That it was possible... when allies entered Germany territory -- to call it SUCCESS!!!

      Like. "Hurray. We have success in East Prussia!" %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    6. \\MacGregor stresses the urgent need for diplomatic intervention to prevent further escalation and mitigate the risk of a wider conflict.

      Oh, yeah????? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      Why stop... if there SO BIG successes??? ;-P In Kursk. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

      Go say... that you DO NOT feel. DO NOT understand all hilarity if such claims.

      Because of Antipode's Syndrome?

      Or... how Edgar Alan Po have called it -- "devil of perversity"?

  51. "See Russian ads for trench-digging jobs, offering $1,600-$4,000"

    Surely! THAT is how "success in Kursk" looks like (needed trivia -- median salary in RFia... is around 200$ -- TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS... and that for PROFESSIONAL personel, not grave diggers ;-P)

    1. Here. I found much better source FYI.


      Demonstrators in Moscow demand for Russia to strike Washington
      20K views 1 year ago
      Russian Media Monitor
      During a rally, demonstrators demanded for Moscow to strike Washington. They cited Putin's words: "We will go to heaven as martyrs and they will simply croak."

      Russian Media Monitor provides translations of curated clips broadcast by Russian state media, for the purposes of analysis of state-controlled propaganda, as well as the coverage of newsworthy information provided on the shows. Translation and exhibition of this material does not constitute approval or certification as to the validity of the statements made in the highlighted shows. Exercise caution and conduct additional research using trusted news organizations to validate the claims and obtain clarification, as needed.

    2. And there... LOTS of such stuff:
      Russian Media Monitor
      •77.1K subscribers•709 videos

      Well... you can dismiss it. As there is LOTS of such videos -- where aborigenes of various kinds throw tantrums against USA.

      But... there is thing that LITTLE TINSY BIT different... USUALLY, that other aborigenes -- they NOT from country that HAVE nookes, in big number and with all various kinds of means of delivery...

      but, otherwise, that is not denger... not an imminent denger... for USA. Oh, yeah...


    3. What I mean here... that is just bare naked and self-evidant as for me fact.

      That not all dangers are similar/equal.

      Some can be mitigated. Some can be fight back.

      AFTER they'll appear.

      But things like mentioned here -- need to be PREVENTED. And it take DAMN LOADS of TIME to do that...

      As such... Twins Fall can be "fixed" with re-cycling scraps and building new skycrapper plus nifty memorial site.

      But WHAT you'll build on place of NewArk... after Tzar Nook dropped on it???? %^///////

      Or... who cares about NewArk??? Not your problem? %^/// North America will look only better with such a mass-graveyard??? %^(((((

  52. Did I hit a nerve? ;)

    My comment "managing the decline" was about us, the US. It's why there aren't USMC forces next to you in the trenches.

    1. \\Did I hit a nerve? ;)

      Was I not correct with monikering with that "Pft!" effect called "chuckling"?

    2. As Mark Twain famously remarked: "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated"

  53. Hah... spamfilter removed your eyeroll post.

  54. The Censorship of media Deep State removed the underlying post it linked to as well. Wouldn't want anyone to hear how stupid their Ukrainian military advice was.

    1. Enemies wartime propaganda NEED to be proliferated FREELY?

      Well... that is how we got Real Historical Nazis -- After-WW1 Germans becoming poisoned with Russia anti-semitism, misticism and delusions of grandeour.


      What SAME for your USA???


    2. err... want SAME for USA?

  55. Soviet era flags with the ribbon of St. George. Nice touch! No Russian flags though... curious.

    1. The Georgian ribbon emerged as part of the Order of St George, established in 1769 as the highest military decoration of Imperial Russia (and re-established in 1998 by the Russian Federation)


      How do you see possible -- emerging of something called after some "saint"... in militantly atheistic Marxist's country? ;-P

      While the Order of St George was normally not a collective award, the ribbon was sometimes granted to regiments and units that performed brilliantly during wartime and constituted an integral part of some collective battle honours (such as banners and pennants). When not awarded the full Order, some distinguished officers were granted ceremonial swords, adorned with the Georgian ribbon. In 1806, distinctive Georgian banners were introduced as a further battle honour awarded to meritorious Guards and Leib Guard regiments. The pike on which these flags were mounted was topped by the St George Cross and adorned with 4,44 cm wide Georgian ribbons. It remained the highest collective military award in the Russian military until the Revolution in 1917.

      Well... comprehensive article. You should read it... or, you'd better not to. ;-P

  56. Okay, I get it now.

    In the self-proclaimed separatist Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic on Victory Day, the Banner of Victory is utilized during military parades. In 2018, the parliaments of the DPR and LPR adopted laws "On the Banner of Victory", which established the status and legal basis for the use of copies of the Banner of Victory in the republics

  57. Explaining the bans of the banner of St. George in Ukraine proper.

  58. Replies
    1. Naaah.

      Just Anti-Stolen Valor Law.


      Do I use it correctly? Let's double-check.

      What is stolen valor?
      “Stolen valor” is a colorful, colloquial and yet often appropriate term for an old and sometimes illegal offense — false claims about rank, honors or service in combat by military imposters.

      Perfectly as intended.
      Means -- those who wearing it today -- have NOTHING in common with heroic soldiers of WW2 (which was called Great Patriotic War... and by the way -- did you know THE TRIVIA -- WHAT people, on WHAT side was fighting under CURRENT RFia's flag? ;-P Well... you as true know nothing will not research that question, so... that was nazi-colaborants from soviet POVs and remnants of 1917 Civil War conter-revolutioners).

      But well... you... would not care.

      Because... who knows, who cares who that Minutemen was fighting for??? Maybe they was Royalists and have fought for a King George, isn't it? ;-P
      And King Tammany was White Supreacist and Colonialist. ;-P
      And CIA and KGB agents was dancing cancan around em all.

      "The more incredible lie, the easier people to believe in it".(tm)


    2. Against Stolen Valor.

      Such way better?

  59. You forget who you're talking to. Stolen valour? No one steals it better than the US "armed" services. I'm a merchant marine, remember? When we die in wars, no one gives a sh*t. They just give us little flags to wave. if it weren't for double standards, most nations would have none at all.

    1. Well... that's because it is innermost contradictive, in best traditions of "they, who know better" -- to award people for WHAT???

      For killing other people?

      For dying???


    2. Well... you could state your opinion on privateering then... as interested person.

      As they discuss it there, at DiBi's place. ;-P

      PS I would appreciate your opinion regardlessly.


  60. We Need To Rewild The Internet

    The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists.


    The Secret History And Strange Future Of Charisma

    How our culture, politics and technology became infused with a mysterious social phenomenon that everyone can feel but nobody can explain.

  61. ;P

    Rewild the internet? It was NEVER wild. it was always owned AND paid for by the US IC.

    1. Yeah... and that's exactly US IC that invented UDP protocol. Torrents. Hackering. ;-P


      Know why there was NO Internet in Soviet Union? ;-P

      Because "tovarisch(comerade) Major would have it hard -- to dechifer coded signal by telephone line, instead of usual voice". ;-P

  62. What would you say about people -- who'd be going by streets (in your neighbourhood?) waveing Union Jack... and screaming that ONLY THEY are ONES AND ONLY True Americans???? %^))))

    For example.

  63. Privateering was the US original model (until the US Civil War).

    And I have no problem with the Union Jack waving "true American" sects.

    My original and early -FJ avatar was ALWAYS a variant on Joseph Brandt. Molly is his sister. His Indian name, "Thayendanegea" translated to "he who places two bets". He was the illegitimate son of Sir William Johnson (aka - King Hendrick "Theyanoguin"... and who both are featured in this famous painting... Sir William in his role as King Hendrick with Joseph as the "green" jacketed militia ranger behind him (aka Sir Guy).

    1. \\Privateering was the US original model (until the US Civil War).

      Heard nothing about it... strangely. (well, not exactly, must be piles of propaganda from previous epochs... same as in your case)

    2. The United States used mixed squadrons of frigates and privateers in the American Revolutionary War. Following the French Revolution, French privateers became a menace to British and American shipping in the western Atlantic and the Caribbean, resulting in the Quasi-War, a brief conflict between France and the United States, fought largely at sea, and to the Royal Navy's procuring Bermuda sloops to combat the French privateers

    3. You mean for Ukrainian Cossacks? ;-) (I recall giving similar ref here... or that's my, delusions? ;-P)

      John Paul Jones: American Cossack | by U.S. Embassy Kyiv
      Medium · U.S. Embassy Kyiv
      11 years ago
      Many American students are familiar with the legendary U.S. Naval Officer John Paul Jones, whose daring bravery during the American Revolution ...

    4. Heard nothing about it... strangely. (well, not exactly, must be piles of propaganda from previous epochs... same as in your case)

      Like how we genocided the Indians for absolutely no reason but racism... @@

    5. \\Like how we genocided the Indians for absolutely no reason but racism... @@

      Dunno... did Fenimore Cooper write anything about it? ;-P

    6. The Leatherstocking Tales? Those were a retelling of stories stolen from George Croghan, who sold all his land to James Fenimore Cooper's father, and his descendants that still lived there like Thomas Leffingwell and David Shipman, who the models for the character Natty Bumpo in the Last of the Mohicans.

    7. Croghan married in the 1740s and had a daughter, Susannah Croghan. He later married again, while serving as Deputy Indian agent to Sir William Johnson, British Superintendent of Indian Affairs in the Northern District. His second wife was a Mohawk woman, Catherine (Takarihoga), daughter of Mohawk chief Nickus Peters (Karaghaigdatie). Their daughter Catherine (Adonwentishon) Croghan (1759-1837) would assume her mother's hereditary role as head of the Turtle clan. She later was the third wife of Joseph Brant, the prominent Mohawk war leader who led his people during their migration and settlement in Canada on lands granted by the Crown after the American Revolutionary War. Brant's sister Molly was a long-term consort of Sir William Johnson, so Croghan was doubly connected to influential British and Mohawk families in the East.[6] Elizabeth Brant, a daughter of Joseph Brant and Catherine (Adonwentishon) Crogan, married William Johnson Kerr, a grandson of Sir William Johnson and Molly Brant.

  64. What would you say about people -- who'd be going by streets (in your neighbourhood?) waveing Union Jack... and screaming that ONLY THEY are ONES AND ONLY True Americans????

    We have a name for them. Canadiens.

    1. Have they started offense on you? With pledge to suborn AND/OR exterminate USA's "unearthly heathens"??? ;-P

      Then... NO, you dunno their name. (if you not mean RFians... ;-P)

    2. Several times. The War of 1812 for one. The British used the Native American tribes as proxies. Ever hear of Tecumseh?

    3. After being defeated in the Revolutionary War, the British kept the pressure up on the American frontiers through arming and encouraging Native American tribes to raid the colonies.

    4. And you have tried to say... that proxy-wars... it's something NEW??? Unseen? Unbelievable?

    5. I have? Is your best friend a Vietnam Vet, too? Ever hear of the domino theory or US containment strategy?

    6. btw - What usually happens to the losing side in a proxy war? Does the country which originates the proxy war usually suffer the consequences of its' loss?

    7. And you? Did you heard about "putting hedgehogs into pants of Nasty Americans"? ;-P

    8. No, but I do know stories of putting nasty hedgehogs onto the heads of Nazi U-boat commanders. ;)

    9. That was how soviet leaders saw all that Koreas, Vietnams and even Caribean Crysis... yawn.

  65. -FJ was a nod to the author of the original "Farmers Letters" (and this blog's namesake), John Dickinson, the only member of the Continental Congress NOT to sign the US Declaration of Independence in 1776.

  66. ""
    Jones admitted to having paid her, but adamantly stated he had not taken her virginity, and believed she was older than was being claimed. He wrote "I love women, I confess, and the pleasures that one only obtains from that sex; but to get such things by force is horrible to me."[49][50] However, Jones would later claim the accusation was entirely false, stemming from the supposed desire of Katerina's mother, Sophia Fyodorovna, to gain financially from a prominent man.[51]

    See... and you always tried to say that today mishaps... it's something NEW. Unseen. Unbelievable.

    And not just silly games people playing for eternity...


    1. Who said that *I* am "anti-Lindy"? ;-p

      I just remarked that EVERYTHING do continues... because Inertia, is MOST POWER-FOOL force in this world.

      But... only UNTIL it no more. ;-P

    2. A toast to evolution, then! "May humans not be the last life-form standing!"

    3. Viva Anthropocentrism? ;-P

  67. See?

    Whole loads of propaganda shit... that became coprolytes and formed whole mountain ranges... ;-P in ages.

    1. Why do you think the British painted so many paintings. Nothing "seals" a fake-history like a painting of a so-called "historical" event..

      Penn's Treaty with the Indians, is an oil painting by Benjamin West, completed in 1771–72. The painting depicts William Penn entering into the Treaty of Shackamaxon in 1683 with Tamanend, a chief of the Lenape ("Delaware Indians") Turtle Clan, under the shade of an elm tree near the village of Shackamaxon (now Kensington) in Pennsylvania.

    2. "Saint" should be a Newspeak synonym for "sucker".

    3. ...when a "close alliance" is simply a change of clothes"...

    4. Ever hear of the 4 Indian Kings (Dutch-American half-breeds).

      All it takes to fake history is a good painter, and a half-credible story. it's much simpler on the internet today.

    5. he three Mohawk were: Sa Ga Yeath Qua Pieth Tow of the Bear Clan, called King of Maquas, with the Christian name Peter Brant (grandfather of Mohawk leader Joseph Brant); Ho Nee Yeath Taw No Row of the Wolf Clan, called King of Canajoharie ("Great Boiling Pot"), or John of Canajoharie; and Tee Yee Ho Ga Row, meaning "Double Life", of the Wolf Clan, also called Hendrick Tejonihokarawa or King Hendrick.[2] The Mohican chief was Etow Oh Koam of the Turtle Clan, mistakenly identified in his portrait as Emperor of the Six Nations.

    6. \\Why do you think the British painted so many paintings. Nothing "seals" a fake-history like a painting of a so-called "historical" event..

      That's why historians work with documents... not with "handmade fotos". ;-P

      \\Ever hear of the 4 Indian Kings

      From where???

      \\ it's much simpler on the internet today.

      Bleh... it always was that -- people like good story OVER Reality. Always liked.

      That's why our books called fiction books... and not fact books.

      Like... virtually everybody know about Robinson Crusoe... but who remember Alexander Selkirk? ;-P

    7. But well... that is not problem -- that is SOLUTION.

      Only known antidote against propaganda -- no matter how pervasive and persistent it is -- people instinctively know that it all just a blah-blah-blah...

  68. /That's why historians work with documents... not with "handmade fotos". ;-P

    Native Americans had documents? Yeah, of a sort...

    1. Well... like historical excavation reports documents. ;-P

      But, you are right, History as a science -- is still incomplete and lacking in many places...
