Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Hans-Georg Moeller on Zizek (ft. Brook Ziporyn)

"Purpose creates the disease--
and deification of purpose is offered as the cure."

Chicken vs. Egg speculation:  If Zombies developed consciousness, would they then develop purposefulness? 

Consciousness Levels: Life's Purpose is to survive... requires a body allowing an interaction in an environment to develop an ability to infer causal relations (interventionist theory of causation)

Level 0: Unconscious (a rock)

Level 1: Hard(?) Coded (a protozoa)[likely coded genetic (hard) AND bioelectric (soft)]

Level 2: Learning (a nematode)

Level 3: 1st order self (a housefly makes interventions in environment)

Level 4: 2nd order self (a raven makes interventions AND anticipates reactions to it)

Level 5: 3rd order self (a human makes interventions AND anticipates reactions to it, including its' own reaction; self-aware)

Paper seems to ignore the consciousness of collectivities (like digital zombies)... social groups, cellular groups, etc., consuming information/ data with no practical individual or group survival purpose other than exercising and maintaining their inter-communication media-system for the purpose of possible future collective engagement/intervention in the environment.  Maybe that's the "stage" between each level above.

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