Monday, December 9, 2024

Today's Two-fer Special: Zizek & Varoufakis

excerpt from above:
Z- In his seminar from 69-70, his reaction to '68, Lacan said something wonderful. He says "protesters are missing something in their demand for sexual Liberation, they are missing a little bit of Shame. The way they want Liberation, they will get a new master which will be more obscene than themselves." And that's what we are getting today. That's why, I wonder if you would agree with this, Yes, privately I am obscene, we make jokes. But you know in what Age we live? When I was young, I'm older than you so before, do you remember the typical Lefty strategy was to do obscene gestures, say dirty words to those in power who pretend to be dignified, and so on, while we protest, while those in power pretend to be dignified and so on. But now it's almost the opposite. It's those in power who are doing unimaginable things.

So I think the lesson of Psychoanalysis today is not "get rid of repression," but "shame". Not shame as a sign of Oppression, like "I'm ashamed of my dirty dreams", but shame in what sense? Here, I hope we have here the same position. I'm very critical here and there about Lenin, but these people notice something which I find wonderful. We know all, old Marxist, Lenin's Testament. You know, he goes through all the contenders for the highest post and said Buharin doesn't understand dialectic Kamensianov was against October, he finds some political fault in everyone. But then, the only guy he is really against is Stalin. But what's his reproach to Stalin, just that he doesn't have manners, he's shamelessly brutal, and so on. It's... I find this wonderful, this idea.

V-He wasn't wrong, he wasn't wrong. He wasn't to extrapolate from basic human behavior, what he would do when he was an absolute dictator.
Excerpt from above:
Z- In one of my books I said, "Trump is not just a bad guy," obviously, "but he is literally, in Freudian sense, a fetish figure." You know, this meta notion of fetish in Freud, which may appear too simple but it's more complex, where he says "fetish is in principle the last thing you see before seeing castration". No? That's why it's always hair, or feet, or whatever before the guy undresses. Okay, let's not go into what Freud meant by this. What I want to say is that for this new pseudo-welfare politically correct radical Center, Trump is the last thing they see before they would see class struggle, social antagonism. That's why they need this demonization of Trump.

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